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THE NE~~K POST .6.0' J F_~~~:;j ~ ~STAMPS Number 14

NEWLY ELECTED COUNCIL ORGANIZES Town Enlployes Re.Appoillted; R. H. MOl'ris Nanled As Assessor The annual orga niza tion meeting of

Newark Town Council was held ~ecouncil offices Tuesday eve~ing with Mayor Frank Collins, preSident of counc il, presiding. All members of the council were presen t.

Mayor Coll ins administered the oath office to Norris N. Wl'lght, J ohn F .

. Herman Wollaston and C. C: Hubert and appointed the follow~ng committees to serve for the ensumg

year: Light and water - George E. Ram­

sry, chai rman. J ohn F. Richards, George F. Ferguson. . . Town and sewer - Norl'l s N. Wl'lght,

Herman C. Wollaston, George F. Ferguson. .

Streets - C. C. Hubert. Cha ll'man Herman C. Wollaston, J ohn F . Rich-

council were: George C. Price, secretary-treasurer

and engi neer; J . Pearce Cann. a ttor­/111 ; Will iam H. Cunningham, chief

police; J. E. Morrison, patrolman; C. Hill. sergeant; Samuel Tib­

patrolman; Joshua R Wood, light and power supcrin tenden t ; Howard Taylor, electrician; Elmer J . Ellison, nter and street superintendent.

Office empl,(::'~e~ reappoi nted were: Ferg _",_{ose Lenhoff, and

Grace Johnson. Clemace Valiant was named meter reader with A. M. S akers • pumping stat.ion superintendent and Huey Morris as ~ewer department sup-

Gorma~ \~as reapp~inted gar-colleelor, J. O. Clark, assistant superintendent, William Crowe,

George Baker, milk inspector Foster, alderman.

o( Health appointments were: R. Downes, chairman, Paul

George L . Baker, O. K . and Wm. H. Cunningham.

Children Will Participate In Offerings

The Newark New Century Club will at 2 p. m. in the club house on

, 27th. Miss Nell Wi lson, cha irman the Department of Music, will be charge o( the program for the day .

by students of the Newark wi ll be g iven under the

o( Miss Elizabeth L amborn,

World is Wailing For The Sun­"The Bells of St. Ma ry", w ill by a trumpet quartet, con­

James Smythe, Eugene Camp-Kennard and Wilberta

' th Lois Mae Tomhave ac­A string quartet composed Li tic, Ernest Korber, Edna

, Belly Etzel , accompanied Jane Vought will play "Lover

To Me," and "Love Dance." trio, Fra nces Barll ey, Ca ther­

, Marilyn Richa rdson, ac­by Lois Mae Tomhave, will

"I Heard a Forest Prayi ng," and My Song Fill Your Heart:'

and dances by a group from Johnston's Flflh grade in­

the followi ng children: Betty June Pack, Lorraine RObinson ,

Boyce, J ane Foster, Ruth Esther FOl'acre, Shi rl ey T ait, Klahr, Margcry MU1'l'ay, Fran­

Donald Phi llips, Tommy , Eugene Tri vits, Ri cha rd Cor­

, Charles Sul livan, T'Jmmy Mur-' \~~~~ Ferro, Dickie Wollas ton,

th~ i~:ose o( the PI' gram, refresh ­be served by Mrs. J ames

_'C(le l~i"k.,,~ and her committee. --ENOLI Ii READJ G

The sixth English Reading of the

D p:~~~: sponsored by th.e Eng­giVen nt of th University w ill . 27, nt~v~ext, Monday evening, Warner H ~ 0 clock, lJ1 the Hilar-

chOsen as h~ . Dr. C. Rob rt Kase COnleIlJPor~~ topic "Readings from

cordially InvitY Drama." Everyone ed to be presen l.

Hosierv W OI·kers Aid Navy Relief Campaign

Newark's goal in the Navy Relief Fund campaign is in sight as a re ­sult of proceeds from a benefit dance a nd advertisem*nt sponsored by the New Castle Hosiery Workers ASsocia­tion last week. These two enterprises netted approximately $200.00.

Approximately $165.00 w as raised from the sale of 1,500 Navy Relief but­tons under the direction of Leonal'd Fossett. It is hoped that the ticket sa le to the Music Festival, May 3, will put the loca l committee well over its goal.

W. A. Hulse and A. A. Foster wer e in charge of the Hosiery Workers pro­jects.


Tickets For Navy Relief Benefit Now On Sale

Plans have been completed for the Music Festival to be staged in the high school auditorium Sunday afternoon, May 3, for the benefit of the Navy Re­lief Fund, Prof. F . B. Kutz, music direc­tOl', annou nced yesterday.

Tickets are now on sale for the fest i­val with indicllti ons pointing to a ca ­pacity a ttendance when the program opens with the American Flag Cere­mony a t 3:30 o'clock. Admission will be by ticket only. These may be ob­tained at the school, from student~,

at FosseU's Barber Shop or Rhodes Dl'Ug Store.

Featuring the theme "Music Moun­tains Morale" the mixed chorus will sing Lonesome Valley, Kye Song of Saint Bride and K ing Jesus. The Cadet Band will play the Ma rc):l Militaire, The Heavens Resound and N01'disches Lied with the <' irIs eJee club singing America, The a'esutlfu and I Heard a Forest Praying.

The second portion of the program will be devoted to Amel' ican Unity Through Music wit\) the orchestra playing Libeslied, In The Good Old Days and Count.ry Dance. The high school ba nd will play the Amer ican P a trol Bolero Non and Over ture Ameri'can with the s ingi ng of Amer ica, the Pledge of Allegiance by the glee c lub and t.he aud ience s inging The Sta r Spa ngled Banner in the fina le.

Miss Eli zabeth Lambol'll w ill direc t the girls glee club with Leon Buehler cli1'ecling the cadet ba nd. The mixed chorus, orchestra a nd ba nd wi ll ~e directed by Frederick B. Kutz. LOlS Mae Tomhave a nd Dorothy Hollings­worth w ill be accompanists w ith Vera Gould as narrator .


Extra Class Opens To Handle New Applicants

To accommod ate numerous applica.nts seeking to enter the machIne operatIOn course under the a uspices of the Ne~­ark Public School , an extra class IS being es tablished which will ta k~ ~are of the overflow from the or1g1l1al

gr~Pjames Parsons, coordinator of the Defense Traini ng Program requests ,~l those who h ave applied for places 111

the course, but have been asked to wait for vaca ncies, to report May J, at Eva ns Hall , University of Delaware for the new class. .

Officials a lso request that persons In­terested who have not yet applied con­tinue to do so, reporting fir st to the Dela ware Employment Service, whose Newm'k Office is in the Academy Bull-

di~~mes of applicants requested to re­port May 1, at Evans Hall a re : Ra~­mond C. Porter, Joseph Prent, Harty Coover, Leroy Crompton , Clarencc Tweed, Richard Albrecht, H a tTY A. Clm'k , Raymond Ewing, Raymond F. P a tterson, Robert J . Slack, Roland A. Ma rine John A. Bowlsby, J oseph Haw­kins H'owa rd Cage, Jr ., William Slater, Rfl n~dall A. Burris, George Maritn, Alfrcd E. Wilson and Wm. W. Todd.

SENIORS TO NEW YORK . Seventy-one m embers of the senior

clas8 .of the Newark High SCh. OSO~a~~~ entrall1 from the local B. & 0 next Wednesday morning for New York City where t.hey wl\1 spen~ three days in touring the ·clty and P01l1ts of


The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, April 23, 1942


Glasgow Post Planning to Move To Chestnut Hill Location


Registration Blanks Now Available At School Office

Pre-school health examinations for children planning to enter school in the fall term will be conducted at the Newark High School at 1:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, April 29, by Dr.

/ ' Wholesale Sugar Users Register ApI·it 28-29

Trade uscrs of sugar, inoluding wholesale and r etail outlets, res­taurants, institutions, eto., are re­quired to register at the New­ark High School on Tuesday and Wednesday, April 28 and 29, It was announced this morning fol­lowing a meeting of rationing of­ficials In Wilmington.

Those required to register in the Newark area are all places included In the area from Corner Ketch along the Pennsylvania and Maryland sla.te lines to Sum­mit Bridge then following a line to Ha,re's Corner thence along Churclunan's Road to Pike Creek and blWk to Corner Ketch.

While individuals may apply at the nearest elementary school, all w holesale users in the area outlined above must register at the Newark school.


Stanlp Books Hequired Aftel' Re~istration At High School

Members of the two Newark ob­servation posts in the First Interceptor Command of the Aircraft Warning Service met in the high school audi­torium Sunday a fternoon and approved a financi al campaign to raise funds for building, maintenance and operation of the Glasgow and Possum Park posts.

John R Downes, New Castle County ~. ------------4

The sBle of sugar wi ll be completely halted in Newark. along with the rest of the na tion, between April 27 and May 4. During that interval faculty members of the Newark public schools who will conduct the sugar registration and issuance of stamp books, will pre­pare for the infiux of registrars fOl' the Signing up period May 4, 5, 6, and 7.

F . Allyn Cooch, Jr., and Dr. Carl J . Rees. chief observers of the two posts, outlined various methods of ra ising funds before it was decided to seek contributions from the community with a $25.00 war bond and $15 in defense stamps to be given as awards. Walter R Powell was named general chair­man of the campaign fund and J. Lest­e r Scotton will serve as treasurer.

Removal of the Glasgow post to a location on Chestnut Hill h as been deemed advisable to increase the ef­fici ency and observation faci lities of this post while it is contemplated to build a tower over the Possum Park Post. These two projects will require considerable more (unds than the pre ­sent voluntary contributions of spot­ters make avai lable.

The campa ign w ill begin this week with spollers and members of the sponsoring American Legion organiza­tion participating in the drive for funds .


Play Offered By Drama Clubs, With Group Singing

A patriotic ra lly, bring ing the res i­

health officer . Parents of children who will enter

Newark schools in Sept.ember are urged to obtain a registration blank, from the school office, and take ad­vantage of the round-up to be held here next Wednesday. The round-up is held annually each spring to check on the health and physical fitness of children who will enter school for the first time. Any defects in health or denta l hygiene will be not.ed so parents may take proper corrective measures immediately.

Continuing the county-wide program of immunization, Dr. Downes states tha t 945 doses of typhoid vaccine were administered last week bringing the tota l to 21,429 as of Saturday. Smallpox vaccinations were given to 394 during the past week for a total of 2,060.

Pre-school examinations are being held thi s week a t the following schools: William P enn, Krebs, Absolem J ones, Richardson Park. Yorklyn, Rose Hill and Marshallton. Examinations for Newark colored students will be held he1'e a t I o'clock Thursday afternoon. May 7.


Doris Jolls Of Newark To Be Crowned As May Queen

dents of Newa rk a nd vicinity together More than one hundred students are in an expression of enthusiastic uni ~y participa ting in the annua l and tradi­for the na tion's all-out war effort, Will tiona l May Day Festival at the Wom ­be held at eigh t .o'clock Thursday eve- I en's College. University of Delawa1'e, on ning, Apr il 30 , 111 Mitchell Hall , UI1l- Saturday, May 9. it was a nnounced by versity of Delaware . Miss Bea trice P . Hartshorn , or the

The feature of the gathering wi ll be Physical Educati on Department. who a presen ta tion of "Fun to be Free", a is supervis ing the program . play with 11 pa triotic motif, rorm~rlY This yea r 's Festiva l wi ll have as its produced w ith success 111 Madison theme the "Winn ie the P ooh" s tory Square Garden , New York. and the children's poems of A. A. Milne.

Presented afte r the style of "The One of the h ighlights of the after-Ma rch of Time." with suitable musica l noon wi ll be the crowning of Dori s background, the drAma wi ll be jointly Joll s, da ughter of Colonel and Mrs. produced by music and dramati c E. P . J oll s, of Newark, as May Queen. groups of the community. together With In the Queen 's Court will be: Harriet the E-52 P layers of the Ul1lVerslty . van del' Lieth, of Glen Rock, N. J. , as

An old-time community sing will junior princess; Allene Leach, Wi!­follow the pl ay, the audience joi ning mington, as sophom*ore duch*ess; and in those songs, both old and new, which Thelma Green. of Newport will be the have inspired the na ti on in da rk days freshman duch*ess. Charlotle Everett. through its hi story . Lcading the s1l1g- of Kenton , and Barbara Cox, of New­ing will be Dr. Glenn Gildersleeve of ark, have been chosen as the freshm an Dover. a ttendan ts.

The play is to be directed by Dr. The program wi ll a lso feature many C. R Kase. wi th Prof. Anthony Loud- interesting dances and pantomimes. is in charge of the music. The leading characters in the pro-


45·64 Age Group Registers Monday

It is estimated that 27 ,500 men in t~l~ 45 to 64 age group of Delaw?re ~1 sign up in the fourth dra~t registratIOn under the Selective Service Act, to be conducted throughout the s tott' Mon-day, April 27. .

Locally thi s means tha t a ll Newark en coming within the sta ted age

~'oup will register a t the public schoOI~ on tha t day. Schools w ill be . close all day, and the registration Will ta~e place between the hours of 7 A. .

and 9 P . M. . t White men in Newark will rCgls .er

t the Newa rk High School , Whlle ~olored men will be li sted at the Nel~ London Ave. School. Teachers w serve as reg ist ra rs. .

Me registering in this d~o1t WIll not be li~le for military serVice, but cn:,

the System Is In operation, e ~~~~ed into vital defense industries.

duction will be portrayed by : Barbara Plumline, Newport ; Gwinnett Jones, Scarsdale, N. Y.; Alice Ward, West Point Pl easant, N. J .; Doris Cline, and Eleanor Bader, of Wilmington ; Doro­thy Simmons, Prospect Park, P a.; Caro­lyn Miller, Drexel Hill , P a.; Jane Hast­ings Sinclair, Newark ; Constance Head ­ley, Wayne, Pa.; Sue Cos, Whiteford, Md .; and Ruth Newcomer, Shiremans­town, Pa.

Delaware's R.O.T.e. Unit In Formal Inspection Today

Dela wa re Univers ity's RO .T.C. unit, a t its natt.i est, wi ll draw up for formal inspection on the campus thi s morning, when Lieutenant Colonel Raymond P . Clark will represent the Corps Area Commander.

Arriving here this morning, Colonel Clark will first vi sit military class meetings, after which, at 11:40 a re­view will be held on the campus. The annual fed eral inspection of the battal­Ion will follow .

An artil.lery inspection of the senior class will be held at 1 :30 in the after­noon for the inspection ofl'lcer.

Friday naval officers will arrive at the University to discuss the Naval Aviation Cadet Training Program. Physical qualifications will be explain­ed by a medical officer.


Picked Group Single Women War Workers Seek Rooms

A plea to the people of NewBrk to provide quartel's in their homes fo r workers f1'om Elkton munitions plants was voiced by Housing officia ls, E. F . Harloff, and R O. Rumsey, of Wash­ington, D. C., a nd Mrs. Margaret E . Cronin . of the Homes Registration 0(­fi ce, Elkton , at a meeting in town Council offices Friday afternoon. pre­s ided over by Mayor Frank Collins.

Newark was called upon especially to provide rooms (or ingle, una t tached women .

Outlining the desperate seri ousness of the situation , Mr. Rumsey, of the Nationa l Housing Agency; painted out tha t employment schedules of both the Triumph and Na tional plants in Elk­to n have soared far above a ll previous estima tes and that the number of workers is steadily increasi ng. Quar­ters (or thi s overflow must be found in surrounding towns.

Mrs. Margare t Cronin , of the Homes Registration Office, Elkton, explained tha t th committee already esta blished here under Mrs. Herman Ha ndloff of the New Century Club, for handling the housing needs of ou tside war work­ers, has been doi ng excellent work , but o ITi cia ls sugges ted the need for making the task a community project by set­ting up some semi-offici al 01' offic ia l agency which wi ll ensure the town being or ganized behind the essen tia l work.

Please Turn to P age 8


Typewriters On Rationed List

Ty pewriters were added to the li st of ra tioned items to be approved by the Newark Ration ing Board thi s week. The board now has on hand a supply of applica tion blanks for elig­ible typewriter purchasers.

Tires and tubes issued by the board at its regular meeting Monday evening are as follows:

Delbert D. Nabb, Newark plumber. one new truck tire and tube; Thomas H. Vansant, :R.D. 3, farmer, two new tractor tires and one tube ; Louise R Whitcomb, U. of D. home management speCialist, one new tube; Rev. Dav id J . Moore, Bear , one passenger tire and tube; David Bouldeix, RD. 2, farmer, one retread tire and one tube ; Charles E. McCauley, U. of D. Agricul tural Ex­tension Service, two retread tires; C. E. Phillips, U. of D. assistant agro­nomist, one retread passenger tire ; Robert W. Hopkins, RD. 2, farmer , two retread tires ; AlJred J . Clough, Christi­ana farmer , one retread tire.

Funeral Services For Lydia N. Otley Friday

Funeral services will be held for Mrs. Lydi a Newkirk Otley at the home of her da ughter , Mrs. T . Reese Griffin, 182 W. Main St., Newark, tomorrow, Ap­ril 24.

Mrs. Otley died on Tuesday, April 21 , a t the age of seventy-three.

She is survived by one son and two daughters, J . D. Otley, Drexel Hill, Penna.; Mrs. R G. SIvak, Lansdowne, Penna.; and Mrs. T. Reese Griffin , Newark, at whose home the funeral will be held.

During the regi stration, schools will be closed at one o'clock each after­noon find residents of the town will register at the high school building between the hours of one and nine each evening for the foul' days speci­fied .

Alter May 4, rationing stamps will be required to buy household sugar , while purchase certifica tes will be ne­cessary for commercial or ind ustria l suga r. Domestic consumers. after reg­istering, will be given ration boo l{s

I w ith 28 stamps for each member of the family unit. No sugar may be bought without ra tion books. Each person is to be permitted one-ha lf pound sugar per week.

Only one adult member of a famil y unit, 18 years or over, may apply for war ra tion books for a ll thc members of the family. Person, living (01' any length of time away from home, may apply wherever they may be.

College students, away from home for a month 0 1' two, should apply for their own books in the town where they are r esid ing.

Please Turn to P age 8


37 In First Class; 25 In Second

Eighty -seven persons have success­full y completed the Standard Firs t Aid Course, conducted by Mrs. E . C. Mahan­na Norman Tuttle, J ames Hicks.

Those who have completed the course a loe:

Ruth F. Adams, Wm. H. Adams, Marion C. Barrow, Charlotte Beau­champ, Alice M. Blackson, George T . Boli , Maude M. Boli , Mildred Burney, C. Harvey Boyce, Helen Clark , Dave F. Conell, Ka thryn J . Couden, Leroy Crompton , Mrs. J . C. Cunningham, J,'., Margar et Curtis. Doro thy M. Dawson, Thomas Dietz, Anne K . Dietz, Louise F. Edma nson, Raymond Edwards, Hol-ton C. Evans. Mrs. J . R Fader, Walker Lew is F ell , Jr., Anna May Gehrold , Lew is Godd in, Jane R Griffith, Mar­ion O. Griffith , Gladys Groh.

Norma B. Handloff, Alfred Hannum, Ma rtha Harri s, Betty Hollingsworth , Ste lla Kaminski , Charles E. Kennard. M1·S. Elsa Kerr, Ella Kinney, Naomi S. Knauss, Oscar R Knauss, Thelma Lach­er , Guy N. Lauer, Mrs. T . L . Lilley, Miss Alice B. Lindell, Mrs. Francis Lin­dell , Dr. Francis Lindell, Elizabeth Lov­ett Waldo Lovett, Elinor M. Lowitt, Eli~abeth Maclary, Helen McCarns, Ma ry B. McDowell, E. Clai r Mahanna, Hilda M. Marshall , George Mills, Har­vey G. Mitchell , Edward A. Montague, L . G. Moore, Jennie L. Morris, Emma W. Morris, Robert Morrison, Douglas Murphy, Carolyn Murray.

Lillia n Nabb, Catherine Ort, Frances R P arsons, C. Pearson, Jean Phillips, Virginia Phillips, BeatrIce Reed, Helen E . Regis ter, Rose Sacconey, Anna R Slack, Catheri ne Slack, Sonya Spade, Ada Sparks, Eleanor Springer, Theresa Stark, Florence K . Stengel, Mrs. L . Stengel, Bea trice Strickland, Catherine SulJiven, Wm . W. Todd, Mrs. Clarence Webb, H. B. Williamson, Jr., E. Mil-dred Wilson, Betty S. Worrall, Mrs. John Cronin , Mary B. Evans.

In a second Standard First Aid course, conducted by Miss Mary Henle, twenty-five members successfully IIn­ished. They are as follows:

Frances M. Bulle1', Martha C. Davis, Myrtle Eckeard , Margaret Everhart, Bebe R Handloff, Mrs. J ack Handloff, Mary L. Humphreys, Mrs. W. E . Hol­ton, Violet Hulse, Mary Jackson, Mrs. R C. Levis, Mrs. Lee Lewis, Edythe L . Livingstone, Ameli a Nichols, Mrs. R E. Price, Ruth V. Rawson, Marlon B. Reed , Eleanor K . Rees, Mary F. Rich­ards, Ann P . Rose, Mrs. Frank K . Scott, Esther K . Sheaffer, Evelyn S .

