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a 18 MINOR AULTS AL RENEWS EAST SHUMIELD Read the Want Ads BITTER IGHT IN ACCOUNTS OR CONTROL IN SOUTHWICK AUTOMOBILES 11 CLASSIIED STEEL UNIONS ADVERTISING Wel WOMAN TAKES 1935 1934 SPORTS STARS and Evening 1934 Circulation Over 1935 have 123000 PINE POINT Temporary 9 she RISE IN LIVING ANNOUNCEMENTS 7 Business Announcements STANDARD PLEA BY MISS PERKINS Had 10 AUTOMOBILES 11 INDIAN ORCHARD PINE POINT BRIES Chief must be car PITCHER IN 1887 Helped to Defeat St Louis 125 Polish Eagles and 120 Model Legal Notices 461 1424 501 TRY Lyell medal Old riendly Cafe report QUALITY WHISKEY SINCE 1823 Main street business out causing $200000 New England seen in action Sports palace three tryout held by the in addition to to his early start be able to make of the club which Coupe Tudor ordor Del Sed Used Sed Cpe Cpe 395 595 395 395 325 the things to powers up to entire wiped fire fighting undergraduate charge of fire THAT'S ALL" prelims Wildcat Marvin LOST Black zipper bag containing rosary vanity money Reward 2 G751 Nashville Tenn March 9 A woman who carried her new born baby with her in a death leap from the 11th floor of a hotel here was identified today as Dorothy Carthauser 2S of Louisville Hall pastor1 of the Con church at lorence will 14 lines charge respon 1936 1934 1933 1936 1936 1935 1935 1934 1936 9 Regular guardsmen 459 's Cafe 1934 1933 1932 and were sup SILVERWARE and METAL RE1NISH1NG of all kinds Elec or gas RERIGERA TORS repainted like new Delivery serv ice 2 8616 tor details Enterprise Plat Ing Co 49 Taylor Island state champion hcld at Providence next and the eight winners to Boston on Monday honor of Little Rhody GERMAN' POLICE Dog lost Brown Lie 9213 Ans to Reward Tel 4 6281 home made paint and only 31000 all Sweden 58000 one unemploy 120 120 120 36 '35 News faults Indian Orchard March 9 Choui nard's restaurant closed in on first place in the Cafe league standing last night shutting out cafe In the other match of the evening cafe won 2 to 1 over riendly 'cate Indian Orchard March 9 Tonight at 8 the weekly social at the Myrtle street community center will be held in the' school gymnasium Those in charge promise to introduce some new features which will add much to the evening's program Tomorrow night at the school gymnasium the Ludlow from the London and in from the same from classes fire whistle Also Corner Main William Sts $985 595 365 4 345 245 145 125 $495575 545 295 4 9063 Open Eves 151 1932 a settler after which announce be made concerning the Butte alls Ore Polk Smith Jr thought he was in for a lot of fun at a very small expense when he made himself st pair of skiis but he was wrong because: He fell while trying a jump and one of the skiis hit him in the nose and blackened his eye Learning that his nose was not broken Smith resumed skiing and fell again breaking an arm He has given up skiing has been very pro have been greatest exhibitions section that the New Eng next Monday the finest used cars In town the Ray Doane's base Li non to Indian Orchard he with 'the Westinghouse DINER BIG EVENT When Selectman Holmes' family comes to he must extend the dining Tonight three Parent Teacher asso ciation groups will meet at their re spective schools The Balliet associa tion will meet with Mrs Eugene Cha bot presiding During the social hour cards will be played and prizes will be awarded for high score Refresh ments will be served by the teachers of the school Harry McGill president of the Rob ert Morris association will preside at meeting at 8 Mrs Gene Hickox a member of the school board will be guest speaker and will talk on better A scoial hour and refreshments will follow The Warner A will meet to night at 8 in the kindergarden rooms Mrs John Staples will conduct the business session Dr Peter Karpovitch of Springfield college will be the speaker The Warner Glee club and the Morris Choristers of the Morris A will give a musical program after the business session Miss Bessie Chesmin Thayer will direct Clifford Marotti slid Miss Ruby Parker will be vocal soloists Mario Bracci will en tertain with several accordion selec tions WOMEN WALK THROUGH IRE Madras India Twenty women car rying babies in their arms walked through fire at Kurungalpalayam South India They apparently were not burned The score were some of the 155 Hindu devotees who took part in a temple festival COMMISSIONER GUEST BOY SCOUT TROOP Rio De Janeiro Brazil March 9 ederal intervention in Matto Grosso has been decreed by PresidentGetulio Vargas Captain Manoel da Silva Pires of the army who has been named federal commissioner for the state arrived by airplane at Cuyaba yester day to take charge Intervention was decreed Saturday President Vargas submitted the text of the decree to the Senate today Un der the national state of war (a modi fied form of martial law) President Vargas is empowered to declare inter vention in a state and then notify the Senate Intervention in Matto Grosso outcome of a chaotic political situa tion that has arisen out of a dispute between the governor of the state and the state assembly Two months ago there were disorders at Cuyaba and two federal senators were seriously wounded The army garrison was then strenghtened as the Assembly ma jority opposing the governor sought refuge