Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


Marion, Ind. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Wanted To Rent 81 RELIABLE- Party wants to rent thoroughly modern unfurnished seven or eight house in Martin Boots school territory. Must be thoroughly modern and in excellent condition to interest renter. Address Chronicle Box No. 1887, describing house thoroughly, giving address.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Brokers in Real Estate INDIANA INS. REALTY CORP. Insurance, Real Estate, Rentals. 110 West Third St. Phone 1477.

LIST- -Your farm for, sale with us. We have buyers. Heflin- Rudolph, 203 Glass Block. Farms and Land for Sale 83 IMPROVED-40 acres, half mile off state road 9, $2,000. Can be bandled for $500 cash.

7-room Fairmount, dwelling on 'brick street, $500; part cash. E. Haisley, Fairmount. 3 SMALL TRACTS- Buy the bldgs. at half price and get the land free.

OF FARMS- At prices less than they will be in years. Ditto C. 150 ACRES- -For a third less than the CRACKERJACK 80-For less land. 20 ACRES- On 22. Admirable! new buildings; for sale or more land.

Outskirts. GOOD 40-Cash, $500, bal. easy. GOOD FARM--For apartment house. 40 -Well improved, 10 utes out.

For sale or C. P. 60 ACRES-Stone's throw. Desirable in every way. Nothing whatever for rent.

Office hours 9 to 6. SANDERS, 735 W. Fifth Street. Houses for Sale FOR SALE-9-100m house, lot and half, on main highway, partly modern. Sacrifice one -half for quick sale, or trade for farm.

A. D. Freese, Upland. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Houses for Sale 84 REAL HOME-? rooms, garage, 3 blocks Cash. M.

G. GOTSCHALL AGENCY 201 Custer Block. Phone READ, ACT- Bungalow, 5 rooms, bath, garage, 2 lots, shade. edge of town, west. Geo.

F. Ring. Notice of Final of Estate No. 5977 Notice is bereby risen to the creditors heirs and irratees of Romeo Tyner. deceased to appear 10 the Grant Circuit Court.

beid Marion, on the 24th day of November. 1933. and show cause, if any. why the Pion! Settlement Accounts with the ratate of said decedent shou. not be approved: and said heirs are to then and there make proof of and recetve their distributive shares.

Witness. the Clerk of said Court this 1st day of November. 1933 LANDESS WHITE. Cirri of Grant Circuit Court. E- NoT 1.

9. Chicago Produce CHICAGO, Nov. quotations- Butter- Receipts 11,839 tubs; mar. ket. unsettled; old cars 25, new creamery extras 23c; standard- 21c; extra firsts firsts 181: seconds specials Eggs- -Receipts 2,095 cases; market steady; old cars 2, new current fresh extra firsts.

less. than cars 2042c, cars fresh firsts, less than cars cars 21c; dirties checks Cheese -Cheddards and twins: Daisies, prints and Longhorns Live poultry Turkeys and hens 14c; young Toms 13c, old hens Leghorn hens Leghorn chickens roosters ducks 10'zc; geese Potatoes Receipts 93 cars, on track 417; U'. S. shipments 523: Wisconsin round whites. No.

1 1.10; Minnesota and North Dakota Red River Ohios, No. 1 North Dakota Irish Cobblers, No. 1 $1.10: Idaho Russets, No. 1 $1.30, No. 2 combination grade $1.30, few South Daround whites and Early Ohio partly graded 95c.

CHRONICLE PATTERN YOU CAN SEW THIS YOURSELF SMART NEW SMOCK SO EASY TO MAKE: Complete, Diagrammed Marian Martin Sew ('hart Included PATTERN 9811 If you're student, business girl or housewife, you'll join forces in prais. ing this utility smock. Neat, practical, cover-all while working, and oh, so good looking: Colored binding accents the double-brested effect and new high neckline. Pockets are always handy and sleetes may be eithe long or short. Don't forget buttons for trim well as use.

Make it, with the Sew Shart ed for your cutting and rewing guide, of broadcloth, percale, ringham or other wash fabric. Pattern 9811 may be ordered only in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20. 32. 34, 36, 38 and 40. Size 16 requires 3 1-8 yards 36 5 inch fabric, and yards binding.

Send 15c in coins or stamps coins preferred) for each Marian Martin pattern. Be sure to write plainly your name. address, the style number and size of each pattern. The winter edition of the Marian Martin pattern book shows all the new style highlights. This book will guide you to distinctive wardrobe at little cost.

Send for it today. Price of pattern book 15c. Bbok and pattern together 23c. Send your order to The Marion Chronicle Pattern Department, 610 South Adams Street, Marion, lad. AWARD ROAD CONTRACTS INDIANAPOLIS.

