Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

4 14, 1933 FIRST AND BEST AS USUAL MARION, CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, SEPT. EIGHT Is Full of Live News About Live Opportunities for Sure Profit SHE'S GONE AN' DAUGHTER THANK GOODNESS- I KIN ME LETTER TO DINTY DEN' DISTURBED- CLASSIFIED DISPLAY TRANSPORTATION LOW PRICE 1923 Dodge Pickup 50.00 1926 Ford 2-door 25.00 1928 Essex Coach 65.00 1928 Chev. 14 Ton Truck 95.00 2--1929 Durant 6 CyL Coaches 1929 Pontiac 1929 Nash Spt. $150.00 1930 Ford 2-door $150.00 Many More Later Models. AMERICAN GARAGE, INC.

312 W. 2nd St. AUCTIONS- LEGALS Notice No. Notice 1s hereby rime. That the sinned bas bora appointed Metator catate of Willtar P.

ATTA of Center Township. Great Baid estate supper CORA LYNN. Berman. and E- Sept. 7-14-21.

Notice of Ftaal No. Notice is hereby heirs and legatees of Willam ceased, to 1n Court, held at Maria, Indiana, day of September. 1934, and show any. why the FINAL SETTLE COUNTS with the estate shoold not be approved. notified to thea and LatTe of heirship and receive shares.

Witness, the Clerk af said Court day of September, 1981. LANDESS Clerk Grant E- Notice of 'Final No. 5970, Notice hereby riven the beirs and legatees Fast deceased. to appear the Court, held at Marion. day of September.

19M, and any, the FINAL SETTLENE COUNTS with the estate should not be approved; notified to then and of and reorive Caste shares. witness, the Clerk said day of September. LANDESS L. WHITE. Cert el Grass Sept.

7-14-71. Notice No. Notice is hereby diver heirs and legatees of Evar Court, heid at Marian, ceased, to appear in the Grant day of September. 1932, ant any. why the FINAL should COUNTS pot with be the approved; estate and of sand notined to then and there of beirship and receive their shares.

Witness, the Cirri said day of September, 192. LANDESS L. Clerk of Gratt EAST BUFFALO, N. Y- Sept. 1 (AP)-(U.

Dept. Receipts 6,500, including 3.500 government weirhts 180 lbs. active, 10 to mostly 15c over Wednesday's age; bulk desirable 160-225 few beavier weights scarce, quoted ingly higher; 110-130 $3.65 4.60. Cattle Receipts-130; market tive, fully steady; common to dium grass steers and heifers odd lots downward to cutter CONS calves, ceipts 50; vealers 30c to $1 quality and sorts considered; better lots $9. Sheep and lambs- Receipts lanb3 strong to 25c higher; en wethers medium kinds a bucks throwouts 6.

East Buffalo Live Stock BY THIS TO AT LAST DROP IM ALL SET- OF INK! into 4. FOURTH TIME TO GIT SETTLED ICOLORED NOTES Mrs. Alice Gulliford, wife of residents died at her home in South Lipless Gulliford, former Marion Rend and funeral services were held Tuesday. The body brought to Marion today and laid state for a few hours at the home her daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Sanders, South Flerence street.

Burial made in the I. 0. 0. F. cemetery.

The Vincer Peerless club will mace Friday night at the home of Miss Pearl Thomas, West Eighth street. All trembers are asked to present. The Girls' Sanday school class Na Second Baptist, church will lawn of Mins Georgia evening Lee from 7 to 12 p. m. The public is Climmons, 1408 West Fighth street, invited.

A lawn social and auto ride will riven this evening to the home Mr. and Sirs. C. N. Wallace at Weaver for the benefit of Hill's Chapel A.

