The Chronicle-Telegram from Elyria, Ohio (2024)

1 1 I Part 9 THE CHRONICLE TELEGRAM, ELTRIA, OHIO Saturday, September 9, 1944 0 McDermott Will Head G.O.P. Drive In Lorain County The apointment of Cot. James C. Mast Dermatt of Wellington ager of the Republican parly's campaign in Lorain county this year and also the Axing of dates for two big Republican rallies in October Covault. Republican chairman, announced today, by Harold I.

Committee. Corault said that Macbermott will be in full charge of managing the campaign in the county and in serine that Incal committees and function to their fullest advantage in promoting the Repubin cause and in gelling out the sate on November 7. MP Dermott presided last night at i Obert: the first at a series nf distrat me ones which will be held 1ghtrn ranks 11:. the county. 04 Koast To Be Held The first bIg Kun in the local wall fired October 2 Olathn.

where the GO.P frantt: nil year ux at: 1-r 1:4 1d. J. me; G. Id Stewart of Cin: the parts, candidate for will attend the ox roast, other st.ate and local candirt. tee Mi Darkie of LaGrange is of the ox roast committro.

assisted by P'rof L.loyd Taylor The mound big tally on Fields of Oberhn, Octabi 17 when meetings will be hold omaltaneously in Elyrm and Loran. ('m nutt said Details for both of these meetings are now being worked out. Temporary Fireman Gives Resignation Service Director 1. F. Faxon announced today that Steven R.

Shaffer. a temporary city fireman appointed last June 16. has effective sented his resignation September 16. Shaffer, who worked at No 1 fire station, was employed under the wartune emergenry plan which docs not carry ally evil service status. lbs resignation will leave the department with two vacancies.

The other occurred Thursday, when Fireman Chester Seneff, a regular fireman who has been in the depitstment since June 16. 1943, 0b- tained A military leave of absence to Join the army. Seneff is the ninth member of the department to enter military service. ELK'S RESTAURANT DAILY SPECIAL. Mine Plate With Beverage SUNDAY DINNERS Full Course 85c, $1, $1.25, Serving 11 A.M.

thru 8 P. Mr. Mrs. H. J.

Heller In And About The Court House Joseph Rodnat. Woodford avenue. on parole from the state peniten. liary, was bring held in the county jail today AN' A parole violator. deputy sheriffs reported.

'At the request of the state parole officer, a deputy went. yesterday to pick Bodnar Bodnar when he saw the deputy approach, but found later by Elyria police hiding in the basement of to Harry Moros residence al 110 Wr-1 River street. when police went there at 1:30 a. m. today to i gate A report that there was A prowler in the Otto Mischka, Elyria alto: re.

tiled suit inday against Edward Schwitzke. Amherst, for $170 f. 1. togal services. Jean M.

Messori. Rochester toun. Ahip, filed suit tor from Domonic. charging neglect These were married 1942 and have child. Ezra I.

Wilson WAS granted a divorce today from Lela he Judge D. A. Conk on grounds of neglet and crurity. Alice Koerber W'25 granted divorce from Charles by Judge Conk on grounds of neglect records disclosed today. A divorce suit brought by Mattha Figler against Michael was ed by the plaintiff today.

1.a70 Vasiloff. Avon Take. filed, suit in commum picas court tudax against Frank and Grace Polio and six other defendants asking the court to entoin them from Ins with the harvesting of grapes from a 40-acre farnt which the plaintiff leased The plaintiff's petition stated that parts of the farm have been sold and that the now owenre threaten to prevent him from harvesting the Vasiloff also sued for $100 aReA from Polite. Bus Passenger Is Slightly Iniured The front of a city bus was badly damaged at 10 a. r9: today and one passenger was slightly injured when it collided with the rear of a walk Trunk which stopped on Broad street at Washington avenue.

The majured passenger was Samuel Mills, South Abbe road. who suffered laceration on finger and a leg a injury. There were seven passengers in the bus. which was driven by Joseph Roughton of 387 Furnace street. NUMBER Fron.

