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TTTE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY UNION AND REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: NOVEMBER Zl 1926 8B There Is a World of Opportunity in the Want Ads Read Them Carefully REAL ESTATE OR Apartments and lats 74 BELMONT AVE 415 5 rms furnished or unfurnished Inq Marceau premises BELMONT AVE UMJ (cor Woodside 3 and 4 rms excellent location Rlv 5577 BRADORD ST Modern 5 room steam hot water year around Wai CEDAR ST 4 ronm apt newly refin tahed modern heat $33 per month A Phillips Tel 712 CENTRAL ST 425 Top floor 4 sunny large nutslde rooms excellent Janitor service 5454 CENTRAL 3 4 and 5 rm apts Walnut or CRYSTAL AVE Sunny 4 and 5 room apts steam porches Walnut 8P90 1 1 ESTNUT ST 95 2 rooms kltchenet and bath Call Nathan Nlrenatein 428 CHURCH ST 2 6 room apts River 5639 or Waintit 8691 CHESTNUT 3 room apts steam heat $32 Tel Chicopee 1262 CENTRAL ST (NEAR MAPLE) BRAND NEW 3 AND 4 ROOMS COL DAK BREAKAST ALCOVE INCIN ERATORS SHOWERS ALL MODERN MORIN 168 BRIDGE ST WALNUT 3991 DWIGHT NORTH ST 1698 5 room steam heated apt 2d floor Inq janitor DICKINSON 3 and 4 room steam heat ed apts janitor service River 2337 KK OREST PAI I 5 room apartment uo to date Ri 84 OREST' PARK SEC 4 5 and 6 rooms Walnut RK OREST PARK W9 Oakland St new 4 rm apt rent reasonable Walnut 3606 or a 1 1 on premises OREST PARK AVE 4 large rooms stam hot water porch Wai 3152 PLEASANT AVE 98 4 rooms tn the best of condition rent $25 to a reliable party A Phillips Inc Napier St River 712 Grenada Ter 74 1 rooms modern $45 Grenada Ter 70 74 5 rooms modern 50 Salem St rooms modern 45 Worthington St rooms modern 50 SEE ELIX 1 MORIN REALTOR 168 BRIDGE ST WALNUT 9553 GOLDEN GATE 4 and 5 rms modern Inq janitor 220 Pearl St HOWARD PLACE Modern 5 sunny rooms reasonable janitor service Wai nut 7126 HEATED LATS $32 Only two left ight 25 Harrison Ave KIMBERLEY AVE Ist clasa lower 6 rooin flat with sleeping porch LINDEN Modern 5 room steam heat ed apt Inq Janitor LOCI' ST ST Exceptional 3 rm apt pleasant outlook perfect condition Wai nut WK LEYRED TER Half house 7 rma sleeping porch gar flreplace tile bath shower Walnut 6675 MAPLE ST BRAND NEW 2 ROOM APTS IVORY INISH R1G1DAIRE IN A DOOR BEDS SA NITAS COVERED WALLS INCINERATOR EXCELLENT JAN ITOR SERVICE READY OR OCCU PANCY SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT MORIN 168 BRIDGE ST 3991 MONTMORENCI ST Steam heated 3 and 4 rms Columbus Ave 860 heated 4 rma $38 Walnut 1247 MORRIS ST 22 6 rnom apt 'steam all modern Newman Decorating Co VV 4517 MARGARET ST Modern 4 rooms upper apartment Inquire on premises MORELAND ST 3rd floor 4 rooms modern $15 MAIN ST COR 5 rms? steam elec Janitor $40 Young 1893 Main MYRTLE ST 28 4 nice large rms all modem apt steam heat MAIN ST 3 room apt steam hot water janitor 4424 or 8352 Zirkin NORTH MAIN 3 and 4 room modern apartments janitor service Tel 4635 NIAGARA ST 7 Modern 3 and 4 ruum heated apts 46 Warriner Ave 5 rms heated Apply 36 Charbonneau terrace Wil llmansett Tel Holyoko 2626 NO MAIN ST 2713 Near Huntington new 4 rms better arranged Wm Dexter 25 Elm New 3 and 4 room apart ments electric refrigeration Incinerators excellent heat seven minute walk from Main St Wai PATTON ST 4 room steam heated apt Inq premises or PEARL A very fine 4 room and kltchenet heated apt garage River 5555 PEARL ST 62 4 rooms unfurnished modern 82 1 9 ROSELAND ST 38 5 rooms steam hot water River SUMNER 3 rooms $45 4 rm $55 5 rm $65 6 rm $80 steam heat Wai nut 8S8 SUMNER AVE Exclusive apt of 4 large rooms newly decorated rent only $55 to desirable American family vacant No charge to Dec 1st Janitor service 1280 STATE (JUST 27 Hancock St 5 rooms reasonable Inq Janitor STEAM HEAT Lr Winthrop and See Elmer 1242 Main St STATE (Just 3 rooms 27 Hancock nicely furnished Inquire janitor STATE ST 4 room apt Inq of janitor SCHOOL AND New 2 3 4 room apts electric refrigeration ready Dec 1 River 1623 or 2271 Provost 24 Dover St STATE ST urnished and unfurnished apts Walnut 230 STATE ST 547 "The Argosy" 2 fine apts 4 and 5 rooms now ready to adults only Apply to janitor 547 State St SUMNER AVE 127 133 6 room apts 2d and 3d floor 7 rooms 3d and 4th floors for those that want the best Inq Janitor rear of building SUMNER AVE room $457 4 room $55 5 room $65 6 room $80 steam heat Jan Itor service Walnut 888 "THE 10f Chestnut St desir able apt 7 large rooms Inq A TO RENT 5 ruom apt $23 monthly 7 rms $30 all modern Inq Bowley 30 Carew St WHITE ST rooms $33 4 rooms $40 Steam heat janitor service WARRINER AVE 5 room apt 1st floor janitor service $18 