at the 'army barracks In his decree of intervention the president states that the action was asked for by the Assembly majority members who despite the federal gov ernment's measures to Insure their safety are still unable to meet be cause they feel their personal safety is imperiled President Vargas also says that because of the general un easiness in the state federal Interven tion for one year is advisable Huntington March 9 Huntington high and the local Pirates are slated to take part in their second tilt of a three game series for the champion ship of Huntington play taking place here tonight at opera house gym The more experienced Pirates annexed victory number one some time ago but may find the going a bit harder tomorrow night In the event of a third game such will take place riday night at Cole's arena The Pirates are all set for action after registering a 62 26 triumph over the Dale Laundry quintet of Pitts field Sunday afternoon Those lined up for the buccaneers include Alec Diamond and Chet La ond guards: Bobby Tufts center and the forward combination of La ond and Leo Cantin Huntington high will be represented by Leland Brennan center Harry Gareau and Billy Plankey guards while Billy La Bom bard and Glenn Chaffee will be as signed to the front court Hunting ton high freshmen will tangle with lads from grammar school brigade play starting at 730 East Charles dinner table considerably At a recent gather ing there were his own 13 children and 29 other descendants autumn of entered the Kaka mega dis life As a result we need not to fix minimum wages for those are in the lowest income groups most subject to exploitation but have to think continuously of ord Sta Wag Stud Sedan Chev Sta Wag ord Tudor ord Rdstr Willys 6 sed Hudson Sedan Auburn Sedan Hupp Sedan McCoy of Cambridge of Montana will be and in the paired with Hyatt with 345 345 325 295 195 461 Terms RANCOIS ARAGO DIES RENCH LEGISLATOR 1934 1934 1931 1934 1933 1932 1931 1931 1933 AT DARTMOUTH MAN IRE HOSE COMMONWEALTH MASSACHUSETTS xinmpden ss TO 1936 1936 1936 1935 1935 1934 1934 1934 1933 1933 BALDWIN DIES DETROIT is now wrestler greatest Colgate wrestler wide swath through the heavyweights in the world The old Colgate captain refuses to admit that Clark is his superior and feels that the stage is set for one of the most tremendous upsets of the season Last riday night in the Boston Garden Chief Little Wolf achieved the distinction of being the first American wrestler ever to score a fall over the Scotchman and'Maca luso is confident not only that he will score a fall but that he will win the battle Bob "Bibber' and red Sparks the semi finalists Pat ReilL Will be Wilson and Leo Westenberg We Thousands ot satisfied owners testify to this Buy yours where the discriminating buyer buys his UNEMPLOYMENT IN SWEDEN DROPS Police said the child was born only a few minutes before the woman who had registered as Mrs Carr of In dianapolis jumped from her window She left a note reading: have no to notify ot my death My body may be used by the state medical school for experimental pur poses or will have to be buried by the state (or city) Needless to say my name is not earr and I am not from Indianapolis My bag and coat and hat are in the closet Identification was made through a report sent out'by Michael Morris sey chief of police of Indianapolis which warned authorities to be on the lookout for the woman because had threatened suicide SHOE WORKERS IN HOLUSTON STRIKE Indian Orchard March 9 The March meeting of the Indian Orchard club will be omitted this month and the club will hold a mili tary whist party Thursday night in the auditorium of the Myrtle street school to raise funds for its welfare work Each year the mothers take upon themselves the responsibility of see ing that no children attending the schools of this community are forced to remain at home because of the lack of proper clothing A group of teachers in the local schools are mem bers of the club and it is through these instructors that the welfare committee ascertains where there is need of clothing Undernourished children are taken care of in the form of milk and lunches at the various schools which is also furnished by the Mothers' club As this welfare work entials a lot of expense the club is forced to devise ways and means of raising money to be able to carry on the work Tthe committee In charge includes Mrs Percy Edgett chairman Mrs Er nest Seaver Mrs Thomas Wilkin son and Mrs Harold Dumais Hastings Mich March 9 Charles Baldwin pitcher for the Detroit base ball team in 1887 when the team won its first championship is dead here at 79 Mr Baldwin who quit the game after the 1887 season and entered the real estate business here first played professional baseball at Milwaukee in 1885 but ws soon purchased by the Detroit team He pitched 54 full games winning 42 for Detroit in 18S6 i The following season he won nine out of 10 games giving Detroit the National league championship and putting the team in the world series against the St Louis Browns old American association champions The world series that year went to 15 games Mr Baldwin success fully pitched five of them giving St Louis only one run a game He pitched the final and deciding game winning 8 to 3 Mr Baldwin never recovered com pletely from a