The Dayton Herald from Dayton, Ohio (2024)

5. Lost and Found REWARD. AD 0478. SPITZ dog, black and white, lost around Richard Stat children's pet. TA 7066.

LADY'S yellow gold Longine wrist watch with black band: lost in Rike's, Friday, Reward. Call Miss King, AD 1111, ext. 267. Black Suitcase Lost Contains Magic NO QUESTIONS ASKED SPITZ DOG. BLACK AND WHITE LOST VICINITY RICHARD ST, TA 7066 SMALL dog.

white and yellow spots, one flopped ear. "Bill 224 N. Summit St. HE 3648, DOG. small, brown, male, lone tail; found.

Wears Montgomery Co. license. Phone New Carlisle, 3121. EMPLOYMENT Employment Bureaus--Female 12 JOB CLINIC GENERAL EMPLOYMENT, male, female, Jobs open daily, 274 Fourth St. Arcade STENOGRAPHER, good exp.

in general insurance SUPERVISOR to train employes TYPIST -PBX Operator $130 DICTAPHONE Operator BOOKKEEPERS, several CLERK- TYPISTS $130 DENTIST some exp. $130 BANKS PERSONNEL, 304 KEITH BLDG, MAE RYDER-LUDLOW BLDG. DENTAL ASSISTANT start NCR 2000 $30 STENOGRAPHER, Insurance TYPIST, good at figures $30 TYPIST. store hours $25 SECRETARY, sales dept. $35 DOMESTIC SERVICE, stay COMPTOMETER downtown BOOKKEEPER, small office $195 STENOGRAPHERS, downtown $150 STENOGRAPHERS, 5 days $150 TYPISTS-CLERKS.

days WAITRESS, colored, tips 818 DENTAL ASST. $150 DICTAPHONE OPERATOR $175 MAID. to gO Washington 520 CLERK, food stand, downtown 830 DISHWASHER, part-time, 4:30 to 8:30 COOK. 20 DISHWASHER. 12:30 to 9 p.

m. $25 PIE BAKER, days WAITRESS, counter work $26.50 HOUSEKEEPER, employed mother, child $22.50 COUNTER ATTENDENT, white $23 BROUGH 914 REIBOLD BLDG. DAYTONA 607 AMERICAN, BLDG. STENOGRAPHERS HOUSEKEEPER, room and TYPISTS $120 MAID, colored. stay.

UPHOLSTERER, hour Female Help Wanted 13 SHORT order cook and kitchen help, must be experienced. Call after 5 p. Barney's Cafe, KE 0342. HOUSEKEEPER, light work, good home with wages. Box 215, Journal-Herald.

DEPENDABLE girl for general office work, some typing, permanent. Call mornings 4th floor 124 E. Third. MAID--TO stay; good salary; references. TA-2219.

HIGH type woman, over 30 to be trained for special work. Flexible hours. Phone FU 3547 between 9 a. p.m. GIRL, for general office work, good at figures steady employment, good pay.

726 S. Main St. WOMEN--Press operators, good hours, good pay. Call in person at employment office. Do not phone.

Economy Linen and Towel Service, 90 Vermont. WOMAN--GENERAL HOUSEWORK Cooking. no laundry; 2 children; stay; references. RA 1617. COOK -Must be steady and rellable, hours 4:30 p.

8. off on Sundays. 1200 Bar, 1200 Brown St. NURSES for private institution. split trick, 9-12 a.

m. and 4-9 p. m. Also night trick, 9 p. a.

experienced, practical or graduates. Call after 11 WA 2236. YOUNG girl for general office work after school and Saturdays, neat with figures. American News, 104 Brown St. ELDERLY woman to stay with 2 children from 7 to 5.

Call after MA 3147. SEVERAL openings for white women of good health and steady habits, Good pay to production workers. Troy-Pearl Laundry Co. 605 S. Patterson Blvd.