1159 WORTHINcilON ST Modern 3 room apt Call Walnut 5450 WILCOX ST 11 5 nn apt all modern steam heat $45 River 2479 ESTM1NSTHR 5 and 6 rm apts now ready Tl Walnut 4169 WARRINER AVE Modern 4 room apt newly decorated 1777 or 1381 WINTHRdY ST Apts $25 10 mod ern redecorated Janitor before 1030 a in or 2 5 tn 4 AND 5 ROOM apartments 6 room 2 famlly Tel River amished Apartments 71 AT 96 Wilbraham Rd 3 5 rooms at $9 $15 week Inq janitor AUBURN 2142 "Main St the only absolutely Are protected place In the city everything furnished elevator 2807 AVON PLACE Desirable 2 ronm apt complete Tel Walnut 9615 BELMONT PLAZA Modern furnished apts 2 3 4 rooms $7 to $14 wk A Buck ler 356 Belmont Ave 2930 BEAUTIUL URNISHED and unfurnished apartments for rent 3 and 4 rooms very reasonable Call River or on premises 277 Dwight St Ext cor Oswego OOMES Off Pleasant AvZ7 nicely furnished steam heniC apartment owner would like tn retain no sleeping room rent reasonable Call evenings DWIgIiT ST EXT? Small cosy apt walking distance Morris 839 OREST PARK 14 Pomona 5 or 7 room furnished all conveniences Wal nut OR THE WINTER 5 room furnished apt Hill section Call evenings 1847 OREST Modern 7 rom house al) conveniences garage River HIGH ST Small furnished Ring bell MYRTLE ST rooms and kltchenet furnished or unfurnished 8457 MAPLE ST nice rooms with bath Call jit diningroom Walnut 238 PARK SECTION 4 rvutn furnished apt River PATTON ST rooms and kltchenet private bath Walnut REAL ESTATE OR RENT REAL ESTATE OR REN'l urnished Apartment SPRING 'sTTnr furnished 7nod ern rms Inq janitor 1650 SALEM ST 3 3 room furnished elev service Inquire janitor fllOMPSON ST Going South will rent furnished apt of 6 rooms In a 2 family house River TO RELIABLE couple 6 rm furnished apt rom Dec 1 to Mar $40 UNION ST 180 Good location very desir able steam heated apt: hot water year round Very reasonable rent Inq janitor A LaRlviere Houses or Kent ST 330 2d floor 5 rooms all modern rent reasonable Call 6332 LEDYARD ST' AU modern lower tenement LESLIE TER 11 AU modern 6 rooms lower tenement Walnut 4742 LOCUST ST 190 New 3 room apartment with breakfast nook rigidaire door bed showers incinerator janitor service Tel River 3141 Arthur Angers LEYRED TER 96 Half house 7 rooms and sleeping porch gar flreplace tile bath shower Walnut 6675 WILCOX ST 2 3 and 4 room apts steam heated furnished or unfurnished Apply Janitor 24 Wilcox St Business Places for Rent 75 BEST MANUACTURING and storage space now available: also centra) stores to let Wm Hyland Co 151 Dwight St BAKERY Suitable for general baking po tato chips doughnuts pies ReasonableV CORNER BOSTON RD and Jasper Was meat market for 7 years Rent Is right A Phillips Inc Napier St River 712 DANCE HALL for rent Stores and offices 182 State St HAYDEN ST 29 actory or storage space for rent oi siding Inq 7379 HANOVER ST" 76 Ideal or bakery or meat market rent very reason able A Phillips Inc Napier St River 712 NEW STORES In good location also ga rages and shop low rent 5598 At TiS Oak SL CaH River 4S23 ST JAMES AVE Ideal location for barber shop nearest shop 4 mile away Rent Is rock bottom A Phillips Inc Na pier City rive 712 WEST On New Bridge St 3 stores just completed Will rent or lease An ideal location Just what the com munity needs Suitable drug store meat market and chain store Webber and Burns Walnut 91S0 or 4710 Bums 343 Ct Sq Bldg Houses or Rent ACORN ST 40 Modern 5 rooms $30 In quire premises River ACUSHNET AVE Tenement to rent Call after 6 ATTRACTIVE NEW 5 rooms and sun par lor shower bath flreplace (near Shrine hospj Walnut 1218 ARMORY near Modern lower 6 rm ten Inq 45 Armory St ARMORY ST Modern half house 6 rms Inq at 25 Armory St BRIGHTWOOD New modem 4 rooms Rent free to Jan 1 Call River 7731 BELMONT AVE 6 rooms $35 2d floor steam Call 7827 BROOKS TER 47 5 rms sun porch breakfast nook brand new house 7251 BELMONT AVE 594 At the modern pleasant 6 rms steam on carline ga rage Call 3034 BEAUTIUL NEW 6 room ten and garage Pleasant section $35 BANCttOIT ST 23U 5 6 mis elec fur nacc very reasonable Inq Williams 1400 BTRNIE AVE 52 Modern 5 rooms 62 Huntington St 7 rooms modem 4312 DIRNIE AVE 397 5 rm ten in newly ren ovated 3 family house All Improvements furnace heat Peasonable Walnut 500 BLOOMIELD 7roomsall mod ern duplex rent $38 Inq on premises No 141 BELMONT AVE Modern upper 8 rm tenement River 5464 BELMONT AVE 732 Attractive 5 room upper steam etc Al condition 4009 BYERS ST 4 rm Inq at 66 Byers St BAY ST near St James Modern ten garage $25 Wai 2907 or 7215 BENTON ST Pleasant 2d floor 4 rooms low rent River 7995 COOMES AVE 23 Walking distance to