shoulder injury suf fered In 1887 and was never effective in the major leagues after that season He was nicknamed because of Ills unassuming temperament and his refusal to touch liquor and to bacco Some ot his teammates were Ned Hanlon who was captain and centcrflelder Dan Brouthers Charlie Bennett and Rowe Mr Hanlon later was manager of the Baltimore Orioles AMATEUR TITLE BOUTS NEXT MONDAY CLUB CARD PARTY THURSDAY East Springfield March 9 A Langlois commissioner of district 13 Hampden council ot Boy Scouts of America Higgins newly elected chairman of the troop committee of Boy Scout troop 45 and James Burns were guests at a regular meeting of troop 45 held last "night at Samuel Bowles school Mr Burns was in charge of a first aid demonstration showing special phases of this work and demonstrating necessary equip ment The routine meeting was in charge ot Scouts Richard Shepardson and Richard Lovell An all day outing Is planned for Saturday the boys to meet in the morning at 9 at the corner of Eden dale street and Rage boulevard tak ing food for one meal They will be accompanied by leaders London March 9 Sir Albert Kit son geologist died yesterday at Bea consfield He was 69 years old The important discoveries of Sir Al bert included the black and brown coal fields and oil shale deposits in Nigeria the manganese diamond and bauxite fields on the Gold coast: the glacial and fossil beds in Victoria Tasmania and on the Gold coast A son of John Kitson of Manches ter Sir Albert received his scientific education at the University of Mel bourne and began his career with the geological survey of Victoria work ing first on a survey of southern Nigeria In 1918 he received the award of the Wollaston fund (Geological society ot 1927 the body In the who had trict of the Kenya colony just above the equator in Africa to examine an abandoned plantation caught sight of an eight ounce gold nugget as he stooped to drink from a stream The news brought Sir Albeit to the scene and his encouraging caused a gold rush SIR ALBERT KITSON GEOLOGIST IS DEAD Chev Tour ord Conv Buick Spt Terra Sedan Hudson Sedan Essex Spt Cpe Ask about CASH ISKEN WILL APPEAR IN Count six words to a line to an Inch Minimum book The Publishers will not be ilble for more than one incorrect Insertion of any advertisement or dered for more than one time Phone 3 1121 immediately should any typographical or other error occur HAWAIIAN RASPBERRIES LARGE AS GOL BALLS Stockholm March 9 Unemploy ment in Sweden continues to decline official figures indicate On January 1 this year there were persons out of work in as compared to nearly year earlier The latest ment report of the Swedish Trades unions was 119 per cent of the mem bership against' 149 per cent for the corresponding period in 1935 The gross expenditure of the government unemployment committee in 1936 amounted to 43140000 kronor which means a decrease in comparison with 1935 of not less than 25640000 kronor 1317 Wilton Dltlllln Co Cicirtlv Offices Rew York Blended Whiskey 90 proof The etralffht whisklee in this product are 2 years or snere eld 29strsight whlskeySgrafn neutralplrtte SO straight whiskey 2 year old 1S straight whiskey 7 years old 27o a Line per Day for 1 Day 25o a Line per Day for 3 Day 23c a Line per Day for 7 Day Situation Wanted Advertisement 15c per Line per Day Sunday Rate 16c per Line Minimum space two lines Contract Rates Upon Request ARMY AID DECREED OR MATTO GROSSO IP" 1934 1935 1 935 1034 1932 1933 1932 1932 1932 Portland Ore March army troops and national from five western states will gather 14000 strong at Qrt Lewis Wash ington next August as part' of the ourth army maneuvers The Washington concentration will be only one of four similar ourth army movements west of the Missis sippi It will be commanded by Major General George Simmonds com mander of the ninth corps area In San rancisco The other concentra tions will be held at ort Riley Kan Camp Ripley Minn and San Opispo Calif Announcement of the maneuvers was madoby Major General George A White commanding general of the 41st division following a meeting with his staff here CLARK AVORED TO DEEAT MACALUSO RECORD BOULDER Madison Believed to be the largest boulder in North America this town boasts a stone 90 feet long 40 feet wide and 40 feet high 1 BANQUET PLANNED OR WILLIE LUSZCZ Ray the student Itself nobly as it students take pride ARMY MANEUVERS TO BE HELD IN AUGUST PYNCHON MOTOR SALES INC 104 Memorial Ave Open Eves Spfld Touring Sedan $895 Club Sedan ive Pass Touring Coupe 895 Sport Coupe rumble seat 845 Business Coupe 843 Trunk Sedan Deluxe Sedan 2 dr trunk Sedan Coupe Deluxe Sedan Sedan Door Sedan 4 lonr SAKORD CO 21 27 winter Vtj Paris March 9 rancois Arago one of the directors of the Petit Pari sien died at his home here yesterday at the age of 75 He entered the diplomatic service as a young man but left it in 1903 to enter Parliament During the war and for six years afterward he played a prominent part as a leader of the Right Center He married Marie Dupuy daugh ter of the former publisher and sis ter of the present publisher of the Petit Parisicn Mr Arago an officer of the rench Legion of Honor was attache at Berne Switzerland in 1880 and later served as an officer of the ministry of oreign Affairs in Paris more busi once he crawls through the