Nov. The Indiana bighway. commission today, a warded for $618- 9811 533.61 worth of road paring projects in Southern Indiana. 1 3 I SWINE MARKET MOSTLY HIGHER INDIANA: Cloudy and colder, probably rain in east and south portions tonight; Friday partly cloudy and colder. ILLINOIS: Cloudy and colder; rain extreme south portion tonight; Friday- partly cloudy; colder in sohtheast portion.

LOWER MICHIGAN: Mostly and colder tonight and Friday; scattered showers tonight. OHIO: Rain tonight and Friday: colder in west and extreme north portions late tonight; much colder Friday and Friday night. KENTUCKY: Rain tonight and Friday; colder in west portion late tonight; much colder Friday and Friday night. Wanted to Buy 66 WANTED TO BUY500 bushels new corn. The continuation of this and other anusual bargains and buys will be found in today's Want Ads! ANNOUNCEMENTS Notices BEAUTIFUL Ringlet ends, Croquinole Permanents, $1 up.

Maude Lees, 407 Iroquois. Phone 2551. up. Shampoo 35c. Opal Beauty Nook, north side Phone 1490.

SHELTON Croquignole ringlet waves, $1.50 up; marcels, 23c. P'hone 1792-W. Jirs. Ocker, 124 West Second St. SPECIAL--Sale now on French oil Croquingole Permanents, $1.

308 W. Fifth. Phone 260. Strayed. Lest, Found 10 GERMAN- Police dog, 7 months old.

Reward return or infor. mation as to whereabouts. Phone 1129-W. LADIES- Platinum wedding ring. lost on day NRA parade.

Initials K. R. Reward, Chronicle Box 1896. SET OF KEYS--Call or return to the Mayor's Office. STRAYED Large Hampshire boar.

Reward. Sweetser phone 304-R. Foust. AUTOMOTIVE Automoblies for Sale DR A (Dodge Renewed Automobiles) 1930 Ford Tudor, runs fine; $175 only 1030 Studebaker 8 Sedan, good $275 tires, runs fine 1931 Durant Sedan $245 75 1928 1930 Nash 6 Coupe $243 Hudson Coach 1928 Graham Sedan INC: GLEN ROBINSON, 2nd Wash, Sts. Phone 162.

DIOTOR CARS- -And Bicycles, Late model cars and cheap cars. New and used Bicyoles. Bicycle repairs. Pulley's, 417 N. Washington St.

QUICK SALE 1931 Chevrolet Delux Coupe, rumble seat, dome light, new Arvin not water beater, low mileage, fair tires, wired for radio. $165 can be financed. balance cash. Chronicle Box 1900. 1927 ESSEX COACH -Good rubber, good condition.

MARION TIRE BATTERY CO. 716-18 South Adams St. 1928 PONTIAC Coupe, 1929 Ford Coach. Private owners. Robert Earle, Boys' Dormitory, Marion College.

50 Good Used Cars. STOKES 221 W. Second St. Phone 1081. Auto Tires, Parts DENATURED ALCOHOL At Wholesale.

Special Prices on barrel lots or less amounts. GLEN ROBINSON, INC. 2nd Wash, Sts. Phone 162. HOT WATER -Heaters from $4.95 ap.

Challenge Tire Parts E. Cor. Square. USED PARTS -Tires, fenders, etc. Hartley Auto Wrecking Company, Twenty-ninth Adams Sts.

WRECKED CARS- -Rebuilt by experienced workmen. Klaus Auto Service, 303 West Second St. WE WILL- Repair your car with no down payment. Pay small amount each two weeks. TRIANGLE MOTORS 309 W.

Second St. Phone 375. Wanted--Automotive WANTED-1933 used Ford Coupe or Convertible. Will pay cash. Chronicle, Box 1886.

BUSINESS SERVICE Business Services Offered CARPENTER WORK- -Wanted; prices. Phone 3034-J. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Fixtures and factory equipment. Estimates furnished. Prompt service.

Tew Electric Co. Phone 2859. Heating, Plumbing, Roofing 22 FURNACE COILS Emergency Plumbing. Howard Swanger Co. Phone 894.

NORTH SIDE -Plumbing and ing. Repairs, new fixtures. sonable. Phone 2730. Insurance and Surety Bonds.

23 C. "JIM" NELSON With Underwriters Brokers, Inc. writing all. forms of insurance. Phone 500.

INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. Hogs--Receipts 5,000, holdovers 214; market mostly 15c higher; 160-223 few 225-300 300 0 lbs. up $3.90 140-160 120-140 light pigs packing sows Cattle Receipts 500; calves, ceipts 500; market, few light stad and best heifers steady, other classes neglected, especially heavy steers and low "heifers: early steer sales heifers common down to cows low cutters and cutters vealers steady $6.50 down. Sheep and lambs--Receipts market opened steady, closed strong; ewes and wethers top 75 sparingly; bucks $5.50 down; throwouts down to $3.50. BUSINESS SERVICE Moving, Trucking Storage 25 AVAILABLE STORAGE Moving: padded van.