M. E. church conference claims. Free transportation will be provided and cars will leave from Allen Temple A. church, 35th and Washington streets at 6 p.

m. The public is invited. special program will be given Sunday, Sept. 17, at 3 p. at the Second Baptist church under the auspices of the Beginners' and Priwary Sunday school classes and is follows: Selection.

junior choir; invocation: selection, choir; welcome address. Amille Hawkins; selection, and b), Melody Makers' Quartet; reading, Mrs. Anna Mae Anderson; duet, Mrs. William Julius and Mrs. Alexander Fisher; paper, the Sunday School to the Church," Miss Luella Greer; selection, beginclass; selection, (a and b), Bethel A.

M. E. Sunday School orchestra; solo, Little Betty Huff; blackboard demonstration, Mrs. M. J.

Battle: selection, (Bible Quota- Mrs. tions), Primary class; duet, Williams and Mrs. Myrtle Sanders: offertory; remarks, Rev. N. J.

Battle, pastor: closing song. are All churches and friends invited Ar mique affair will the Oven Social" to be riven Wednesday evening, Sept. 20. at the of Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Black. 1216 South McClure street, sponsored by the N. A. A. C.

The public is cordially invited Verbie Pettiford is ill at his home, C1 East Third street. The Second Raptist Missionary will meet Friday, 2:30 P. CDT, at the parsonage with Emma Williams, the lesson, topic, Amend Year Ways" will be charge of Mrs. Williams. Mrs.

Belle Waldron is president. Pittsburgh Live Stock PITTSBURGH, Sept. 14. (AP)Hogs- Receipts market 10c lower: 160-210 The. 210- 200 210-300 120-145 pigs roughs Cattle Receipts 50; market steady; medium to good steers $4.75 G3.73: comparable beifers rood cows 23 3 8.50; comgood balls calves, 200; market steady; good few choice up and medium heary thin $23005.50.

Sheep and lambs- Receipts market higher; rood and choice light and fat prime wethers to choice ewes Popular Square Shoulders and Sail. Collar in a Marian Martin Pattern. Complete, Diagrammed Marian Martin Sew Chart Included. CHRONICLE PATTERN PATTERN 9777 Just the thing for the younger Square shoulders, little pepperky sailor collar topped by 1 skirt, reila, you have an irresisfetching one of contrast, pleated frock! Just see what you can with the cellars as shown the sketches! We'd love it in wool, velveteen, faille, benof other fabrics equally Patters 9771 may be ordered only 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20. Size 16 requires yards 54-inch fabrice and yard 36-inch contrasting.

Seed in coins or stamps (coins preferred) far each Marion Martin pattern Be write plainly the style numeach pattern. mode at its best the Marian Martin pattern for fall and winter. All the style highlights shoulders, sleeves, cleverly in their easiest-to-make Clothes for juniors and kidreflect new trenda, and Marian Martin's famous slenderzing models are Shown Lingerie and gift patThis book will guide you to distinctive wardrobe at little cost. for it today. Price of pattern book 13c; book and pattern together, Scad order te The Marion Chronicle Fattern Department, 610 South Adam Street, Marion, Ind.

Jelly fah require two years to ture. 4 MARION MARKETS (Quotatioas, Sept. 14) PRODUCE Swift Company. Butterfat, per lb. Eggs Heavy hens, 4 to 5 Hens 5 lbs.

and up Legborn bens Old roosters 5c Leghorn roosters Clover Leaf Butterfat, per lb. Fairmount Creamery Co. Butterfat, LIVE STOCK Ballard Packing Co. Hogs-180-200 200-250 250-300 300 lbs. up sows $2.65 real calves 'stags spring lambs 4.50.

GRAIN Average grain quotations Thursday. were: New yellow corn, per 100 Oats, per bushel Wheat 74c EARLY GRAIN ADVANCE LOST CHICAGO, Sept. 14. (AP)-Sufficient selling pressure to wipe out early in wheat prices developed late today, but rallies ensued at the finish. The late selling was attributed largely to sources northwest, and appeared to result holdings hedging against purchases of rural in that section.