2 FOOD handlers for retail dairy store; experienced preferred; meals and uniforms furnished. Equity Dairy Store. 1930 N. Main St. NURSEMAID, assist with housework; white; refined Catholic home; stay; good wages.

Call RA 8728. PRIMARY TEACHER Experienced. Wilson Schools, 15 Arnold PI. TA 2911. GIRL, general housework.

help with children, stay. MA-6511, Ext. 59252, BEAUTY OPERATOR; good opportunity. The Thomas System, 1318 U. B.

Bldg. See Mr. Bates after 11 a. m. FU 9511.

COMPTOMETER OPERATOR- Check I orders, general office work: some sales typing: 5-day week. Kraft Foods 1224 Keowee St. STENOGRAPHER--For order department. Must be good typist, knowledge of paper stock and printing helpful, permanent position, good starting salary. THE NATIONAL MANIFOLDING co.

Lithographers and Printers Centrally located. Second and Sears Sts. HE 1041 LADIES-2 Age 25 to 48 to place premiums in homes of prospective customers, guaranteed salary $25 a week plus commission, average earnings $45 for 5-day week, no experience needed, transportation furnished. Apply 1440 Wayne Av. MANICURIST HOFMANN BARBER SHOP 5 EAST SECOND ST.

CASHIER for news stand. The Union News Union Station. HOUSEKEEPER, stay. white: assist children. Col.

Davis. MA 6511, ext. 53258. PRESS OPERATOR JACKSON LAUNDRY CO, 23 VERMONT TYPISTS Permanent positions; opportunity for advancement. Call In person.

Fyr-Fyter 221 Crane St. STEAM TABLE GIRL-White. 308 E. First St. WAITRESS; apply Stage Door Grill.

Call 20 E. Fifth St. RELIABLE girl or woman to care for children and do light housework while mother works; days; go, 172 Steele Av. WAITRESS, experienced, clean and tidy, Call after 5:30 p. KE 0342.

BARNEY'S CAFE PART- TIME laundry workers, evening shift, must be experienced. Quality Laundry, 402 Davis St. Apply in person, PERMANENT position open immediately. Girl, 25 to 30, neat in appearance, qualifled to take over set of books through trial balance, typing and good penmanship necessary. Small manufacturing concern.

Hospital care plan offered. Paid life and accident insurance, vacation with pay: $35. Brief history in letter for Interview. Box 687, Journal-Herald. CLERK-General office work, typing and stenographic work: hours 9 to 5:30.

FU 1226; St. Elizabeth Hospital, School of Nursing. WAITRESS and cooks. Prefer local restdents. Excellent wages.

Permanent, line Lunch. MO 4651. GIRL for housework and assist with children; stay; good salary; references. TA 2395. WAITRESS, morning hours, 6 a.

to 2 p. m. Katherine's Lunch, 1632 S. Brown st. WOMAN for housework; adults only; pleasant surroundings, good pay.

no laundry, Roark Fur Shop, Laura, O. Phone 49. EXPERIENCED practical nurse. also A laundress, white, stay. Montgomery County Home, ME 3811.

GIRL For general office work, permanent position, must be able to take dictation. Western Fixture Co. 114 N. ST. CLAIR ST.

Secretaries For legal and advertising departments. Shorthand and typing necessary; excellent opportunities; good salary. STORM-KING CO. MIAMISBURG, OHIO Phone 855-856 Mr. Swedier WAITRESS EXPERIENCED SIZE 30 UNIFORM GOOD SALARY NO SUNDAYS Apply After 2 P.

M. Canopy Pantry 14 N. Jefferson IN IN IN to 35, work salary, Paid Death Notices 21 KAIN-John, died Tuesday, Feb. 26, 1046 At his residence, 119 N. Monmouth St.

Funeral Friday, March 1, 1946, from the residence at 8:30 a. and at 9 a. Holy Family church. Burial, Calvary cemetery, Survivors are his wife. Margaret; 1 daughter, Mrs.