Page One Continued world the and labor of the American people. That is no lasting way to win friends or to influence people." Dewey pledged that the Amer-! lean prople will help liberated penples through their period of crisis He said that complete and crushing victory over Germany and Japan must be toluowed by complete dis. armament of buth aggressor nations, and punishment of high and low international criminals In both countries. MAKING BANKING EASIER for Women The check book, perhaps, more than other one any thing, has made banking both a convenience and pleasure for women who formerh dreaded any thought of mention of financial matters. The ease and certainty with which obli.

gations, large or small, may be settled by cheek appeals to most women. They like the convenience, the satetv. the orderli. ness of paying by check. Have YOU a checking account with this bank? You'll like our Bank By Mail kit.

too. No Banking Hours to Worry You "Pay-by-Check" Any Hour Day or Night THE ELYRIA SAVINGS and TRUST COMPANY Sale Of Forfeited Lands In Elyria To Begin Monday County Auditor Frank Aster Announced today that the auction sale of forfeited lands in Elyria will begin at 10 a. m. Monday and will continue tour days a week until alt of the parcels on the forfeited land list are sold. He said there, were approximately parcels the city.

The sale Monday will start with, the Form Acres subdivision east of Lake avenue. These are 40-font lots. Following will be parcels in the Avondale subdivision north of F.ast Broad street nft Fairlawn, Warren and Boston avenue: lots the Beebe subdivision off Cleveland street and also in the Broadview allotment Sales are held on Mondays, Tues. d. Thursdays and Fridays of: c.olt week.

excepting The sales start at 9 a. m. daily pt Mondays, when staris at 10 m. Approximately 100 Are sold daily. The, department yesterday sold! lots in the Vineyard Beach district.

Avon lake. Sales approximated $12000 for 108 parcels, Ayres said Will Have Hearing On September 23 Karl Von Duyke. 445 Cleveland sticet. was released under $200 bond today pending a hearing Sep. tember before Mayor A.

R. Agate on charge of driving while warier the influence of liquor. Ho was arrested on Brond street at p. m. yesterday, according to police report.

The defendant was arrested on similar charge last April 11 and at that time was fined and given limited drivina privileges for busi. ness purpose only, the police report stated. NUMBER From Page One Continued 2 finally gave in" From other sources. I heard that the Germans threatened 141 shoot hostages and bomb Vichy If. Petan did not leave with then A few days later 24 hours after the FFI occupied the town Swiss: Minister Storks learned that German column w'as approaching i the town from the west.

He con-: tacted the German commander and told him af he marched into the town he would cause useless blond. shed About that time the Vichy radio broadcast news of the libera. tion of Paris. The German mander acceded and by -passed the town. This morning I saw Stucks leat.

ing Vichy with his legatinn. At least 1.000 .000 xrateful Vichvice cheered him and a French military band played the Swiss anthem. whom Petain had sent to contact! Laval the day before. returned i with a letter from taval stating he, had constituted himself a prisoner of the Germans alter refusing to form a government anvwhere. "Petain called liar and refused to leave Vichy.

"About 6 a. m. the next day SS troops forced the door of Petain's hotel and demanded to sec the marshal. Told that was asleep and could see no one. the troops broke into Petain's roum and found him awake and fully dressed.

He refused to leave. Intimate Reprisals "Renthe-Finck was called back and he intimated violent reprisals. NUMBER Page One Continued 3 nine probably do ted atid 11' damaged br the which apparents escaped winout lose. 1 Pig Iron Center Anshan. of 'he second larg.

est pig iron cert: in the Japanese empire. was 1:1 br 11:0 Super. fortresses on Jul: 29 NUMBER Cont.nued 4 From Page retreating Germ .11.11 struck it a passes not stiffening tesistance. 1: pa-hed titles weal R. er tedd dr.

se 47 tin R. 11 pie 1. our finit. Rate Trots. Cho th and SUDRO-CURTIS AMBULANCE PHONE 24 How Service Death Record PITRIN MICKSON Carrie Pitkin Dickson, widow of the late Orville A.

Dickson Passed away at the home of her son, Wile liam S. Pithin, Eigtia Areman, 135 Madison avenue this morning at 1:19 o'clock. She had been 401 yent, Mrs. Dickson born Wey. mouth, Medine county, September 19.

1864, and had lived th Ligria of vicinity for years, She WAR member of First Church of Christ Scientist. Surviving are two sons, William S. and Ralph W. Pitkin and A daughter, Mrs. Rachel A.

Zunis, Elyria. Also eight grand. children. Funeral services will be held 2 p. 'm.

Monday from the SudroCurtis Funeral home with Fredrick Morton, first reader Scientist, of the reading First Church of Christ the service, Entombment will be made in the mausoleum in Ridgelawn cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home. MAN. LOC'IS ALMASI Mrs. Rosa Almasi, wile of Louis Almasi of No, -7 Crehore Court died this noon at 12:15 p.

m. Elyria Memorial Hospital alter work's illness. She Hungary June 10. 1800 and lived in Elyria for 24 years and was a ber Mary's church. Bise leaves her husband.

son Pic. Ted M. Almasi who was wound. led in France and la in hospital in Italy. and two Elyria, daughters, Mrs.