Interment will be in Cemetery, Phlladelphia.

Fernwood Weaver, Nell B , Wilson, Margaret Za-

I bel.


Legal Notices





NATIO:-IAL INSULATIO N COMPAN Y. a cor porat ion organ ized and ex iSting un ­der Ihe Ge neral Corpora Ion Law o! Ihe S tate of Delaware. DOES HEREB\ CERT IFY as follows :

t 1) Tha t on the 31st day of 13r ch . A. D . 194.2. there was filed wilh sa id corpor· a tlon tlle wr itten consen t o f the holder of record of the total number o f sha~es of Ihe corporatlon out.tand lng and h avlllg voting powers author izing r~ductio.n of Ihe capital of the corpol'atlon b) the a mou nt of F Ifty Thou and Dollars ($50,' 000.00) In the following manner :

By ret iring five hundred (500) shares f preferred slock o f the par value of

One Hundred Dollars ($100.) each own· ed by the corpo ration . and pro\;dlng that an amount not xc ed ing that pa rt o f the capital of the corporMlon represented by the shares so retired . namely. F itty Thousand Doll ars ($50.· ooo .l. may be charged a j,lalnst the capital of the corpora lion 111 respect of such shares .

Gl N ING . BE tile contents thereof what Illey may.

TOGETHER w ilh the f ree and unlnter· rupted right . use and privilege of the granlees a nd heirS and asslgtls of said w ide driveway between the prem· Les her In described and the premise Immed ialcly jo lnlllg on Ihe left for the purpose o f a pa~ ageway only in conlmon WIth Olhers enlltled thereto forever.

SUBJE T. howe\'er . to an equitable h are of the ex penses neces af)". in keep­

ing and mai nt ainlllg the said drl\'eway in proper cond Hion.

TOGETlIER with the r lghl. use and priv ­ilege in common w ith o entitled Iheretoforevcr o f Ayres Streel. (at sixty feel w ldel. extend ing from Mary Street 10 Lynam Road .

BEING a part of the same lands and prenlise \\ lllCh J oh n R . Lynam, w idower , by Indenture daled the 19th day of June. A. 0 .. 1940 and duly appearing of record in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds 1tl and for New Castle County at \V ilming· ton. in Deed Record Z. Volume 41 . Page 123 d id gr ant and convey unto Williams Construct ion Company. a co rporation of the S tale of Delaware. in fee simple sub· ject. nevertheless. t o the restric tions and regula l ions therein spec ifically set forth .

Seized and taken In execution as the property of Walter H. Williams, Ed ith D . Williams. his w ife. and to be so ld by

ELlAS E. OTHOSON. Sheriff Sherlff 's Offices. Wilmington. Del.

The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, April 23, 1942

ty. Delaware. ing between the Petitioner and Morton J . ~:wP~~~~fen~~~~t~~ ;:;dthc;,°~~u: :;~o~~ M~~~. Therefore Command You. AS YOU plaint therein alleged, h as m ade applica­WE RE HER E TO FOR E CO!l1,MANDED. hon to our said Judges tha t a decr ee may

THE THIRTIETH DAY OF APRIL, 1942 That you summon Morton J . Mills so that be pronounced d issolving the m rr ia ge he be and appear before the Judges of our existing between the Petitioner and Camp·


at 10 o 'cloclt A . M .. Eastern War T ime. .ald COUl'l at the next term thereof to bell H . Brown. Ihe following de erlbed Real Estate viz : be held at Wilm ington, on Monday. the We Therefore Command You ';:1ri~g

Hh day of Ma y next to . answer .. the al- WERE HER E T 0 FOR E COM. . ALL T HOSE certain lots. pieces or par. leg. lion of the said PetItioner \ lolet A . That you summon Campbell H . B rown so

cels o f land . situate In Br andywine Hun. ~hlls accord ing to the Act . of A. embly that he be and appear before the Judges dred . New Caslle County and S l a te of In such case m ade and provIded. and also of our said Court at Ihe next term th ere· Delaware. as shown on the plan of "Over- to do and receive what the Court h~lI of to be held at W ilmington . on Mo nday. look Colony". as recorded In the Office then and there consider concern ing hIm the 4th day of May next to answer the for the Recordmg of Deeds & c .. at W il. In th is behalf as to the. Court shall seem allegations of the said P etitioner Nell ie L . mi ngton. III and for 'ew Castle County. mee t and consislent wltll t he prOVIs ions Brown accord ing to the Act of m~IY Delaware. In Deed Record N. Vol. 31. of the said Act of Assembly. In su ch cas e made and provided. and a ,so

:~~d:\n~ d~~cr~~:d ~o~~lI~~~~ I ~~~~~ir AND HAVE yOUw~~N THERE THIS t~e~o a~~d ~:~:i~~n~;~:~ ~~c;~~~tg .~~~ 0 . 1. Lo ts Nos. 105 and 107. Section " 0 ". WITNESS. the Honorable Daniel J . In this behal! as to the Court shalill see~

La\' ton at Wilmington the Second day of meet a nd consistent with the prov s ons 0 No . 3. Lots , os . 207 . 209 , 211. 213. Section March.' A. 0 .. Nllleteen Hundred and the said Act of Assembly. KERE THIS

" G " . Forty.two. AND HAVE YOU THEN T

No . 4. Lots Nos. 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 11 . 2. 4. ~~~r . Ff 1942 MART~o?hO~:t~~GAN WITNESS. the Wii~orable D aniel J . 6. dS" IISO. S200

t'l 2O~:H~04. 206. 20S. 214. 216 3.27 to 4.30 Lay ton. at Wilmington the Second d ay of

an _ . ec on . March . A . D .. N ineteen Hundred and

~~~iX~\~~~~~~n;~;~~~;1: i~!~£~~~ra~ ~~~\' S~:~~fc~~h1~:'~~ rf~~~~o~42 MART~o~hO=IGAN ~~cg~~~?:~: ' d~tecrbe~::~~:r Oil. tr:4O~~a~~ To g':!et~::~ ' ff of ew Cas tle County. 3_._27_to_4_. _3O _________ _

~~c~!,':s. I~t t~~I~i~~~O~~ri n th'::'dR~~~r~I;\~ Whereas. Mattie V. Out· DIVORCE

Castle county In Deed Record • Vo l. OF:i~AL ~~~g~~ h~~ P:~~tiO~u~er~~~ ;~: S~:~!I~fC~~I~~~:::

Greeting: Wh ere s. ElwOOd Ba

OFFICIAL J r b~'. h P~l!tlon:' SEAL J udge (f Our Su U.

Cour . filed In the 0 pO"" th e Pro honotary of . aId Cour In a~ 01 New Castie County. fo r Iht c'u e 01 d lor plain t thereIn ali !led h, m',de, """­tion to our said Jud~e, hat a deer:t~I' be p ron ounced dl ssolv,n th Ill' ... '

~Xal~~~~. between the Pe\I'I~ner and ~ We Therefore Comm,lnd You AS y •

WERE HER E T 0 F OR E Cml~'lAND~ ~~:tb~o~n~u'!';';~r E:~~rpDa~~°fu~es~1 ou r saId Court at .the neX .'m Ih" ~ to be h eld a t \ Ilmmglon. on ~,IQndll' ~ 4th day of May next 0 an'.·.\·. Ih. 'U, '. lions o f t he sa id P ell \loner flwOOd B1n: Jr. accord in g to t he Act of A, mbl) such case made and pro\ dod. and.~ to do lind rece Ive " hat he Court 'h Ihen and there co nSIder concernlng" h In t h IS behal! ~s to the Court .,hall "'~ ~e~~e a:\d c~~~I~~nt :,~h i)th. pro\'11lOr.!


WIT!\"ESS. th e Honorab.. Daniel I Layt on . at W llmlllgton Ihe S"cond day I ~"::t~\w~: D.. NlI1eteen If Indred ~ ISS UED Mar . 4. 1942 3-27 to 4-30

MARTIN G I!A:\N1CA.1 Prottlonolary

. P age Court. filed in the office of To the Sheriff of New Castle County. Seized and taken In execut ion as the the Prothonotary of said Court In and for G reeting: --- ------,----

proper ty of J . Warren Myers. and Dorothy New Castle County. for the cause of com· Whereas. Myrtle BeUem DI VORCE A. Myel'S, his wife Mortgagors and to be pla int therein alleged. h as made applica· OFFlCIAL by her Petition to the New Castle Coun y. ss so ld by tion to our sa id Judges that a decree may SEAL Judges of our Superior The Sta te of De laware .

( 2) Tha t the assets of the. corporatlon re maining aft e r such reduction are su.f· fi cient to pay any debts. the payment of wh ich has not been otherwise prOV Ided for .

IN WITNESS WHEREOF. said NATION­AL INSULATIONS CO~lPANY has caused Its corporate seal to be affixed and this eel'tlficate to be signed by G . W . Glaes~ · er. its President. and R . C. F arquhar. ItS Secretary. this 31st day of 1>'larch. A. D.

ELIAS E . OTHOSON. Sheriff I be pronounced d issolv ing . lhe mal' rlage Court. filed in the office of To GthreeetSI' nhge~iff of New Castle C.ur.~. SHERIFF'S SALE-By v irtue of a writ of She riff's Offices. Wilmington. Del. \ existing between the PetitIOner and Earl the P rothonotary of said Court In and fo r

~eva~;r:c~~~\~I~' ~! . :.!a;:, s!~~ I:~bl\~ ~~:;~c 9. 1942. D~~~nTherefore Command You. AS YOU ~1~~~ tC~~~~e~0~71~ge~~r ht:Se ~:;: ~~~~~= OFFICIAL he':h;!~i~~~nA~i~et~e Hill

Sale at Ihe Town Warehouse. John & WERE HER E TO FOR E COMMANDED, tion to our sa id Judges that a decree may SEAL of our Superior Court,

~~~~ty~~~~!~~ar~ewport New Castle SHERIFF 'S SALE-By \' irtue o f a " <Ti t of ~:a!n~Ot~;::e~~":ef!::1 t~~t~~~g~S l~;to~~ ~~iS~~~n~~~\~:~n ~~seso~~~~Jon~re ~~~~!~ thonotary of s!~d ~~u~ml~e a~~ ~~

April 9. 194.2. 4-9-3tc


By G . W . GLAESCHER. President.




at 2 o 'clock P . M .. Eastern War T ime .

the follow ing described Real Esta te v iz :

Levari FaCIas No. 79 May Term 1942. to said Court at the next term thereof to be A. Be llem . Castle County. fo r Ihe cau'e of me directed will be exposed to Public held at Wilm ington. on Monday . the 4th We Therefore Command You. AS YOU there in alleged . has made apphcatlGll Sale al the Town Warehouse. J ohn & day of May n ext to answer the allegatio ns WERE HER E T 0 FOR E COMJllANDED. our said Judges tha a decree may Avre S ts .. Newpor l. Ne w Castle County. of the sa id P etitioner Matt ie V . Du tton That you summon James A . BeUe m so pronounced d lssolvtng he mamage eXitt Delaware . accord ing to the Act of Assembly In such tilat he be and appear before the Judges ing be ween the Petillon rand Harlan l

case made and provided. and also to do of our said Court at the next term thereof HIll. and receive what the Court shall then to be held at WIlmin gton. on Monday. W~;E T~~e~o~;. g0;,~~n~ c'o'o!Ml

U IIA." Dinl.C'"_":.C". ON THURSDAY

THE 30TH DAY OF APRIL. 1942 and there consider concerning h im In this Ihe 4th day of May next to answer the ALL THAT certain lot . piece or parcel behal! as to the Court shall seem meet allegations of the said Peti tioner Myrtle That you summon Har lan J

: N~T~O~~ ~~~~~~'?i~~iU:~: ~i:~~:;:~~: ~~!~~t'~~I~:i~~~~~~~:~~~~ :~e2 f:;~::.;n: ·d::~r~::e~:a~v:t:t:':~z : ~~D ~~:~~~~£~I~~:ro:=: 0:;: ~el~:a~~~~:~:E~~:~:~~~~d~~~~~:~~ ~Erb7a~~~d~~~i£i~~f:~~'~n : • • • • ?E;'A:V~~ • • ~e~a;;l~r:. o~eg'o'\o:;;t ri:l~: ;heassa~~w~ei~~ ALL THAT certain p iece. parcel or lot WiTNESS. the ~~orable Dan iel J. ~~e~' i:n!;~~r~s c~;s:~:r c~~e~~;~g s~;~ ~~:.:a%f °tfh:l~~i~e~~ Il~I~~:~'~~hC~e


STATE OF ILLINOIS ) recorded in Ihe office for the Record ing ~\';:d~~d~i l l~\:~ ~::.t~~I~~~n~l~n~I~:!~~a~~ Laylon. at Wilmington the Seco nd day of meet and consistent with the provisions according to lhe Act o f embly

COU'.~ Y OF COOK » SS : ~~U~~~~~I ~Vil~i~~to~~~n f~~e~~~.,.;~stb~ Delaware. be ing Lol No . 22. as shown on ~~":t~tw~: 0 .. Nineteen Hundred and o;Ntge ~~~c~~~ A*,~~IYTKERE TKIS ~~ ~~:'vean\~h~~o~~~edco~~ :~II

,,~ Volume 3S. P age 601. & c .. and be ing more Ihe said p lan. and being more particularly ISSUED lIlARTIN G . HANNIGA..'1 WRIT and there consider concernIng hIm

da~Eor;,I~~~rn~~. t~~~~a~~.iSc:~~! ioa!~i.c~~~~.rt :bounded and described as fol· bo~~~~~~~~Gde:~r~be:"~:t f~~O;~: ~~\~~ ~~;~ . t~' 1.9: P rothonotary L~~~:~~s\Vil~~ngt~~n%:b~co~~n~~y ~i ~~a~on~st~ntth:1 ~o';,"~ ~~~'~~SlOns ~~I~~ ~e 'a::a~r ~he B~I~~~~~ :nd '~~~~~ BEGINN.I·G at a point in th~ nort h . ~:::e~'~~de~~d:'i~f ~~~\e~~~ee~ist~~~ ~~~~ DIVORCE ~:;t~\w~: D., Nineteen Hundred and ~:D A~;.h:~~J'h~H E:-> THERE

f 'd G W G laescher Preside.nt of I westerly SIde of i\yre Street (at s Ixty feet hundred e ighty and forty one·hundredths New Castle County. ss . I ISSUED MARTIN G . KANNIGAN WR IT a'~~I~~AL . INSULATIONS COMPANY. WIde ) said po int being d is lant one hundred fee t mea ured in an Easterly d irec tion The Slate of Delaware. Mar. 5. 1942 P rothonotary ~ corporation of the State of Delaware. \ elghlY and no one · hundredths feet n:eas · along sa id side o f Ayre S treel . from the To the Sheriff of New Cast le County . 3-27 to 4-30 the corporation described in and which ured tn a Westerly a~d Southerly dl rec· intersect ion thereof with the Easter ly side Greeting : --------------executed the fo regoing cert ificate known tlon along .the sa l~ SIde o f Ayre. Street of Lynam Road. (at fo r ty feet w id e ): Whereas. Clara Wehner DIVORCE 10 me personally to be such. and he the 1 f rom the mtersectlon thereof WIth the Ihence from the sa id poinl of beginning. OFFICIAL b y her P etition 10 the New Castle County. ss . aid G . W . G laescher . as such P resident. Westerly SIde of Mary S treet (at . fillY by the sa id Soulhea terly side o f Ayre I SEAL Judges of our Superior I The State of Delaware .