Margaret Kauflin; sons, Cornelius, John and Edward Kain; 1 grandson. Thomas Kain, all of Dayton; 1 sister, Mrs. Bridget Gleason of Ireland: 4 brothers. Patrick of Ireland, Cornellus of New York city; William and James of Dayton. Harris funeral home directing.

In Memoriam IN LOVING memory of our mother. Margaret Laub Foster, who passed away Feb. 29, 1944: We miss you no less as the time passes on. Than we did on the day of your going. For absence can never close the door And the lamp of our love is still glowing.

Your heart was the truest in all the world Your love the best to recall. For no one on earth can take your place, You are still the dearest of all. Sadly missed by her children. IN LOVING MEMORY of our Mother, Louise Schneider, who passed away Feb. 27, 1945.

No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered. Since we lost you Life has never been the same. Sweetly tender, fond and true There is not a day, dear Mother That we do not think of you. THE CHILDREN Funeral Directors WM. E.

ROBERTS ESTABLISHED 1912 SINCERE ECONOMICAL SERVICE 919 BROWN ST. AD 8117 Cemetery Lots--Monuments LOTS, section 3. $175 a lot; Memorial Park cemetery, WA 4911. Personals MUSIC for all occasions by Al and Ills Pals' Orchestra. MA 1505.

KE 3990. WILL. party who called FU 0095, regard to finances, please call again. DETECTIVE AGENCY Gene Rose, former city detective. Capable and experienced.

Secret and confidential investigations. 1223 U. B. Bldg. ITE 1591, KE 8756 R.

C. Detective Bureau Secret and Confidential Investigations Appear in court on divorce cases. 619 CALLAHAN BLDG. Office, AD 8689 TA 4071 SWANDA'S REDUCING CLINIC High colonic irrigation for chronic constipation, gastritis, colitis, bile. 9 to 9.

716 Hall HE 9144. INCOME TAX Individuals, Independent businesses and joint income tax forms filled correctly and reasonably. FU 8939 day or night. BELMONT, OAK PARK INCOME TAX SERVICE 211 E. BATAAN DR.

KE 0079. DETECTIVE BUREAU OLDEST IN THE CITY Evidence secured for private use and divorce cases. Strictly confidential. MALE AND FEMALE OPERATORS F. E.

MERICA FU 4742, Days, AD 9611, Nights U. B. BLDG. WE WILL answer your phone day or night; also wake-up service. FU 1154.

Income Tax Service OPEN 8 A. M. TO 10 P. M. 158 N.

WOODWARD AV. FU 2574 SHORTHAND, TYPING Beginner and brush-up. RYDER SCHOOL, Ludlow Bldg. INCOME TAX SERVICE NOW Prompt Attention--Make Appointment 801 U. B.

BLDG- FU 9561. Income Tax Returns Make your income tax early. J. STEWART, 316 WAYNE AV. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PEARL'S BEAUTY SHOP 131 E.

Fifth St. FU 8341 Angelus McGinnis, Mgr. Income Tax Returns 23 BIDLEMAN ST. KE 3231 Income Tax Service I IN YOUR HOME WA 2739 1724 DEVON AV. SHAMPOOS FINGER WAVES PERMANENT WAVES HAIR TRIMS JAMES P.

KOSTA I BEAUTY SCHOOL 142 W. Second (Across from Telephone Bldg.) HE 4674 Oakwood Tax Service Prepare returns in your home or 4320 Far Hills-WA 1203. Income Tax Service OPEN 8 A. M. to 10 P.


Second announces their reopening Feb. 22. Call FU 5703 for appointment. PREPARE for the coming Civil Service exams. Complete book for clerk, based on the most recent federal examinations.


to 10 P. M. Income Tax Service WITH OR WITHOUT APPOINTMENT 319 W. SECOND PEARL D. BACH CROCHETING for purses, variety of styles and colors.