Mignett of and Grace at home: also a ter, and sister Mrs. Margaret Raidi of Elyria. The body was taken to the ner Funeral Home where friends INlay call. Funeral arrangement are 10 be announced. MED.

FRANCES DOTNTON Mrs. Frances M. Boynton who spent most of her life In Cleveland, died at the home of her mister, Mrs. Carl Lersch, 149 Harrison street, this morning at 0:45 a. m.

Aside from her sinter she leaves three nieces and three nephews. She W'AD 1 member of Christian Science church in Cleveland, Private funeral services will i held Tuesday afternonn from the Taylor Funeral Home, and the casket will remain closed. Burial will be in Ridgelawn cemetery. FINED SIS AND COSTA George Wribert. 141 Bath street, was fined $15 and costs by Mayor A.

R. Agate today when arraigned on a charge of disorderly conduct. He was arrested warrant sworn to by Mrs. Thomas Roelle, charging that he. Thomas Roelle, 14.

Thursday. Wilbert he threw jar of mustard in the package hap. who were annoying him and that package of groceries at some boys I pened to strike the Roelle boy. NUMBER From Mage One Continued 5 local library by the budget i mission for this year.The Elyria library's new budget lists $5 000 for books. $1.800 for binding.

$500 for building repairs and $17.360 for personal services. which the same as at present. $33,129 Larsin Budget Lorain library lists a total budget request nt $33,129 for next year. plus A request for $8,186 for its traveling library truck which goes throughout the county. The Lorain hbrary estimates a balance and er income next year of $3 265, leav.

ing $29.864 In be supplied by clarsited taxes, plus the operation of the bonk truck, estimated at $8.186 The county budget commission allowed the Lorain Phrary $28.000 for this year. plus $5.300 for the bank truck Three other libraries participating 11: the classified 1av fund are Amherst. Avon Lake and Welling.ton. Amberst reque- ted $3,500 for 1945 and Wellington $4013 Both requests are the same as 1. 25 cated to them for this vest Avon Lake was allocated $1 800 for the and it was rmall: stated vesterdav that request fo: 1943 would be the same I NUMBER Fror: Page One Continued 6 contain the Berr.gen sprat The Gertban bir.k mat the oh and hotel a the them was Jerrod of formalin 3 pitort.

The nor halted bond quarI man 41. 1.. das n. tr 1. 'more bag The 2a: 15.1 Has re at still Fo Id1: 10:1

11 d. ug 11.1• b. to. 11. breed I-1' 1 e4 1: r.

al patrol 1. 1. -I 1...1: l'agr eight Dunkerque, drawing mont tight. or at historic port. HYGRADE'S Cash Carry Plan Saves Not only does the plea save you money.

but our convenient locatioa saves tires. gasoline sad time. HyGrade Dry Cleaners 130 MIDDLE AVENUE H. um. et G.

Minister Heads Up Vets Advisory Group Rev. Henry K. Shaw was Appointed chairman of the newly created advisory committee for rein. statement of veterans of World Wat ft, at an organization meeting held the council chamber last night at which approximately 45 persons representing var organizations were present. The (toup elected George Hermann.

Park avenue, vice chairman, and Thurman T. Elliott. Sumner street. secretary. An pry committee of six was also chos.

en composed of the following: Jos. eph Q. Petro representing attor-1 neys; N. D. Race A.

F. of 1.: Alfred Morgan, C. I. 0: Charles Biggs. American Legion; Zem Grabor, Veterans of Foreign Wars and Richard Stith.

Manufacturers Association. Capt. Lafayette selective service headquarters, umbus, was present to assist in the organization and to outline the pose of the committee. which is serve AS An arbitration committee where questione arise over reinstatement of veterans in their jubs. Bicycle Rider Has" Unusual Accident Theodore W.

Daykin. 14. 240 Sixth street. was treated at Elyria Memorial Hospital for bruises on his head and left side which he suffered al 6:45 p. m.

yesterday when his bicycle struck a stone on Middle avenue near Thirteenth street. throwing him to the pavement, FOUNDRY EMPLOYEE HURT WELLINGTON -Sam Marlette GO. of the West street. Sterling a veteran Foundry, was employee reported to have been seriously jured when at work yesterday. A 100 18, slab was reported to have hit him on the head.

causing Injuries to his head and shoulders. He taken to Allen Hospital. Finds The World Is Not So Large Navy. Board To Meet To Plan Year's Program Edgar Bates, with the U. S.