Marion Outfitters. Inc. Phone 239-W. Typewriters and Supplies 27A A COMPLETE: CORONA $45.00 BECKLEY TYPEWRITER SUPPLY CO. 124 Fast Fifth St.

l'hone 136. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Female MIDDLE- Woman for house. work. Must understand children. None other need apply.

Must give references. Phone 3295-W after 7 p. m. for appointment to interview. Help Wanted- Male 33 Work two days week, make living wages.

$350 required. Ack quick. Good proposition for World War veteran. 1607 East Thirty-eighth St. WANTED- -Experienced mould sander.

Spencer Cardinal Corp. Plant No. 3. Salesmen Wanted 33A SALESMAN- -TO work Marion and local county. Selling business necessity.

Only local man considered. Nationally advertised line. Permanent connection. Merchants Industries, Box 1028, Dayton, Ohio. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 WANTED -Party with $500 for good investment in paying business.

Box 262. -Stocks, Bonds 39 WE BUY- And sell Indiana General Service preferred stock. John H. Diggs Company, McCleery Building. Phone 289.

INSTRUCTION Local Instruction Classes 43 START MONDAY First winter term just beginning. Prepare for business and civil service positions. Reasonable tuition; day and night courses. Come right in. Marion Business College.

LIVE STOCK Horses, Cattle, Vehicles 48 GOOD HORSE For sale. Phone County 18-F-5. HORSE Smooth-mouthed mare. Sound. One mile south, miles east La Fontaine.

Gillespie, INTERNATIONAL Corn picker. Alva Pattison, miles west of Weaver. Wanted--Live Stock 50 GOOD Guernsey COw wanted. Phone 2566-W evenings. MERCHANDISE Articies for Sale 51 DAY BED- -Antique stand, kitchen table, radio toys, also clothing.

419 W. 6th St. JARS -Swanger McClain. Building Materials 53 FORD CYCLONE SHINGLES Give you the most for your money. Southall 817 S.

McClure St. Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers 56 ASK -Your neighbor about Battleship Coal, for stove or furnace. Wilkinson Coal Co. Phone 454. BIG LUMP- -Kentucky coal, $6.63 delivered.

1. E. Braden, 1811 George St. Phone 542. CLOVER HAY -10c PER BALE GRANT COAL FEED CO.

215 Bradford St. Phone 3022. Good Things to Eat 67 APPLES Fancy red Baldwins, Huberson, Grimes, Snow, 60c up. Jay's Market, Marion and Jonesboro. POTATOES 3-4 mile north, 1-4 mile west Sweetser.

Earl Dimick. Household Goode 59 AMERICAN BEAUTY -Washers, $1 down, $1 week. Brogies Electric Company, West Fourth St G. A. LEMON -The Mover, is now handling Used Furniture, Stores.

Sixth Branson Sta. Phone 1592. GENERAL ELECTRIC- Refrigerator, used only short time, 7- foot Terms. size. Priced very reasonable.

Butler Music Fifth Washington Sts. "GLOW fine condition. 1502 S. Boots. Phone 3066 HOUSEHOLD GOODS Dining suite, golden oak, like new; one kitchen cabinet, one day bed and pad, like new; one coal oil range, tive-burner, side oven; hard coal heating stove, pipe and stove board; one extra stove board.

1103 West Fifth St. WOOD HEATERS- All sizes. Swanger McClain. LIVING ROOM SUITE- pieces, consisting of davenport, wing chair and fireside chair; upholstered in Jacquard' velour; good condition; $39.50. Bargain Basem*nt, Johnston Furniture Company.

Musical Merchandise 62 ATWATER-KENT RADIOS--Are sensation. See them at Broyles Electric 119 West Fourth St. MERCHANDISE Seeds, Plants, Flowers 63 REDUCTION SALE-40 to discount. Plant now. Best time.

Full assortment. Laketon Nurseries, Laketon, Ind. Specials at the Stores CROSLEY RADIOS $1 per week. Broyles Eloctric W. Fourth St.

ELECTRIC LAMPS See the modern Aladdin reflector Lamps with soil-proof shades. For Electric Washers, Irons and Appliances- SOUTH MARION FURNITURE CO. 3108-10 S. Wash. Phone 962-W.

"Farmers' Friend" House Paint, white and colors, gallon. $1.20 Superior, MARION Barn Paint, PAINT CO. Opposite Paramount Treatre. GLASS When you break one, call 1387, we'll replace it quickly and save you money, L. J.

McATEE CO "Glass for every purpose." NEW- -Fall wall paper; large selection at low prices. Paints, varnishes, enamel. HENDEY'S 509 So. Wash. St.