Something of offset was keen demand from eastern mills, 350,000 bushels being taken by one eastern milling interest alone. Wheat closed unsettled, to above yesterday's finish; corn, unchanged to lower; oats, unchanged to Ac up, and provisions at 10 to 35c adrance. Grain closeWheat- Sept. Dec. May 364 -Sept.

48c; Dee. May Oats--Sept. 354c; Dec. 41 May 444c. Dec.

Rye Sept. May Lard -Sept. Oct. Dec. $6.05.

Bellies--Sept. Oct. $5.97. Cash: grain closeWheat- 2 hard No. 2 mixed Corn-No.

2 mixed No. sellow No. 2 white Oats--No. 2 white No. white Rye No sales.

Barley- Range $5.75. bellies (AP) -Cash grain close- No. 1 red Wheat -Market steady; No. 2 red 2 2 bard Wagon wheat, No. red 79c.

pA Corn- -Market steady; No. 2 white 44 4 46c; No. 2 yellow No. Oats- 2 Market strong; No. 2 white mixed 33 64c; No.

8 white Toledo Grain TOLEDO, Sept. 14. (AP)-Grain on track, 284c rate basis; nominal. Wheat -No. 2 red 856 86c; No.

1 red 8c. Corn 2 yellow No. 3 yellow Oats- No. 2 white No. 3 white Grain in store, transit billing attached: Wheat, 5c above track quotation; corn, oats, 3c above.

LAFAYETTE GRAIN LAFAYETTE, Sept, 14 (AP) -Grain quotationsWheat--No. 2 soft, 58 lbs. 74c; No. 3 soft, 57 73c; No. 3 soft, 56 12c.

Corn-No. 3, 70 39c; No. 10 38c; No. 5, 70. 31c.

Oate- 3, Zic. CHICAGO POULTRY CHICAGO, Sept. 14. (AP)-Live poultry- Receipts 1 car due, 30 trucks; market, hens firm, chickens easier; hens, lbs. up under White broilers White Rock 12c.

fryers White Rock springs BONDS NEW YORK, Sept. 14. (AP)Liberty Bonds close: Liberty 1 Liberty first Liberty fourth U. S. Treasury $110.30.

Van Bares Live Stock VAN BUREN, Sept. Live stock quotations at Van Buren today were: 100-140 140- 160 160-180 180-200 200-225 35; 225-250 Ibe. 250-275 lbs, 275-300 300-325 top calves top lambs $6. Indianapolis Grain INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 14.

McMANUS NOT A SWINE PRICES SCORE GAINS INDIANAPOLIS, 14. (AP)-(U. S. Dept. 11,000, including 6,000 pigs, holdovers 502; market generally 15 to 25c higher; bulk 160-270 few 270-300 300 lbs.

up 140-160 1 120-140 100-120 packing sows Cattle Receipts 700; calves, receipts 600; choice steers for eastern shipment up 26c or more at 6.50; other classes fairly active, steady to strong; most heifers common cows low cutters and cutters vealers. steady; mostly 50 down; top $8. Sheep and lambs- -Receipts lambs. steady; few ewes and wethers bulk, 'including some wet fleeces bucks $6.50 down; throwouts down to $3.50. Chicago Live Stock CHICAGO, Sept.

14. -(U. S. Dept. Agr.) -Hogs- direct Receipts including 5,000 25,000 for government; market active, steady to -10c higher than yesterday; 180- 230 top 240- 840 light lights $4 commercial pigs $3.75 downward; packing BOWS good and choice, 140-160 4.60; 160-200 200- 250 250-350 packing sows, medium and good, 275-650 pigs, good and choice, 100-130 Cattle Receipts calves, strong, receipts with instances -higher on fed market fairly active, yearling heifers and light steers closing and long yearlings; steer market weak, steady to 25c higher than week ago; early top $6.75, but choice steers held at weighty heifers $6.10, and light kinds up to steers, slaughter cattle and vealers: good and choice, 550-900 $5.50 900-1100 1100- 1300 1300-1500 heifers, good and choice, 550-750 cows, good low cutters and cutters bulls (yearlings excluded) good (beef) vealers, good and choice medium stockers and feeders Sheep and lambs- Receipts 000; market steady to unevenly low.