ropes shifting from hold to hold with the cold ra pidity of an executioner and these who consider themselves experts in wrestling affairs insist that the bout of tomorrow night will be at once the roughest as well as the most brilliant of the entire season Macalu six years out ot Colgate a seasoned professional Rated by Andy Kerr as the fullback in the history of he has found himself as a this season and has cut a through the leading Indian Orchard March'9 The com mittee in charge of the Better Ole and Polish Eagles joint minstrel show "Sport announce they have acquired the services of James isken nt Ludlow to serve as an endman at their show to be presented April 2 in Steven's Memorial hall Ludlow is ken has been a member of many casts in past years and is considered a high class performer always well received by local audiences' Mrs Mary Titans director urges all principles in the show to be present at a rehearsal tonight at 730 in the club rooms of the Eagles The music will be furnished by Robby lynn and his serenaders Dancing will follow the show unti) 1 Holyoke March 9 George Clark of Scotland greatest wrestler his country has ever produced will he a slight favorite to defeat Len Maca luso of Colgate when they come to grips tomorrow night in the feature finish match at the Valley arena Since he first entered this country last November Clark has been a burr and a thistle to every wrestler now operating in this country and he has lost but one match during all that busy campaign His single defeat came at the hands of Steve Casey of Ireland when he lost the decision at the end of 90 minutes and raised a hulabaloo that the cards had been stacked against him Clark Is still hounding the burly Irishman for a return match and it is probable that they will meet once again when the outdoor season opens The cocky1 Scotchman is one of the most colorful wrestlers now operating under the big top He sold out the Boston Garden when he whipped Danno O'Mahony former champion of the world and he sold it out all over again when he met Casey Clark owns and operates holds than any wrestler in the ness He is a busy gentleman ONE) OUR PAPERS Combined Morning 1932 1936 inclusive titles $1093697 Liabilities included: loans $30000 reserve fund overlay surplus $268188 unexpended bal ances $1149148 surplus revenue $1S566O6 The town had five debt account totaling $117399260 and three trpst accounts for ari aggregateof $26 71344 Holliston March 9 ifty employes in the lasting department of the Goodwill Shoe company struck today for a 20 per cent wage increase Twenty five of the strikers signed with I Os United Shoe Leather Workers Ticket lines established in' an effort to win port of 250 other employes New York "March Miss rances Perkins secretary of labor emphasiz ing the need for cooperation between business and labor if President Roose recovery program is to suc ceed told members of the Grover Cleveland Democratic club last night that in the prosperous year of 1929 nearly 6000000 families had yearly incomes of less than $1000 and that more than 16000000 other received less than $2000 a year She spoke at a meeting In the clubhouse 789 Park avenue level of living for wage earn ers farmers and small business men the real buying power of their an nual incomes must rise continuously to maintain a healthy economic and social Secretary Perkins said "Their standard of living for the country generally must similarly be expected to rise In order to achieve this goal the re covery program indorsed by so many millions of Americans ried out are some of bring their purchasing a level with the production powers of the country? Reasonably short hours no child labor first class work ing conditions wages commensurate with the value of the services and wages commensurate with the Ameri can standard of living American standard of living is a very high standard and most wage earners are not able to approxi mate it in the course of their work ing only who and we the improvement of other wages up to the American standard of living needs to be cooperation be tween workers and employers in terms of honorable and competent bargaining between groups of equal Influence and responsibility There can be cooperation between employers and workers and there is a great desire for such cooperation on both 6000000 amilies in Yearly Income Less Than $1000 AT GENDEN BROS INC Authorized Pontiac Sales and Service 1936 Pontiac Cch 1936 Plym Sed 1935 Pontiac Spt Cp 1934 Nash Sed 1934 Chev Sed 1935 ord Sed 2385 Main St Tel 6 5481 Panel $300 Rdstr $230 Lika New Trade your car: invest In an Austin CRANDAL CO 826 State Winchester Sfl Browns in World Series BABY WITH HER IN DEATH LEAP AUTOMOBILE SALES CO Opp Sta 95 Liberty St Open Eve Plunges rom Hotel Window Soon After Infant Is Born EAST SPRINGIELD BRIES our new books ot fiction for adults are among volumes received during the past week at the East Springfield branch library and include the fol lowing titles: Holiday" a story of love mystery and comedy by Dorothy Sayers Men and a a tale of adventure similar to those of written by David Garth whose theme is of the attempt of four sons to exonerate their father of guilt "None Shall Pass" in which Caroline Gordon has written of the Civil war in Kentucky and Georgia' and "Straw the by Ruth Llninger