duly executed said Certi.ficate be,fore me \ feet w ~de): thence f rom the said pomt , o f St reet. in a Northeasterly d ireclion by the Court. filed In Ihe office of To til e Sheriff of New Ca tie Count y , and acknowledged the said certificate to beg lnnmg. by a cUr\'e to the left . of rad IUS arc of a c ircular cu rve to the r ight . of the P rothono ary of said Court In and for G reeting : ---- - ' ----- --' •• ~ be h is act and deed and the act and two hundred fee l . an arc d Istance of forty r adIUS. one hundred forty feet. an a rc New Cas tle County. for the cause o f com· I Whereas. Letitla South· deed of said corporation : that the s igna · and twen y · seven one · hundredths fee t to d istance o f forty and no one ·hundredth~ I plaint thereln alieged . has made apPl ica . \ OFFICIAL ard Jones by her Pe ilion tures of the said President and of the a point; thence by . Lol No . 3. Nor th no feet to a poln mime of land of Klamensl tion to our said Judges that a decree may SEAL to tile Judges of ou r Super · Secretary o f said Corporat ion to saId fore· degrees. thirteen mmutes. thlny econds Clay Company: Ihence thereby South no be pronounced d ISSO lv ing the marriage lor Court . fil ed in h e office

~~~;e ;:r~I~~~~~d:~~ a~nd ~~~r~:~\~~ is~~~ ~~~e t~~;."t,~~~~;ldh;\~·:;ttY~fi~e~~n~ ~~I~~~~ ~~!,~e~~~;~~ :i~~~}~:t~~~~y a~e~o~~~ ~~I: I ~~~tl~Jeh~~~\'een Ihe Petlttoner and WII· ~~r t~e\~r~~~~eo~n~~.~~~ ~~r~a~ano~ Company res pectively. and that the eal o~ land .of John R. Lyn~m : thence North . hundredths feet to a poinl : Ihence by land We Therefore Command You. AS YOt; I compla in t t herein alleged. has m ade ap· affixed to saId Certifiea!e is the common elgh .y . s.'x degrees. thlrty.:wo mlnu es. of John R. Lynam. Sou heigh y · s ix de· WERE HER E T 0 FOR E COM~1ANDED. ph ca l!o n to our said Judges that a d ecree or corporate seal o f said corpora 10n. forty - fi, e seconds Ea t . ~or . )o and five .one- grecs. thirty -two minutes, forty-fi,'e sec - That you u mmon \\'i11iam \Vehner so ha . m ay be pronounced d lSS01vlng the m ar - Caur . f'::l"il ':1,

L'I WITNESS WHEREOF. I ha\'e here . h,undred h feel to a pOint . thence ~~ Lot l onds We t . thlrt y . se\'en an d "enty·four he be and appear befo re Ihe J udge of our I ri age e XI mg belween Ihe Pet ittone r and t~e , P rothono ary o f . aId C, Uri

unto set my hand and seal of office the Nh~ 1. Sou hd no~egrees. ~h lr~e~ ml~ute~. one.hundredlhs feet to a pomt : lhence said Cour at Ihe ne>.. term thereof to be Albert H. Jones . I ' ew Cast le Coun y. for tne ca",seoi l"' • • /pw da~ and }ear afore a ld . I r y secon . ~ . one un re t\\en} · by Lot '0 . 21. North no degrees. IWO held at W llmm gton . on Monday. the 4th I \Ve T h erefore Command You , A YOU pla m t ther e m alleged ha_

MARY G BURBACH. three and se \ en ~ one:hundred ths feet to I m mutes. Ihlrt )' seconds West . one hundred day of May next 0 answer the allegatlons WERE HER E T 0 FOR E COM::'>lA.l\"1)ED. lion to ou r SBld Judges hd ' a No ary P ubliC. the Pl~ce 0: BhEGr~1NG ~og'~~ Ixty.four and forty · seven one· hundred hs of he saId P etl t' one r Clara We hner ac · T ha I you summo n Alber t H . Jones so that be , p ronounced d . 50\'.111 he


It;n s ereo \\ at l e} ma)v I fee 10 Ihe place of BEGINNING . BE the cordmg 0 the Act o f Assembly m u ch he be and appear befo re th e J udges of eXlsung between tile Pe' lt oner • • • • • • • • • • • • \\ Ith the r igh . use and pn lIege In co~ - contents thereo f what they rna) case made 3_nd provlded. and a lso to do our said Court at the next ter m thereo i ence C . Robin-con . .

1>L<\RY G. BURBACH • mon \~ilh other s a~nu~e~ the;et~ fore\~: TOG ETHER w ith Ihe ngh . use and and r eceIve what the Court shall then I to be h e ld at WIlmington . on Mo nday . the We Therefore Command ~"Jo~ul\· IIA.1]E.I~om NOTARY PUBLIC of A. e St reet . ( SL t~ f ee WIde ). ex prl \'ilege In common w ith others ent itled a nd there co nsider conce rmng h im In th is 41h d ay oi . lay ne xt to ans wer h e a l · WERE HER E T O F OR E '"

COOK COU~Y. ILLINOIS tendmg f rom Mary Slreet to Lynam Road . there 0 forevcr of Ayre S treet (at si x Y I behal! as 10 the Court shall seem meet legal ions o f the sa id . Pe li t ioner Leh tia Tha t you summon Clarmce • • • • • • • • • • • • BEING the same lands and premises feet wide ), ex end ing f rom ~lary S t~t and cons istent with the prO\' is lO ns of h e Southa rd Jones according 0 the Act of so th a t he be and appear bt

which WflI iams Con- truc ti on Company. a 10 Lynam Road . sa id Act of . embly. I. mbly in su~h case made and provided. of our said Cour.t at \p nH: STATE OF DELAWARE Corporal ion of the S tate of Delaware. by BEING a art o f the ame lands and A1'D HAVE YOU THEl" THERE THIS and also 0 do a nd r eceIve what the 0 be h~ld a W~lmJn~ton. on

OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE l ndenture bearing even date herewith. but remise Whi~h J ohn R. L yn am. \ Idower. WRIT I Court shall then and there conSIder con · 4 h d a} of lI!a~ nex t .0.

I . EARLE D . WILLEY. Secretary of g~~\'i~~:~~e~x::~oe':;., ~e~~~i th~n~~~o~~~i g" Indenture bearing d ate' the Nineteenth WITNES . the Honorable Dan iel J . ce rnmg h Im 111 thIs behal! as to h e Cou rt lega. Ions of he saId P < .oner S tate of the S tate of Delaware. DO HERE. and convey unto Walter H . Williams and day of June. A. D. 19 ' . and d ul y appear · Lay on . a t Wllmm~on the Second day of sh all seem meet and conslsten wnh he RobInSOn accord ll1g to ',e BY CERTIFY that the above and fo re · Ed ith D. Williams. h is wife. in fee simple. II1g o f public reco~d 111 th e office for ,th~ ~":;~~'IW~: 0 .. NlI1eleen Hundred and ::.':~~S I~~~V~ ~~J"I~~~ °i~m~~lS :.':;b~~I~O S~~hanC::ec';,',~~e ,:;a~ ,~:~::WPlroa:dbel~t , geerointg!ficaiste a

o f tRrueeducantlodn oc~rrceaCp\ta~O~r t~! I ~" EvteEnRaTnHEts LbEyssthtoe etnhteIrertelsetrs: lctSI.UB.JEons aCT

nd Record ing of Deeds & C" . 1I1 and fo r e\\ I ISS ED lIIARTIN G . HAN:-iIGAN WRIT shall t h en and here con5!der " ~a led count~ . 1 al WllmUl?~n. 111 ~e~d Mar. 4. 1942 Prothonota;y I WITNESS. Ihe Honorable Damel J 'I him in tillS behali as to the Coun

ixth day of April . A. D. 1942. al I 0 clock Se ized and taken in execution as the st ructlon Company •. a Corpora Ion of lhe DrvORCE -I ~~:t~~'tw~' D .. NlI1e een Hundred and . ~ns ~~e ";;1 A~Hoi:-i~ ~N~~~~;:- a~dS~~TI~:-I~h~o~~te~~ ~;!~;~~~~; ::;a~~hlCh reference is therein dl~co:ranl a~d ~:y unio ~V~liam~ Con': 13.27 10 4- 30 Layton. a Wllmmgton the Second day of ~em meet and conslsten with !h.

P . M . properly of Walter H . Williams. Edith D . ~~ ~~~~~r~ol;'~ ~~~~I~'g~~ New Castle County. ss . ISSUED ' MARTIN G . HANr'fIGA:-I , WRIT

~;, :r.~~~::fe:~~~:~I~ Willian,.. h~L~:~' :n~;~~~o~~ds~~ri ff ~~o~GULAT!oNS there in speCIfically ToThi~~:iE:~kDe~~waree\~. Castle County , ~:~~ ' t~' 41.~2 Prothonota ry ~l~~~~~~,v~~~~;:~~:b~d~~ t OFFlCIAL at Dover. this sL,,"\h day Sheriff's Offices. Wilm ington. Del. Seized and laken in execulIon as lhe Whereas. Edna Mary KH· Fortv · two .

SEAL) of Aprfl In the year of April 9. 1942. proper~' of Will iams Const ruc tion Com· OFFIClAL patrick b y her Petillon to DIVORCE ISSUED of our Lord one thousand 4-9-3t c pany. a corporation of the Sla te o f Dela'

l SEAL the ,JUdgeS of our Superior New Castle County. ss. Mar. 4. 1942

n ine hundred and forty. ware. and to be sold by Court. fi.led In the office of T he State o f Delaware. 3-27 to 4-30 SHERIFF'S SALE-By v irtue of a wr it of ELIAS E. OTHOSO:-l. Sher iff ti,e P rothonotary of said Court in and for To the Sher iff of New Castle County.

EARLE D. WILLEY. Levari Facias No . 77 May Term 1942. to Sheriff's Offices. Wilmmg on. Del. l\'ew Castle County. for the cause of com· G reeting : Df\'ORCE Secretary of S tate . me d irected w ill be exposed to Public April 9 1942 plalnt IhereUl alleged. has made applica· Whereas. Rose lIlay Jack · 'ew CasUe Coun y .• '

Sale al the Court House . Southeast Cor. 4.9.3tc · . t lon to our said Judges that a decree m ay OFFIClAL son by her P etition to the The State of Delaware.

Received for R ecord April 6. 1942

: ~ar~y !' .. R~.rd;r :

ner of Elevenlh and K mg Streets. City I be pronounced d issolv ing the marriage SEAL Judges of our Superior To the S heriff of :->ew Castl. of Wilmington. New Castle County. Dela. existing between the P eti t ioner and WII · Court. filed In the office of G reeting : ware. SHERIFF 'S SALE-By v irtue of a writ of Uam Kilpatrick. tile Pro honotary o f sa id Court In and for Where", . Emma l!.fq.,·r'ankllir

Le\'arl F acias No. 82 . May Term 1942. to We Therefore Command You. AS YOU l\'ew Caslle County. for the cause of com· OFFIClAL nlng br her PetiII0ll10 . lI!nr< me d irec ted will be exposed to Public WERE HER E T 0 FOR E COMMANDED. plaint tilerein alleged. has made applica· SEAL J udges of our Sa le at Ihe Court House. Southeast Cor. T h at you summon WI lliam K il patrick so lion to our said J udges that a decree may Cour filed in the

THE FLRST DAY OF l\L-\Y. 1942 ner o f Ele\'en h and KIng S treets. CIlY o f that he be and appear before tile Judges be pronounced d issolving the ma.rriage the Pro thonotary of said Court I.It,I_ I,uurlced ON FRrDAY

SHERIFF 'S SALE-By virtue of a writ of at 10 o 'clock A. M .. Ea tern War Time. ~~!~';,'Ing on, New Castle Coun y . Dela · ~~ ~ h~~d a~~JI~n~~n~e~~ ~~~d~~~r~! ~~;t~na~~t;~~~:,~~e PeUtioner and WII· ~1~~~tC~~~e~o~~I~~e~or ;::: ~ev"cf:r~c~:\";I~ ' : ~t,;';'~~~o I~bl~ the followin g described Real Estate v i z : 0:-1 FRIDAY 4th day of May next to answer the allega· We Therefore Command You . AS YOU tIon to our sa id J udges tha a


Sale at the Town Wa rehouse . John and tions o f Ihe sa id Pet Itioner Edna Mary WERE HER E TO FOR E COMJllANDED. be pron ounced d ls..<ol\·tn~ AYTe Streets Newport New Castle I ALL TKAT ceraln 101. p iece or parcel THE FLRST DAY OF MAY, In '2 K11pa r ick accord ing to the Act of As · T haht you summon W ilmer James J ackson exis n g between the Pe IlIoner"dil"'. lI


County Dela\~'are ' of land . wi th tile wo story brick dwelling ,.. sembly in such case made and p rovided , so t al he be and appear before the Judges R . F ann lng . . . ' house thereon erec ed. and k nown as No . a 10 o 'clock A. I. . Eastern War T Im e. and also to do and receive what the Court o f our sai d Court at the next term thereof We Therefo re Co mmand

ON THURSDAY 1606 North Un ion S tree . situate in the CIIY shall then and here consider concerning to be held at Wllmmgton. on Monda),. t he WER E HER E T 0 F OR E C~If.~~1~~~~~ of Wilmmgton. New Castle Coun y and Ihe following described Real Esla e v iz : h im in this behalf as to the Court shall 4 h da~' of May nex to anS\\er the allega · That you s umm on J o-<ph R

THE 30TH DAY OF APRIL. 1942 State of Delaware . bounded and described eem m~t and consls ent ,,-I th the pro,' I lions of he sa id . P etitioner Rose Ia}' that he be and a ppcar before as fo llow . to ' Wlt : ALL THOSE certai n lots. p ieces or par. v isions of the said Ac t of Assemblv . Jackson accord ing to the Act of Assembly of o u r said Court a \.:0 next

at 2 o 'clock P . M .. Eastern War Time, BEGI1\,,' 'G al a point on the Eas erly cels of land w ith the build ings hereon AND HAVE YOU THEN THERE THIS In ~Ch c~se made and provided. and also to be h el d a Wilmln~'on, on

lhe folio,,; ng deSCribed Real Estate v iz : s ide of Union S reet at the distance of ~~~~ed a!s~~~:':~d . ln a~~e ~~~~ ~~';'t'i':~l:~~ WITNESS. the \V:~~orable Damel J . I ~en o;~ ~:~I~~~;~:~ ~~c~n'fr:g ~~ :;::n~~~ °t ~eM aa~l·dnpe·e" t .. :t,'''n''.r·~'··' Ill.a _ _

ALL THAT certalll lo t . p iece or parcel erly side oI SLxteentil S reet : hence East. un e an escr1bed as follows. 10'Wlt : Layton. at Wilmmgton the Second dar of as to t e ourt shall seem nl ng aecordmg to Ihe Act of

I for y·three leet ,'ortherly from the • ·o rth · bo d d d d . In this behalf h C "

of land w itil the dwe lh ng thereon erected. erl;'. parallel w ith SLxleenth S reet. and BEGll'-"NlliG at a polnt on he. ortherly March . A . 0 .. Nlneteen Hundred and ~ee~ and con istent WIth the provisions such case made and sltuale in Chn h ana Hundred. Kew CasUe p II1g through the centre of the party side of 1'welith S treet at he d istance of Forty·two. I ~N"D e ~d Ac oC Assembly. 0 do and recel\' "ha Ihe Coun y and Sla e of Delaware being Lot wall be ween the house on h is lot and seven y ·two feet three inches We erly ISSUED MARTr. G . liAN,'l'-'GAK • , AVE YO THE.'1 THERE THIS then and Ihere con,.der No . 19. as .hown on the plan of Colony Ihe house on the lot adjo ining o n the from the Wes erly side of KJng reet : Mar. 5. 1942 P rothonotary WRIT 111 th IS behal! as 10 tl'~ cour HIll. the same belng recorded 111 the office South. elghtY'one fee t and Lx II1ches to tilence ortherly paraUel with K ing S ree 3-~7 0 4-30 . ____ L~~I;;/~~S\V i l~~gt~~n~:bSelecoDlldandiealv oJf· meet and consIstent WIth Ihe for the record ing of Deeds In and for New the We erly side of a three feet and si x and passing through the m iddle of a tilree M h of the aid Ac of A. --embl\,. Castle County aforesaid In WIlmington in inches ,,; de aUey. leading Into S i)o.'ieenth feet wide alley between tile house on this New Castle co~~~R';~ F:;t~· .iw~.· 0 .. Nine een Hundred • and A.. .. ,D HA \,E YOl" THE:-I 'nlER£ Deed Record O. Volume 36. Page 601 . more Stree : thence Northerly along side lot and the house ad j oining on th e Eas T h S ISS WRIT parti cularlY bounded and described as fo l. o f said alley. and paraUel with n lon e lgh ty·three feet to a corner: thence West · To ~he tai~e~~ffDe~~w~ree\~ Castle Count Ma;n;D I942 .lARTIN G . HA.KNIG AN \VfTl\ES . the Honorable lows. to. wlt : S treet. fourteen feet and three lnches to erly paraUel with 1'wel!th S tree e lgh een G reeting y· 13.27 · ; 4-30 Prothonotar~' Layton. at Wllmm!<1on Ihe

BEGINNING a a point in the Southerly a corner. thence Wester ly. parallel wi th feet to an~ther corner: thence Sou therly Whereas Addie M Ivor' March . A. D . :-> n~tccn side of A}Te S reet. (at LXty feet ,,~de ) Sixleenth S treet . and passing through the paraliel wIth King S treet and passll1g OFFI C IAL by her Petit Io n io th~ Forty · lwo

~e~=~\~:,~~g' I~~~ta'::u~~~~' ef~~;~:t~:~ ~e:u~ o~f t~~se l~tart~d \~~~ h~lL~e~~ ~: ~~!':,g~;h~o~~t~ ~~i;hl~tP:~:r~~a~o~~ SEAL ~UdgeS of our Superio~ I New Castle co~;,i~R';.E ~~;~1942 seconds Eas . two hundred forty . fi\'e feel lot adjoinlng on the North. on the 10 adjoll1lng on .the Wes eighty ' tile P rothono ar}~':r\af!JdedC!~rt h::, o!~e f~~ I T;h~ State of Delaw~e, 3-27 to 4- 30 measured along saJd side o f A~Te S reet . feet and sLx Inches to he saId Easterly three feet to the aforesaId Nortnerly side New CaSlle Coun y. for the cause of com. G e Jhe;ltT of ew Castle County. -----from the lntersection thereof. with the SIde of mon Street . and tilence therebv of Twel! h Street and thence hereby East· I plamt therein alie ed has made a Uca ree ng . Easterly SIde of Lynam Road. (at forty utherly fourteen feet and three Inches erly, el~htecn fee to he p lace of BE- tion to our sa1d Jugdg~ tilat a decr~ rna;' OFFI Whereas. Edna L Har· i eet WIde), thence from said point of be . to the place of Begtnning. Be the con ents Gn )<!NC;' BE the contents ther eof wha I be pronounced dIssolving the marriage SE~AL land by her P ehhol,l to the g irming. by Ihe sa id Southerly s ide of thereof w ha they ma~' the} ma} . exls m g bet" een the Pellttoner and RegIS ~~dg~s of (Jur S uperior Ayre S treet. Korth e igh Y' SIX degrees. TOGETHER " i th the free use and privi. TOG ETHER WIth he free use a nd prlv l· I\'ory h e P r th t ur . filed In the office of thirty . two m in u te forty . fi\·e seconds East. lege o f tile above men loned three feet lege of sa id hree fee \\; de alley In com· . We Therefore Command You AS YOU for 'e~ ~no try of sa1d Court tn and SIX and flfty. hree one. hundredths feet and SIX Inches wide aUey In common ~\' i th mon ":Ith others cnll led there 0 fore\·er.1 WERE HER E TO FOR E COl\ThL"-, :nED. com p lam t ~~~::'I;o~~t . . for the cause of to lhe polnl of CUr\'e of a CIrcular curve others enutled thereto forever. subject. BEll'G the same lands and premises That )OU summon Regis J . Ivory so tha plical ion to our sa i eged. has made ap · o lhe lefl . coI radlu . two hundred feet : however. to an equ llable share of the costs , which " ere conveyed unto Jo eph Berman he be and appear before the J udges of may be p .! Judges that a decree hence by saId cun·e. 111 an Easterly di- of keeping said alley 111 o rder and repaIr I and F lorence Berman, h IS wile In lee our said Court a t the next term thereof I r lage e",sl~gnO~'\C d issolVing the mnr ·

rection. an arc d istance o f thlrt\··three BEING U,e same lands and premises Imple. by ' Indenture of Bernard' Dalton. to be held a Wilmington. on Monda)'. the John B'. Hartlan~ ween the Pe Ihoner and and six y.two one-hundredth's feet to a "hlch Hamilton Stewart and wife by their Executor, and of record In the office fo r I 4 til day of !\Ia) nexl 0 answer the auega . \ We Therefore Co point: thence by Lot '0 . 20. South three Indenture. bearing d a e the t"weniY ' Second the Record ing of Deeds. In and for New tions of the said P etitioner Addle )f I\'ory WERE HER E T 0 ;'OmRanEd You. A YO degrees, twenly,sc\'en minutes. fitteen day o f December . A. 0 .. 1915. and recorded Cas Ie Coun y aforesaid In Deed R ecord accordlng to the Act of Assembly In such That ~ou sunlmon J "h COl\U\tANDED. seconds Eas t . one hundred twent"\·.se\·en 111 the office for the recordi ng o f Deeds D. Volume 31. P age 160. case made and provided. and also to do that h'e be and ann B. HarUand so and eighty.two one·hundredths feet to a & c .. at Wllmlngton. In and for said New SeIzed and taken In execu ion as the and receIve what the Court shaU then of Our saId Court ~':" { before the Judge :~~ lnth~:b;f I"::::' . O!I;~~S~· ~;=: Castle County. In Deed Record O. Vol. 25. property of Jo ph Berman Florence and consider concernlng htm In th is to be held at Wllmingte next term thereof thirty· two mll1utes. forty.five seconds Page 231 . & c. d id grant and convey and Berman. Mortgagors. and to be' sold by behali as to the Court shali seem meet 4th day o f May ncxt 0t". on Monday. the West. forty i eet to a polnt : thence b" lot assure unto the said Thomas McKinney. and cons.istent with the provtslons o f the legations of the sa d p

O an wer the al·

o Senior . In fee . ELIAS E . OTHOSO • Sheriff said Act o f Assembly. Hartland accordin I etitioner Edna L .

~~:~. ·';&~~~r::c.:'~:.~~"'i':~~~'~~~ Seized and taken In e:<ecution as the Sheriff s Offices. Wttmtngton . Del. AND RAVE YOU THE' THERE THIS In such case mad: !~Jhe Act of Assembly dred twenty· five feet to the place of BE. property of Thomas H. Wingate. Admin. Aptll 9. 1941. WRIT to do and receive wh provided . and aL<o