the city new 6 room 2 family house breakfast nobk rench doors hardwood floors Tel 3141 Arthur Ange rs CAMBRIDGE ST 89 5 room modern tene ment second floor rent $30 COMMONWEALTH AVE Upper 5 room modern ten Very reasonable G6G1 CARLISLE ST 35 Six rooms upper all modern steam Tel River 5363 CLITON AVE uff Central 4 new 6 rm tenements fireplace River 7656 CHESTNUT ST 427 Tenement of 7 rooms white sink e'ec furnace 893 COLUMBUS AVE rooms elec (colored) $20 Henley Healey 1509 Main CHERRYLYN AVE Modern 5 rooms with garage $35 Walnut 1437 DEARBORN ST 48 7 rooms all modern steam heat garage Inquire upstairs DEARBORN ST 41 6 rooms all modern steam heat Inq upstairs No 39 DYMOND ST 21 4 room lower tene ment $16 EAST SPLD 5 room upper modern tene ment 85 Ardmore St EAGLE ST Very desirable 5 room tene ment adults River 2391 EAST SPLD room cottage with garage up to date $35 Walnut 5394 ELOISE ST (Close Diamond Match Co 6 rooms steam heat $30 River 2422 EUCLID AVE Modern 7 room tene ment Tel Walnut 19i2 REMONT ST 5 room tenement $22 Inq 43 Park Tel River 5819 OREST PARK 7 rms 6 on fl modern American adults rent reasonable Walnut OREST PARK Rittenhouse Ter 6 rm upper fireplace garage 2874 REE ItENf TOTlAN orest Park 1st class strictly modern 4 rooms $35 River 2526 OREST PARK AVE Beautiful upper duplex reasonable Inq on premises OREST 7 rooms garage if desired newly derated Call River 7235 OREST 22 Woodside Tpf second floor 5 rooms all modern 706 WK OREST PARK New rms upper also 7 rma duplex Inq 32 Longfellow Ter PLEASANT AVE Attractive' 7 room upper Walnut 824 GARDEN ST (off Maynard) 6 large rms upper fireplace River GREENE ST Mod 5 rms 106 Logan St 5 rms $25 Tnj 103 Grpene GREENLEA ST Lower steam fire place gas range water heaters parquetry floors River GOOD Cherry St single $25 Hancock St upper $25 Jenks St 3 4 room apts $35 40 Meredith St upper $10 ARTHUR TAYLOR CO River 5110 GENESEE ST 43 Upper tenement 6 rms all modern Walnut 7145 GREENE ST 120 Upper 5 room pleasant tenement elec garage if desired GREENACRE SQUARE All modern lower 4 rms Phone Longmeadow 16 2 HIGH ST 201 8 ronm modern Thayer 214 High St 7078 HANCOCK ST Beautiful 4 rooms $23 Elec whitA bath 1st floor centrally locat ed good neighborhood 1514 or 1094 HOLLYWOOD ST 63 7 room tenement all modern Call Walnut 9321 HIGH ST 201 Desirable lower 7 rms near downtown Garage 7078 HILL SECTION 5 room ten modern rent reasonable 888: eves 4156 JOHNSON ST 20 7 rooms lower $32 mo nthly Walnut G6 or River 4593 JOHN ST Beautiful 5 rms steam heat and hot water furnished centrally located yet residential Rent reas 1997 Main St 1717 or 1094 JEERSON AVE 26 5 large rooms all modern reasonable Inq on premises JOHNSON ST 47 Seven rooms lower all modern steam Tel River 5363 KENYON ST 49 Modern 5 room elec furnace Inq 47 Kenyon St 48G5 KENSINGTON AVE 3G Modern 4 rooms garage If desired Walnut 1559 KENYON ST 43 Upper 4 room tenement nil modern Rent $27 Walnut 361 KING ST 109 5 rnnms bath gas elec trie furnace heat $25 Tel 5180 ST 406 5 or 7 rooms newly re finlshed $30 per month 4071 LIBERTY ST 855 I 28 Donald St 5 rms: 3M8 No Main St 4 rms Call 5964 Annie 1 160 Sharon St LIBERTY ST 783 or rent lower 5 rooms in 2 family $25 All modern River 6658 or inquire 773 Liberty St LEETE ST 19 Modern 6 rooms steam elec garage Walnut 8629 LEBANON ST 79 All modern 5 rooms $25 LINDEN ST rooms and bath to rent Inq premises LONGMEADOW Cozy 6 room cottage mod ern garage $35 Box 926 MELHA ST Beautiful 6 large rooms and sun parlor River 6316 MAIN ST 0 room house reasonable rent Inq Lunch Tel Walnut 8f)05 MASSASOIT Pl 5 rm ten up to date with garage Call 20 Massasott Place MORELAND ST 84 (off Carew) 6 rooms modern garage Wai 2997 or River 7215 MILL ST 458 Modern 4 room tenement rent $22 Walnut 2322 MIDDLETO 1 cottage of 7 rooms reasonable Call Walnut 2524 MORELAND ST 47 3d floor 4 rooms mod ern $15 MONTORD ST (off St ames Ave 6 rooms upper all modern $35 Inq on premises or call Walnut 4310 MORRIS ST 9 5 room tenement $18 mo Call Cooley Hotel Tailor Shop MoKNTGHT DISTRICT Lower tenement modern on car line Walnut 5636 MASON ST 46 5 rooms 1st floor newly decorated $5 weekly River 536S MALDEN ST 102 Modern lower 6 rooms garage Inq premises 9137 MIDDLESEX ST 65 6 room modern tene ment garage Walnut 2332 MONTMORENCI ST 42 Modern 4 and 5 rooms reasonable 7757 or NEAR 64 Knoll wood St new house 5 rooms sun room fireplace heated garage hot water Wal nut 5633 NORTH END 6 room cottage $25 Tel River NEAR GILBERT 5 modern $17 Hubbard Ave 4 new modern Chestnut St 3 modern $17 See Elmer 1242 Main St NORTHAMPTON AVE 7 rooms modern fresh and clean