Dobson a story of the Amish sect in Indiana Airs Alice Silcox of Oakland street entertained members ot the Larkin' club at her home last night when bridge was in play Supper was served in the late evening The next meeting will be held Monday night April 12 with Mrs Lillian Rock of Edgewood street Mrs William Larabee of Jenness street was called to Thompsonville last weekend by the sudden death of her father in law Eli Larabee Thirteen women of the community attended a class on Home held yesterday after noon at the home of Airs Courtney DeGowin of Page boulevard under the auspices of the Hampden County Im provement league The discussion topic of the afternoon was and was led by Mrs Guido Pasquini and Airs Clifton Ad ams The leaders gave instructions ana aemorjstrations of cleansers for furniture wall paper The next train ing class will be held Tuesday the 23d at the league building in West ments will local class Rev Basil gregational be the guest speaker at a special Len ten service to be held tomorrow night at 730 at East Congregational church Mrs Carol Atwood of Worcester spent the past weekend with her son and daughter in law Air and Airs Ed win Atwood of Stuyvesant street since last fall The fans to see the greatest battles the title aspirants swing on Monday night The Rhode ships will be riday night will be sent to uphold the Some of the Massachusetts state title holders who have already signed up for Monday night are Americo Conti of Haverhill a hard hitting 126 pounder who will have a large fol lowing from the Merrimac valley to cheer him on to victory Ed Dul maine the sensational lightweight from North Grafton who just missed tmaking the grade th the Golden Gloves of North Adams the Golden Glpvcs 147 pound cham pipn and Yancey Henry of Lynn the All America heavy champ Brigade ounded in 1801 Elects ootball Men As Chiefs Indian Orchard Afarch 9 riends of Willie Luszcz local baseball lumi nary are making plans to tender him a banquet the evening of the 17th in the rainbow room of restaurant prior to his departure for spring training camp at Lawrence burg Tenn as a member of the House of David club The commit tee of arrangements is headed by rank Socha who has been backing this youngster for several seasons He will be assisted by Teddy Soja John Patla and Walter Socha Luszcz plans to leave for the south on the 28th in preparation for the long summer campaign for which he fias signed up after a successful tour with the David's during the latter part of last summer In 1936 he joined the club at New London and pitched in 11 contests winning nine losing one and a tie averaging 15 strikeouts a game according to the records ot the league Willje first attracted the attention ot the scouts for this club when a member ot ball school at Hot Springs ms return hooked up nine winning four games and acting as a relief hurier in another He has also seen service with the Three Rivers At A the Gems of Hartford and as a member ot the House of David last year toured the northern part of the country and Canada In his sandlot days he saw serv ice with Trade school Orchard Ca tholic Boys club Polish Cardinals This year due Luszcz hopes to the entire circuit does most of its playing in the west ern part of the country and has on several occasions gone as far as the Hawaiian Islands Willie is hoping that his experience this summer will attract the attention of some minor league scouts as he has ambitions to become a big leaguer He is dodging all barber shops and sporting a three growth of whiskers that make him a stranger to his1 many friends Classes Student members wear red hats at fires and are excused as soon as 'the town blows Within the past six years there have been seven disastrous fires all but one of them on campus Over that period the Sigma Chi Alpha Sigma Phi Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Al pha Tan Oniega houses have been swept by flames Two landmarks the Old White church and Dartmouth hall were the other two on campus structures leveled in the last half dozen years Only several weeks ago Hanover had its most destructive fire in 50 years An block was damage Led by squad acquitted always has Townies and In their undergraduate fire depart ment htr $689 419 49 489 863 3 269 288 219 Dial 4 9231 DUTTON MOTOR SALES SAVE MONEY SAVE 1937 ord ordor Trunk Sedan '937 ord Deluxe Tudor I'JuO 1936 1936 Hanover March 9 Dart mouth boasts one of the most un usual organizations in the collegi ate world an undergraduate fire squad whose charter membership in cludes the name of Daniel Webster When it was founded in 1801 the student squad was a bucket brigade One of prize relics is the bucket used by Webster of the college After 'a lapse of more than 100 years the undergraduate fire depart ment was revived in 1929 by Ernest Martin Hopkins president of the col lege Its membership consists of promi nent athletes The squad is headed by a who is elected annually from among the football stars Led by Al Marsters irst chief of the reorganized un dergraduate fire fighters was Al (Special Delivery) Marsters one of the greatest football players ever de veloped at Dartmouth Present chief is Carl (Popeye) Ray of Pawling sensational sleeveless center for the past three seasons Other football greats who have led the fire squad include Bill