FU 8525. ON AND AFTER Feb. 27, 1946, will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself. FINNEY R. BRITT JR.

8 M.M. AND 16 M.M. silent and sound film rentals. Murray Films, 879 Reibold Bldg. AD 3458.

DAYTON VIEW TAX SERVICE 4 to 10 Sun. all day. J. O. Groff, 710 Sunnyview near Hillcrest and Catalpa, TA 4987.

PROTECT your davenport from moths for only $2.50 for 5-year guaranteed protection. One spraying of Berlou stops moth damage for 5 years or Berlou pays the damage. AT ALL GALLAHER'S DRUG STORES. Technical Work Wanted 8A LATHE, mill or drill press work; also 11g and fixture. TA 1567.

Transportation LOS ANGELES- -LEAVING WED. OR '41 DE LUXE STATION WAGON. TAKE 6. TA-5135. WANTED-4 passengers to Florida: leaving Saturday or Sunday morning in twin-motor, all-metal, commercial plane.

HE 6787. LEAVING for Seattle, March 4. Call MA 5234 after 5:30 p. m. Lost and Found 10 Lost-and-Found Service Bureau The following articles have been found: It you FIND something of value and do not see it advertised, phone Miss King at The Journal Herald, AD 1111.

She has a list of articles reported lost in the last 30 days. If you LOSE something of value, Miss King also has a list of articles that have been reported found by the readers. Cocker, Scottie, black California 23 VALUABLE papers lost on third floor of Keith Bldg. Reward. 621 W.

Fifth. HE 0757 WATER SOFTENER TANKS (3) LOST COR. HARVARD AND CORNELL REWARD. AD 9171 OR TA 1502 KEY CASE lost in vicinity of Helena and Siebenthaler Av. FU 8563.

$50 REWARD For return of man's wrist watch, lost Wed. p. Memorial hall. FU 0494. TRAFARI CLIP, 8 pearls, lost Thursday noon, between Masonic temple, via Oakwood bus, and Seville; reward.

AD 3101. TA 4167 eves. WRIST WATCH, ladies Bulova: lost Third and Coleman: reward. HE 9065. RED hound, male, lost Feb.

21, Trotwood. Phone Trotwood 55. SUITCASE lost, brown rough grain, Sunday midnight, contains rented wedding suit, woman's apparel, baby clothing and other valuable articles. Reward. KE 4844.

COCKER-Black, male, lost; "Smokey; child's pet; strayed from home on Grafton. Reward, TA 8024. WALLET lost on First between Ludlow, Main: money, check; by one-legged man. Reward. RA 8186.

COLLIE puppy, male, strayed from 3824 Merrimac Sat. P.M.. reward. TA 6380 RING -Gentleman's: 5 diamonds, 2 emeralds; lost. Liberal reward.

MA 6686. BRACELET, yellow gold, bow links, lost downtown Monday evening. Reward. Miss Sowers. AD 2261, or MA 6923 eves.


2219 McCALL ST. Power Sewing Machine Operators Experienced on Shirts and Pants Good Pay Startine, Apply Second Floor LION UNIFORM CO. 209 S. Jefferson St. WANTED Soda Fountain Waitresses Apply Employment Office Fifth Floor THE ELDER AND JOHNSTON CO.

EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER MULTIGRAPH OPERATOR TYPISTS Apply Employment Office Fifth Floor THE ELDER JOHNSTON COMPANY CASHIERS And SALESGIRLS For Meat Department Steady Employment HE 7811 TYPIST Must be resident of Miamisburg district. THE RIEGER MFG. CO. Miamisburg, Ohio. Stenographers Harris Blanker Envelope Operators (Night) THE REYNOLDS REYNOLDS CO.

800 Germantown St. WAITRESS Experienced, refined girl, good salary, night hours 5 p. 1:30 a. m. Apply after 5 p.

m. French Village. Industrial Nurse To take charge of medical department In medium-size Dayton manufacturing plant. Pleasant working conditions. Write fully, giving age, experience and salary destred.