I tra or of Thomas McKtrmey. Sr, de- 4-9.3tc WITNESS. the Honorable Daniel J . then and tl1ere cons at th~ Court shall



ceased survh'lng mortgagor Martha A Layton, at Wllmlngton the Second day of In Uus behalf Ider concerning hlm McKirmey. co· mortgagor h~ving prede. DIVORCE March. AD , Nlneteen Hundred and meet and cons~St to the Court shall seem ceased said Thomas McKinney. Sr., and New Castle County. ss. i~trEbwo . l\lARTL"I G HANN1 of the said Act ~~'1';:~~1 the provlslons to be sold by The State of Delaware. Mar . 5. 1942 ' Prothonoto~ GAN AND HAVE YOU THEN YTHERE THIS

ELIAS E . OTHOSON. Sheriff To the Sheriff of New Castle County, 3-27 to 4-30 -J WRIT Sheriff 's OffIces. Wilmington. Del. Greeting : WITNESs. the Honorable D I I

April 9. 1942. OFFICIAL byWl~:~aspei;~~~ ~~ MlJ.~ New Castle Co~~R';~ ~:;;.n . at Wilmington the SeCOn~nd~y ~i 4-9-3tc SF.AL Judges of our Supe.rlor The S Late of Delaware. Forly:tw~' D.. Ntneteen Hundred and

SHERIFF'S SALE-By virtue of a writ 01 tl1e prothonoa:;.°~~dedC!':mth:;, o.:~ ~ To ~r!eJ1:;~ of New Castle County. ~~I942 MARTIN G . HANNlGAN Levari Facias No. 78 May Term IN; to New castle Cowl!),. for the caua ol com. Prothonotary March. A. 0 "

Forty·two. lSS ED Mar. 5. I~


~e d~J.~ c';'~':nt~. ~~~~ r~a~'::r th~~edth~ .",:::r:p::.:

u: O~ ~~::~;::~~;~ L~tut~loer New CasUe co~~~CE

phi. PUte, Claymoftt, New Castle Coun- pronouneed cn.olVlDC the marrlap emt- Court, flied In the om;;; 01 The State 01 Del.w~re · To tl1e Sheriff ol Ne~ Cutle County, 3.f! to 4-30

SURPRISE STANTON The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, April 28, 1942

FETE GIVEN PARENT-Former Newark Woman Buried At Philadelphia S Funeral sel'vices lor Mrs. Annie J ~o~e were held a t the Kester Fun ~

~~ a ParlOI's, Philadelphia, last Thurs ­MY" Apr il 16, with interment in Mt FREDERICK TEACHERS

BRIN~URST IN MEETING ol"lah Cemetery, Philadelphia .

E M~s. Stone was the wife of Clarence S · tone and the former Annie J

heppard , of Newark. She died at he~ home in P hiladelphia on April 13 alter an extended illness.


Anniversary For Marshallton Church Officer

Stanton, April 23 - The Stanton Parent-Teach~r Association held its monthly ~usmess session Thursday evenmg Robert P . Major, Presi­dent, presldmg. Mrs. J . H. Mitchell Member ship Cha irman, reported a~ enrol1m~nt of 12.4 m embers. Mrs. Helen

MRrshallton, Apr il 22 - A dinne r in- M. Wrigh t, Library Chairman, re-

b Besides her husband, she is survived y one Sister, Mrs. Charles Dear and

two brothers, Harvey and Wilmer Sheppard, all of Newark .


arish house of SL Barna':J8s P . E. po.rted that new books had been re­th:u;Ch marked the fi ftieth a nnIversary c~lved by the school from the State ~f Frederick Bnnghurst AS treasurer Library fund . Mrs. J . O. Hedlicka af the congregatIOn. Ways and. Means Cha irman, reported Guests included t.he Rt. Rev. Ar- $23.42 reahzed f rom a recent dough ­

[hur R. McKinstrY, bishop of Delawar e, nut s~le, and that an extract sale was e Very Rev. Hiram R. Bennett, dean now m progress.

ill th Cathedral Church of St. J ohn, . Officers elected tor the ensuing year ~ w: ich Mr. Bri nghurst is active also, I~cluded: . P residen t, Robert P. Major; as well as many friends and members vice-president, Clarence S. Reed ; secre­of the Marshall ton Church. tary, Mrs. Ada B. Helmbreck; treasur -

The dinner was a r ranged as a sur - er, Mr s. Irvin S teele. prise lor Mr. Bnnghurst, w ho has Mr. Harry K endall of Brack-Ex IsO served as treasurer of both the ~howed sever al reels of m otion pictures, : Iscopal Diocese of Delaware and In coler , covering tr ips through the :e diocesan Conventi?n for a number South , New York State and Canada . of years. The ce le~ratI on ~as fo! lowed Teachers of the S tan ton School a t-

---" - """" '''' - by the annual parish meetmg With the tend ed the New Castle County Teaeh ­Rev. E. Kenneth Albaugh, vicar, pre- ers' m eeting on F riday at the Conrad ~ding. High School. Miss Lora L ittle, Prlnci­

VIcar D. Hanby, of the Cathedral p~l , and . othe~ members of the faculty, Church of 51. John, who twenty-five Will assist With the next registration

COr,rnANOEO:. )!ars ago presen ~ed Mr. Bringhurst of m en for Government Service on Jith a silver 10vll1g cup markln~ a April 27th .. It was also annou nced that quarter of a century 111 church office, teachers Will assist wi th r ecords fo r presented the honor guest with a bas-' the sugar r ationing. tet of /lowers from the St. Barnabas COngregation.

Election of Mr. Bringhurst as hon ­orary tife warden of St. Barnabas Church was announced by George pyle. senior warden , who presen ted him with a framed copy of the resolu-

~ Greetings to the "Bishop of Mar-

tAlllon", affectionate title bestowed ttCn Mr. Bringhurst in a recent issue

Ilo~~ho~~~~~r~113A1jI d the church paper "F ound", were a~nded by Bishop McKinstry who aOO read congratula tory lette rs from

.----.... ~e Rt. Rev. Henry S t. George Tucker, ~e9d ing bishop of the P l"Otesta nt Epis­ropat Church in the United States; Illlies E. Wh itney, ass istant treasurer d the National Counc il, a nd the Rev. BeIljamin F. Thompson, sen ior priest «the Diocese of Delaware.

Dean Bennett reca lled tha t only a In months ago the Cathedral Church ~ SLJohn held a ce lebration in honor dMr. Bringhurst's fi fti eth anni ver sary ti a Church School teacher. Mrs. Bringhu~t also received a corsage


Large Turnout Sees Specimens And Color Filnl

The April meeting of the Newark Ga rden Club was held last Monday evening in t he Women's College Fac­ulty Club room in Warner Hall with Mi ss Edwina Long as hostess. '

u. S. Supply Sufficient For Two Years

~n contrast to the need for mor e milk, ~ork and eggs, the supply of w hea t m the nation is more tha n ade­~uate for ou r needs for already there IS enough wheat in sight to feed Ameri­ca. for more than two years. Again th iS year , according to R. O . Stelzer, ex~cutive officer for the Agricultural Adjustment Agency in Delaware, wheat growers w ill vote to determ ine whether w heat marketing quotas and loans for w hea t will be available t or 1942.

The wheat referendum will be held throughout the nation on May 2 and all fa rmers who have pla nted 15 acres of wheat or more for harvest w ill be eligible to vote. Voting places for Delaware's 4,000 wheat growers will be set up in convenien t locations and they will be conducted in the com­munities by local farmer committee­men. Stelzer says that the AAA com­mittees are now completing plans Jor the wheat vote and every Dela wa re grower w ill be notified of the exact time and place to vote.

If two-thirds of the growers vote for the marketing quotas in the United States, then these producers who pla nt­ed in excess of their allotment wi ll be subject to a penalty on the production of the ir excess acreage. But if the marketing quota is not voted for or favored by two-thirds of the producers, the w heat loa n program will be di s­conti nued. Because loans on an un­controlled surplus would involve too much ri sk , they are prohibited by law when a wheat marketing quota is voted down.

"Delaware's Best at Their Best" is the apt slogan which tells concisely the story of the Third Annual P lay Festi ­val to be held at the University of Delaware on Saturday, April 25. 'Sev­en plays representing the best in com­munity and educational theatre wor k in the state will be given on that date as a part of the Festival's fi na'l elimi­nation round.

The plays to be presented run the gamut of the dram atic art from the classic R ichard n, through the modern­istic Undertow and Will 0 ' the Wisp, to the comedy The F uneralizin' Of Crickneck. •

The Festival program consists of af­ternoon and even ing per formances. In the afternoon, the winners of the coun­ty public school elimination rounds held in each county during the per iod from April 10 to 14 w ill compete for possession 01 the F estival Cup, won last year by Dover High School. The fourth pl~y in the afternoon group Will be given by the winner of the private school tournament, to which group a plaque w ill be awarded .

In the evening three community theatre groups will give one-act plays and will · compete for an appropr iately Inscribed plaque.

Dr . J ohn Dolman , president of the Swarthmore P layers Club and the pro­ducer of many excellent plays, w j]) be the .cr itic judge.

The evening performance will con­sist of th ree plays by community thea­tre groups. The F uneraJi zin' Of Crick­neck w ill be the presentation of the Wilmington Drama League and will be directed by Mrs. William P enn Frank. The University Drama Group of Newark under the direction of Mrs. C. R. Kase, will offer The Dark Lady Of The Sonnets. The other play of the Festival, When The Whirlw ind Blows, will be given by the 'Y" P layers of the Wilmington Y.M. and Y.W.H.A. Miss Sarah Goldstein will be d irector.

At the completion of the Festival, prizes wi ll be presented to the out­sta nding actor and actress in both the high school and com munity thea tre groups. Awards will also be made for the best director in each group, as well as for the best make-up.

The Festiva l will take place in Mit­chell Hall , on the Universi ty of Dela­ware campus. The high school contest will begin a t 2:15 P . M., and the first of the community theatre plays is sche­duled for 8:15 p. m. COJI{M}INDIN ~i~:e:'l. Barnabas congregation at

The mission comrni ttee elected in tM parish meeti ng includes: Harry S. Bri!'<lw, Jr., Herbert Hackma n, C. Hen­riloUen, George Pyle, Edgar Kursch­ur, Franklin P. Found, Lawrence W. wobent, J. Hilton Foard , a nd Dr. f illlam N. Fennimon.

The evcning's program was In charge of R. O. Bausman who gave a talk on garden herb , with deta ils covering the ir culture and uses. Due to the war, the source of supplies for m any of our herbs and species has been cut off and raising herbs in home gardens be: ~~,,~~~~~~ comes increasmgly Importa nt. Potted I ~ specimens of me varIOus herbs were ANNOUNCEMENT

M D. Moore, Jr , Elsmere, pre- DR. V. L EONARD BROWN sen ted a film In technlcolor with Lowell Thom as as narrator , showmg the prop- Chir opodist - Foot Specialist I shrubs, a nd trees. Of special inte rest were the deta iled ill ustrations showing Mon.-Wed. & Fri. evenings 7-9 '



_ • ~" 41 •• , •• ,. " _h. Ie My _

""'hi .,,4 ........ , .. In r • ." AI' .. Get .... ". VI., .......... '.ure 'tt.,., ." .. Itrfm",h,. with "Yer efttI ".tu,., vlta",ln. tIA4 ... In­... ", w. ~., th ... 41,.", rv,h th_ ,'. h,1 V." ..... ,,1"1" t •• 1 W. II. eWG, wi'" ... a"y u ..... c .... ry , .. -It. tw .... """"', ..... - "' .. III. , .. I •• , wi'" , ....


Sl--awbe ____ ies Jane Parlcer STRAW .. IIY



41111·· 'KG ...



California-FRESH ,iis 2.1~' 2.5C CARROTS 10\lE 'RICEO t"eMU



Fresh, Green Spinach Large, Juicy

Lemons Doz.23c

;;.;:c.:~;WALDOip C:e.eI'Y ~ :~~~~ IS-Large SI.e Plorld. Valencl.

OI'Gng •• d .. ,nZ ,-

T6nder, Juicy ROASTS of


Prim. Cuts From All Cull FIrst Six Rib. S.m. Pric.


2 lbs. 9c


YAMS 3 1b 14-


CHICKENS 2~' I~~ 1* ,~ 55-I 1/4 Ib and ••• r-Ib ale

"rd. Eye

CORN "·17c "rd. Eye

Pilch .. IIoz III


lOOKED (R ... 4, t. Sm.)

Ham. IG t. 14' 111 ..

1~38c WHOLE OR


, I

The members also adopted a r eso­btiOil to have a rota ti ng vestr y by rruch plan three members w ill retire OO! year rather than the full election ij has been the custom.

This plan lVas described to the par­JJ by Bishop McKlI1stry. w ho re vealed ~t it wi ll be a subject of di scuss ion ~ the diocesan convention of the Ca­

passed around for examination ' I er use of fertilizers for lawns, gardens, ~ will be in Newark , Dela" are .

the var ious steps in building new F r iday afternoon 2 to 6 ~ la wns, r epairing esta blished la wns. and a nnual care of la wns. The gorgeous ~ 11 \\' . Main St. During office hours ~ pla ntings a nd colorings of flower beds ~ Newark Del. PI N ' 2204 ~ ~


SHAD shown were enj oyed with instructive ~ ' lone e". ~ expla na ti ons. m,.un.~~u.SSSSx~u.~,'"U~~U.U~~"S..~',",,~~~~~

_ .-- - - ... ~ral Church of St. John. One of the largest turnou ts the gar - -Reports presented in the meeting

fffe as follows: Woman's Auxili a l'y, Mrs. John H. Foard; Gui ld , Mrs. Bea­Inee Wiggin; Forward in Ser vice Club Frlnklin P. Foard ; Boy Scouts, Theo:

den club has enjoyed attended the cntertainment, a nd several new mem­bers joined the group. A social hour with refreshments concluded the eve-ning.

re Work. A planning commi ttee fo r ~ next "Every Member" canvass a n­~nc.ed by the rector incl udes Ha rry ~ Bn tow, Jr., chairma n; Mrs. Anna ~ond, Miss Winfred L. Broadbent, ~ Beulah Logan, Fran klin P . Foard , r~r~rt Hackman, and Theodore H.

The next meeting will be held a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rober t J . Boyd, on Old Oa k Road, May 18th. The pro­gram will be in cha rge of C. Fmnk Powell, and the subject will deal with Southern Gardens . There w ill be pic­tUloes in technicolor and a ta lk by Dr. J os. W. Anderson, of Ardmore, Penna.

C HICI(S Barred Plymouth Rocks, New Ha mpshires, White Leghorns and Rock­red cross. These chicks are backed by 22 years of hatching and poultry ~xperIence in prodUCing ch icks to make a profit for you. All our reeders are pullorum tested and culled by the State officials with no ~actors on last test.

We do custom hatchi ng of turkey and hen eggs. Write, phone or visit us.

Phone 437.


••• •••••••••••••••• •••• • New-ark • • •

TAXI • • • DIAL • •

2 950 • • • asc FOR LOCAL OR VICINITY

(On e or Two P.assengers)

Ailel' 7 :00 P. M. Dial 20553

Rca 'olluhle Rules For

Olll·of.Town Calls • •••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••


141\1111 IIIJI .. I .. I~rl'IN

How 10 Grow Hogs Bigger and Fasler Meat is a concentrated food and the government wants more of it. One important meat is pork. Prices Bhou~d hold good for this staple for some time to come. It will pay you to produce more.

Most all farmers grow hogs, but the problem today is to grow them bigger and faster. If you feed them corn alone it will take 11 bushels to make 100 pounds of pork. But a well-balanced open formula like Southern States PIG & HOG FEED is a much more efficient pork builder. It will pay you to lay in a supply of this feed and follow the directions on the tag.

Take good care of farrowing sows for t~eir condition will have an impQrtant effect on the next pig crop. The PIG & HOG FEED tag will tell you how to feed the brood sow. .

Make Home-Grown Grain Go Further Southern States Cooperative makes ~ 40% ~ORK

MAKER feed to use with home-gr0':l'n grams. ThIS con­centrated feed will save you money. If you have an ample

I f grains on hand or have laId by some of the gov­:~~~:n~ wheat now coming onto Eastern far,?s. With this concentrate you can do a better pork makmg job at

less cost,



Pre.hly Killed Roastlnv

Chickens . ~ 29 c 4 to 41f. pouncl.


I.alftb Ib 17-Slioid

BO.I.ED HAMYz'· 19-


Reduced Prices!


CHEESE 10LDRED AMERICAN _-2 I •• '" 520 IRICK IHEESf _____ 2 I .... 1120 WHITE AMERICA ____ 2 I .... 1120 PIMENTO _____ --___ 2 I. HX 1140 SWISS ______ -_____ 2 .. HX 1I~0

Kralf', •• ta : -_~ 2 ~~x Me KRAFT OLD ENGLISH 2 I. H. 840




BUCK .. 1 ROE _ 'nof,lIln.R"

7e 11Se SHAiI ROE SETS 350

2·Latg. Ro t .,o $., Fre.h. FIIl. t of Flounder Ib 25c Fresh Sliced Steak Cod Ib 17 c Large. Fresh Croakers Ib 12c

CI.on,eI, Scal.tI , H.ael. 0"




6 1111 47c CUI



MILK 3 1all ·SCI oan, ..

125·'001 11011

3 pkll

16C1 10·

BV'i-i'EB UP~I Fanoy 41 c Orlllll'rrY ___ .;.Br;.,.lc;.,.k ___ -:



SIll Dellclol' Var/e"e. - Jan. Parlr ..

POUNDC:AKES .:::~~: o':r:·;,.':'hl! : bll

t 17- 01

Enriched Marvel

Bl'ead I ,:;~b lie

Sunnyfield Paslry

FLOUR i7~ 13'7~ b"nylt./d AI/.P.rp ...

rllr/cltld Fa",1/y

Flour :~~ IS-le,ular Slice ar Ixtra TIll. SII.a 12·1~ h, a.O


F our The Newark Post, • ewark. Delaware. Thursday. April 23, 1942


L 11 tar tat R pr entativ Aid ~'ar Err rt

'ill Di u

l REPORT OF co~-nmos OF

Farme Trust Company i 0 ' ~:ewar m the Sta:e ot Dela· ... ·are


' at tb e lose 0 1 b in on

APRIL -t, 1942

i SETS L'la..; - ,d discounts (In ­

I c! din ~ SHI 2-5 0 \. er' I dl'qf:s ! 303' 4 I

I':n::.ed Sta:es Cm'emment

obUgations. cLrec and uaran eed £)3 .59~'

Oblil!altODS of States and Ltical _ubd. \' Ion ..

o er bonds, Dotes, and de , EDITOR ,'OTE Cred 1 .'c~nded 0 Hen~Y ~C'Lemore and he _lcSa\.Oith:

tate Proaratll For W'artim Food ~eed

ben ures • 9O:! j 29

doe.s no

"There is danger in numbers." You no doub ha\'e no iced he r i-ing ide of ra c on he

_ ree - and highway " during he la- year. ,lo r e ca r ". m ore pede- rian ', m o r e r u cks --e\'er.-body - eem

o be going places. A couple of yea r - ago you probably me only one o r wo

cars on a gi\'en t r e ch o f h ighway. T oday you'll meet five o r e\'en

-,-ndlca:e c. :!or the rf'oroduC'· .on of • colurr.n \\T'.:te 1n Oa .... as. TeXll on February 19

ac ,. ruc:nl'5 in he "nca lona 1 agn · The , _, tblng I did. re IS erin cu ure deoarrlnen throu hou Dela ·

in a bo~el and ser!dmg OUI my dl'~' ware will ' meet a ,he 'Olversl)' of

" I h .. ,'e been in Te.xa; s:x h()~rs. ex ,

_h r. W4S 0 probe and peer and qt;e;; . ion around as wha: r: of a co! ·

umn I mould "'Tite. a 10 of edi10r.; had bou : my

column . n the boJief : I was a hum, om a _ r of jU\'enile Will Ro ers. I loo .. ed for a tunny angle. I figured I could do some hing on - Pas he bi ' cui Pappy, O'Daniel:' he lunior Sena r.

As a 101 ot edj rs who buy my FlUff don' think I'm tun y and feel ~al I _hould concen e on being a :ounl!' I_h. _ ou ' im. _i ze ~ 2 Pegler I look a

en, o r more. 100' a: the serio £ide Th i ba r e. - a i ical pic u r e of raffic mean- ju one h in g I found both .;ides. BUl one hi;

- her a r e more chances o f hi ing omeone, o r o f ge ing h i . :~; s::rh~:d ~alL~ ~~'oc:~~~ ~:.e ~l~ T,''-o .-ear ago, on ha r e ch of r oad we men ioned abO\·e. you ways played ",;:h in Texas - and I had only one o r \\'0 chance- of head-on colli - ion. T oday he m an pldyed - were dov.-nngh gnm, A re\'iew ot the presen alIT.cul ral

making are here for fi \'e or en such colli ions . O·.-er i ht or. weU, - 'nce December i . 5. ;ua.lOn in Delaware wi be pre5er,:-;hey quit t "ing m enns of be , ed by Kenneth ... Ba"er, a£soc a e di,

postal sa"in"s' Depos:its of S and

li 'cal subd.,i£lons o th er depos:i ts ( certifi ed

and oEicers' ch~' e;c l TOlal Depo 'ts ~2.2-l2.52803

O~er Lab' i :e;; in pe1roleum playboys r~ or of he Ext - on r\'lce. ~o Band or IO ,Ga Uon Ra ts Claude L Phi lip_. forage crop spec' Total Liabilities (not in ,

If, fo r in tance, one dri\'e r in 20 i- carele~5 o r under he in ,

fluen ce o f liquor , you'lI mee hem mor e often a nd in gTea er They didn' ha\'e a dance band 0 lalis:. wlU EJ)ea . on soil condillons and eluding subordina ed

r. ' 0 ~j

nu mber- today while cO\'ering he same mileage. There wer e 32 025, 00 mo o r \'ehicIe" r egi - e red in he l' ni ed