Alorton of New Rochelle all America quarterback on the 1931 team Whit Kimball of Newburyport Mass Don Hagerman of Arlington Alass Roald Alorton brother of Bill and Don Erion of Buffalo The student squad is an Integral part of the town's volunteer depart ment Besides actual the functions of the firemen include taking lines and rescue work Excused ront 'Personally cars 35 '36 '35 '34 rey to Leave for Pittsburg to Plead Cause of ed eration HUNTINGTON HIGH TO PLAY PIRATES SOCIAL TONIGHT AT COMMUNITY CENTER Special Dispatch to The Dally Boston Afarch 9 Only minor are pointed out in the report of the audit of the accounts of the town of Southwick just made public by the state division of accounts for the year ending December 31 last Recommendation is made that the public welfare department notify the accountant promptly of all bills sent out for collection so that the ledger may reflect at all times the true finan cial condition of the town It also is recommended that determined ef fort be made to secure settlement of old outstanding accounts in the pub lic welfare and cemetery accounts totaling $178678 Auditors noted that interest on mortgages held as investments of the Dickinson school fund are in some instances several years in arrears Balance sheet of the town as of the audit date showed total assets of $9920536 Including: Cash $556199 taxes outstanding levies of 1932 1936 inclusive $3305764 old age assistance taxes 1932 and 1933 levies $21 motor vehicle excise taxes levies of $120459 tax HEDGES SATTLER INC SS3 Main St Cor Winthrop Tel: 2 3154 PLYMOUTH 1935 COUPE with rumble seat maroon finish radio Ill wonderful "tondltion appearance like reasonably priced See our big display oflB 30 other used cars 1931 1929 1929 THE PACKARD 31OTOR CAR CO ofN 721' State St Open Evenings Dial 4 36S1 CO EDS CUKE Burlington Ct Drowning their cares in a roller skating craze nearly 50 co eds of University of Vermont escaped mid year examination worries at Southwick Union on Redstone cam pus for women rof Eleanor Cum mings head of the women's depart ment of physical education who serves as roller skating instructor declares the sport an excellent means of escaping "brain often induced by mid year examinations Washington March 9 John rey American ederation of 1 abor metal trades leader announced today he ill leave immediately for Pitts burg to investigate possibility of steel company unions joining the federa tion announcement presaging possibility of rival drives by the fed eration and the Committee for In dustrial Organization to unionize the steel "industry was met with an at tack by Philip Murray chairman of the Jojn Lewis Steel union cam paign Murray charged rey impending discussion with steel company union heads was "another attempt to betray the labor The group which requested the conference with rey previously had sought unsuccessfully to obtain the aid ot President William Green of the federation in changing their set up rey said he would confer with leaders of the Carnegie Illinois Steel employe representation plan "They have not tasked me to doany thing more than sit in conference with rey said I will do That is as far as I can go at present I expect to leave for Pitts burg definitely today "President Green of the ederation' received a telegram from the same group but it is my impression that they asked him to grant them a charter They have not asked me Murray who was here for a meet ing of 1 eaders sharply criticized rey and his proposed trip "They get anyone else to talk to he said "They are the nemants of a plan that has died men of the mills and the public generally are all regarding the visit of rey to Pittsburg to meet these so caiied employe representatives as another attempt to betray the labor I leaders met today with Twis to discuss the unionizing drives At the same time Green conferred with 50 crack ederation organizers no A of I strategy in combatting the spread of group AUST IN Coupe '30 885 Chev Sed 8395 Essex Sed '29 835: Ply Sed 8125: ord Sed $125 Belwhlte Ga rasre 4 4100 CLOSING TIME: or 'the Morning Paper 9 or' the Evening Papers 10 A Advertisements Accepted at Our Offices: 16 ORT ST 12 HARRISON AVE THE SPRINGIELD DAILY NEWS SPRINGIELD MASS: TUESDAY MARCH 9 1937 A GROUPS TO MEET TONIGHT maae hy calling Mrs Lawton iiiijii nirj nay street motored to Conway uuy wnn Urged That Outstanding fare Payments Be Made BANKS IN TREE Saugus He was glad when the bank tn which he had been saving his money collapsed But the bank in which Thomas AIcCarrier had de posited spare change on occasion was an aged apple tree in the yard of his home AIcCarter had been placing money in the tree through a hole in the trunk 10 feet above the ground for years Collapse of the tree revealed a coin hoard which totaled $175 Automobiles for Sale AT cr mrriET ORDS CHEVROLETS DODGES 75 Late model car to choose from Easy Terms Come in and see these beautiful cars 693 Columbus Ave cor York 6 9876 Union Republican Daily News HUP SEDAN 1930 Good condition $100 Tel 6 5704 Plymouth Coach Chev Tour Sedan Chev 4 door Sedan Pontiac Coupe Worthington St a races XT selection of popular make barrain nrtces are on hand Arthur Center Inc 486 Bridge St Tel 6 1252 RALPH JONES INC CHRYSLER 6 6301 PLYMOUTH 'ferraplajje Sedan $595 Olds 6 4 door Sdan 775 Plymouth 4 door Sedan 