garage good location reasonable Cal! 9108 or NEAR WASHINGTON ST Upper and lower 6 rooms fireplaces steam ga rage River 6702 OLMSTEAD DRIVE 36 6 rms sun par lor breakfast nook garage 6382 OAK GROVE AVE 91 Upper 6 rooms mo der steam heat Inq re mlses OAKLAND ST 155 4 rooms kitchen range $25 newly decorated Zirkin 4 424 or 8154 PARK COTTAGES 7 rm large living rm fireplace steam elec $40 and $50 mo Tenement 5 rms $30 the best Dra gon 1242 Main or River 7150 I iXE ST Half house 8 rms modern Key at 280 or 274 Pine St PARK 84 Alvord Upper 6 rms garage mod thruout Ideal loca 7606 PARK 7 rms large living room fireplace etc all modern Wai 1836 PROVIDENCE ST (Near Wilbraham Rd) New duplex 6 rooms and sun porch Wal nut 510 PARK (95 Alvord St) Cottage 6 rms oak floors fireplace steam elec 2 car ga rage Rent or lease Walnut 7606 PE51BROOKE AVE 71 (Lib and Carew St sec) 3 rm ten mod and barn $25 Inq up PARK 6 rooms upper 127 West Alvord St Call Walnut 1209 PALMER AVE 25 6 rooms first class condition rent $25 2S20 or Orch 294 21 PASADENA ST 110 4 and 5 room tene ments $30 and $35 Cal! evenings RUTLX'GE AVE 47 5 rooms modem ren reasonable STERLING St 52 Upper 6 room terf mod ern conveniences Inq 50 Sterling SUMNER AVE 7 Upper 8 rms modern attractive garage rent free Jan 1st 5049 SYLVAN ST 47 Upper 7 rooms fire place beam ceiling panel wall rench doors garage and coal River 7216 STATE ST (cor Maynard) Mod rms upper steam $32 River 7753 or SUNAPEE ST 77 Modern 7 room cottage 2 car garage SUMNER AVE 426 7 room tenement and garage Tel River 559S SYCAMORE ST 15 Modern upper 6 room tenement and garage Ready Dec 1st Call Walnut 7524 ST JAMES AVE 6 room tenement River 12S0 SUMNER TERRACE Opposite orest Park entrance modern lower tenement STATE ST (ATPINE Cozy 4 rm mod ten and garage $25 Inq lorist SORRENTO 4 rooms $25: also Ken yon St 5 rms $30 furnace River 6628 THOMAS ST 47 5 rooms modern reason able month free gar in rear 1834 TO 1 5 room lower with garage 2 8 room half houses with garage 1 room half house 12 rm house 4 rar garage State St EDGEWOOD ESTATES GS Garden St Walnut 2845 THOMPSON ST Upper 6 room tene ment steam elec etc 3523 TO PENT 6 room tenement $30 Dr Clark Hili 259 Central St Phone River UNION ST 632 5 room tenement modern Rent $22 Tel River WARNER ST Off Peasant Ave 7 rooms upper all modern Also 6 room apt slam 145 Union St 6392 WOODLAWN ST 106 Lower floo 6 rms steam fireplace garage Call River 5933 WAITE ST 104 PR asant modern 6 room tenement Rent reasonable Inq 129 Waite WHITE ST 5 rooms 1 in attic ga rage good condition furnace 6771 WHITE ST roorn upper electricity fur nace $25 month Walnut 3497 WORTHINGTON ST Lower 5 room tenement Rive 6241 WILBRAHAM New lower room flat $35 Walnut 510 WOODLAWN ST 18'J 6 room tenement all modern fireplace and garatre Reasonable price Walnut 346 nr 6721 WESTORD Upper 6 rms and sun porch fireplace shower bath garage River 5562 WOODSIDE TER 80 Tenement of 9 rms in Ist class condition Rent reasonable WILBRAHAM RD 2 tene ment ready for occupancy Dec 1 18 WELLINGTON ST 35 (off Wilbraham Rd) Upper 5 rm modern garage 7496 WALNUT ST 4 rooms to rent elec bath set tubs vacant now WOODMONT ST 9 8 rooms modern for adults Wm Hyland Co 151 Dwight St River 412 WIZSTORD Upper 6 rooms flre place garage Walnut 4 467 WE WILL MOVE your furniture free of charge to our tenements of 3 4 5 rooms Hall St Kensington Av Low rent 1487 WHITE ST 2GC Lower 7 rooms modern Inq Miss leming Silk dept Offices anti Desk Room 78 DESK ROOM To rent Room 333 196 Worthington St OICES tn fireproof Markarian Bldg All modern conveniences reasonable good ten ants 177 State St River 2716 Suburban for Rent 79 AGAWAM 3 car garage Winter or live storage 1730 So Main St BLISS ROAD 195 (Longmeadow) Modem 6 room tenement COTTAGE ST 2 tenements 4 and 5 rnis steam elec Inq 43 Cottage Riur 6968 ELM ST 197 (WRt Spfld) Tenement to rent steam heat hot water garage WEST 22 airview AveVupper 7 rooms modern Tel 5087 PARK ST Spfld 4 and 5 room steam newly decorated: month rent free rea sonable Inq 310 Park St After 6 River 8498 YVEST SPLD 67 Hill St 4 room "mod ern tenement Walnut REAL ESTATE OR SALE REAL ESTATE OR Suburban for Rent 79 WEST SPLD 3 light housekeeping rms partly turn $15 month Inq 409 Union St West Springfield EST PR I NG 1'1 8 1 Irving St 7 rms upper garage Walnut 4249 REAL ESTATE OR SALE Business Property 82 APARTMENT Tn good location Shows re turn of 10 on $80000 Will sell at sacri fice for quick sale Box 919 Union Office 8 APT BLOCK in fine repair good income good buy Walnut 4S07 Rea! Estate Agents 82'Zji CLARK HEXKY REALTORS Which means reliability in