er on fat lambs and sheep; few strictly choice lambs others bid $7.50 downward; feeding lambs little changed; lambs, 90 lbs. down, good and choice ewes, 90-160 good and choice $1.50 feeding lambs, 50-75 good and choice P. Muncie Live Stock ners and cutters good to choice light butcher bulls prime export bulls common bulls selected vealers rood to choice vealers common to good vealers lambs: $7 down; yearlings $4 down; buck lambs $1 off; ewes $2.50 down; bucks $1 down. Hartford City Live.Stock HARTFORD CITY, Sept. 14.

-Quotations for hogs today: 100-140 140-170 170- 230 230-280 260-300 300-350 MUNCIE, Sept. for ogs today: 200-220 220-240 240- 260 260-280 280-300 300-325 325-375 160-200 55; 140-160 100-140 packing sows, smooth packing SOWS, rough stags, 80 lbs. dock, Cattle Prime yearlings good to choice steers common to good steers prime heifers, according weight rood to choice' heifers $405; good heifers good to' choice light cows can- East St. Louis. Stock.

50; 350 lbs. up roughs stags vealers lambs buck lambs $5.50. EAST ST. Sept. 14.

(AP)- S. Dept. Agr.) Receipts 20,000, including 700 billed through, 16 direct and 12,000 for government; market 10 to 15c higher; top bulk 170-280 240-260 270-290 140-160 110-130 3.75; sows Cattle Receipts calves, receipts market moderately active and generally steady to strong; vealers 25c higher; top 1903- lb. steers others downward to five cars Oklahoma grass steers mixed yearlings and heifers cows $2.25 low cutters top sausage bulls good and choice vealers nominal range slaughter steers slaughter heifers Sheep 'and lambs-Receipts few sales to city, butchers steady; choice lambs asking steady on others; packers talking sharply lower; indications steady, on throwouts and sheep. THE WEATHER INDIANA: Cloudy, cooler in the south portion; probably showers in east and south portions tonight; Friday partly cloudy, warmer in extreme north portion, cooler along Ohio river.

ILLINOIS: Partly cloudy; thunder showers and cooler this afternoon tonight in extreme south portion; Friday generally fair, slightly warmer in central and north portions. LOWER MICHIGAN: Partly cooler in extreme north portion; possibly showers in the southeast portion tonight; Friday generally fair, slightly warmer in south portion. OHIO: Mostly cloudy; probably showers in southeast portion and cooler in south and central portions tonight; Friday fair, slightly warmer in north and west portions. KENTUCKY: Local showers this afternoon; generally fair tonight and Friday; cooler tonight. Building Materials 53 GARAGE DOORSWith hardware.

The continuation of this and other unusual bargains and buys will be found in today's Want Ads! ANNOUNCEMENTS Carde of Thanks BENNETT, ROBERT EUGENEWei wish to thank our neighbors and friends for their kindness and help at the time of accident Bobby. and death of our little We especially thank the ministers, 1 Rev, Speck, Rev. Croy, Rev. Van our Get Ready for Winter sale of tinning. plumbing and heating materials.

Howard Swanger Company, 907 W. 3rd St. Phone 894. Insurance and Surety Bonds 23 UNDERWRITERS. BROKERS, INC- Where Insurance is not side Phone.500 or 501.

I Moving, Trucking Storage 25 AVAILABLE STORAGE -And Moving; padded. van. Marion Out. fitters, Inc. 'Phone 239-W.

EMPLOYMENT Wanted- Female 32 MULTIGRAPH, Operator, local experienced, to recommend to firm. Marion Business College. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 AGENTS WANTED -Ideal burglar alarm. Fool proof. County or state available to right man.