THIRD DAYTON JOURNAL 15 Thursday, February 28, 1946. PHONE ADams 1111 he Masonic Notices Masonic Tempi. Directory685 Riverview Regulas Masonic Lodges Visitors welcome. SERVICE MEN holding membership elsewhere are cordially vited to attend our meetings and make use of the temple while located in Dayton Feb. 28-Unity Chapter, Feb.

28-Dayton, Std. 7:00 Feb. 28-Mystic, Spl. M. M.

7:00 Feb. 28 Conservancy, Std. $7:00 Servicemen's night. March 1 1-St. John's.

Spl. E. ...7:00 March 2-Stillwater, Special, M.M..1:00 March 4-St. John's. Spl.

F. Lodge Notices Galilee Rebekah Lodge Meets Friday night, March 1, W. Third. ReguNO lar meeting. Social hour following meeting.

MINNIE ARNOTT, N. G. Paid Death Notices FISHER--Minnie 55, of 62 1 Baltimore street, died at her home Sunday. Born in Newport, she lived in Dayton 25 years and was employed as a forelady at Plant 1 of the Frigidaire division of General Motors. Surviving are an aunt, Mrs.

Tillie Breen of Dayton. Services will be held Thursday at 2 p. m. at the R. J.

Worst Funeral Home, 635 Salem avenue, with Rev. R. B. Foster officiatIng. Friends may call at the Funeral Home after 6 p.

in. Wednesday, LITTLETON, Albert 73, died at his residence, 244 Monterey 1:30 mI. Wednesday. He is survived by 1 daughter, Mrs. Oscar Dildot.

A member of St. John's church. Funeral services 2 p. m. Friday from the Bradford and Routzong Oakwood chapel, Brown St.

at Irving Av. Interment Woodland cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral chapel after 4 p. m. Thursday, WANNNAGAT-Mrs.

Emma wife of Rev. Emil O. Wannagat, died Monday in Chicago, Ill. survived by her husband; one son, Paul A. Wannagat, eral nieces and nephews.

Funeral services Friday, 2:30 p. m. at the Morris Sons funeral home, 1809 E. Third Rev. William Zimmann officiating.

Burdal in Woodland cemetery, Friends may call at the funeral home after 10:30 a. m. Friday, JORDAN, Grant, age 74, of 718 Forest avenue, died Tuesday at Miami Valley hospital, Survived by wife, Maggie; 2 sons, Cleutis, Vernon: 1 brother. Melvin. all of Portland, Ind.

Funeral Friday at 2:30 p. m. from Hoyne Funeral Home, 1817 E. Third street. Burial in Fairview Cemetery, Friends may call at Hoyne's after 2:00 p.

m. Thursday. Arrangement by Hoyne Funeral Home. TOEDTE, Edna, age 71, died at her residence. 432 Sherman, Tuesday, She was a member of the Baptist Church.

Survived by 1 son, Owen: 1 sister, Mrs. Paul Klokow: 1 great-grandchild. Funeral Friday, 1 p. m. at the Hoyne Funeral Home, 1817 E.

Third. Burial in Memorial Park. Friends may call at Hoyne's after 2 p. m. Thursday, Arrangements by Hoyne Funeral Home.

FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS by HOYNE for Grant Jordan Edna Toedte Funeral Monday For W. E. Boyer William E. Boyer, 72, veteran railroad man of Dayton, died at 1 m. yesterday in Austin, and tentative arrangements call for services Monday at 2:30 p.

at Whitmer Brothers funeral home, Ludlow street and Monument avenue. Rev. Clarence Weiss of Hope Lutheran church, will officiate. Burial will be in Woodland cemetery. Boyer retired about two years ago after 52 years' service with the Pennsylvania railroad.