5P5 DeSoto Airstream Sedan Graham Sedan 495 Chevrolet Coach 375 ord ordor Sedan 345 Hudson Coach 395 Chevrolet Coupe 29 7 Buick 91 Club Sedan 475 721 Worthington St Open Evening YOU SAVE MONEY BECAUSE WE NEED THK ROOM Dodge 4 dr trunk sed rad uoflge oenan Lafayette Plymouth La fayette ord Plymouth Chevrolet Buick 4 Plymouth Easy Term 150 Chestnut St TRUCKS CAE BOWLING LOOP RESULTS ISSUED DE SOTO 4 2133 PLYMOUTH WEEK END SPECIALS Plymouth Sedan Gunmetal $595 DeSoto Airstream Sedan heater 575 Plymouth Coupe Gunmetal 475 Buick 2 Door Trk Sed Excellent Chevrolet Master Coach tan Plymouth Sedan Heater Plymouth 2 Door 'Sedan Terraplane Coach Special ord Sedan Special Plymouth Sedan very clean Pontiac Coupe New tires Essex Sedan Extra fine condition Buick 3 Pass Coupe Oldsmobile Sedan ord Roadster Pontiac Convertible Coupe Buick Sedan Excellent condition ord Tudor Terra Cpe ord Sta Wag Olds 6 Sedan Hudson Sedan Nash Sedan DOWN PLAN" 20 Months to naif Liberty St Open Eves Phone 4 6416 ADAMS! ORDS! ADAMS! A WE HAVE SEVERAL MODEL A ORDS OR 850 EACH Come In NOW These cars sell Quickly GEORGE ADAMS INC Authorized ord Sales Service 648 State St Open Eves Tel 6 3656 Honolulu Alarch 9 Hawaii is growing wild raspberries as large as golf balls according to Pope of the federal government station here The only difference is in the color and consistency Specimens have been found large enough to fill the top of water tum bler However efforts to cross them with hardied varieties have failed so far Boston March 9 The big annual New England Boxing championships under the sponsorship of the New England AAAU Boxing committee headed by Gene Driscoll will be staged at the Boston Garden next Monday evening March 15th rne of the amateur ranks will be at the North Station The winners of the tourneys which were Irish American A A the state champions of Massachusetts New Hampshire and Rhode Island will make up the card in each of the eight classes of championship com petition from flyweight to heavy weight Amateur' boxing has enjoyed one of its greatest seasons this year due in a great measure to the untiring efforts of the Irish American A A in promoting weekly shows In this way the youngsters who are striving to gain headway in the sport have had an opportunity to develop their game rne result tjouncsd for the putting on the ever seen in this Ail this means land chant pionshios night will be the Every class has" tried and true representatives who have proven their worth in the many series of eliminations that have been neld are certain ever when into action 1936 1933 1935 1835 1935 1934 19341934 1934 1934 1933 1933 1933 1932 1931 1931 1931 1930 1930 ord Roadster Many All Makes and Model BARRETT INC 600 State St Open Eves Till SPECIALS Chrysler Coupe heater radio perfect condition 859S" Pontiac Delux Sedan a good family car 8428 7 Dodge Deluxe 4 door Sedan a tine car tor a small price 8425 ord Deluxe Touring ordor radio heater 8435 Wildcats will meet the Orchard Cru saders in a basketball contest This game should be a thriller due to the intense rivalry between the two com munities sj An unusual feature will be offere'd on the 12th at 430 and 730 when a marionette show will be presented afternoon show will be for the children while the evening perform ance will be for adults Two one act plays will be presented "Sneeze" and it With The The manipulation of these tiny actors calls for particular skfll and those ki charge are well experienced in this line of entertainment No admission will be charged The program for this afternoon' and evening follows boys' gymnasium class 5 to 6 rhythrti band 430 to 6 junior basketball games 6 to 7 tap and ballroom dancing instructions 7 to 830 papercraft 'and story telling hour 430 to 6: voice culture 730 to 8 adult social 8 to 10: dramatics 430 to 8 woodcarving 430 to 6 AUTHORIZED ORD DEALERS Auburn Up Chrysler Airflow Pont conv cpe Chevrolet Cpe ord Coupe ora ord ord ord CHRYSLER "66" Roadster Beautiful car Complete In every detail See George Sil va 73 Broadway CHEVROLET 1931 Sport coupe new tires? Special paint $145 See George Silva 73 Broadway Chevrolet 1936 trunk Sedan 500 mi $625 Pontiac 1935 Touring Sedan radio 550 Plymouth 1936 Trunk Sedan 4000 ml 695 (50 other late models $75 up) 643 Main St Meyer Catok Mot Sales 3 1311 Tonight at 730 the Springfield Con gregational union will hold their monthly meeting at Union church of Jasper street Members of the church are invited to attend i The 4 Silver Eagle club will meet on riday afternoon at 330 at the Warner school for a regular meeting new leader will be appointed at this meeting because of the' resigna tion of Willis A Lord who has moved from the city to Worcester William Walker county agent will be present at the meeting on riday The garden work will be supervised by Mrs Otis Hall Mr and Mrs of Cobb street anounce the engagement of their daughter Genovena to Earl Melcher of Marion street The wedding will be an event of this month Mr and Mrs Philip Gates of Barber street are parents of a son born yes terday at Wesson Maternity hospital The baby is the grandson of Dr George Gates of State street and Mr and Mrs Edward McLean of Barber street Miss Ruth Connors and red Thorne of Providence I spent the week end as guests of Mr and Mrs John Keefe of Warrenton street Mr and