Write Box 365, H. M. Van Wert, Situatione Wanted--Female 36 COMPETENT MAID- -Wants housework or care of children. Reference furnished. Chronicle box 1847.

Situations Wanted Male CARPENTER- And repair work at depression prices. Call 3034-J Mater; our undertaker, John C. and all who sent beautiful flowers, donated their cars, or in any Bessie Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. James Jones.

Notices BEAUTIFUL Ringlet ends, Croquinole Permanents, $1 up. Maude Lees, 407 Iroquois. Phone 2551. SHELTON Croquegnole waves, No burns or pulling. Guaranteed beautiful ringlet ends, $2.50.

Specine $5. Mrs. Ocker, phone 2297-W. WORLD FAIR VISITORS- -Modern rooms, $1 a day for two people. Write or wire for reservation.

S. E. Wiltsee, 512 Detroit Hammond, Ind. Strayed, Lost, Found 10 BLUE END GATE- Off of Chevrolet truck. Phone 2488-W.

AUTOMOTIVE Automoblica for Sale 11 MOTOR CARS -And Bicycles. Late model cars and cheap cars. New and used bicycles. Bicycle repairs. Pulley's, 417 N.

Washington St. CHRYSLER 75 COUPE Rumable seat, wonderful condition. Formerly owned by Lawrence Webster. MARION TIRE BATTERY CO. 716-18 South Adams St.

1933 PLYMOUTH 6 SEDAN--Very few miles. Will guarantee. At saving price. 1931 STUDEBAKER 8 Rumble seat Coupe, in excellent running 1929 condition, ESSEX good tires. $135.

1928 DODGE STD. 6 COUPE- -New tires and battery, $165.00. GLEN ROBINSON, INC. 2nd and Washington Phone 162 50 Good Used Cars. STOKES 221 W.

Second St. Phone 1081. Auto Accessories, Tires, Parta FOR-An A-1 job on a wrecked see Klaus Auto Service, 303 Second street. HARTLEY Auto Wrecking L'sed parts of all kinds. Twentyhinth Adams Sts.

WE WILL- Repair your car no down payment. Pay small amount each two weeks. TRIANGLE MOTORS 309 W. Second St. Phone Wanted- -Automotive WILL PAY--Cash for good Ford or Chevrolet truck.

H. Britt, E. 33rd. Call today. BUSINESS SERVICE Business Services Offered ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Fixtures and factory equipment.

Estimates furnished, Prompt vice. Tew Co. Phone 2859. RADIO -Expert. guaranteed at a reasonable Phone: 3395.

Montgomery Co. Heating, Plumbing, Roofing NOTICE- Only few days more BRINGING UP. WELL THANK THAT'S ALL TO GO OUT THESE LETTERS- King Features Syndicate, Germ Britain FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 SHOE REPAIR SHOP Cheap. Cash. Chronicle Box 1847.

INSTRUCTION Local Instruction Classes BUSINESS TRAINING -In day, Ask or night school will help you, for bulletin. Start Monday. Marion Business LIVE STOCK Horses, Cattle, Vehicles HORSE- Cow, wagon and harness. 1617 Euclid Avenue. 4 HOGS- Weight 100 lbs, each; 8 pigs, 3 months old; that will farrow the last of month.

1723 E. Williams St. Telephone 3490-J. and Supplies 49 BIG ENGLISH- -White Leghorn yearlings. R.

Secrest, Fairmount, R. R. 2. 150 BARRED ROCK Pullets mile for kale, one mile east and south of Landesville, N. T.

Collins. MERCHANDISE Artictes for Sale 51 DELCO -Light plant for sale or trade, full automatic, A No. 1 condition. Also iron and sweeper. Phone County 22F22.

JARS-Swanger McClain. STOVE PIPE All kinds. Special joints made to order. Swanger McClain. Building Materials 53 CELOTEX Insulating Board will cut your coal bill.