His position for many years was that of division freight agent. A native of Lancaster, he came to Dayton as a boy and began his railroad career as a receiving clerk in the Dayton office of the Pennsylvania company in November, 1890, He served in the SpanishAmerican war, was a member of the Rotary club of Dayton, Mystic lodge of Masons the Miami Valley Traffic club. Ten years ago his wife died. Since retirement he had spent his winters in Florida and summers in Michigan with his brother-in-law and 1 sister, Mr, and Mrs. R.

M. Robinson. Surviving, besides Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, who are in Tampa, are another brother-in-law, Dr, S.

E. Hendren of Dayton, and a sisterin-law, Mrs. Janet Rock of Chillicothe. The body is to arrive in Dayton at 5 p. m.

tomorrow. French Units Riot SAIGON, French Indo-China, Feb. French servicemen tonight sacked the plant Socialist party newspaper "Justice." the home of the newspaper's political director, and the downtown apartment and place of business of a prominent Socialist. The troops said they were retaliating for what they called the newspaper's "proannamite" attitude and for the publication of articles criticizing the personal conduct of the French troops in Saigon. H.

E. Cook To Stay COLUMBUS, Feb. -Gov. Frank J. Lausche has no plans for appointing a new state banking superintendent.

Lausche said today H. Earl Cook, Republican from Bucyrus, whose term expired, last office. Jan. 12, would con- Supply Of Oils Cut WASHINGTON, Feb. -Supplies of fats and vegetable oils allotted domestic manufacturers of shortening, salad and cooking oils will be reduced about 4.4 per cent beginning April 1 to help this country meet foreign food commitments.

No Fingerprints CHICAGO, Feb. tonight admitted they had no fingerprints to prove a man picked up by chance yesterday in Chicago's loop was a former Waterbury, comptroller who disappeared while facing a prison term for a $3,500,000 fraud conspiracy, Confesses Slaying LOS ANGELES, Feb. A coroner's jury recommended today that Robert L. Bierwirth, 31, be charged with murder of Mrs. Rae C.

Krohn, 43, after a police detective testified Bierwirth confessed he beat her to death with a hammer, STENOGRAPHER Must have experience. The Dayton Pump and MIs. 500 N. Webster St. RESTAURANT COOK WHITE EXPERIENCED NO SUNDAY OPEN DOOR-KE 0172 Electromatic Operator EXPERIENCED FOR INVOICING DEPT.

CALL IN PERSON THE W. H. KIEFABER CO. 40 Keowee St. Beauty Operator Eligible for managing operator's license for INSTRUCTOR No teaching experience or following necessary, regular hours, no nights, good salary, vacation with pay.

Byrd's Beauty School HE 8795 WAITRESSES Experienced and attractive for up-todate Coffee Shop APPLY MRS. PIERCE HOTEL MIAMI EXPERIENCED GIRL To take charge of dry cleaning store Call at 26 N. LUDLOW ST. EXPERIENCED DRUG CLERK Good starting salary plus commission. No Sundays TODD'S DRUG STORE, 6 E.

Third. TYPIST Credit Bureau of Dayton 38 N. Ludlow St. THE W. T.

GRANT CO. Needs 5 Potential Dept. Heads Above Average Starting Salary Bonus Paid on Extra Sales 40-HOUR WORK WEEK VACATION WITH FULL PAY RETIREMENT PLAN This 1s a Real Opportunity For Girls with Ability. For Interview See Mr. Cameron W.

T. Grant Co. Fifth and Main WE HAVE AN opening for an experienced ready-to-wear saleslady in an exclusive Dayton shop; salary $40 per week and commission. Please state experience, address and telephone in first letter. Box 967, Journal-Herald.

Cashiers Comptometer Operators and Saleswomen FULL OR PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT APPLY SUPERINTENDENT SECOND FLOOR Donenfeld's 35 N. MAIN ST, ALTERATION WOMEN To assist with men's alteration work. Must be experienced; good steady work. APPLY RAY'S 108 S. MAIN ST.

