Haggis, neeps and tatties tart with whisky gravy recipe | Sainsbury`s Magazine (2024)

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Serves: 8

Haggis, neeps and tatties tart with whisky gravy recipe | Sainsbury`s Magazine (2)Prep time: 45 mins

Haggis, neeps and tatties tart with whisky gravy recipe | Sainsbury`s Magazine (3)Total time:

Haggis, neeps and tatties tart with whisky gravy recipe | Sainsbury`s Magazine (4)

Recipe photograph by Toby Scott

Recipe by Tamsin Burnett-Hall

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Haggis, neeps and tatties tart with whisky gravy recipe | Sainsbury`s Magazine (7)

Tamsin Burnett-Hall

Tamsin learned the tricks of the trade from cookery legend Delia Smith. A trusted recipe writer for the magazine for over 25 years, she is now our Senior Food Producer, overseeing testing and editing to ensure that every recipe tastes great, is straightforward to follow and works without fail. In her home kitchen, Tamsin creates fuss-free flavour-packed food for friends and family, with baking being her ultimate form of comfort cooking

See more of Tamsin Burnett-Hall’s recipes

Haggis, neeps and tatties tart with whisky gravy recipe | Sainsbury`s Magazine (8)

Tamsin Burnett-Hall

Tamsin learned the tricks of the trade from cookery legend Delia Smith. A trusted recipe writer for the magazine for over 25 years, she is now our Senior Food Producer, overseeing testing and editing to ensure that every recipe tastes great, is straightforward to follow and works without fail. In her home kitchen, Tamsin creates fuss-free flavour-packed food for friends and family, with baking being her ultimate form of comfort cooking

See more of Tamsin Burnett-Hall’s recipes

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  • 1 large swede, about 800g, peeled and diced
  • 1.5kg Maris Piper potatoes, peeled and roughly chopped
  • 1 x 375g sheet ready-rolled shortcrust pastry
  • 75g butter
  • 3 tbsp milk
  • 1 x 454g haggis
  • 100ml whisky
  • 2 tbsp chopped parsley, optional
For the gravy
  • 2 small onions, finely chopped
  • 3 tbsp sunflower oil
  • 1 tsp light brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp plain flour
  • 1 tsp tomato purée
  • 600ml chicken stock
  • 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tbsp grain mustard


Step by step

Get ahead

Prepare to the end of step 5 up to 24 hours ahead. Allow an extra 10-15 minutes cooking time, to heat through completely from chilled.

  1. Start off by cooking the swede and potatoes in separate pans of salted boiling water until tender. The swede will take 30-35 minutes, the potatoes about 20 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, use the pastry to line a deep 23cm tart tin or metal pie dish, rolling it out a little further first if needed. Trim off the excess, prick the base, and chill for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 190°C, fan 170°C, gas 5.
  3. Drain the swede and potatoes and return them to their separate pans to steam dry for a couple of minutes. Add 25g butter and plenty of freshly grated nutmeg to the swede, and 40g butter to the potatoes, along with the milk. Mash the potatoes first, followed by the swede, seasoning to taste. Leave to cool slightly.
  4. Place the tart case on a baking tray, and line with crumpled baking paper. Add some baking beans, then bake in the oven for 15 minutes. Lift out the beans and paper then return the tart tin to the oven for 10 minutes until the pastry looks crisp and dry. Remove from the oven.
  5. Crumble the haggis into a bowl and mix in 50ml of whisky, and the parsley if using; stir to combine. Spoon into the tart case and press down to make an even layer. Add the swede as the next layer, followed by the mashed potato. Rough up the surface and dot with the remaining 10g butter.
  6. Bake in the oven for 45-50 minutes until golden brown and piping hot in the centre; cover with foil if it is browning too much.
  7. Meanwhile, for the gravy, cook the onions in the oil in a medium pan for 8-10 minutes until soft. Turn up the heat, sprinkle in the sugar and cook until starting to caramelise. Stir in the flour and tomato purée and cook for 2 minutes, stirring. Remove from the heat and gradually blend in the stock. Return to the heat and bring to a simmer, stirring until thickened. Leave to bubble for 10-15 minutes on a low heat. When ready to serve, add 50ml whisky, the Worcestershire sauce and mustard, and season to taste. Strain if you wish, then serve alongside the tart.

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Haggis, neeps and tatties tart with whisky gravy recipe | Sainsbury`s Magazine (2024)
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