ta te in 1940--5 per cen m or e ha n in 1939. Fi nal regi tration

hgure f or 194 1 unque" ionably will h o w anot her increa e over


mee: ~e They didn' m ower me wi h '.,·ay- of mam ainin plan fe rrili y obliga ions shown be , SIlver bel <. O,aallon hats or cowhide nder Increa..<ed agricultur;,l pr 'uc, l')wl _.2.51.935.3

~o only a r e here m ore \'ehicle ,bu ga oline con-umption figu r es h ow that , on the a\'erage, every \' ehicIe i ra\'eling mor e

mile than two year ago. Your be ing or gambling in i c shou ld teB you in Capital

Let e tha m o r e \'eh icle", ra\'eling m ore mile , p r o \ide grea Iy

increa ed po -ibili ie for more acciden . - Delaware afe y ouncil.


chaps They didn 't say as I S' epped ;Ion of! lhe plane. "The world L yours and E P Bra;her. ruck crop 5peci"j"<t. wha'l! vo have." will disc .. he "iCIO:-y aarden pro, CAPITAL A.CCO ,;-rS

,'0, they tal'ed war They tal. ed gram effor:. Capital' " .... . Amenca They talked abou Was 'ng, \'ocauonal agriculmre deparunen < Surplus ... , .. , .. " ....

They tal"ed about wha was be , \bro nu e tate and e Delaware l:nd',·'ded ro- :" mg done and what wasn': be n done A ncul ural Ex·ens. n ServIce are urg ,

They _howed me a let er , they used ing the plan ing of ardens thi year I Tota] Capital Accoun:s o sho ... · me a good time firs:, ha is n order that farm famIlies may pro ' l

goin . e\'ery Texas Con es£man and duce as much of lhe "mily t .:.od sup- Total Liabili;es and :0 Tom Connolly and W Lee O·Dan.el ply "s POL ble Cap.,.] Acc ,un's :he na Or'S. I will be signed by a]· EXleoslon \'olun:eer leaders and o:h , mOSI ever.; ou:s anding CI izen in Tex, er rural leaders ar ."'Ted a a: end 'Thjs bank's capi:al co . ~ and bv tens of :housands o ~ Texas th._ meet nO' sists o! c mmon stock cI:izens "':'ho carry ;heir ' ... ·ei h: a he ,.,;;h total par \'alue

f polls Here's :he Ie: e:- ,n _ :reamline cf S'

Letter :ashion

255.098 93

H a\'e you ever wonder ed why we -peak of .. he com mOl

a k the Delaware a e Board of H eal h.

old~" Gen lemen' In thIS gTd'.-e hour 0: 'he .at. "In·_ hl_lOr;·-. we f· 1"-' back h me ... .-h have se!~ ed you as our :ru£ ee;. are alanned and d 5gUS ed

To The Editor c GO\'ernmen obli a-

The an wer i in he fac ha here are 4 ,000,000 cold" a y ear in hi coun ry. o r an a\'erage of 3 annually for e\'ery man ,

woman, and child in he Uni ed tate . FTom the e cold~ develop many of t he 200 000 ca. e - of pneumonia which ake a toll of 100. -

with :he chao ic condi,,·n of " alI: m eneral in Washing'on \'e have T,he . 'e\\ " r" P . :

o -pa lence fighun and squabbl , •. e\\ art. ing be ween bureaus and a encies over De ware

ApTlI I . I

v r.E. dir~: and aran ' teed. led ed 0 secure depc>s"I" and other liabil , I es


01 en a11d r~

"Hellzapoppin" WIT H

.Hartha Rave . HlIff" H .ll;' ha All er

30 C TI!l roo

00 li\'e in th i country every yea r . Cold are often the tarting poin of ha highly contagiou '

eti ease-influenza, say Dr. T . E . H yn on. D irec o r of the Di\'j. ion

of Co mmunicable Di ease .

jurisdiconal power and ma,ntenance I Gen lemen \'e are angry and apprehen'i\'e over '-elL at las; some pe pie are salli '

mlhtarv and administra:l\'e blunders. fied now tha Sunda~- mones ha\'e

Depo.ilts preferred under p visions ot. law bu not secured by pledge as '

I Sun, & 'I o n.

bungll' and delay£ • been abolished The people that vo ed \'e stand ready sacnfice e"ery, probably didn ' altend hem and were

hmg _ ime. money work and son; no m any way affec ed by 0 her peo-Ru les for a,'oieting cold may w ell begi n with the ad\'ice and dau hers. or our lives - a save pie tha did It _eems me in ru

"keep out of crowds". y find thi impos ible to do but the our coun ry and preserve lhe Ameri , serious war. people would be 00 busy o her r ule include : a\'oid fatigue, and ubjecting he body to can way of ltfe The hIStory c your lD defe se wor " bother with voting

S e tes 'fies hat the ci izens of 1 for or agai n;; mo\;es or 0 er rivial udden tempera t ure changes, eat a - ensible etiet keep hands c lean ha,e never fdiled in the hour o! crL·". affalTS People don' you know there

-especially before ea ing, a ~ oid per"on who ha \'e cold or flu." .. Ve not only expec bu demand ha is a war going on? Re t i vitally important in he earl y tage. of a cold if it is yo . our elecled representaVe5. live It ~·o don' ha\'e enough ex ,

. . . . . up he tradi ions of Te <. Lei pol!, cep m eriere W1 h 0 her people SOCial to be ?~ercome q~lckIY. In addI tI on keep on a lIght etiet , and take I iClans of other Sta es worry abo aclJ"ies. ge some rung do, The quantItIes of flUIds. Prevent all exposure f o r the body i m o r e li i Le poU icians of other Sta es Red C "could use you and anyone

On da e of repor the re ' qulred Ie al reser .... e agairu; depos' - of thi. bank was

,.>,.sse repor ed above ... ·hich were eli Ible as

Iren e 12.092.36 DL"-"-"E 12.09 36

20i .th8.oo

legal reserve amOUD ed to 345,TII.00 I, J . E. Dougherty. Treasurer, of the I

a \'e ,named bank, do solemnly swear usceptible to drafts and chiUing. Fatigue increa es the likeli- fret abou ':"ho is a Dem,~ra and who else ,:"ho has nothing do bu go ip.

. . is a Republican. Le politiCians of oth , U } OU had seen the dr ees marc.h , that the abo~' e statement is rue, and Jan e Jr'yatt & D nil; O' that 1 tully and correcUy represents •

hood of complIcatIOn s uch as inusiti which is mo t annoying er S a es look with greedy eyes to ' ing down Marke Scree of Wilming' on and frequentl y eriou. ward El~ 'on Day. Le poli icians of Thursday mornin , \..-ith lothers cry,

Do not blow the no e . too ha·rd . It may f o rce germ back other States place hemselves above mg. you would \rno.", w~ I mean.

the true s1<J e of the several matters l~

the Counlry. I S p was- mg your une With the old into t he inu e and eu tachion tubes giving ri -e to inusit i and - Le the poli 'dans of 0 her Sta es Blue Laws. These laws were passed middle ear infect ion . oop the mean and Ii e ings. in the 18 h Century. bu ill , ' ewark

If a cold i not better within 24 hou r it i- be t to call a patronage. pork barrels, and all he ha£o't progressed wi h the times. The o her hings tha keep Ii Ie men in big younger genera ion of I 'ewark have

ciocto r for it may be he forerunner of pneumonia. Gri ppe germ offices. absolu tely no freedom a re alway pre ent in t he v,-inter ea on and " flu" i- t he epidemic "Texas ha£ I eyes on you I 's more If the town wan 0 do so ing fo rm. han a ng Or a c.atchword now You 10 be er itself in the eyes of the

herein contained and set for h, the best of my knowledg"and belleL I Correct -A e :

J . E. DO CHERTY, Treasurer



Wed. & Thur.

Jr' alt Disne)" s car/Don feall. !TERN

" Dumho" . . Ih'e up a Te.xa£, Texas expec you church. I migh be weU to start with I nfluenza I charac enzed by : f ever , great weaknes' a cough. I 0 gl\'e uns in ingly and unse16.Ehly of he local bars on , onday and then a '

a tendency to pneumonia of t he bronchial type , low r eCO\'ery , your ime and effort to remedy the end to movies on Sunday.

State of Delaware, County of :\ew I Castle, ss: ==========~~

and a t rong tenden~y to relaps e. :~. i~~~\~~. ~:~~h b~f p per:r:~~:: Your;, r~~~~Ul1Y . Sworn to and subscribed before me ~,~""-~""'S",,,,,-.~~~\)1"iday.

An acu e cold , It elf, la " only a day or 0 and wi h p r oper bion or poli 'cal gain. co-opera e 0

car e that i likely to be the end of t he iniection. The long drawn promote the mos emcien s reamlined o ut period of thick mucu ' nasal d i charge i cau ed by 0 her I ad~;ih ra ion of bl w w~ tha 1 t~ organi m which im'ade the ti ue weakened by the acute cold ~': rus as i~v~'~::d i emU:\'\~ ~~n ' infection. Proper care in the acute tage of t h~ first few h our dicated in yo~r r~ord ..

his 20th day of April. 19-!2. and I ~ hereby certiiy tha I am not an officer ~

or dir~ r of this bank. i~ S UM MER (Seall Charles C. Hube.r

Notary Public. ly commission eXl>ires J une 2, 19-13. D R ES S E S

p re.-ents o r reduce the e \'eri y of t he econda ry im'a ion. , Te,;: :\llea:e !~:..e;: of Texas to he Cold are highly communicable. The infection i air bourne men who represen i in Washing on.

an d i . pread by neezing and ,. he ca r ele . handl ing of cr~~pole o~ ~:s b:ks\\'~f enhe b~~I~ na sal dl cha r ge, and t h e common dnnkmg cup. It I not fair to Grande or he Brazos or he Peco one' fell ow worker to expo e them to the danger of catching I i no he produc of a bum un, your cold . der a cottonwood,

N ow, when defen e mu go full peed ahead, cold hould be ~l~n ~~~ (~~ l~exe~~·~~h~ou~: r~~l e pecially a\'oided f o r t hey r educe the efficiency of t he worker you for a million and never as' 10 see

and the a ttendant fatigue may be the cau e of accident under ~~'ed~C~y ~~"Cl~~~::r~: a~~ ~~n:h~ high peed manufac uri ng condi ion.. Lo of time from cold on he black side of the ledger Bu-.


~IOi'l'DAY Tl.iE DAY \\ED ffi DAY

May 4, 5 and 6, 194Z At The

may be con ider ed a un-intentional a bo age f o r it low u p !:-:': I~~d:i~:,g 0 end with this. Texas Boulden' (Ford) Garage. :\Iain a n d Nort h

p rod uction . t hl' As the farmer said abou hi "no treet. op pO ite To\\-n Hall in E lk ton, ~t d, Avoid cold winter by Ii\-ing en ibly. and cl)n en' ing , respassing" sign : This ain'

energy and avoiding expour e. I bu I mean busin poe TY'I This sale consisls of over 5000 articles the enl' I So does Texas." hop. larr esl stock of reneral anliqu~ in Dela~~,~stock of the GI3S(ow AnUque s:11: ~~~~ . day at 10 :00 a. m. Eastern War Time. ~o good wUl be sold before


Announcement ha been made by F ederal au t horitie t hat it i not thought neces sary, at thi time, to in titute anoth e r houl' of dayligh t aying time during t he ummer month. Electrical

power to be ga ined by further advancing clock of he nation another hour would be negligible, it i e timated.

Of cour e, it was also pointed out, there i nothing to keep

States or communHie from adopting the advance time if they so desire, Present indications, in Delaware, however, are that

war time will be sufficient saving and no indication has yet been given that any furt her advance of time during the summer is


WiUiam T. Regi ter Die. Resident Here 32 Year

In SI. Hospital , Wilmin n. Will iam Thomas passed away April 10. after a two weeks illness, &rn in Stanton, Delaware, Mr. Regis ' er had resided in ewark for thirty· wo years, where he was occupied as

a house palnter. lr . Register is survived by his wife,

Mrs. Anna R. Register, and a daugh er, Helen .

The funeral was held last week. with interme.nt in Newark Ceme, tery.

Good.! wiu be on display unday, May 3, from 9 a.. m. to 7 p. m. E.\V.T ;\lany ru~ articles to be sold. furniture of the Q . He~plewhIU, heraton. Empire. Victorian and Ea.r~:eD~~~ej,erl~1.pendaJe. Chma· pa,tur, tanordshln, Ore den, Audalus.ia, Enoch Wood, etc . GlaD-Two Thousand piec_Wes(ward Ho Ribb d and Dart. Lion, TuUp. Bob-NaU, Wame'-Pln~apple e MPalm, Good Luck. Loop ~~=eE~rl;-~o!;anG~' S~.~I~tc~iahJja, Cabbo:,~- ~,K~ I;r~, Wmrfonl and Wl.!tuberl, ana many, m'anSl~ie:I~~r E~t~~rsey, Pfttsburrh: Hundreds of Early Prints, llInes. Pistol.! Potte . other arUdes too numerou to mentJon ' As I ry. Iron, Primitives- and many Ule GJa.srow Shop, thJs will be a c.Iean-~·eep sal am diaeonlln~ business at John L. BaWcan, AuctJoneer e, so come and proDt thereby. The Amblers, Clerb. .

Terms by

REV.". F.BO~.

I ~ ., ~ , , ." ., " " "

Pauline Bradford

BET'l'Y ]-H~ARN W8 D P1ET£R O'rTI·;:-,r rrO FF

wedding of ~I I' !3~'llY ,hll~(, d'IUghtcl' of 1111' . .I nti MI s. " nrn. tlnd IIII'. PICl!'r Otlen­I ~~ Mrs. J .. 1. J) Oltcnh" rr nnd

50n Mr Oltenhoff of Th(' Ilague.

took pl.ICt' Saturday afte rnoo n rcsenec of rel ,tll'l'S <lnd close

Pin Ihc Fi rst Pl'csb.v tel'la n The ReI'. H. En'rett Jl a llman

only nltC'lldall l was Miss (If N('\\·arI< 1\11' Oliver

of Wtlm lllgton W<lS bcs t

{or 1\11'. OltcnhuCf ,mall recepti (1n was held at thc . of Ihe bl'lde's parents, af.ter

the couple left un a w~ddlng wiII re "ide In Wilmi ngton .

bride is n graduate of Newark School and of the Women's Col­University of Delawarc. MI' .

is a graduate of Delft Uni ­. The Hague. and is associa ted

the duPont Compnny.

Mrs. Frank Rced of neat· .!~c ntiol"ed. II.'::'k announce lhc engagement of

IeI'. Mi ~s Eltzabe th Flor­to Mr. J esse J . Tress lcr, son

and ~11·s. Jesse Tressle r , o f New Del.

··~~ •• 'Icr ... -·· _ __ -------

and Mrs. George K . HatTis a n­the engagement of their daugh­

Miss Dorolhy Bellina Ha rri s, to William David Baird , son of Mrs.

Bines of Fredericksbul·g. Va .. Mr. Joseph Baird of Ris ing Sun,

The C hild Care class of Gi l' l Scout Troop No. 8, under thc lendel'sh ip of Mrs. C. H arvey Boyce, hcld its final meeting on Wed nesday, April 15. This was in t~e form of l'I party f I' pre­schoo l chi ldren, p la nned und xecuted by the g irls themse lves.

Those a ttendi ng. we re J oyce Lee Wol­las ton a nd guest, Judy Winckler ; Hel­en Mae Wollaston and gues t, J ea nie At­k inson ; Lorra ine Robinson a nd gues t, John . Re iff ; Barba ra Boyce a nd guest, Fl'1t7.le Wolf ; .Evangeline Everett, and Sally L ou Dickert. One member oC the class was unable to be present.

The g irls of Troop NO. 4 have sta rted a c lass in Firs t Aid, in accorda nce with th e Nationa l Defense progra m. This course is in connection with the work required for their Sen ior Scout Ser­vice emblems. The classes are being held on Tuesday afternoons, with Mrs. J. O. E ly as instructor .

The Home Nursing group of Troop No. 13 rcsumed its classes on Tuesday . T he course which was under the lead­ership of Mrs. G. C. Webber. has been di scontinued due to the illness of Mrs. Webber 's son .

The Child Care class of Troop No. 13, under the leadership of Mrs. George Hyde and MI's. J ames Duffy, was re­sumed last Wednesday.

14 members of Troop No. 13 took a n overnight trip to the Country Cen­ter on Friday . They were J a ne Four­acre, Teresa Ford , J oan Ross. Pearl Rose, Betty J ane P e lTY, J ane TI' ivitts. Ka therine Duffy. He le n Ti e rney, Nancy Eberhart, Barba ra Dea n, Wilberta Stradley, Caroline J ohnson , P atty Rey­bold. a nd J oa n P a tchell. The leaders in charge of the trip were Miss J ean Chambers and Mrs, Herman Dickert, of Newark, and Miss Mabel Stei nba l<er of Wilmington.

Included in the even ts of the Country Center trip were two "snoopi ng" trips into the nea rby wood s, and a bird,

The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, April 23, 1942 Five ORPAH LODGE TO HOLD CARD PARTY TUESDAY

A card party wi ll be held by Orpah ;~~~e, No. 12, on Tuesday, Apt'il 28,

e l.O.O.F . Hall. Games will s tart at 8:30 P. m. te ~!~e public is cordially invit d to at-

PERSONALS MI'. and Mrs. ~ Miller of Marl ­

borough, Pa., entcr ta ined a t dinner on Sunday in honor of Mrs. Miller's broth­e~", Lieutenant Robert Cur tis Polls and hiS fam ily. Lt. P ot ls has been trans­ferred to Ft. HtiJ en , Texas. Those pre­sent w ere Ll. and Mrs. Robert Curtis Potts and son, David Michael, MI'. and Mrs. Raymond L. Kram er a nd the Misses Helen and Dorothy Kramer of Llanerch , P a., Mr. a nd Mrs. J . D. Counahan. Miss Edith Coun l1han. J ames Counahan, Jr .. Mr. and Mrs. George N. P otts, Mr. Robert P otts, and Miss Sa rah E. P olts of Newark, Mrs. Cros­sa n and Mrs. Noler of Unionville Pa Mr. and Mrs. Eddie L . Miller and th~ Misses Virginia ,1nd Barbara Mille r of Marlborough , P a.

Wi ll iam Cra wford Kennard , son of MI'. a nd Mrs. Elbert E. Kennard, was one of 19 juniors who, because of their high scholastic atta inments during the first semester of the current collegiate year. have been placed on the Dean's List. He is enrolled in the School of Agriculture and is majoring in Horti­culture. He is a member of the Agri­culture Club, and a graduate from Newark High School, class of 1939.

Private Newton Sheaffe r , who has been sta tioned at Lemoore Basic Fly­ing School in Ca lifol'l1ia, is spending a 30-day furlough w ith hi s pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shea f Tel', Prospect Avenue, prior to hi s schOOling as an av ia tion c ~l det.

Corp. Willia m F . Greenpla te. of Camp Upton, L. I., spent the week-end with hi s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenpla te. Sr.

April Bride William Rupp, who has been R pa­ti ent 'at the Mcmor i II Hospita l, has re­turned to hi s home on the Capito l Truil. Dur ing h is iIlnc ·s. h wns I' -

membec d by h is mRny fri end w ho sen t gi fl s. rI weI'S and m·ds.

Mrs. C. M. Cooper rcLul'n d to h I' home on West Main Stt'cet on Tucsday a ft I' spending severa l dnys on :1 11

aulom bi le trip to Massachusetts.

Mrs. Vem L. Moore, Mrs. Mary J . Greenp late, nnd Mrs. Edna Ban' w wcre gu ts at the annual banquct oC the Degrec of P ocohan tas at Chesa­peake Ci ty, Md ., on Monday evening.

MI'. a nd Mrs. William Kann. 4 Bl'ia r Lane, nrc I'ece iving congra tU la tions on the birth of a daughter at the DeJa­ware Hospital , Wilming ton, on Wed ­ncsday, April 15.

L . A. Stalna ker, Loch Haven, P a .. was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Case, TYl'e Avenue, on Tuesday evening.

J ohn Robert Egnor, Third-Class P e t­ty Officer in the U . S . Navy, who is stationed a t Cape May, N. J ., spent thc week-end with hi s par ents . He was accompanied by two fellow- sa ilors from the Cape May station.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Bonham en­terta ined fri ends Sunday evening at their home on Amstel Avenue.

Mrs, Pleter Ottenhoff Mrs. H. B. Wright, East Main Street, celebrated her 85th birthday an niver-

Guests a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Ridgway. Nottingham Road, over the week-end , were Captai n J oel T . Boone and Mrs. Boone, of California. Herbert Boone of Pottsville, Pa ., Mrs. W. B. Straub and son, of Seuford , and Edward W. Erickson, of Kenvil , N. J. Mr. and Mrs. E. F . Lang and family , of Wilmington, were a lso guests of the Ridgways on Sunday. Capta in Boone is a brothel' of Mrs. Ridgway and a nephew of Daniel Thompson , West Ma in Street. He was personal physic­ian during the ir respective terms of office to Presidents Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover .

Dr. and Mrs. Sidney H. Dressler, of sa ry on Monday. Her many friends re­New York City, were week-end guests membered her with beautiful cards a nd of Mrs. Dressler's parents, Dean and flowers. Mrs. Robert L. Spencer, Kells Avenue. ==~~=========

CLASSIFIED ADS Mi ss Grace Johnson was a week-end

visitor a t Washington, D. C. Help Wanted

HalTY Rossland and son, Bobby, of Wl~~T~~P~ft:.. f~r ~'.0~,~~w3~~k ·E~S~ \~~~~ Worcester, Mass., who have been va- 4-~j:r~ ' Newark. cationing at Hollywood Beach, Florida , ~~ _____________ _ visited Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Gallaher EXPERIENCED MAID. Apply in person last week . 4J3- ~:C Townsend Road.