all transactions ex cellent listing 100 Broadway Wai 2584 DALY7 COReal estate and in surance of all kinds mortgages and loans 340 Bridge St Walnut 4310 DUNLAP RANK REALTOR RESIDENTIAL AND BUSINESS PROP ERTIES 293 BRIDGE ST RIVER 490 TITLE AND CONVEYANCING COMPANY PROTECTS BUYER AND SELLER HOMES 1200 MAIN ST ISH JOHN Realtor Mortgage loans Investments When your needs concern real estate call River 3821 GOLDSTEIN SAMUEL Real estate ap praiser mortgage loans ins selling city property 1562 Main St River 3816 GAULT Real estate city and suburban property Rents mortgages St Elm St Room' 429 River 2165 HAMBLEN ft Business and residential property insur ance of all kinds 21'75 1 562 Main St MURPHY EDW Established 1892 sales mortgages property management leasing appraising We sell service try us 1537 Rlaln St 555 and 556 MORIN ELIX I Property management real estate investments mortgage loans ins and rents 168 Bridge St 9553 WM HYLAND CO Specialists in busi ness locations 151 Dwight St River 412 WHITCOMB EDGAR The residential specialist 90 of the available property listed 31 Elm St River 7995 arms and Land for Sale 83 EIGHT ACRES near state rd 7 rm house gas fur spring water barn henhouse good neighbors $3500 Mesick 1456 Main St Walnut 5294 I'OR SALE To settle estate 100 acre farm called "The Gem of the Valley" on main read between Palmer and Belchertown Within one half mile of village convenient fo school church and most excellent mar kets An ideal location beautiful view and healthful surroundings 60 acres tillage land nearly level and free from stones 13 acres of timber land pine oak and maple The rest is spring watered pasture arm is adapted to dairying poultry market gardening or fruit Soil and elevation just right for raising the famous Mcintosh apple A good ten room house 2 bams and a gravel bank are on the place Price $7000 If interested act quickly or further in formation inquire of A Geer Three Rivers Mass Tel 592 IVE ACRES 7 room house elec running water barn fruit berries grapes brook $3500 red A Vogel Realtor 44 Y'ernon St River 1178 OR SALE Rich farm loam and manure delivered Tel East Longmeadow 35 11 MA LL A RMS AGAWAM East Long meadow YVest Springfield Wilbraham Sell or trade Collester 1694 Main St TOBACCO AND of land 3 dwelling houses 5 tobacco sheds 1 packing house cattle and horse barns Phone Thompsonville 68 12 263 ACRES Good mowings and pastures lots of fruit sugar bush 12 rm house spring water large barn will trade for city place Mesick 1156 Main St 5294 68 ACRES Productive farm one of the finest view spots around Springfield elec forced sale bargain price Ellis Longmeadow Tel 19 100 ACRES Lake front all stocked 20 miles out Main Boston Highway Sell or trade Walnut 9555 21 ACRES land lj city limits good poul try land price $800 estate of 24 acres Springfield beautiful home all modern a real buy Box 1196 Union Office Houses or Sale 84 ATTRACTIVE 4 rooms fireplace $3800 3 rooms garage $2100 5 rooms steam new $43H) 6 rooms sun room garage $5500 2 family 12 rms $5800 4 family 75 Ranney St sacrifice for quick sale will consider mortgages lots or auto mobiles in Julius Meltzer 3d Nat Bank Bldg Sundays 3699 Acorn St 2 family Price $8250 Bowles St 2 family Price $6500 Pershing Terrace Cottage Price $6200 Kingsley St Cottage Price $5200 WILLIAM CUNLIE 1242 Main St River 6424 AGAWAM Bungalow of 5 rooms steam heat electricity city water 5 minutes to school on eeding Hills car line If you are earning $40 to $45 a week at steady work you can own one of these homes See Johnson Arthur Taylor Co 1421 Main St River 5110 ALL MODERN 7 rooms fireplace 2 car ga rage larc lot $5900 Only $200 cash Wai lace Metcalf 1562 Main St River 3578 BEAUTIUL STATE RD HOME AND EQUIPPED 55 ACRE Extra profits here by marketing your prod uce at road stand close village stores churches etc Mail and phone service about half fertile easily worked tillage pasture spring watered wood lot fruit: good warm barn ice house blacksmith shop splendid 9 room white home over looking river Price only $2300 and if taken now farming implements wagons tools winter's crops blacksmith tools and fine horse Included Part cash takes it Picture and details in catalog supplement Copy free Strout arm Agency 906 AG Old South Bldg Boston Mass BARGAINS $700 up The time to buy Is now when the other fellow wants to sell Lampson 1570 Main St BEAUVIEW TER Beautiful English cot tage very reasonable if bought this month River 7861 BEAUTIUL 9 room house moat restricted section in city Call Walnut 8195 BUNGALOW 5 rooms steam electricity garage $4300 Easy terms Beston YValnut 570 COTTAGE 5 rooms to