Southall Company, 817 South McClure St. GARAGE DOORS- -With hardware. 2402 So. Adams. Business and Office Equipment 54 OFFICE FURNITURE -2 flat-top desks, 3 roll-top desks, 1 typewriter desk, office bookkeeping table.

Bargain Basem*nt, Johnston Furniture Company. Farm and Dairy Products 55 RYE Fertilizer, agriculture limestone. Roseburg Grain Company. Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers. 66 BUY Manhattan Coal before the price raises.

Grant Coal Feed 215 Bradford. Phone 3022. STOKER COAL -If you have stoker, use screened stoker coal. Wilkinson Coal Co. Phone 454.

WINTER--Is just around the corner. Order "Old Crow" coal now. W. F. Huggins.

Phone 941. Good Things to Eat 57 GREEN- Lima beans, 5. 50c. Mangoes, 3 25c. 2127 W.

3rd. PURE LARD ic lb. Bring containers. Frank Boller, Bradford pike. TOMATOES-35c bushel.

Bring basket. James Weaver, tonend" mile Malleable, north of road. TOMATOES 50c bushel. 2 miles West Malleable on Ninth St. George Harreld, Household Goods 59 AUCTION Saturday, Sept.

16th, 2 p. DST. At 513-15 St. Living room suite, walnut bed room suite, davenport, two electric sweepers, drop-head sewing machine, kitchen cabinet, 2 8.3x10.6 and 2 9x12 rugs, cedar chest, cook stove, book cabinet, small rugs and carpet, gas range, oil stove, battery radio, curtain stretchers, hall tree, bridge and floor lamps, medicine cabinet, mirror, 2 refrigerators, combination book scase and desk, upholstered rocker and wing chair, dining table, arm chairs, sewing rocker, 4- breakfast set, dishes, curtains, blinds, and other articles: MARION OUTFITTERS, INC. FAVORITE Base burner, large size; kitchen cabinet.

209 W. 3rd. G. A. LEMON--The Mover, 1s nOW handling Used Furniture, Stoves.

Sixth Branson Sts. Phone 1592. OIL RANGE -Like new. Phone county 38F11. PORCELAIN Table tops, 36x25, and 40x25, only 49c.

Challenge Tire Parts N.E. cor. Square. USED HOOVER- Vacuum cheap. Washington Heights Apt.

No. 10, 19th Washington Sta. Musical Merchandise 62 CROSLEY RADIOS SI week. Broyles Electric Company, West Fourth St. MAJESTIC RADIO-9 tube; splendid condition; meter timed at off original cost.

Butler Music Co. Seeds, Planta, Flowers 63 SEED WHEAT -Hickman, Walter Jones, Upland. Phone 003. Speciale at the Stores CROSLEY RADIOS $1 week. Broyles Electric Company, West Fourth street.

"Farmers' Friend" House Paint, White and colors, gallon. $1.20 Superior Barn Paint, $1.00 MARION PAINT CO. Opposite Paramount Theater. FATHER WELLFINISHED- NOW 15 OUTAND MAIL WRITE WITHOUT MERCHANDISE Specials at the Stores FLAT WALL PAINT Odd lots, while it lasts, $1.00 per gallon. Hendey's, 509 S.

Washington St. GLASS When you break one, call 1387, we'll replace it quickly and save you money. L. J. McATEE CO "Glass for every purpose." STOVES Wond Heaters, Coal Heaters, Ranges.

Oil and Gas Stoves at very Moderate Prices. SOUTH MARION FURNITURE CO. 3108-10 S. Wash. Phone 962-W.

Wanted--To Buy 66 ADDING MACHINES BECKLEY SUPPLY CO. of TYPEWRITER E. Fifth St. Phone 136. BUY--Used clothing and shoes.

Phone 6043. ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms without Board 68 FIRST 221-Mod. sleeping rooms, apartment ground floor. Rooms for Housekeeping 69 NEWLY 105 modern North St. rooms.