---------------------H. F. Ferguson, of Youngstown, Ohio, M~~.?dL~~~,~.EBgh~::[~~~ek~e~~. ~~~~~~~

was a week-end guest of George F. ~';,\~at~k~ in famity. Write P . O. Box 413. F erguson, East Main Street. 4-23-ltc

pla nt, and tree identifica tion hike. All MI'. and Mrs. N. E. Fel'guson, of Con­of the g irls did some work on their ne llsvi lle. P a .. were week-end guests Pioneer badge. in Newa r k, visiting a t the homes of

An open house will be held in War­ner Hall . Women 's College, tomorrow evening from 7:30 to 9:30 o'clock. There wi ll be dancing and refreshments for those students attending with their es­corts. Miss Virg ini a French is chair­ma n of the social committee.


Private George Anderson, who is E~~~tRH":eCE~te~c?yM!~;:~C 9~eU:'el~~a~t:~: stationed a t For t Eusti s, Va., spent the 4-rJ:~fc Phone 2378. week-end a t the home of his pa rents, ~:-=:::-:-=-==--=-____________ _


S ergeant Andrew L . Tryens, son of Mr. a nd Mrs. Willi am L. Tryens, has been placed in the importan t posl of Ch ief Instruc tor a t the new Sign al School for Fort Monmouth , a t Sea Girt. N . J .

Mr. and Mrs. R. T . J oncs. a nd Mr. George F . Ferguson.

Mrs. William L . Tryens is confined to her home on Ke lls Avenue wi th illness.

Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Keiffer, o f Lan ­caster, Pa .. spent the week-end with Mr. a nd Mrs. I. Newton Sheaffer. East

MI'. and Mrs. Franklin Anderson, Not- S1.J;,~~~~J::arr"::!~,tSt~~;~ time. Apply lingham Road. 4-9-U'c


MI' . and Mrs. L . M. Whann a nd son, W~~~f:sg~Eux~teC~~d~vo~~·op~o~~ ~~~i

J ohn R. Fadcr , acting manager of ~;o;;~~~djo~fn ~iI~~~~~~;' , ot~~~r g~:~~ =3_=~=~t=l~c=s=tr=e=e=t.========= the Dclawn re Safety Council. a ttended ark , on Sunday. Wanted-To Rent the National Safety Cou nci l dinner held

The school wi ll accommodate 10 com- Main Street.

Mond ay 'evening in the Hotel pennSYI- 1 Pri vate Corbit S. Crompton, who is vania. New Yorl< City, when traffic sta tioned a t Fort Dix, N. J. , spent a safe ty awa rd for 1941 were presented three-day fur lough at hi s home and

SMALL HOUSE OR FURNISHED APART­MENT. Write to Earl Davis. 27 Choate St.

4-9-3tp pan ies. w here the men will be ta ught the fund amenta ls of being a good sol­dier w h ile ta king a 13-week cou l'se to become expert signalmen .

Sg t. Tryens is a gl"aduate of Newark Hi gh School. class of 1939, and the Signa l School of Fort Monmouth , c lass

spring of 1940. He served as radio operator school a t Mi tchell Field, L . l., Gouvel'l1or , N.

on Friday evening was a t- ~~n:~d toB,:::; ' M~~~~U~e it~h~:b;'~: ::~s~~: ~~ t~epi~tud~~~ a ry , 1941 , as an instructor .

the school with Flossie LADIES BIBLE CLASS

the receiving li ne were Superin­of Newark Schools C. E. Doug­

Mrs. Douglass; Dr. and Mrs. a -------- -.tnB!uehI1er:, Prof. and Mrs. Frederick

Mr. and Mrs. F . Allyn Cooch . Mr. and Mrs. J oseph McVey .

members of lhe senior class will thei r class tri p si ghtseei ng in

City, instead of Washington, been previously planned . Wil­

K. Gillespie, faculty adviser of class, wiII be in charge of the which will be made on April 29,

----------:-.". May I.

chaptcr No. 10, O.E.S ., ce le-17lh birthday anni versary

.~~~~~~I~~~:ApriI17 at a meeting which presided ovcr by Worthy Matron Ida A. Case.

130 persons were present at including Worthy Gra nd

. Bertha S. Welch and Wor­Patron Robert Rodgers, a nd

ofTiccrs and visi tOI'S from and Pennsylvania.

. the business meeti ng, an was held a nd refresh ­

by the commi ttees . Sev­were rcndered by Mrs. Ha w ­

Frallces BarlIey and Miss I gav readings, ll nd Mast­

Rittcnhouse offcrcd sevcra l selections.


Y. F. of ChrIstiana Church Q ~o;ered dish sup! l' ot

. murCh on Wedn sdey,

attending. Will be Ill'ov idcd fo r

TO IlIEET SUNDAY The Ladies Bible Class of the New­

ark Methodist Church School will meet on Sunday, April 26. at 10 o'clock. The subject for the day will be "The Im­portance of One's Relationship to God a nd the Mjssion of Christ to Makc a Perfect Relatjonship Possible."

A cordial welcome is extended the public.


Mrs. K a te Carson, 28 West Delawar e Avenue, announces the marriage of her d aughter , Miss Nora K ate, to Lieut­enan t Wilson F . Humphreys, U . S. Marine Corps , on April 2, 1942. in Chestertown, Maryla nd .

After a month in New York where Lt. Humphreys is tempora rily sta tion ­ed, the couple will live in P arris Island , South Carolina.


Miss Louise E. Elder was the guest ­of-honor at a var iety shower given by Mrs. Ernest J . Lomax of Marshallton recently . The wedding of Mi ss Elder und Mr. Clifford W. Lomax wi ll take place on Saturday.

Those who a ttended were Mr. and Mrs. Gruy Lom;}x , Mi ss Oli ve Lomax, Mrs. Milford Morri s, Mr. a nd Mrs. Ha rvey Boyce, MI'. Amos Morton , Miss Elder a nd Mr. Lom ax , a ll of Newark , Mr. a nd Mrs. Frank Fras ier. a nd Mrs. David J ones of Wilmington, Mr . Ro­bert Major, and MI'. a nd Mrs. Lomax of Marsha llton.

WANTED Houses Farms Lots



DAWSON ¥~ 330 E. MAIN ST •

..:wI Newark 2-0441

P rivate Wilkins C. Burns. of ForI Bragg. N. C , has returned to camp after spending a ten-day furlough with hi s mother , Mrs. Stanley R eed. of East Mai n Street.

to win ning states and cities. returned to camp Monday evening.

J ames P . Greenpla te is a patient in the Delaware Hospi ta l in Wilmington , w here he is recuperati ng from a re­cent operation .

Mr. and Mrs. J oseph C. Beatty were . called to Chicago the firs t part of the '

week, due to the serious illness of Mr. Beatty 's mother .

America needs GOOD men




Bright Accessories Will Brighten The Company

Live in them Play in them . . . Wear them to work, to school, to the movies.

ALi PURPOSE ;])("li"' ~ SHOES


,;7 \0' .1: <lp ~~~~f( c(· ~~-/ f

$3.98 ~<-~~ aDd 10LD br

Mervin S. Dale M . P I L N I C K


6 ft . 3. In good condition . J as. S. Lumb. l5~1. Capi tol Trait. Lumb,'ook. Ncwark.

4-23-2tp ----------------------WILL SELL OR RENT 5-room bungalow.

garage and brooder house . 5 acres, Near Cowen town. Md. Mrs. J . R. Couden, R.D. 3. Elkton, Md.


APARTMENT. 5 rooms and bath. All con­veniences. Immediate possess ion . Phone Newark 3351.


SiNGLE CAR GARAGE. 37 Center St. Phone Newark 2-0796.

4-16-Hc GARAG-E-S-. -In- d-Iv-Id-u-al-. -O-v-er-he-a-d- D- o-o-rs.

Locks. Lights all night. Back of 72\~ E. Main Street. Call 2253 for rental.


For Sale '37 CHEVROLET Master Tudor. Radio.

heater. and excellent tires. Also. '35 Ford battery. Charles Lewis. Elkton Road .


PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN. new rubber. Phone 6722.


PING-PONG TABLE. Also. small broad­loom rug and pad suitable for chlld 's room or d inette . Phone 2335.


FIRST FLOOR on farm near Newark. Gar­den. cow. chickens. $18.00 per month . Paul W. Starr. 1333 Shallcross Avenue. Wilmington . Phone Wilmington 4-6801.


• PUPPIES. Pure bred English collies. Also, Saanen milk goat and goat milk for sa le . Apply Eugene L. Fraze. Paper MItI Road. Telephone Newark 3754.

4-1 6-tIc

135-ACRE FARM. Productive. Large barn, nearly new. a-room house, very good condition. Sell cheap. Charles F . Walton, Otts Chapcl Road. Newark R. D. 1.


HOUSE. 7 rooms. 100 x 200 ft . lot, 4-ear garage. all conveniences. Price r eason­able. Call Flore Nardo.


Cf*ckS. Pullorum clean chicks. 10c each . Barrcd Rocks. New Hampshires. White ~~/.IJ,?I'~~tcr,~~~: 4857 or 3521. Newark


KEYS Made WbUe You Wail by Code or Duplicate

Joseph M. Brown ~aln St. Dial US1

R. T. Jones Funeral Director


and Repair Work oj All Kind. by Experienced Mechanic ••

All Work GtuJranteed

III We.t Main Street New","



Phone 3221

Newark'. E"ciu.irJe Shoe Store Newarkl . _-----------------4

Fl,ASHES I IN THE PAN The Newark Post

A LETTER HAS J U T BEEN RE - I =================================================================================================================================~-ceived at this off ice addressed to the Six The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, April 23, 1942

former sports ed itor of the P ost , Bill Fletcher, from a friend , Cadet Owen W. Doorden, stationed at the Quarter Master School, Ca mp Lee, Virgini a. Owe n's report on his activities since he entered the a rmy w hich reads like a m iniature Odyssey w ill be ot interest



to his fr iends about town .

~i~;::~~~:?n:~~~:~~~~~rn~~~lr!~~ I RALLY IN THE LAST FRAME BOWLERS FIVE VETS BOLSTER TEAM a competitive exami nation given to all en listed men in the U. S. Army. He took ----t.his examination in the fourth Corps Cadets Outhit Delaware As Big Area, a t MacDilI F ield last November

Two Bowlshys Top Thursday Nite League a nd received the h ighest mark given John Daly Allows 13 Safeties,

an enlisted m an . But Hens Bunch Them For Their SINCE FIRST ENLISTED,

Second Victory Of The Season

Delaware staved off a ninth inning rally by t h e Pennsy lvania

Military College nine in the last inning yesterday after the Cadets

had pushed across three runs to hang up its second win of the

season, 4-3.

In a vigorous in ter-family brawl (but stricUy non-combatant> , father and son battle it out for the lead in the bowl­ing ave rages for the second hall of the Thursday night league.

A. Bowlsby, Jr ., with UtUe respect for the family patriarch, tra ils his fath­er by only one pin ; A. Bowlsby, Sr. leading the league with 180 pins while

Owen has been in the Air Corps, hav­ing recruited a t Chanute F ield , Ran­toul, Illinois. Subsequently , he was selected to go to the Air Corps Techni­cal School (Radio) at Scott Field, Belle­vi lle, Ill inois and graduated from there in May 1941. In the meantime, he was assigned to the 21 Reconnais­sance Squadron which a t tha t time was serving in New F oundland. He joined 1-------------.-. the Sq uadron there late in June and returned to the Sta tes (MacDilI Field,

B ig J ohn Daly was on the mound Bowlsby, Jr. is second with 179. for the Blue and Gold and a lthough Trai ling close enough to fleck the

Tampa, Florida) in October. In December, however, he w as sent

on active duty on Coast P a trol work and missed the opportuni ty to go to school. Two weeks ago, he was re­lieved of his rad io work on Combat Crew so tha t he might enter Quarter­Master School in the April class.

AS THINGS NOW STAND, HE will be commissioned as a 2nd Lieuten­an t in the Quartermaster Corps in June.

As yet Owen's family does not know of his prospective promotion, and he hopes these few lines in the P ost , com­ing as a surprise, will give them the thrill he himself rightfully feel s in his success.


Two Races In


he was touched for thirteen hits the ~~~t~e~{5 ~~~d~U~~~~e~~n~~~:r~h,t~~~ losers threatened seriously at no time I a 172 average. Sixteen out of 34 keg­other than the final trame. Delaware leI'S made better than a 160 average in was able to garner only five safeti es I the poi ~t producing league. off the delivery of Sam L apolla of the The list of averages follows : losers, but the Hens bunched them ef-


Johns-Hopkins Out Points Hens 7749 At Field In Baltimore

I fectively with a bit of daring base AVERAGES running to ta lly two runs in both the Second Hall

' second and third fr ames. I Game A. Bowlsby. Sr . 33 P olet. Cadet second sacker, was the A. Bowlsby. Jr. . 15

batting star of the afternoon when he ~ : ~Tt!~a'ri '::: .: :~ drove out a triple and four singles in S. Eva ns .. . .. .. . . .. 9 fi~e tri ps to the pla te for a perfect day . ~t!rbu~ion ··. . . . 3~ H IS three-base blow in the ninth inning N. Singman . 9 with two men on base came very close ?~ct?s~~glaS ................. ': ~

I to saving the day for the losers. J . Moore . 30

Hen to collect m ore than one base h it Tolomeo ..... 45


Fredd ie Mitchell was the only Bl ue ~~,;;~e:r ... 2~

by banging out a double a nd single ~~kJ5~nri " '. ~1 J ohns-Hopkins Universi ty of Balti - ~onf:'a~' ;at~~:~~. b~~ ~~~vec~~~u~~~ ~r~~~~n ...... -- ........ ~~

more defeated the Delaware track to the Hen attack. ~: g~~~;n '. . .. : .. : 2~ team 77-49 yesterday 111 a mee t h eld .. P. Roberts .. . .. 45 at the winners' h ome field in Baltimore. Delaware opened the scon ng 111 the McSpadden . 23 It was the first meet of the season for second inning on a si ngle, stolen base, ~t s~m j~h ...... ~ the Blue Hens and the initial star an error, and two infie ld outs. T ibbitt c'. Rfl~V .. .. 24 under the new track mentor. Edmund opened with a o ne-baser a nd after J . Bro,\," . 30 Prince. pilfering second, scored as S ideboth am ~Ib~~~~o .. ..:: i:

Norman Lord , captai n o f the Hen heaved o,'er first af er ta k ing Barney ~dm~~~~s on ... : ~ thinclads, was the only member of Runcie's grounder. Runcie counted Bellman n . 18 the Delaware squad to capture two late r on infield outs by Newcomb and t1e~Tht" ~ fir sts which he hung up in the 440 yd . S kripps. J~ll~~ 9

Avg. 180 179 175 172 171 168 1GB 166 165 164 lli2 162 162 161 1G1 161 160 159 159 159 158 158 157 156 156 153 152 151 150 149 147 147 144 143

Filling Weak Spots In Outfield And Vacancies On Mound Staff Coach "Irish" O'Connell's W 01'1')

Before Lid Raiser In Two Week

Looking uphill at a six game sch edule, wi t h two others

ing, and their opening tilt only two weeks away , Newark

School launched practice sessions under Coach "Irish"

last week. Forty-three Yellow Jackets reported, r omping ' '''.I __ "Hnrl . 1

light practice drills, -----4 Prospects tor the season lOOk

K. Whiteman . ..... 167 177 151- 495 \ fai r , "Irish" repo rts, with five Mote .. . .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ing lettermen providing a

Totals ... . .. , .,277 747 773 2297 1 force around w hich he can

Marquess ...... . E11<~~ 156 192- 523 1' fighting aggregation. ~e~O~iS . . ..... ~U m Ut: ~~~ In the rooky ra nks, O'Connell Weld in 150 187 171- 508 hIS eye co*cked for a lad with W. Loomis . .. 157 187 ~- 541 twirling talent, as well as second

Tolals .. , ..... 853 895 920 2668 m a n, and an ou tfie lder or two Wolf Hall he expects will show up al~r .... 164 190 196- 550 boys wear off the winter's kinks. Barrett

Ph illips Goodwin Amos Gibbs

.: l~ ~~ m= m For the m oment , veteran

.. 145 135 133- 413 bert Thorpe will be called

.. 166 163 12_ 473 heavy to iling on the

Totals .. · 799 824 759 2382 turning catcher , G rge

Smith . F isher Fulton Slack Blind

Continental Plant 139 171 176 158

· 200 128 · 158 167

145 135

receive the h ail. J inx 109- 419 team is last year's r ight fielder ~:t=:g Cataldi, who broke h is arm 183- 508 ba ll . and perhaps .• ays Coach 122- 402 nell , numbered h is days on !he

Totals . ... 818 759 727 2304 m ond.

Continental Diamond P. Wh iteman . .. 223 177 Beers ...... .. 198 150 Hogan .. 152 175 Bowlsby .... . .. 161 169 C. HopkinS . 126 000 Herbener ... 000 180

Totals .

Eissner R . \Vhiteman Wallace ... . Herd man ... . J . Hopkins .


· 860

Revelers ... 168 ... 142

. ... 183 .. 175


... 811


193 138 150 170 164


156- 556 000- 348 176-503 156- 486 152- 278 17()- 350

810 2521

169- 530 167- 447 14_ 447 161- 506 203- 510

844 2470

Among the raw ma eml last week , outfi elder Clyde 8ayll!_ 11 fields infielder Harry Morrow look p rospects. Shock troopers from last yea r inc1ud d pitcher Thorpe, third sacker Wallace m ore, first baseman Norman r ight fielder . Octa\'iIJ Catald( catcher, George Schaen.

Other hopeful reporting lrut were: pitchers, ChJrles Riley, Henderson, W illi am Hamil n P hilips. Catchers' Brando~ Consecutive

Months and 880 yd. runs. Norman Maxwell Bob Wilson sta rting activities in the was not far behind the Hen leader in third with a walk, was sacri ficed to poi nts however, since he accounted for second by Amos Crowley, a nd scored

Race fans, pleased by their first taste first p lace in the two -mile run and as the Cadet shortstop kicked Mitchell' s of "Speed P ie" a t the Reading fair placed second in the one-mile event. grounder a round . The Delaware short­grounds on Sunday, April 19. in the Bob F urman and L ee Baer were the stop added the fina l ta lly on a stea l


Newark Rotary W

..... 46 .. 34

...... 29 .. 27

... 26 .. ": ... 6

Thom as Moore, Thomas Silk. 1~ Beers. Infi elders; Harry 22 J ames Davis, F rank li n M asons ....... . .

MONDAY NIGHT LEAGUE College Farm Wa Wa Tribe .

W L Danita ............ .

chilling cool of a r aw spr ing d ay , will other members of the Blue and Gold of home. T exaco . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ....... 46 National Fibre Company . 42

14 Hollingsworth Co .. 18 28 34 40 46

get a nother chance to see the thrill to take down first place awards . Fur- Satu rday the Blue Hens wi ll travel boys go ' round and 'round when Ralph m an won the di scus throw with a to Chester tow n to take on another old Hank inson will stage h is second na- toss of 1J9 ft. 2 'h in., while Baer out- rival, Washington College, in the first ti onal championship auto races on the d ista nced his opponents in the shot gam e between these two clubs thi s

Elkton ....... . 32 Friendly Five ........ .. . . 26

College Farm Sherer .......... .. 134 000

Conti nental P lant o. ~ ." 20 Red Clay Creek ......... .. 14

E. Hurlock ...... .. 143 118 Cochran .......... . 137 117

familiar Pennsylvania track on S unday, put wi th a heave of 40 ft . II in . eason . Com parative scores in games Red Clay Creek May 17. Summaries: both nines have played wit.h R andolph - Crossland ...... .. 123

000 144 153 132 178 147

And then it is, that all hope it wi ll Wopk~ns?aS~~O-;:;-d ~~I~~e l~~':,~l~ll;-'li;P"~~~: Macon will install the Shoremen as ~:~\.:'agrd;ori · .............. ~ ~~ be "F air and Warmer" in the grand - thll'd _ Vaughn. Delaware. Time 10 2 heavy favorites. De laware lost its on- Kla ir .. .... . 131 stand and bleachers, for none could I 220 yd. dash - Won by Brundige. Johns- !y encounter with the A hland nine, Shakespeare ..... 199 ask for any hot ter r aces than were \ H<?pkms: second - Siege l. J oh ns-Hopk ins: vh ' le W h ' C II d f . t d Dennison . 000 di shed up a t the inaugural before 26 ,- t~~r~ - Schwart z, Johns-Hopkins . Time ~he:n twiC~s e~~~:.n 0 ege e ea e Totals 762

~:3 :h~;~riJn~~ b~~~~\:~:/~~~n~~I:~:~ D;t2w~~e: d~~~nd ~"'~~Ol~: J~~~':-f-I~p~~~; Errors: ~idebotham. 3: GeKo\\'sk i, Crowe Tex:o~o to ' w est . Reading from the plains and th~~~ ;ds:'~I~e~ ~~~w~~e . r-;~~~:n :5~;d. ' ~[~~:~~;l. M~~~~e1l2' 2 ·BU~~0~~. b~~e~b in : Brown . . 167 cow traI l of Oklahoma and K ansas, Delaware: second _ Weldon. JOhnS-Hop-j '. . ., . 0 ase ~~~~eman ..... ~~ came ~ut with the v ictory scalp. . ~~~8s~. hlrd - McCarthy. Delaware. Time ~11~:'~e_~~;~h~~ts: S;~f:~Sk~tole~\\'~~:~: Bhnd ... 123

; 54

135 178 184 203 132

832 It \ III be the fir st tIme 111 history On mile run - Won by Collison. Johns- Tibbit i\lit h i " . Totals. .. 865

h e re tha t two races have been held Hopkins: second - Maxwell . Delaware: I b ' c e 1, 4, Runcle. Lapolla. in consecutive m onths breaki ng away third - Richeson, Delaware. T11ne 4:53. IDOU Ie plays: ewcomb, Crowley. and National Fibre Co.