rent $35 a month or will sell for $4700 terms $75 down $35 a month 4 room cottage to rent $30 a month sell for $3900 payable $50 down $30 a month 3 room cottage rent for $25 a month or sell for $2800 payable 10 down $20 a month and interest at 6 per cent 2 rnoni cottage rent $15 a month sell for $30 down $15 a month property located in Pine Point section one fare zone also cottage 5 rooms (4 finished) rent $25 a month will sell tor $4200 terms $24 a month and interest long time to pay The money you now pay for rent will pay for a home Address Owner Box 947 Union Office CALIORNIA VILLAGE Have you seen them? YVe invite your inspection The "model village" is at 423 Allen St Deane Rush Developer AVE 2 family Ist class condi tion one tenement rented Modern Yerrall ft Yerrall 1456 Main St 240 DWIGHT RD New 5 room modern for lot or mortgage Savoy Ave new 6 room modern garage $5500 Easy terms Bart lett River 3062 EXPERT APPRAISALS Springfinld Rea) Estate Board Inquire for rates 1562 Main St OREST PARK Death cause of sale Make an offer on new 6 room cottage fireplace garage street paved Walnut 2491 OREST PARK Single 8 rooms Ownerleaving town Will sacrifice Box 918 Union Office OREST PARK Near Sumner Ave school 10 room cottage extra lot 6574 WK PARK 5 room bungalow open GREEN LEA ST Unusual chance to buy modern 10 room single Must be sold Mov ing to Boston 5307 sun porch open attic one car garage 5 tons coal price $5400 $600 down Jenney Walnut 1164 or River new 9 room sun porch 2 car garage $700 cash Wilcox ft Son 1456 Main St River 4698 LEYRED TER 2 family 6 6 nearly new easy terms 9103 5219 Housch or Sale LONGMEADOW New 6 rooms sun parlor and open porch ex lav hear school price $9500 10(H) down Walnut LONGMEADOW has another new home open for inspection on Wenpnah road off Green acre Ave Saturday from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 Sunday from 2 to 5 or by appointment See DeRush Hamblen River 2075 LEROY' PLACE (Off Langdon StY New 5 room bungalow 1 car garage 477 MERRIMAC ST 6 room cottage and sun room all oak floors steam heat tile bath Price $6500 with reasonable terms for quick sale Call Butler Arthur Taylor 5110 McKNIGHT district 2 family house price $6500 easy terms Phone River 424 evenings or Sunday YV 8805 NEAR Modern 8 room home $4200 Easy terms Pulver 7661 NEAR WHITE AND SUMNER 6 room cottage garage price $65VU $1000 down Walnut 5849 NEAR new Mass Building first class single residence of 7 rooms 2 car garage Price right Box 1189 Union Office NO MAIN ST Two family 14 rms modem near church school must sell on account of sickness River 4714 NEW 6 room Dutch Colonial house large sun parlor Lot 75 by 110 Garage Price $9500 $1000 down NEAR EAST OREST PARK New 7 room cottage Many extras 1st mort gage $3500 Sacrifice at $5400 7851 OHIO AVE An 8 room house beau tiful grounds lot 100x500 Oil burner 2 car garage or details cal! Simons care Arthur Taylor Co 3110 PAGE BLY'D New 12 ronni 2 fainily 2 car garage $8300 River 7611 PEOPLE WITH few dollars can buy good home 2 fani house 14 rms al! mod 1 car gar Will be sold at sacrifice Owner leaving city if interested call personally att54 Johnson St PINE POI NT Ralph Attract 2 fam house Also new 6 rm colonial sun porch firepl garage Terms Owner 3809 PHOENIX TER 186 6 room modern cot tage ($300 cash) in trade 2491 STATE ST (just off) 5 room bungalow all modern oak floors steam heat 2(X) ft from car line Price $5000 with reasonable terms Call Butler Arthur Taylor Co River 5110 SINGLE HOUSE on St James Ave close in 9 rooms in excellent condition 2 baths large lot price $12 0(H) terms Call Simons care Arthur Taylor Co 5110 SUMNER AVE 7 room house very com plete with every convenience Inquire Walnut 7961 THANKSGIVING SPECIALS will have an additional cause to give thanks if you select one of these bar gains: ACORN ST New 2 fam very modern 2 car garage $9500 CEDAR ST near YValnut 2 fam good condition 2 car garage only $7(00 EUC1TD AVE 10 rm house all con veniences exclusive location $10500 MONTCLAIR ST 6 rm cottage modern 2 car gajage $6000 would take good lot MELVILLE AVE 5 rm bungalow al! improvements garage $6000 small pay ment down NELSON ST 7 rm cottage modern $6900 WASHINGTON ST near 3 rm cot tage all convenience? 