WAITRESS. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Pleasant Working Conditions ROSIE'S CORNER 3500 HOOVER AV. ME 0181 Stenographer For permanent position in our sales department. Neat appearance essential. Unusually fine working conditions, good starting salary.

This is a key position in our office and an excellent opportunity for someone who wants security. KROGER GROCERY BAKING CO. 321 Hopeland St. for factory work Must have car Apply in person, do not phone Union west of Soldier's Home United Fireworks Manufacturing Co. CLERK-TYPIST Steady employment 5-day week Also Women 21 for factory on third shift THE EGRY REGISTER CO.

429 E. Monument Av. Female Help Wanted 13 WAITRESS, good hours, good pay. Ollie Kearns Restaurant, 102 W. Fifth.

SALESWOMAN, exp. unnecessary: $25 A week. Martin Rosenberger Wallpaper 444 E. Fifth St. GIRL' ELEVATOR OPERATOR Must be neat, courteous and rellable.

Attractive salary. State details in application. Box 367, Journal-Herald. Typist-Office Clerk General office work in service department Apply employment office after 10 A. M.

National Pumps Corp. 520 Kiser St. 3RD AWARD FOR GOREN "THE BEST BRIDGE IN the U. was the record scored last year by Charles E. Goren, bridge writer for The Dayton Journal.

Goren is shown above with the William E. McKenney trophy awarded at the eastern states bridge tournament in New York. The Journal's bridge expert has won the trophy twice before-in 1937 and 1943. Goren On Bridge Both sides vulnerable. East feared that partner would misindeals.

terpret his bid as a slam try. In the play of the hand East atNORTH toned for his partner's shortQJ10 sightedness. The queen of hearts 0763 was opened, and had declarer made QJ10753 the error of taking this trick, the 10 contract could not have been fulWEST EAST filled. For as declarer attempted A754 A K82 to establish a long spade North A 85 9 could not have been prevented 96 K2 from obtaining the lead in time to QJ913 come through with the kind of diaK SOUTH monds. 963 A heart was continued and won 03 1042 with the king.

Dummy was A84 tered with the ace of trumps and a 52 spade discard taken on the ace of The actual bidding: hearts. Now the king, ace and a East South West North 1 club Pass spade Pass clubs Pass clubs clubs Pass Pass Pass Opening lead: Queen of hearts. The bidding is given as it actually occurred. Needless to say, it leaves much to be desired in the way of delicacy. A little restraint on the part of West would have landed the partnership in the much more desirable contract of three no trump.

His bid was not well chosen. it is true that he secondle could visualize a game with a partner who had opened the bidding, he not have lost sight of the that the game might be should, attainable at no trump, and he ought therefore not to have passed that station hurry. A slight underbid of clubs would have threes been sounder strategy, whereupon East would have bid three no trump. In point of fact, East was tempted to bid four no trump, after the four-club bid in an effort to make game in 10 tricks, but spade ruff established a long spade in the dummy, upon which declarer discarded a losing diamond. Had the spades not broken he would still have the chance to lead a diamond toward his king, with the hope that the ace was with North.

Declarer's precaution to make sure that North could not possibly get the lead was well rewarded. The moral that West should draw from his incident is that when you contemplate giving your partner a raise in a minor suit, even though your hand is strong enough to go to four of the suit, "pull your punches" and raise to only three, if there is some chance that the hand may play at no trump. TOMORROW'S PROBLEM As South you hold: A76 MAK64 463 AK Q542 The bidding has proceeded: North East South West 2 Pass 3 clubs 3 spades Pass hearts Pass Pass 6 spades Double What do you bid now? (Copyright, 1946, by Charles H. Goren) Payment Of Interest, Taxes Offer Long Form Deductions (This is the 10th of 12 "Income Tax Primer" articles appearing daily in The Dayton Journal.) By ALEXANDER R. GEORGE WASHINGTON, Feb.

considerable number of taxpayers find that their biggest opportunity to reduce taxable income is in deductions for the payment of interest and of certain taxes. Remember, however, that you list deductions on your return only if you use the long form 1040. If you use the short form 1040 or the withholding receipt as a return, the tax tables automatically provide a total deduction amounting to about 10 per cent of your in- come. Interest Payments Deductible Persons with incomes of $5,000 or more who use the long form may take a $500 allowance for deductions instead of listing their deductions. Of course, if your allowable deductions amount to $500 or less, it is to your advantage to take the regular $500 allowance.