~~~l t~~dre~:::n;u i~m S~~t;~~~; ~~ I ~~;~r 'E~~ii;ei ~~£~:~Jg~Ef~~~p~i~'l ~~~I:PS~rL7:~e~~;~~~, ;1~~~t.ll~ n~y :i~ : ~:~d~I~:~.. ..:::: m m the Reading fair.. I II ~~~h hurdles _ Won by Siegmund. I ~~II~~p~ll a~~~e~e~; o:~!~~~f D~:I\~~r!; Hopkins ., ... 167 132

gr!:sa\h~h~9~ ~4~P:i~c:I~~ai~hfsU I~on~~~ : ~,~~~~r ~~f..~ln:: ~~fl~~gS~O~~~U~~'la~:~~~ 4; P .M.C. 10. ,Totals Fr;~~~1~5 Five


ered an ome~ that the forthcom ing I TI;:'0~v : 1~~rdles _ Won by Siegmund, P. M'a;r h 0 a DELAW~~ 0 a SheafTer . 183 144 May races WI ll attract the greatest J ohns-Hopkln-: second - HoIllngsworth. Po!et.2b ? 1 5 2 2 3 1 0 2 1 g~~~s .. : {§6 ig~ Reading auto r ace cr.owd o f a.lI lime . • ~~~~i~~~' Ti;;;~r~27.2. Schlenger. Johns- ~~~~~~~.~f ~ g ~ ~ g ~i~ct:~~;:~~ ~ ~ g ~ i Blind ... ... 121 000 BeSIdes Hankll1son WI ll brll1g 111 some f Shot put _ Won by Baer. Delaware; G~~'~kJ,lf 5 0 1 4 2 Sad·wskl .c 4 0 1 12 0 Herbener ... 000 181 of the wild bulls of the west and has second _ Pri chett. Johns-Hopkms: hird B rt \;neo,c 4 0 0 3 2 Tibbill.lf 4 1 1 4 0 Totals . invited Duke Nalon Mau ri Rose FI 'd - Walton. Delaware. Distance 40 ft . 11 in . k:t-? h~ 'P 3 0 1 1 3 R:,ncie.rf 3 1 0 0 0 . ' ,0) Discus Throw _ Won by Furman. Dela- P t'n 4 I 2 0 2 w.comb.3b 3 0 1 0 3 Da VIS and Rex Mays to compete ware ; second _ Pritchard. Johns-Hopkins: \J'I~~ ln ~'i~ ~ g g ~ 6 Sknpps.1b 3 0 0 5 0 MacDougall against the cast-zone a ll stars. tllird - Baer. Delaware. Distance 11 9 ft . aWood' 1 I 1 0 0 Daly.p 3 0 0 0 1 Baker .