4 car garage $S500 Also 2 fam 10 rms 2 car ga rage only $5H The two properties to gether are offered at $15500 $1500 down won hl consider good grocery in exchange UNION ST 7 tm modern house won derful bargain at $6000 SPRING ST 9 rm house steam all modern S6S00 If you don't see what jou want ask tor it All kinds of property are on my list New listings on Genesee St Wellington St Westford Circle THAYER 88 Catharine St River WINCHESTER SQUARE SECTION Haw ley St 8 room cottage and large barn Can be bought at very low price of sold before Dec 1 See Johnson Arthur Tay lor Co 1421 Main St 5110 WHITE ST 53 Sinele house large lot facing two streets $5300: $500 down John Tehan 31 Elm St Phone 2530 WEST ALVORD Near Sumner Ave 2 fam rooms 5 5 3 price $9500 terms WEST SPLD WOODMONT 6 room house oak floors oak finish lot 50x190 9 fiult trees 6 grape vines single garage price $6200 easy terms Cail Magoon Arthur Taylor Co 1421 Main 5110 Lots for Sale 85 BUILDING Longmeadow Phone Walnut 328 DESIRABLE LOT near new East orest Park school $459 $5 down $5 a month Edward Seyler 1562 Main St 4650 CORNER LOT Hopkins Place Longmeadow size 60 ft front by 110 ft deep all im provements free to purchaser beautiful homes on street wonderful opportunity for builders Boyle Realty Company 1562 Main St Walnut 8164 ELEANOR ROAD At junction of White St and Belmont Ave 50x148 street hard ened sidewalks all improvements Price $1500 Call Magoon Arthur Taylor Co 1421 Main River 5110 Suburban Tor Sale 87 COTTAGE 6 rma modern improvements 37 Nelson St Spfld PLACE for sale near Hampton Ponds Box 1184 Union Office HUNTING CAMP completely furnished for sale cheap Best fishing and hunting terri tory in the state Write Lock Box 272 Enfield Mass LONGMEADOW Single 6 rooms large lot 2 car garage and many extras $115HJ Call 8933 LOOK AT THIS New cottage East Longmeadow 6 rooms bath oak floors steam large living room fireplace 2 car garage large lot excellent neigh borhood ncar trolly Seaver 54 Chase Ave River 2071 M1TTINEAGUE New room colonial Cor ner lot and 2 car garage Steam and fire place Easy terms Call owner 6575 NORTH AGAWAM 2 family 2 car garage part modern $1500 for quick sale terms 21 River St North Agawam 1897 NIV MODERN on car line large lot fireplace sun parlor breakfast nook steam etc garage 7 min to Court Square Price low Lloyd Agawam Mass TATHAM Beautiful 6 room hon garage fruit acre $7000 River WEST SPLD Three apartment house ga rage fireplace 1 minute from Common $8800 $800 down Box 1829 Union oilice Real Estate for Exchange 88 ALL KINDS of property for exchange Seeme at once Edw Moreau 894 Belmont Ave Wai 2705 BLOCK (8 APTS) 5 car garage Will ex change for good single house Wai 3657 NEARBY 20 acre farm 6 room house barn hen house garage variety fruit trade Box 1188 Union Office NEW 2 family house Will trade for dry goods store or apt block YV 4729 PAGE BLVD 6 roorn cottage all modern exchange for light coupe or sedan late model Phone River 7015 SEVERAL attractive bungalows cottages 2 family and 4 families for trade Consider automobile Julius Meltzer 3d Nat Bank Bldg Sundays 3699 WILL TRADE 1 single and 1 two famlly tn Westfield for farm or acreage Box 1824 Union Office WILL TRADE small chicken farm for city property Box 11S5 Union Office 8 APT Block income $74HJ a year Trade for farm Box 1187 Union Office WILL EXCHANGE 5 rm cottage for small farm 58 East Howard St Ludlow Mass WILL TRADE well located lots worth from $300 to $1200 for good diamond or mort gages or listed or unlisted stocks or bonds Box 1470 Springfield Mass Wanted Real Estate 89 HILL OR 2 fam 14 rms strictly modern for cash River 7995 WANTED Modern single house Will pay $7000 orest Park preferred Box 016 Union Office WANTED Two family house orest Park section Will pay cash Box 917 Union Office WANTED A farm within 6 miles of Spring field on state highway near trollies direct from owner State full particulars Box 1133 Union Office WANTED A farm within 6 miles of Spring field on state highway near trollys direct from owner state full particulars Box 1133 Union Office CLASSIIED DISPLAY Automobiles lot Sale ReconditionedGE BROTHERS XAR51 Automotive engineers point with pride to the high quality of ma terials that go into the Dodge Motor Car and that they have given it their uncondi tional endorsement because it has the highest general average of all the elements that make up a long lived dependable motor car 1926 Dodge Bros Sedan 1926 Dodge Bros Sport Touring $700 1925 Dodge Bros Sport Touring $600 1925 Dodge Bros Roadster $550 1924 Dodge Bros Sedan $575 1924 Dodge Bros Touring $400 1923 Dodge Bros Touring $250 COMMERCIAL TRUCKS 1924 Dodge Bros Screen $400 1924 Graham Bros 1 la ton $650 1923 Dodge Bros Screen $300 1924 Maccar Hi ton $375 OTHER MAKES 1923 Jewett Sedan $525 1923 Essex Roadster $250 1923 Buick Touring $250 1926 Chevrolet Sedan $650 61 Bliss St Walnut 4706 Walnut 4700 WILLIAMS MOTOR ALXCOJi Everybody Wants GOOD VALUE or Their Money WE HAVE IT Each and every car is