TWO Modern furnished rooms. Hot water. First floor. Phone 2906. Where to Eat TRY- One of our hot sizzling steaks.

They are tender and juicy. Barney's Cafe, opposite Postoffice. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments and Flats APARTMENT-Five rooms, strictly modern, well located; garage, water and heat furnished; $32.50. Reference required. E.

0. Bender. Phone 1298. BOOTS 1513-Mod. unfurn.

two-room apartment. Reasonable. BRADFORD APTS. Attractive 5 rooms, strictly modern; heat furnished." Phone 2750. TWO- Modern 3-room unfurnished apartments; heat furnished; close in.

Phone 364. WASH. S. Strictly modern 2- and 3-room apartments, hot water service. Phone 6022.

Houses for Rent BOOTS 1722-6-room, strictly modern; garage. FOURTH 1647-5 room modern bungalow. Inquire 212 W. 37th. HALF DOUBLE-5 rooms, strictly modern.

Phone 2276-W. JEFFRIES 1434-6 room house, 4 and 5-room apartments, bath, 1100 Co. Wash. St. Eli Coats.

TWO-6-room semi-modern houses, with garages; west and south; cheap. Phone 364. 3RD 1005-Good mod. 8- room home, near school. Phone 1208.

1, 2, 3 and 4 rooms, semi-modern $3 to $10. 3 and 4 rooms, modern, $8 and $10. rooms, bath and garage, $15. 5 and 6 rooms, modern, $25.00. Business rooms and garages.

Ph. 1558-SHUGART-320 S. Bran. 13th 111-6-room mod. bungalow; bath, garage.

Phone 2023. Summer Resorts for Rent 79A COTTAGES -Reduced to $6 and $7 week. Beaver Dam Lake. Leslie's. Phone 2738.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Brokers in Real Estate INDIANA INS. REALTY CORP. Insurance, Real Estate, Rentals. 110 West Third St. Phone 1477.

Houses for Sale 84 CLOSE IN-5-room cottage, wonder. ful location, for only $1,100, with $600 cash: balance to suit purchaser. M. G. Gotschall Agency, .201 Custer Block.

SQUARE Level 160 acres, good buildings; $9,500, $1,000 cash, 15 on balance; three miles Van Buren. Why pay George F. Ring. THIRD 1020-Four-apartment building, $250 cash, balance like rent. E-Z Pay Realty Company, Webster Block.

TWO LOTS-Good ones. At your own price, 40 ACRES Well Improved, 10 utes out. For sale or C. P. GROWING CRAZE For land.

Prices steadily rising. Get it while you can. FARMS All sorts and sizes, sale or trade. GOOD 40-Rich soil, good buildings; swings ACRES-Stone's it. throw.

Desirable -in every way. FIVE ACRES -Well improved; half SANDERS' AGENCY, 735 W. Fifth St. Phone 2043. Franciscan Friars from North Wales made a special trip to Kentrecent hop-picking season to care ish bop fields in England during for children whose parents were working in the fields, IS MY DOWN By STOCKS START NEW ADVANCES 5 4 NEW YORK, Sept.

14. Spurred by revival of inflationary psychology, stocks galloped gaily higher territory today' and displayed indications of resuming move- 'the recent advance. The forward ment met some resistance, however, although mining issues some specialties maintained rather buoy. ant tone. The close was firm.

Approximately 2,900,000 shares changed hands. NEW YORK STOCKS CLOSE American Can Co. American Car Foundry American Power Light American Sugar Ref. Co. 67 American Tel.

Tel. 131 Anaconda Copper Co. Associated Apparel Bethlehem Steel Corp. Chesapeake Ohio R. R.

Chrysler Motor Co. Consolidated Oil Electric Power Light Electric Co. 24 General Motors Corp. International Harvester International Tel. Tel.

Kroger Stores National Biscuit Co. 57 Montgomery Ward Co. New York Central R. R. Owens-Illinois Glass Co.