The fact that Ted Horn , Mark Light. 2 ~a~:'lin hrow _ Won by McKinsey. bRusso I 0 0 0 0 Barrett Everett Say lor and Tommy Hll1ner- Johns-Hopkins; second - Wolle . Johns- Totals 373]324 12 Totals 30 4 5279 Total sh itz had motor trouble at the first Hopkins: third - Furma n. Delaware. Dis -

· 645

Elkton · 162 • 217 · 188 182 · 189 164

· 539

Continenta.l Fibre ... 177 194 ... 160 194 .. 156 161

a Batted for Perk ins in inth b Batt d for Wilk ins In Ninth Slack

SCORE BY INN! GS Beers .. P. M. C . ......... 000000 003-3 Bowlsby Delaware ... . .. 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 4 Tolals . . .. 493




Walker ............ 000 000

I P Ewell .... 159 107

11 3-236 Mum10rd ........ .. . 176 160 106- 405 H. Hurlock .. . .. 000 106

~;~ Totals ............ 749 608 15_ 531 Wa Wa Tribe 16_ "::: I MegiU igan. Jr. . .. 169 698 2214 M~~~~ig h; ' .:.... .... l!l

Anderson .. . ... 117 Baker ....... ... ]80

~~ !~~ Meglillgan. Sr. . 000

~ ~t.= ~~~ Tota ls ... 106- 361

HiIl ..... 755 2452 Sheaffer

· 7]8

1. ons ... 154

· 177 CorreIl . .... . · 169

. .... 157 '" 119

McClo key . 183- 521 HandlofT· .. 179-421 18_ 565 Totals . 141- 440

687 1957 Fisher .. Robenson Walstrum

123- 450 BlInd 145-545 Blind

. ... 776

Danita 153

... 138 ........ 146 ... _ .... 125

. 117

... 681

148 000 196 177 192 106


180 158 155 168 144


156 187 119 125 144

731 t:=m Totals 149-330 586 1923 Silk ... Newark . ~~~ry ~~~b

Tiffany .... 151 152 Deck ....... 165 loW

~~~!~ ~~~~~~s ::::: ...... m m 181- 5341 Totals. ....... . 761 769

557 ]659 Stephenson ~OIIILlg S~~~tll ~3i ~~t= ~~~ ~~r~oili~gs~o;.th ·.:: m ~ 189- 506 ~o\\~fi lln~s~v.orth .: m ~g~ 537 1579 Burns .. , " ..... 000 125


~ t:~'~~:::~~ ;~~~e HUel1,.lI .. tlI!l_blaUn~ 50 Alli ster, E. J . Helmbreck,

Mullen, Oliver Suddard. Ollie 135- 269 108- 359 96-- 350

141- 141 000- 266 171- 507 000- 106

65] 2008

165- 482 156- 267 000- 237 123- 417 18_556 122- 228

750 2287

en, J oseph Talucci , Charles Abrams, Harve" fielde rs: Clyde Baylis. 'Paul Oliver Williams, lichael Wayne P o lla r !' J ack Hearn, Vernon Connell. Cormick, Donald Griffin, Bud Walter Martin, Lel1ine George.

The schedule foil. ·\\'5'

May 8--Smyrna. away May II--Sale,,,.num. home l\ [ay 1:>- e\\ C .stle, away, May 19-5myrna. home. May 22-Conr: d. hr,me. May 26-A. I duPc-nt. hom~ 173- 507 '

168- 503 1 l~ :~~ A game or two ,!,ending

126- 389 1 746 2327 Li e ut. E. C. Bardo 132- 441 Sent To Iowa By TaV)'

Lieu tenant. junIOr grade, Bardo, well-k nown here as

171- 496 19_459 125- 375 126- 389

748 2160

144- 472 \46- 449 108- 41 3 \45- 445 166- 462

709 2239

176- 471 000- 227 107- 220 10_370 17()- 430 117- 24.2

ity tr ack and swimming been sent as an instructor flight tra in ing center a of Io\\'a. The allll0uncelment week from the na\'\' in \V """""~_"-_ ,

Li eutenant Barclo. who in \\'i th some of the countryts ,. __ . · " " "dl.lOn

coaches and ath lete •. has the rigorous c('1.1rh -ath doctrination COllr;" n p leted the mon'h', c1asm last day.

ow a physical IIl.trllctor for Sam. he is authorized 0 get the rookie fli ers in top physical

r aces did not dull the lustre of Chit- ta~~~al;6J~t:n~0: . Won by Siegel. Johns­wood. Sa il , Records, Randolph and Hopkins: second - Phlillps. Delaware; Wa:ke achievements. Horn, who was t~;;c~ \9 f~c~el~~es. Johns-Hopk ins. Dis­out) umped by the foxy Indian at the High jump - Won by Massey. Johns­feature r ace start, says he'll be back Hopk ins: tie for second bet wee,:, ; Limperos. with fire in h is eye gunning for Chit- ~~~e~va~~~ L~I~?!e .DJ~t~~~iio:~~~~P'H~~i~~ FUTURE



Newark K. of P .. Red Clay Creek .. A. & P. Market . . Newark Cleaners Lions Club

.. .. 44 ... 35 ... 35

. 33

. 21 8

674 1960 · 687 599

L ~~~~~~~~~~========~~lce ~ ~ .................. .. . .

wood. - 5 f l. 4 in . Sal I was second, Warke third , Ran- Polo vault - Won by P ardrew. Johns-

dolph fourth, Ora Bean, fifth , Records ~i':fs~I ~hi rdse~n}~L;;:s, C6~~~~ar~~hns-HoP­sixth , Freddy Carpenter seventh and H innersh*tz eighth in the feature race Newark Firenlen End with Sail, Records, Horn , Wa rke and Bea n winning heat r aces. First Aid Cour3e

"Such attendance as a t the opener. when the therm ometer at the fa ir grounds was at 50 degrees, certainly p roves that Reading is one of the hot­test, if not the hottes t r ace spot in the country", said Hankinson .

Three Newark Kegler

In Ci t y Tourney

Three top-notch Newark Bowlers have entered competition in the Wil­mington Bow ling Association Tourna­ment , member of the American Bowl­ing Congress.

P a ul and Kinsey Whi teman, heaving . them for the Brandywine Alleys in

Wilm ington, w ill work together in the doublcs, beginn ing Apri l 27 .

Morr is Adams, one of Newark's nellr b ig-tim ers, will grove them for the five m an City Alley Team of Wil­mingt.on and work with W. O . O'Hourke in the doubles.

Newark's firemen are steadily pre­par ing themselves to meet a ny call in an em ergency. Thirteen firem n of the Aetna Hose. Hook & L adder Com pany No. I have successfu lly comple ted the American Red Cross Standard Firs t Ai d course under W. J . Wasslner, First A id instructor.

This brings to a total of twenty -five the number of firemen w ho have fln­ished the 10 hour F irst Aid Comse and the 10 hour Chemica l Wal' ffl r e Course, all of w hom have received the De­fense Irlentificalion cards.

They wi ll also receive shortly a special Defense Diploma showing they h ave completed these courses.

F ollowing are those who have com­pleted the Standard F irst Aid Course: Norman Bramble, Lesl ie Braune , Ir ­vin Cha lmers, Robert Cook, John Cun­ningham, Francis Hall , Clilton K notts, Joseph Lutton, Char les Moore, Herbert Murphy, Howard Murphy, Horace Smith and Leonard Trice.

Plan Fete At Next Session

An entertai nment is being planned (or next yea r's freshmen to be given next week by the Newark Chapter. Future F armers o f America. Invitations wi ll be sent out, and members from the outlying di str icts have been re­quested to bring boys from their lo­ca li ty .

Plans for the entertainment were m ade a t the regular m onthly m eeti ng of the Chapter, held Wednesday, April 8, at which 12 members were present.

It was a lso agreed to appoi nt a com o' mittee to conduct the sa le of seeds bei ng carried on by the group. In the course of the meeting, F. T . War­ri ng ton reported that a total of $50.27 h ad been taken in by the var ious ca rd

P aul Wh iteman, perhaps Newark's m ost improved bow ler this season, has been a veraging about 185 thus far and hopes to do bclter in compelition.

Nineteen persons in a sedan are tooo parties sponsored by the club.

In last year's Wilmingto n tournament Morris Adams placed second In lh~ doubles, ending up in the m oney.

~~n~a~~i::.r;~:lf~:~~r Q~~~:~~i~~s~.~ tor.:~::'ct~~:ls t~~ t:e:~os~:U~:~e~Pir~~~~~ dece lded when he fined Sam VenutI I co*ckran , R ichard Swa n, Harry Weav-$10. er.



K . ot P. Newuk M. Ritchie ...... 135 138 Jaquelte ........ . . 201 198 H. Whiteman ... 126 151 G. Ritchie . . .. ]48 120 Beers .. . 157 147

Totals .. .. 767 734

Red Clay Creek Stephenson .. . ... 181 112 D. Woodward ... 159 173 Spri nger ... , ..... 114 128 R. Woodward ...... 177 212 Blind . 126 120

Tota ls .. . 757 745

A. & P. Market Siallery .. . ... 140 121 Hamilton . . .. .... 195 157 Bakor ......... .. ... 138 172 Blind ........ lOB 106 Blind . 000 125

Totals . . ..... 581 681

Lions Club Brewer . .. . .... . .... 155 156

r;f~r:e:d ::::::::::: m Ii! ~~~d!~ .......... .': ........ .... go08 W,

Totals .... ....... 568 719


~~ . 48 •

• l~t=~~ • m=m . 18_488 •

739 2240 •

11_407 •

19t=m • m=m • 644 2146 • • 19t=::~ • 178-488 • 118- 332 000-125 •

rum5 •


~f~t~~enta1 Diamond .. .......... : 1~ · a~~~7~~t·IM~t:· .· :·:· :·""":::::::::::::: ~: i~ : Continental Plant .. . ......... 2111 35 .

... 45


Crowl ....... ~~.S.I~"~~6 Mcn175

Wante d



CHEVROL E TS Models 1938, 1939, 1940 or 1

Wilmington Auto Sales GEO. M. HANEY, Mgr.

164 E. Main St. Dial ~~I~~ :::::::::::::: m g: gt=~~ I·

160-4\7 •••••••••••• •••• •


The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, April 23, 1942 Seven



cafeteria including stee l sink and li le ~Ioor, a nd said they were s triving to ~~ . ,m~se~o~~~~~~ti:~o~~estl~o~tt~~:e o~h~e~~~ I ~i~~~~~~ o~i~:'voO~u~~~:~s~~~y ~~ntd E:!t et,~;~ Improve the caretel' in 'facillties grad- - ----------- -- ware by Indenture bearing date the Flf f II E t i id f If i ua lly . The Krebs P ,-T. A . membe rship STATE OF DELAWARE teanti1 day of July, A. 0 .. 1941 , and dUI; I t:;~',~ce l~o~t~l~~~~t~r l ~, 0 po-r:\'rc~O~i~~' ~~~:

Legal Notices

was reported as 254 members. CE~*f:l~ii'ioFt'gfsg>6LSJ~\~N appea ring of public record In the Omce I r ison A v I1UO two hundrcd fift y t e t to n

Mrs. White, President, re ported tha t 'fo All Whom These Presents May ~~ :: ~ewRe~~~~~lgc~:m~:,ed:t &w~i;"' : ~g~on~~ I iyOi~ltd:o ~df P~:.~~~~~; ~~ .;~~e ~~~~~~\' J ,t"!;

~~e had turned over to the Red Cross Whe~~~~' I~r:~~~'fr~ to my satisfaction In ~e~d :,ec~ r~1 gra~t v~~~m~O 'wey' ~~~~ ! ~~I:e ~~td 0~ei~~gld a :~'c:'Pi I10Cth~ O lloyu~Ockas(e '. 'I·y-e sum of $71 recently clea red from by duly au thenticated record of the pro- I

a n ente l:tainment given in the school ccedlngs of the voluntary dissolu tion Ihere- f,~:~VI :!: I~Or~~Ysi~~~O , ~~zr:;,:~ ts ~~Ol~~~ !~~~c~~ ~:~:I~!~ '~"i~~e~:~e~rstl~:nl~~a~Ot~l\I,~ : by d ancing pupils of Miss Mildred W . ~~p~lI t ~IJe ,;o,~~~~~tfl1~~ , all the stockholders ntireties. UNDER AND SUBJECT to the ty-one feet nnd six inchcs 10 a po int In Brya n, coopel'ating with the P ,-T. A . TilE PHILLIPS COMPANY restrictions, I' gulations and cov nants line of land of Walter A. Gard ner and Mrs, ,White al so announced lIlat she ~n'i~~PI~r~li~~I.~~ ~~IS State whose principal therein specifically set forth , wi fe: Ihenee Nor thcaster ly nlong said h a d a . l d N 100 W) Seized and ta ken In e xecuUon as the Gardn er line two h undr d !lIly feoL n\o l'O

TO NEWPORT plicall l

usl Apply y Set Date

Asked To Be Pastor Again At Newport Methodist

, PPOIn e Mrs. Percy Gardiner as In the Cfly of ~nI111~~~0~,tre~~'unty of property of John H. Wooley and Elizabeth or less 10 a point in Ihe said Southwesterly Defense Chairman of the P.-T. A., and New Caslle, State of Delaware W II h i If M t side of SlIve"slde Road ' thcnce Norlh she is selling Defense Stamps in the belngT~lgee;t: poerreaitnio, nanT<I,' u"nstcChOa rmgle,atnhYereof , sof~ bet s w e, or gago,'s and to be wcstCl' ly along said Soutl~wes terl Y side or sch ool each week. The sales h a ve upon h til ELIAS E. OTHOSON, Sherifi' ~:~~~r~~~:!E~~';1N~~~ tY -fi Ve feet to the grown f rom $9 the first week to $25.65 ~ompli';:'110~lt~ro~~~s r~~.rlt·~;'e~et~ve~i ~I~: Sheriff's Omces, Wilmington, Del. BE Ihe contents the reM what th y may. [01' the third week. The sale w ill con- w~\:~~r~s o'~0~t~f,;'eJII~he20~iateSe"cftl~ela1~ April 16, 1942. BEING the same lands and premises which tinue each week. to 2246. Sec lion 214, Chapter 65, of the 4- 16-3tc Gertrude L. Perkins and Clifton A. Pet·-

UllIt cd Sta tes C ivil Service on todny a nnounced five new

rur wa r ser vice a ppoint­.h"wn below. Applica tions

fli ed With the Commission's office IIOt la ter than the sppcified. The examina -

Officers of the P .-T, A . for the en- n;,~:;:~y ?g~r,e O{ss~~~~ ~f\~ITended, pre- SHERIFF 'S SALE- By virtue of a writ of ~~:~h h;;, I~~~b:,~~' rebc?'or~~~el~tut~~ ~~~~~ suing year were elected as follows :-- NCERTt~IC1TE OF DISSOLUTION Levari Facias No. 104, May Term 1942, to Cor the Recording of Deeds, in and (01' Presid ent, Mrs. Frank R. White; vice- sec~e'rary :{es~~fe ;i t~:r~tat~' OfW~I!~i~ me directed will be exposed to Public New Castie County and State of Dela-

NewpJ)rt, April 23rd - The F ourth president M J H P t ware do hereby rI 'f th t Sale at the Court House, Southeast Cor- ware, In Deed Record N, Volume 33, Page Quarterly Conference Session was held t ,rs. . . eerson ; secre- corporation did on ~r,e I y a the said ner 01 Eleventh and King Streets, City ~6:;tI~l;to~a;~t :~~d ~o~~~~d~tfo St~~:I~e~~ in the Newport Methodis t Church on a ry, Mrs. Charles D. Stumpf; treas- h'i'e~t1 e th day of Api'll A. 0 1942, of Wilmington, New Castle County, Dela- taln conditions and restrictions se t out Thursday evening, with the Rev. Dr. ~rer, Mr. ~ee E. Nichols. The ins talla- te;te~ ::;~s~~~~na ~,~t1n:x~~ui~~ ~~s~of~= ware . 1'1 the above recited deed , TOGETHER Oliver J . Collins, District Superinten- ~~~ ~e~~~;,rs Will take place a t lIle ~I~n th~f st"oa~~hoTJ':rs'rf~~~~Of~x\~~~~r,d sa~~ ON FRIDAY with all and singular the buildings ease-

dent, presiding. A Fellowshi p Dinner Mrs. Raymond Grubb, chairman of I ~~~::'a\3.n~r~h~~~c~~sfi~ ~~.e n':~o~~~!n~~ THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 1942 ~~::~t::~.:~~~~e,;:~~~~: \rt:!e~t;-;~,o~'~:i~\;~:~: : Prof('s~ion a l Ass i ~tant , $2,000 preceded the conference, which was the program presented the fo llowi ng provided by law. hereditaments and appurtenances whotso-

lions exi s t in Washington, attended by the Rev. Collins, Supt.; numbers: Vocal selections _ Miss J ulia ~n ha~~st:,':,'~e~rntow.::,~r~~ a t 10 o'clock A. M., Eastern War Time, ever thereunto belonging 01' In anywise ap-

t the United States. the Rev. R. S. Hodgson, Newport past- TaYlo~; Acrobatic numbers by group (OFFICIAL t~~~/r~I:~I~lnS~r~ ta~ the following described Rea l Estate viz : ~~~~~I~~~f~"~~u~~e :~~e~~!~A't~ at7~:ee~~',ain-fi elds of study a re speci- or ; officials and friends of the church. of truee young ,:"en, w h o were ac - SEAL) day of April in the ALL THOSE certain lots, pieces 01' par- Seized and taken in execution as the bles a re particularly d e - An invitation was extended to Rev. compamed by MI SS Sa rah Goldstein year of our Lord one cels of land with the buildings thereon t C S h

", elds o[ public administra- Hodgson to return to Newport ChUI'ch ' thousand I h' d d erected, sltu~te in Brandywine Hundred, I Ig'arOgPOerr Y(thOe sa·,'d·a

sMar'aIP1 ' MCI.'Uplll.liSch,'·uM'1101Irstl-1 II pianist; Selec tions by the Krebs School and forty-r..v~~ E~~7e r~.

ann lys is, economics, h ome for a nother year, and an increase in Chorus, under the direction of Miss Willey, Secretary of State. New Castle County and State of Delaware, having been a mortgagor unCleI' the name library science, and m athe- salary of $100 per year w as voted. Goldstein , Director of Music in the 10 - ~~:e,k~~~~t~n ~~:. ~:~\~~ ~~JI~3~aa~:e:~ ~~b~:~~~n~y P~:~~~~~~n , ba;\I~l:Vi;~p:'?I~~

ca lculus. Applicants I Appointments as m ade by the pastor cal sch ool. SHERIFF'S SALE-By virtue of a writ of unn,:,mbered lot adjacent to Lot No , 13, Court of lI1e State of Delaware from he, have completed a 4-year , and the nominating committee were Cub P ac k No. 73 , sponsored by lIle Levari Facias No. 106 May Term, 1942 to Sect,on E, as sa id plot Is of record In the former husband Harry M, Pa'·tington .) and

ur be e m'o lled in their', confirmed by the conference , me d, rected wi ll be exposed to Public Omce for the Recording of Deeds, In and to be sold by Kre bs School P,-T. A. held a Kite Fly- Sale at Ihe Court House, Southeast Cor- for New Castle County and State of Del-

o[ study. Applications . The Newport D efense Council h eld ing Contest on Saturday afternoon. ner of Eleventh and King Stre t C t aware, In Deed Record I, Volume 29, Page I ELIAS E OTHOSON, Shel'lff fil e? not late r than April 27 , I a session on Wednesday evening, w ith There were nine boys participating, of Wllmmgton, New Castle COlm~Y" 'De;a~ 1601. and more parltcularly bounded and Shellff's Offices, W,lmlngton, Del. wrttten gener a l ~es.t Will be I C. C. Collingswood, Chairman of the but due to the strong wi nd , the boys ware . ' I de~C;~bed as fo llows, to-Wit: Apll l 16, 1942

ore no age Itml ts. I Council presiding. Reports were heard found it qu ite difficult to "Keep th em ON FRIDAY INNfNG at a pomt on the South- 4-16-3tc

Nu rse, for appointment toifl'Om the chairmen heading u p each flying". There were fo u r boys suc- THE FIRST DAY OF MAY, 1942 of Nursing a t S t. Elizabeths , branch of service in the Council. C. cessful in keeping their kites in the

ington , D . C . Applica- C. Craig, Ass ist Cha irma n of the Coun- ai r . Prizes of d efense stamps were at 10 o'clock AM , E.astern War T,me, be fi led no t la ter tha n May (cil , reported tha t two test checks of awarded the boys. the following described Real Estate vi z : I More Precious Right Now Than Gold

. Graduation trom a n accredit- council workers were conducted and Dr. Merritt Burke is a patient at ALL THAT certa in lot, piece or parcel school is requi r ed , thou gh he reported them 90 % effic ient. A. the Wilmington General Hospita l, suf- ~e~a~~'st~~t~~~n:~ a~r~~~~~i~~ :e~~~~~~' !

ma y a pply. Applican ts Kinsm a n R a lph, Treasurer, repor ted fering from a nervous condition and being Lots Nos. 27 and 28 of Section p , 0'; between 18 a nd 30 years, and that $484 h ad been collected toward will remain there for a rest period. a Plan of Holly Oak Terrace, as said Plan given 0 wri tten general test. the new siren to be erected at the is of record in the Office for the recording

will receive $288 a year Minquas Fireh ouse. The total cost w ill WHE~~~~~~~~Os~p~:'n:E:~~!~~f dest- f; ~::;!'~:ttininD~~~ ~~c~~~\~~~II~,~~u~9~ subsiste nce, laundry and a m ount to $575 when insta lled. Addi- iny has called from the ranks of our Page 601, more particularly bounded and

tiona I funds will be ob ta ined from Temple Sister E. Blanche Grant, a charter described as follows, to-wit : $2,000 to $3,200 a year. O p- the local residents. The Council is ~~';:'s~e: b~7~ve~ffiac;d ~~i~~~'1 f,~en~~~~.teen BEGINNING at a point on the South­in which persons are need- arranging for their "Graduation Nig h t" WHEREAS, through the death of this ~~~te~:; :;~e ;1~tH~I~SI~7ft~v;.,ne~e'wf~e ,l a~~

design, spec ifica ti ons, a nd esti- in the future for firs t a id and .chemical ~i:~e~~sfa~~eJe~nr.;:s !7,~chth\~i1fb::'~~;~l~ the distance of seventy-five feet South­. Completion of a 4-year col- war fare workers. Spea ke rs ,WIU be se- felt as long as memory endures, westerl y from the Southwesterly side of

in arch itec ture or achilec- \ cured, and. thiS program Wi ll be open THEREFORE, be It resolved that lhe Maple Avenu , as laid out on said plot engineering is required for the to the public. .. ' ~~~bes~sf';r:r!~~~~~ I Pt,;e~~le l:V~'d 6, o~~; ~~t~Ct~0~ee~8 W!~,~ ~~,d ~~ct~o~n~ : d\v~~,~~~ grade. For the other grades ap- D . J . Richey, PrinCIpal o f the K rebs their deepest sympathy. South asterly by said line dividing Lots

architectura l or e ng ineering I Sch ool, and a ll members of the fac- And be It further resolved, that a copy Nos. 28 and 29 and parallel to Maple Ave-or expenence, pa rt of which u lty, att~nded the New Ca~t1 e County ~in~~~s , R:sg~~~o~~ s~':,t sr~e~~e Yf~~I/~~ :,eL~t~e ~~~ld~~~ ~~~t 4toa~r~,ntB~~~m~~ of the options, 's necessary Teachers Meeting he ld Fl'lday 111 the i~lga ld~';,e;,,:~dio~ngubli~~fl~n~e sent to the thence Soulhwesterly by the rear line of

test Wi ll be g iven. The re Conrad HIg h School. Respectively submitted in ~~~ ~~I~~i~e a~~e~'u: I~~~y ~~e~n~ ~a~~i~; lImits. Ap plica tIOns wi ll be I St.a te Standa rd Tests were given to P . L. E. & F. common to Lots Nos. 26, 27, 6 and 7,

recell'ed unti l furthe r IlOhce pupils of all grades a t the Krebs School SARtC:'L~OUN Block P: thence No rthwester ly by line Calculating Machine Operat- dunng the pas t week MAGUERITE S. BALLING dividing Lots Nos. 26 and 27. and paralle l

I The Kreb S h 01 P t T h ViRGINIA DURNALL to Maple Ave nue, one hundred Ceet to the I

a year App licants must be s c 0 a r e n - eac e r EVELYN S. STICKLEY Southeaster ly slel e o C Hill side Avenue, and \l'l li be r eqUIred to lake ASSOCIation held a Covered Dish Sup- Altest : thence thereby Northeasterly fifty feel to

test to be performed on a pel' ThUl's~ay e ve ntng In the school GEI1J.R~f~~ . Ja~JOc~S the place of BEGINNING. Be the contents


You Can't 'Get Another,

Let Us I{eep It Rolling

Mote's Garage George Martin, Mgr.


ELKTON ROAD DIAL 4812 mochi ne. Applications mus t I· cafeten a With a bout 100 people attend- P . T. · thereoC what they may.

~~ iliw M~~I"~ I~M~~li~lenoowM ~UIT~n ______________ I ~B:E~rn:G~a~~:r~t~o~C~t:~~s:~:e~~:n:d:s ~a:n~d~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $1 440 a year for the supper, and was a SS isted by o~~:--r,,~ ~e~r~~~yA~~A:~te I '

Ty ist $1,260 ~ ye;r , Ap: I parents of the fifth a nd sixth grades , • CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION will n:'v be r a ted on a general and by Mrs. Bullock a nd M ISS P a t ter - To AI~r':e~~~ :Thesc Presents May Come,

as the r eq u ir ed practica l son, teachers of those grades . Follow- Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction . d d ' t t ' h ' h ' 11 109 the supper, the monthl y buslOess by duly au thenticated record of the pro-anI; at~ s~~:~'~~h~~'sl~n~V~t I sess ion was held, with Mrs: Frank R. ~~~%~~~~fc~~~eV~I~~t;:Xl'~lr~~~uii~~_~hi~~;

of 96 words a minute. APPIi- 1 WhIte , PreSiden t , pres ldlOg .. Mrs. In Interest of all the stockholders deposited must have reached their eigh- George D. BaldWin, H~alth Chatrman , in mYs¥~X~heAPARTMENTS, INC. birthday. but there is no maxi- rep.orted t~at elev~n chIldren h ad been ~ffl~~Pf;asW~,':tt~~ t~ls State whose princ ipal

I'm 't A I' t' ' 11 b aSSisted With dentistry work, and there No. 100 West 10th Street, I 'the :!~~ao~O~~e :~rvic: were st ill thirteen to be take.n care of. g'a~n~, ~~~t~for2cl~~~~~' County 01 New mct I She a lso reported that assistance IS The Corporation Trust Company

. f l' t th . being given childre n th rough the c1in- being agent therein, and In charge thereof, In orma Ion as o . e reqUire-, ic for their eyes. ~g~npli,;:,~o~lt~ro~~:s r::'q"J'll'~;'e~et~ve~i ~~:

' for these examlOa tlOns., a nd a p - , Mrs. S . N . T ammany, a membel' of f Corporation Laws of the State of Dela-orm~r ~ay B be ,~bt~l~e~ . f~~~ the School Board, extended a welcome ware, as contained In 2033. Section 1, to

,_.I_I:''''' 'dI V . e oal 0 . . and greeting to the pa rents present. ~~:~d ~~c;I!0~I21~3s~~~p~e~e~5cie~~ ~~~lI~t Examllle rs, a tllle post offIce I M rs. T ammany 'str essed the importance narYC~'k{~iI~X.~~goOI g'x'~SOLUTION

of the welfa re of the sch ool chHd ren Now, therefore, I, Earle D. Willey,

GAR USES I in t hese trying times, and expressed Secretary of State 01 the State of Dela­f the apprecia tion of the Board for the ;;-;'~iO~od~dr~~Yt~~rtifY that the said Corp-

assista nce g iven lIlem by the P .-T. A. ~feer~I~~ om'~.r a d~IY :,fe~~te:'mdD~tte~~~ci

LAINED Mrs. T amma ny mentioned that new consent, in writing, to the dissolution 01 equipment h ad been installed in the ~~i':n~~~~,*I~~o~~frd~e~n brnt~hr~s~O~r.:n

on "Suga r Saving homemakers of New

will be g iven by Mrs. WasnmP. :Herllev Daugher ty , County H ome

Agent for the Univer­re, beg in n ing Tuesday

28, a t 8 o'clock , in Reci­Newar k.

Daugherty wi ll demons trate family's "5wee t tooth" ca n be with muffi ns, ca kes, cookies, sahd dressings, icings, bev-

made wi th honey, m olasscs, maple ~yrups a nd dri ed frui ts.

rationg w ill be in [ull the next week or so, these

very timely d monstr a tions, kers w ill d o w e ll to avail

of the opportunity to coop­the Vic tor y Progra m by

ways of conser vi ng suga r. demonstrations to be g ive n by

ty wi ll be as foll ows: rs. C. 1\01. Go ve 's r esidence,

!\lay 4 - Wimoda us is Club, Hnll, Newark; May 5 -

DaVid, Taylor 's Bridge ; Mr '. N Ison Ne ff, P ort P enn ;

- York lyn SChool York ly n ' - Mrs. Malcolm Bl;rri s, Clay ~

I I - Midd le town F ir e H a ll , ; May 12 - G lasgow Club, !l ull , Ncwark ' May 13 -

/ ' il'e 11011 , Odessl; ; May 14 _ n Onc Club, Recita tio n H a ll ; May 18 - Mrs , M. J . Be rgen :

19 - Tallcyv ill Club De la ­& Light Compa ny K itche n

; May 20 - Mt. Pleasa nt: I 21 - Mrs. Edward Weir ,

crty COJ'ellu lly invites a lii Who al e in t rcsted to a t -

t~r these d mOl1stra lions, Ex­eM , P leasa nt meeting all

wi ll be held nt 1::10 p , M. I


-.. • Maybe you can wall< under a

ladder and not han bad luck. -But don't take chanc.. with the paint you .....

, For yean Moore'. House Paint haa been proven dependable for protecllnq and beautlfylnq hom .. and buUdlnqa.

• You are assured of a qood paint Job when you

"U.e Moore Paint. N ,

E. J. Hollingsworth Company

Lumber, Coal, Fuel Oil, Millwork,

Building Materials, Hardware, Paints,

Glass, Fencing, Etc. NEWARK, DELAWARE

Phone 507

Eyes Examined Mon,-Wed, 7-8:30 p, M ,

Phone 3351

the stockholders thereof, which said con­sent and the records of the proceedings aforesaid, are now on fi le In my office as provided by law.

In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official sea l, at

(OFFICIAL Dover this t wen tie t h SEAL) day of April In the

year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-two. Earle D. Willey, Secretary of State.

Azaleas and Rhododendrons

now in bud at STAR GARDEN MART, will beautify your gs r<!en th is spring with a brightness wh ich a lmost ,' Iva ls STAR ROSES. And, like the Roses, their beauty will in ­crease each year - we o fTer onl y hArd y vOl·le ti cs. Wh y not com to STAR GARDEN MA'RT th iS week - on til ls one visit to the Illll'sel'y se lect t he Aza l as, Rhodode nd rons, Pcrenn ,a ls and Roses you need to make your garden a spot of nil season deli ght - a source of beautiful bouquets to adorn your home? No otl1er short auto trip could offer such long­lived pleasure - such build-up of

S'+'~'iieROSES "eady for arl y bloom In your garden arc easily se lected from the Sp elmen plants In bloom. STA R ROSES - guaranteed to bloom - Include the world 's best vari eties of all types,

TH:y~~Nt:'D·1 'I Rot'ert Pyle I

PreJ •

west Grove, Pa,

Open every day I '

unUl 7 p, m , Just I ' olf U, S, Route 1 _between Ken-nett Square and oxford,

ABC-O-MATIC 'l . ~~ I ~ Rinses eaeh separate pieee \ \,

~ q in f~esh ehanging water! \

To be really clean and bright and fluffy soft your washables must be cleanly rinsed, The suds that dis­solve and hold the dirt and ' body oils must be sep· arated from the fabrics, washed away, and kept from further contact with the cloth ,

When you wring your clothes into a fresh tub of rinse water, notice how the suds from the first piece rise to the surface to form a scum that succeeding pieces must pass through on entering and leaving the rinse, Ask yourself how much of this soap·encased impurity clings to your clothes in spite of your best efforts to remove it, --II!I!-, /If!I:.'O,M

\ " dot/I(

See for yourself- at demonstrations in our store, or with your own wash in your own home- how this automatic " Scum-Free" Rinser triple rinses in con­stantly changing, clean fresh water, See how it makes whites whiter and colors actually brighter! Learn how it works this magic with no more water, hot or cold , than is required by conventional washers, Simple and

economical to use , ABC-O·MATIC requires no expensive installations- is practical for apartment renters as well as home owners,


,DELlWARE POWER E LIGHT CO. #l7J; ~";~/I~~ ~Ue"


Eight The Newark Post, Newark. Delaware, Thursday,



The prize pigeon of Clyde Robin on, Newark. captured on Sunday the first race of the season flown by the Wil­mington Homing Pigeon Club. Win­ning the first pool money and trophy. Robinson's pigeon competed again t 431 birds from 28 lotts. The birds were liberated in Washington, D. C. Winning time was two hours and one minute. Rohet'l Ehnore

In Vaded ProO'ranl H ere


On Thur. day even ing. April 16. in Mitchell Hall. organ lovers of the com­munity were treated to a splendid ex­hibition of virtuosity by the brilliant yo ung Ph iladelphia organist. Robert Elmore. Mr. Elmore's program coveI'-

d the range from Bach's great A minor Prelude and Fugue. one of the six "greats" in Bach' ; last Leipzig revis­ion. to "The Squin el" by Weaver. and included such select I ns as the dreamy Ek log by K ramer and the terrific Sec­ond Concert Study by Pietro Yon.

lt would be difficult indeed , in choos­ing among the numbers. to fi nd a "best." The ease, grace, and clearness

Louis T. Staats, vacationing in F lori­da . presented the weekly Newark Lions Club program by remote con­trol Tue d ay evening. M. B. Moore. pinch-hitting for Mr. Staa ts. presented a timely and interesiing movie "How Does YOUI' Garden Grow," narrated by Lowell Thomas.

President J ohn K. Speicher conduct­ed the business session of the meeting he ld in the Newark Country Club and announced th nt the a nnual Lions Club Ladies Night would be held soon with the following committee in charge of arrangements: T. D. Sm ith, Emory Adkins, Wayne C. Brewer, Rex L. Root. R. T. Ware and Thos A. Ross.

The committee will meet wi thin the next few days and decide on a date and program for the affair.

Daniel Sto ll will be program chair­man for the meeting to be held ~ext Tuesday evening w ith a meeting of the Board of Direc tors scheduled to be held following the progr am.

Sugar Sale (Continued trom paee 1)

Once secured. the sugar stamp book may be used by any member of ihe family 0 1' anyone connected with it. Children, for instance, may take the family War Ration Books to the grocer to buy the famil y's enti re sugar supply.

Sugar may even be orderd by tele­phone. provid ing the purchaser can in ihe presence of the person making delivery tear out enough stamps from h is ration bOOK to cover the amount bought. The stamps will be given to the del iveryman.

of enunciation with which the A minor Dr. John R. Downes Fugue was delive red, the definiteness

In every case. however. you m ay never purchase sugar with stamps de­tached from the book. You must have you r war ration book with you and tear out the stamps in the presence of whomever you a re buying from.

of the theme whenever it appeared, the A rldresses Rotarians It your ration book should be lost 01' sto len. or any difficulties or quest­ions ar ise you should take them to the local rationing board at once.

repose of the long, quiet episod e, and Members of the Newark l\o tary Club the crashing climax were a delight to held their regu lar weekly dinner meet­Bach lovers. The handling of the dazzl- ing Monday evening in Hanna's Tea iog pedal passages in the Second Con- Room with President Samuel E. Dam ­cert S tudy was something rarely seen eron conducting the meeting.

P ersons living outside Newark should apply for the registration at the Elementary School nearest their homes.

in organ playing, and the beauty of the Hans Biedling, program chairman ligh ter numbers only served to accen - for the evening. in troduced Dr . J ohn tuate the magnificence of the heavier I R. Downes. New Castle County health works. officer, who addressed those present on

The la tent possibilities of such an the importance of immunization agai nst instrument as the organ in Mitchell and prevention of communicable di­Hall can only be brought out by a rea l seases in connection with the existing

Housing Quarter s (Continued tram pal1e 1)

. artist, and it is to be hoped that the war conditions. In responding to the request. Mayor

Frank Collins. with H. L. Bonham. chai rman of the Newark Council for Civilian Defense, assured the officials they felt certai n the townspeople would cooperate to the best of their ability . Following a discussion on the best method of approaching the prob­lem. Mayor Collins agreed to request a meeting at Mrs. Herman Handloff's committee at the New Century Club and work out a plan whereby its mem­bers. already experienced in allocat ­ing workers, can be used as a core about which to expand the housing

University HaUl' Committee will be in a position to bring to us again such Capt. G e orge E. Fletcher

~~~~;:ts as Dr. Bidwell and Mr. Promote d To Rank of Major

Dra ma Presente d A t

A sembly Program

Students of the Newark High School were trea ted to a pre entation of the drama "The Valiant" a t their regular weekly assembly period a t 8:40 Wed­nesday morning.

Direc ted by Miss Ann Stau ter , the cast included Marion J ones. Richard Engberg, Gordon Tail , Jack Levis, Louise Coxe and Gera ld Lenhoff . This group gave the same play in the elim­inaiion conte t for the Delawar e Play Festival. a Wilmington H igh School, last week.

CARD OF THAS KS We wish to thank our many fr iends and

neighbors for the flowers, use of automo­bIles , etc .. received during the bereave­ment of Mrs. Blanche Grant.

Clarence D . Grant and family.

CA RD OF THAN K S We wish to thank our friends and neigh­

bors for the flowers, cards, and use of automobIles during the recent bereavement of our husband and father . William T . Register.

Mrs Anna R Register and daughter. Helen.



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Capt. George E. Fletcher, son of MI'. and Mrs. A. E. Fletcher, West Main Street, has been promoted to the rank of Major, it was announced thi week. A graduate of Wilmington H igh School and the United States Military Acade­my, Major Fletcher is now stationed at Fort Lewis. Seattle. Washington.

Sel'vi c es Frida For activities. The proposed meeli~g will Y be attended by Mrs. M. E. Cronm.

Mr • E ll a J. Wanick In emphasizing h is remarks, Mr. !llrs. Ella J . Wanick. of ncar Elkton. II Rumsey, of Washington, explained the

died Tuesday, April 21. at the Flower patriotic necessity f~r pr~viding qual': Hospital in Newark. Mrs. Wanick was tel'S for these soldlels of mdustry, sta~ the widow of William Wanick . She wa ing that even when the housmg facIll-80 years of age. lies and dormi tones now under con-

Relatives and fri end are invited to structlOn m Elk ton are completed, It attend the funeral services to be held is doubtful whether they will provide a t the P ippin Funeral Home. Elkton. for all needs. Md., on Friday afternoon, April 24 . at Mrs. Cronin outlined the work of 2 o·clock . her office, saying it was her duly to

Interment will be in Elkton Ceme- cooperate wi th the committee here in tery. Friends may call Th ursday eve- personally selecting the woman work­ning from 7 to 9 o'clock. ers to be placed in Newark and CIl in­

troducing them to the famil ies where


*** M AK E

:~: EVERY l \ /ji PAYDAY


they will reside. What she termed a "select group" would be chosen for placement here. The office will also follow up d ifficulties that may arise. dismissing those workers who may prove undesi r able.

Thus far , Mrs. Cronin, working in conjunction with Mrs. Hnndloff's com­m it ee. has established qui te a num­ber of women workers In Newark. and the families quartering them report they are highly pleased.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.