guaranteed If It Is Not as We Represent It Your Money Returned 1926 AUBURN 8 88 Brougham very small mileage Wil! sell at a very reasonable figure 1926 CHRYSLER Coach 6 cylinder 1925 STAR Touring 1925 STUDEBAKER Touring Du plex top 1924 STUDEBAKER Sedan Light Six 1924 WILLYS KNIGHT Sedan 4 cyllnder 7 passenger 1924 CHEVROLET Touring 19 22 JEYVETT Touring 1923 DURANT Sedan 1923 HUPP Touring 1924 ORD Sedan 1923 STUDEBAKER Touring 1923 CADILLAC Phaeton Model 61 1923 PEERLESS Sedan passen ger 1923 ESSEX Coach 4 cyllnder 1924 MOON Roadster JI23 ORD Coupe many others AUTO EXCHANGE 611 Main St River 5646 Business Announcements COAL YARD WANTED Or yard with siding for re tail Coal Business Will purchase or lease Apply Box 1843 Union Office Money to Loan 40 TITLE INSURANCE AND MORTGAGE GUARANTY CO Guaranteed Mortgages for Sale 21 Elm St 4126 Rea) Estate Titles Insured Articles or Salo SHOE $498 PAIR HEAVY RIB ASH CANS $250 each MORRIS A COHEN Main and Sharon Sts ASH CANS 85 cents each $9 dozen A Hough 3377 457 Chicopee Rd Bnslness Services Offered WINDSHIELD GLASS Chase Glass and Mirror Wks 49 Congress LEARN TO NOW Quick results Individual Instruction LAPORTE MOTOR CO 76 Broadway RUGS Made from Old Carpets: Also Ruga for Sale Phone M3 17 Taylor St SPRINGIELD ECONOMY RUG CO EDERAL METAL WEATHER STRIPS WINDOW SHADES AND SCREENS THIBODEAU Biv 'IS 280 RACE ST HOEYOKE Phone 6725 Rugs Cleaned SPEED STEAM CARPET C1EANINV 504 ST JAMES AVJJ RIVER CLASSIIED DISPLAY CLASSIIED DISPLAY Automobiles or Sale Automobiles or Sale 30 Used Cars ZX Prices urther Reduced Still Left for immediate clearance 1 1 1 Id Contractors Remodelling We never our building sod Used Cars must have the at such low prices room XZ before GUARANTEED PACKARDS Owners who can afford the luxury of a new car every year are making possible wonderful opportunities for used car buyers It affords the man who always found Packard quality and service just out of his reach a chance to become acquainted for the new car buyer has absorbed the first depre ciation PACKARD 1923 1 26 Touring New rubber overhauled and guaranteed PACKARD 1925 Str 8 Sedan Repainted and reconditioned new rubber Guaranteed PACKARD 1924 Str 8 Limo Sedan New rubber mechan ically perfect paint good Guaranteed PACKARD 1926 3 33 Sedan 7 passenger driven 2600 mile? paint perfect 5 tires all good Can is sold with guarantee PACKARD 1925 3 2 5 passenger new rubber paint excellent mechanically reconditioned Guaranteed PACKARD 1923 1 33 Lfmo Sedan 7 passenger new Paint good rubber Guaran teed PACKARD 1923 1 26 5 pasenger repainted and re conditioned semiballoon tire equipment Guaranteed PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO of USED CAR DEPARTMENT 721 STATE STREET SPRINGIELD MASS The Best Display Of Medium Priced USED CARS Select now for immediate or spring delivery We have secured this large show room for your convenience DUNBAR MOTOR CO GEISEL BUILDING 332 Columbus Ave Near South End Bridge Wai 2935 Business Services Offered Business Services Offered THE HOLIDAY SEASON IS NEARING And of course you will want to have your good motor car looking fresh and nice for these happy days Why not have that dented fender door or panel made smooth and refinished by our experts The art of taking care of these annoy ances has advanced 'Phone Walnut 3130 for Information KNOX MOTORS ASSOCIATES Wilbraham Road Corner Waltham Ave Authorized Duco Refinishing Station ender Repairs Metal Body Repairs Enameling Auction Sales Auction Sales AUCTION SALE The entire stock and fixtures of the meat market and groceries form erly of A La Lancette will be sold at public auction in trade lots to suit Monday November 22 1926 at 2 On the premises 3387 North Main Street Cor Holland Road Stock consists of high grade canned and bottled goods including Mon arch Brand Libbys Premier etc also coffee tea barrels of sweet mixed and sour pickles etc ixtures consist of Eight foot meat display case cash register 2 Hobart meat and coffee grinders 1 standard computing scales refrigerator 12 foot counter 6 foot counter case 1 Toledo computing scale white meat bench meat block check writer 1 sausage filler 30 rolls of wrapping paper thous ands of bags tools display jars wire display baskets and numerous other articles that are found in an up to date meat market The stock and fixtures are new complete and up to date as the store has been open but a short time DO NOT MISS THIS SALE 3387 North Main Street Cor Holland Road Smith Auctioneer It may cost you money to Phone that Classified Ad Now River 3200 Reconditioned.
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