Navy. of the a opinion that the world isn't 50 large after. all, according to a letter coived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold 140 Spruce sirret.

Edgar, is serving his second enlistment and has been in the Navy mote than three sears, had the occasion to see his brother. Harry A. Bates, M. M. 3'c, whom he had not seen during that time, under unusual circumstances carly this The bruthers, both serving troop transports.

were on their spective ships which wete docked somewhere at an overseas port. Edgar, suspecting the neighboring ship to be his brother's, upon Inquiry and with privileges granted had A visit with his brother both on the boat and oshore. To add to his gird luck on the same trip. Edgar writes he also had the pportunily of sceing his brother-in-law. Cpl.

Jonathan Wonding of Elyria and William f.lord of Charirston, S. who is with the The executive board of the rain County Council of Teacher Associations will mert al 7:30 p. m. Monday at the county school office here to discuss plans for activities during the 1944-45 school year. I MARKETS TOLEDO GRAIN TOLEDO Grain close: WHEAT No.

7 red 91 919. CORN--No. 2 yellow CORN No. 3 yellow 11 15 OATS -No. white 85-66.

OATS--No. 3 shite 04-05. SOY BEANS- No. 2 01.01. Oberlin, where X-rays are being taken today to determine the lent of his injuries.

Republican Women Of Ridgeville Organize A group of Republican women of Ridgerille Twp, met at the Town Hall last evening for the purpose of organizing a Republican Women's clubs Lorain Mrs. Lila Black. president of the County Republican Women's club presided. Following the adoption of the constitutinn and by an tion of officers was held with following Mills: president Mrs. Sterling vice president.

Mra. Don Hadaway: recording Mrs. Miner Eldred: corresponding secretary. Mrs. Robert Haehl and treasurer.

Mrs. Paul Knapp. The organization will be a mem. ber of the Stale Federation of Republican Women and will meet twice rach vear with first regular meeting held at the town hall. Wed.

nesday evening. September At 8 p. m. Republican woman in Ridgeville township is urged to attend and to become A member on or before that date. The club will sponsor A a Republican rally, at the town hell on Wed.

nesday evening. October 18 at A to meat and hear the Republi. can candidates. This rally will. he open to the public Mrs.

Mills, the president. nointed Mrs. G. F. Trons as publicity chairman FINED BY THE MAYOR Claude Kelly.

D. 1 Avon, was lined $10 and costs by Mayor A. R. Agate today when he was arraigned nn charge of disorderly conduct preferred September 1, following disturbance on Broad street. Suburban DIAL was found by a boy yesterday in' the river at the Third street bridge.

Money which was in the bag. amounting to $35 or $40. was ins. Calendar EVENTS MONDAY NORTH EVILLE Civic League meets at $:30 p. for reg alar session.

GRAFTON-Mother's study club meets in the evening at the home of Mrs. Howard Schwed. A. Executive board meets at 3:30 p. m.

at the school. EVENTS TUESDAY NORTH RIDOEVILLE Reception for Ridgeville teachers at the Grange, beginning promptly at p. m. GRAPTON Loyally Class meet. a in the evening at the Methodist church parlors.

GRAFTON Farm Bureau visory Council meets with Mrs. C. D. Schman. LAKE.

AVENUE- -The Grange, Hustlers will resume meeting at the home of Frances Rostkoski at 11. a m. Tureen picnic dinner at noon. LAKE AVENUE- -The Lake ave. nue A.

will hold its regular meeting of the new school term at the Lake Avenue school at 8 p. Note change of meeting time. A. meets cis for regular meeting at the school at 8 P. m.

ATOLEN BAG FOUND A brown bay which was stolen from the home of Mrs. Robert Arthrell, 111 Elbe street, Thursday night, BLUE STAR 0.10 The LET Coal MURBACH COAL TON HERE'S THE -DOWN ON The STORK Milk Is Necessary In Baby's Daily Diet Elyria Dairies' "FRESHER BY A DAY" MILK is teeming with HEALTH. We want your new Baby. and your family to be healthy realize that it is highly important these days. So we have made certain that Elyria Dairies' milk and other prod.

ucts retain as many vitamins and as much richness and nourishment as possible, SANITARY. STRICTLY FRESH. you can depend on Elyria Dairies. "FRESHER BY A ELYRIA DAIRIES INC UNSHIM 123 Lake Ave. Phone 3442.

The Chronicle-Telegram from Elyria, Ohio (2024)


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