Clean Eating Pumpkin Spice Protein Bars Recipe (2024)

ByTiffany McCauley

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These pumpkin spice protein bars are wonderful for a fall “meal” on the go!

I’m really having fun with this protein bar thing. The last batch I made was cinnamon chocolate chip and it was pretty tasty. So I just had to try another favorite, pumpkin spice.

Clean Eating Pumpkin Spice Protein Bars Recipe (1)

I should tell you that these bars are not “cookie sweet”. So don’t expect that. They have a very mild and subtle sweetness to them. But the pumpkin flavor is pretty pronounced.

But they are filling and I usually enjoy them with a glass of mildly sweetened almond milk. The combo is delicious and I feel pretty full afterward.

You can add some extra sweetness if you want it by adding about a ½ to 1 tsp. pure liquid stevia to give the sweetness of the honey a little extra punch. But outside of that, I would just enjoy them as they are meant to be.

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More Homemade Snack Bars

  • Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Protein Bars
  • Low Carb Snack Bars

Pumpkin Spice Protein Bars Recipe

Clean Eating Pumpkin Spice Protein Bars Recipe (7)

Pumpkin Spice Protein Bars

An autumn-inspired protein bar that is not overly sweet and offers a nice hint of pumpkin spice.

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Course: Snack

Cuisine: American

Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 35 minutes minutes

Total Time: 45 minutes minutes

Servings: 15 bars

Calories: 206kcal


  • 1 ½ cups quick oats (3 minute oats)
  • 1 cup peanut butter (creamy, no sugar added)
  • ½ cup honey
  • ½ cup pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling)
  • ½ cup unsweetened apple sauce
  • 1 cup whey protein powder (unflavored or vanilla – See recommendation above)
  • 2 tbsp. pumpkin pie spice (no sugar added)

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  • Preheat oven to 350° F.

  • Roast your oats for 10-15 minutes on a cookie sheet (Or until they turn a nice golden brown). Remove from oven and allow to cool completely.

  • Mix all ingredients in a bowl.

  • Spread dough to ½ inch thickness in a baking dish or ½ sized cookie sheet.

  • Bake for 20 minutes or until the dough has a nice golden brown appearance.

  • Allow to cool. Slice into bars and store in a Tupperware container or Ziploc bag.


Please note that the nutrition data below is a ballpark figure. Exact data is not possible.


Serving: 1bar | Calories: 206kcal | Carbohydrates: 22g | Protein: 8g | Fat: 10g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 1mg | Sodium: 104mg | Potassium: 260mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 12g | Vitamin A: 1450IU | Vitamin C: 3.1mg | Calcium: 62mg | Iron: 1.9mg

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  1. Yes, the type of powder will most likely make a difference. Sorry it didn’t work out!


  2. How many bars does this make


    1. Depends on how you cut it. I got 15.


  3. It probably would. Let me know how it works out!


  4. Sure!


  5. I would love to see more protein and granola bar recipes 🙂 perfect for this on the go mom!


    1. I’m hoping to start on a granola bar next week, actually. 🙂


  6. So Yummy! Thanks Tiffany! I wanted something to replace my expensive and sugary bars I’ve been taking to work as a snack and decided to try these. I made a few substitutions due to what was in my kitchen, but kept the recipe mostly as directed and they turned out delightful. I even shared some with a co-worker who raved about them so much that I passed this page on to her. I can’t wait to make these again! 🙂


  7. How long do the protein bars store for?


    1. In the freezer, about 6 months.


  8. Thank you!


  9. Made these today, and yielded about 24 squares. left out the honey, but went with 1C of Pumpkin, 1/2C of Peanut Butter, and 1C Unsweetened apple Sauce. I use alot of Pampered Chef bakeware, and the 20 minutes in the oven was perfect! Very Moist, and soft. Not chewy at all…..


    1. DeeDee – Good to know! Thanks for the feedback! 🙂


  10. I would love to know what the best sub for honey is – i ran out last week and will not be going back to the store for another 2 weeks. any suggestions?


    1. Casey – What type of sweeteners do you have in the house?


  11. Would these be ok to give toddlers! with the protein powder and are these crunchy


    1. Susan – They are not crunchy. As for giving them to toddlers, that would be a personal decision. I have heard different things about that, so it’s best to ask your doctor or pediatrician.


Clean Eating Pumpkin Spice Protein Bars Recipe (2024)


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Not all protein bars adhere to clean eating principles. An easy way to identify clean protein bars is to check out the ingredient list. In general, clean foods will contain a list of natural ingredients you're familiar with. In many cases, these will be identified as organic, too.

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They're Filled with Sweeteners

Most low sugar or zero sugar protein bars contain artificial sweeteners such as maltitol or Xylitol.

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A closer look at the ingredients and sugar levels in some of these bars can make you question whether they're a good idea to eat every day. While there's no problem with the occasional sugary snack or 'unhealthy' treat, eating certain types of protein bars every day might be problematic long term.

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While protein bars have a time and place and can be helpful for many reasons, they can also inadvertently become a crutch for convenience. Relying too heavily on protein bars as meal replacements can lead to not eating whole foods at mealtimes and potential nutrient imbalances.

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Artificial sweeteners and colors: Some people prefer to avoid these ingredients. Common allergens and irritants: Allergens include wheat, soy, eggs, dairy (for example, whey protein powder) and nuts. Ingredients that may cause gastrointestinal distress in some people, such as added fibers and sugar alcohols.

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Pumpkin puree is made by steaming and pureeing squash so there are no added ingredients. Is canned pumpkin cooked? Yes, it's already been cooked via steaming. It's safe to eat canned pumpkin straight from the can, but it's infinitely better baked into a pan of pumpkin bars.

Is canned pumpkin good for your stomach? ›

Pumpkin is rich in fiber and contains prebiotics, which can help improve digestive system health and bowel movement. It may help relieve constipation and diarrhea in some people.

Is canned pumpkin good for humans? ›

Like all fruits, pumpkin is a good source of fiber. Canned pumpkin contains 7 grams of fiber per one-cup serving. Fiber is beneficial for removing cholesterol from the body, keeping blood sugars from spiking and helping regulate bowel habits. In addition, fiber also helps us to feel fuller longer.

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Some examples of ultra-processed foods include packaged cookies, frozen entrees, protein bars, and flavored chips. “Most of the foods we eat every day are processed to some degree, but ultra-processed foods take things a step further,” Garone said.

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Too much of a good thing applies.

Watch that you don't let yourself count on protein bars too regularly for a meal replacement. This can lead to the risk of poor eating habits and not getting enough whole foods which can result in nutrient deficiencies or imbalances.

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Protein bars are generally safe for most people and come with few risks. However, they are made with a variety of ingredients, some of which can negatively affect health if overconsumed. For example: Sugar: Some protein bars can contain as much sugar as a candy bar.

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