82 Penney J. Pennsylvania Railroad Petroleum Corporation Phillips Petroleum Sears, Roebuck Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil Co. Standard Oil of California Standard Oil of New Jersey 42 United Aircraft 39 U. S.

Steel Corp. 55 Westinghouse Elec. Mfg. American Foreign Power 13 American Rolling Mills Auburn Auto Co. Gas Electric Consolidated Gas Corn Products Ref.

Co. 88 Drug, Incorporated DuPont de Nemours Grigsby Grunow Peoples Public Service of New Standard Brands, Inc. Texas Company United Corporation U. S. Steel Corp.

(pfd) Western Union Telegraph Beatrice Creamery Studebaker Motor Co. Wabash Railroad NEW YORK CURB American Gas Electric Cities Service Cord Corporation Electric Bond Share Electric Bond Share (pfd) Niagara Hudson Power Standard Indiana CHICAGO EXCHANGE Commonwealth Edison Swift General Co. Household Utilities Kiley Brewery Co. Sterling Brewery Dr. and Mrs.

Charles Shilling of Washington, D. and Smith Dr. and College, Mrs. Gilbert Ayers guests of of honor at picnic supper given by a friends large on num- the ber of relatives and lawn of the home of Prof. and Mrs.

George Fenstermaker, in the UniGames and were the diver-' versity addition, Friday evening. sions of the evening. Those enjoying the occasion were: Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ayers, Smith College, Dr.

and Mrs. Charles Shilling and children, Charlotte and Charles, Washington, Dr. and Mrs. Wendell Ayers and daughter, Betty, Hartford City; Mrs. Oma Schweitzer, Mrs.

Overman, Marion; Mrs. Teed, Ann Arbor, Miss Iris Abbey, Logan, Dr. and Mrs. Bert Ayers, Dr. and Mrs.

George Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Abbey, Mr. and Bert Atkinscon, Mrs. Mary Shilling, Mrs.

Lola Ayerf, Miss Esther Mary Atkinson, Miss Ivel Guller, Miss Irma Dare, Miss Olive Mae Draper, Miss Sadie Louise Miller, Prof. Barton Rees Pogue and daughter, Carolyn Yvonne; Herbert Ayers and Prof. and Mrs. George Fenstermaker and daughter, Dorothy, son, Bobby, Miss Vida Townsend left Saturday for Lafayette, where she will attend Purdue University this winter. Mr.

and Mrs. Elzona Graves, Marion, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. F.

Bidwell. Miss Hazel Thompson has returned to her home in Van Buren after spending the summer with Mrs. Matilda Stout. Harold Vayhinger left Friday for Cincinnati, 0., where he will spend the winter with his aunts, Misses Gertrude and Lydia Palmer, and attend school. Mrs.

Ruth Dillman spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Dillman and daughters, Billie Jean and Audrey. Mrs. Matilda Stout was the Sun.

lay guest 'of Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mri. John Swain and son, Donald; Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Swain and family, Gas City; Mr. and Mrs. Noble: Thurman and daughter, Helen, and son, Warren, and Mrs. Lena Thurman and daughter, Berneta, and sons, Frank and Robert, spent Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. Ollie Thurman and family. The, occasion was' in honor of the birthday anniversary of Noble: Thurman. Mrs. Merritt Abbey is spending this week in Chicago attending the Century of Progress Rachel, Ruth and Everette Ross have returned to their home in Roll after, spending a few days with their grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Eugene Kelley. Dr. and Mrs. Lincoln Shute have returned from Ludington, they spent their tion as guests of relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hunt 'and sori, Peru; Mrs. Edward Buckles and daughter. Maxine; Miss Clara O'Rourke, Marion; Miss Freda Brogneaux, Fort Wayne: Mrs.

Otto Oren, Miss Audrey Dillman and Miss Betty Jean Stout visited Sunday Mr. Mrs. Fred Brogueaux, and family: 5. UPLAND REPORTS 2715 29 17 1029 3 9777 the 49.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.