Mrs Milton Provost of Gil bert avenue are parents of a daugh ter born on Wednesday at Wesson Maternity hospital The baby is the grandaughter of Mr and Mrs Edward Provcst and Mr and Mrs Louis Barry of Gilbert avenue The members of the I a Junior achievement will meet tonight nt of Mrs Henry Swadba advent who is leader and advisor of the group Miss Ernestine Lucas will preside during the busi ness B' ClaPP met yesterday afternoon with the mem mimf01 re TryIt junior achieve ment club and Mrs Charles Jor erson met with the We Do It club Both groups meet at the Morris school and many articles are being Put in the annual ex hat 56 held in April mrnn RrOup suild Of Union chui ch will meet tomorrow night at mtf '2 8rU1Ifl roonis With Mrs of tL prcsidlnS Max Keltz of the South group will be in charge of the program to be in the form of the musicale by students from Spring neld Conservatory of Music Mrs Emil Biessen Mrs Oscar issette and Mrs sit lhe Xorth sroup will seite the refreshments Chester Lawton of Larchmont street will open her home on Thurs afternoon for a card partv for of the south group guild of Union church Reservations may be Mr and Mrs Philin Kh seh str i to fathe 11 day with Mrs Kirschs father Alexander Sinclair daughter of Mr and bls 'am pucas of State street he to her home for the past few days with a severe cold CHEVROLET 1936 Touring Sedan: lik brand new $625 George Silva 73 Broad way Dependable Used Cars and Truck A Reopell 709 State St Chevrolet Oldest Established Dealer "BUY WHERE MILLIONS ARE BUYING7 "Guaranteed "Safety Cara HERBERT SCOTT Chevrolet Oldsmobile 120 130 Suffolk St Holyoke 6406 Open Evening ALEXANDER NASH INC BETTER USED CARS ALWAYS 278 Chestnut St Tel 6 9314 1 ENTON WEST SPRINGIELD 1934 Chevrolet Coach $350 120 Westfield St 3 5193 Spgfld a ORD 1934 Phaeton heater radio very sporty car Kelleher Mixer Inc 464 St James Ave 3 3116 ORD 1931 Tudor Sedan $95 George Sil va 73 Broadway ORD 1936 DELUXE Coupe with radio like new $500 Ackerman 48 Wil '4 low St ORD 1936 Touring Sedan 4 door with built in trunk $500 Ackerman 48 Willow St ORD 1935 Deluxe Touring 2 door Sedp with built in trunk radio hot water heat' er very clean $425 Ackerman 48U Willow St ORD 1934 Runabout $300 Acker man 48 Willow St GRAHAM 1934 Coupe bargain Kel leher Mixer Inc 464 St James Ave 3 3116 9 GRAHAM 1935 4 door Sedan finished brown duco clean upholstery Prlvat party Call 3 0594 Probate Court all persons interested iri the trust estate under the win of CHRISTOPHER GAGNIER late of Springfield In said County deceased for the benefit of ELIZABETH GAGNIER otherwise Lizzie Gagnler and others according to the terms of a compromise agreement dated eb 24 1930 approved by said Court March 51930 under subdivision A nf fha flrat rlauan nf said The trustee 'of said estate has presented to said Court for allowance his fourth rc count and requested that the items of said account ba finally determined and adjudi cated If you desire tn object thereto you or your attorney should file a written appearance in said Court at Springfield before ten In the forenoon on the second day of April 1937 the return day of this citation Witness JOHN A DENISON Esquire irst Judge of said Court this fourth day of March In the year one thousand nine hundred thirty seven WILLIAM DILLON Register i 15U cne (March 9 16 23) DODGE 20 USED CARS No money down 20 months to pay Mullen Motor Sales 964 Main St Springfield 2 7903 HUDSON 1936 deluxe Sedan like driven only 7235 miles See this car Gil ford Nichols 560 Main St 3 4349 INTERNATIONALlOT OR CAR CO 35 Dodge Plymouth Trade ins Bargains 138 Memorial Jte West Springfield OLDSMOBILE 1936 2 door deluxe $650 See George Silva 73 Broadway PYLMOUTH 1935 Coupe like new low mlle age hSatcr $475 Manson Bros 5S0 Bel mont Ave 2 9647 PLYMOUTH 1936 Deluxe touring sedan? $595 George Silva 73 Broadway PLYMOUTH 1937 Touring sedan Used very little George Silva 73 Broadway PLYMOUTH 1934 Coach 335 George Sll va 3 Broanway AUSTINS 33 Austin Coupe 300133 Austin 32 Austin Coupe $250132 Austin Entirely Rebuilt Guaranteed 1'nna ma I Automobiles for Sale A CHRYSLER Airflow Sedan 34 Perfect condlt No dealers 15 Temple St Apt 1 NORCROSS CAMERON CO The place to buy your USED CAR 151 Bridge St Open Eves 2 51 4T TERRAPLANE 1933 convertible coupe Justlike new $345 See George Silva 78 Broadway Used Packard 120' The inest Value On The Market 1936 193G 1936 1936 (036 rthr Super 8 rive Pass beaan Standard 8 iv Bass Sedan Light 8 ive Paas Sedan Light 8 Coupe Roadster Standard ive Pass Sedan Seven Pass Sedan Standard Club Sedan lorists a RESH CUT LOWERS And floral de signs for all occasions lorist 123 Hancock St 2 1197 Greenhouse 1053 Allen St la Lost and ound The scores Chouinards Gendrean 96 94 89 279 Supcrnau 86 98 92 276 Bourerelos 95 99 99 293 Bout hard 71 109 84 264 McCurry Ill 101 100 312 Total Milay Sr 96 85 85 266 A Dickson 80 95 81 256 Martin 103 104 80 287 Duffy 87 91 78 256 Wilson 91 84 87 262 Total 457 459 411 1327 Cafe Patullo 101 91 88 288 Snjbu 102 83 74 259 Marlome 89 101 104 294 Craig 110 81 90 281 Kasson 97 117 126 310 Total 507 473 482 1462 Borys 91 99 88 278 Sonny 97 94 84 275 McCrystal 88 104 81 273 S3 105 69 277 Kochanek 106 75 93 274 Total 465 497 415 1377 QUALITY WHISKEY SINCE 1823.
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