Most interest payments are allowable deductions. You may demoney paid as interest on a home mortgage, on a personal loan and on installment, purchases. In order to it is not necessary that the debt be secured by a lien or mortgage, but there must be a legal obligation on the taxpayer to pay the interest. Some taxes may be deducted; may nots be deducted. You others, deduct: State income tax, most property taxes, auto license taxes, state gasoline taxes in all states except Alabama, California, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Utah and Wyoming.

You may not deduct: Federal income taxes, federal gasoline taxes, federal taxes on furs, jewelry, toilet articles, cigarets, liquor, auto tires and the like. Federal employment (social security) taxes may be deducted by an employer. Such taxes withheld the wages of an employe may from, deducted by the employe. You may not deduct federal taxes on theater admissions, transportation, telephone and telegraph service, and safe deposit boxes unless they are incurred in carrying on a trade or business or are attributable to rents and royalties. If your home is destroyed or damaged by fire, flood or storm, you may deduct the loss provided it is not compensated for by insurance or otherwise.

If the insurance is not sufficient to cover the loss, you may deduct the excess of the loss over the amount of the insurance. Medical, Dental Expenses Money contributed to nonprofit charitable, religious, educational scientific organizations is deductible. You may deduct contributions to a church, the Red Cross, YMCA, a community fund and homes for the aged and needy. A gift of money to an individual is deductible. A taxpayer may deduct that portion of medical and dental expenses GIRLS 18 to 35 FOR UNUSUALLY CLEAN LIGHT FACTORY WORK IDEAL WORKING CONDITIONS PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS ALL DAYWORK Permanent STANLEY MFG.

CO. 800 E. MOUNMENT AV. An Excellent Opportunity Stenographer For MECHANICAL SERVICE DIRECTOR The Standard Register Co. Albany and Campbell Sts.

MILLINERY Saleswoman; experienced: attractive salary and commission. Phone for 1n- terview. Mort Cohen, Thai's, FU 6195. 1946 INCOME TAX PRIMER WHAT'S DEDUCTIBLE? TAXES: State income, A. some property, auto license, state gasoline tax in about 40 states, some federal taxes incurred in carrying on a 'INTEREST loans, PAYMENTS: home B.

personal mortgage, installment, chases. CONTRIBUTIONS: To C. non-profit, charitable, religious, education or scientific groups. (Political contributions are not included.) which exceed 5 per cent of his income. Suppose your income was $4,000 last year and you paid $300 doctor and hospital bills.

Five per cent of $4,000, or $200, would not be deductible, but the other $100 of your medical expenses would be deductible. Tomorrow: (War Veterans.) Permit Granted WASHINGTON, Feb. Federal Communications commission today granted a construction permit to the Unity corporation, Toledo, for new radio station to operate in the daytime on 1560 kilocycles, one kilowatt power. Session Delayed COLUMBUS, Feb. -The state legislature will not be called into special session until the disposition of Fletcher General hospital is determined, Gov.

Frank J. Lausche asserted today. Eight Decorated BOSTON, Feb. Navy today decorated three officers and five enlisted men for outstanding combat services aboard the battleship New Mexico, now tied up here. Secretary Progressive Manufacturing Concern, Excellent Working Conditions, Attractive Salary, Box 637 Journal-Herald WOMEN Excellent Opportunities in all Selling Departments Apply Employment Office Fifth Floor THE ELDER JOHNSTON COMPANY.

The Dayton Herald from Dayton, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.