Phone 146. REDUCED PRICES -On floor sample living room suites; 3-piece mohair, $20 off; 2-piece mohair, $10 off; 3-piece Jacquard velour, $10 off; 3-piece tapestry, $10 off. There are only eight suites to go Ward' these prices. Montgomery Company. RANGE OIL BURNERS Former price four to be sold at $19.50 each.

Bargain Basem*nt, Johnston Furniture Company. USED GLORITONE RADIO--Five tubes, mantel model, excellent condition. Sold on easy payments. H. J.

SCHRADER Fourth Boots. l'hone 734. $63 Double set of harness, $45; heavy 3-ply roofing paper, $1.75. Farmers' Supplies, 217 So. Adams Wearing Apparel 65 BOY'S- Overcoat and leather coat.

Age 15. Good. Phone 1890. BOYS-2-pants suit, size 15, $5.00. Phone 1974-J.

LADY'S- -Wool jacket suit, small size. Phone 133. Wanted--To Buy 66 MODEL 12-Winchester, 20 or 16- 3 guage pump gun. Must be cheap and in good condition. Phone 2001 days.

WANTED -To buy large chest of drawers or wardrobe; prefer walnut. Address Box 1886, Chronicle. WANTED -To buy 500 bushels of new corn. GRANT COAL FEED CO. 215 East Bradford St.

ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms without Board 68 35th 115-Sleeping room in modern home; close to Radio. Rooms for Housekeeping 69 CLEAN-Furn. housekeeping rooms, city Mrs. King's, W. Fifth.

Where to Eat 71 TRY Our special plate lunch with drink, 15c. Barney's Cafe, opporite Postoffice. REAL ESTATE FOR Apartments and Flats APARTMENT 3 rooms, kitchenette, bath, nicely heated, hot water. Phone 6022. CLOSE IN-4-room nicely furnished apartment; reasonable.

Ph. 2023. FOUR ROOMS Well furnished. Close in. Phone 2023.

GALLATIN furn. two- or three-room apartment. MODERN -Apartment, 5 rooms. Furn. Heat, garage.

Phone 3353-J. Houses for Rent 77 BOOTS 923-2 families; 1806 Marion Ave. No down payment, like rent. E-7. Pay Realty Room 2, Webster Block.

BOOTS ST. 1709-6 rooms, strictly modern bungalow. Redecorated, hardwood floors, Phone Swayzee 1. DUPLEX-6 rooms and bath, strictly mod. Close in.

Phone 463 or 3005-W. FACTORY 1304-Five rooms; West 17th one acre; 731 West 11th, Eli Coats. IF YOU WANT -To rent or buy good modern or semi-modern home, phone 364. HEATED Apartments. Mod.

rooms, country places, business rooms and garages. Phone: 1558, Shugart. 320 Branson, ON -Lagro road mile north Country Club, seven-room house and out buildings. Phone 453. -House, furn.

or unfurn. A-1 heating plant, electric er included. 2101 So. Gallatin. WASH.

3915-Modern house with garage. Phone 1306-R. Wanted- To Rent APARTMENT WANTED. 3 or 4 rooms, furn. Chronicle, Box 1809.

GRAIN PRICES. SCORE ADVANCE Eye and harley-No sales. New Yak Preince NEW YORE, Nor. CHICAGO, NoT. 2 (INS) -Grains scored fair-sized advances today in more cheerful tra Eng.

Wheat futures closed 3 to up, or about Ac below the top after being on the upside throughout the dar. Corn closed to up; oats 14 to 14t up, aunt rye 14 to up. Pronounced in ferries markete and developments to the tone monetary to situation inspired a strong Wheat was erratend move than Ze at the outset. I Sic. Scattered pelting the bulge and prices reacted moderately, holding forenoon at Irrels below the top.

Near not wheat up; corn, to to and rye to Ic up. Liverpool wheat Red higher, and Winniper to lee ape Estimated car-hod Wheat, 13; ani cats. Gran Wheat- 6 Nay July Corn-Dec. Nay July 3046 Oats-Lec. Nar July bad.

Ere wit. Lay sold; July 61c. Lard-Nor. Jan. $5.70 pold; May sud Cash chase 2 red Na I band 84c: Na.

2 Corn Na No. 3 yellow Na low 30 Na. 3 white Na. white 3512 (a No. 3: ple grade (01d)- mixed 3912 40c; Na.

3 maxed Fellow 41c; Na No. 35 Na No. 2 white No. white c. and low 40c; Na 3 Oats--Na 3 wine (c; Na.

white 3112 sample trade 25c. quotationsHay (100 -Market steady; No. 1, 90c: Na. 3 cover mixed, Sac Petrol steady: I' nosyirania Linseed oli per Sac car Market firm; couma ed 4 to 16 points advance: Pin Law sugar lest sales) Ricos ML Crimed market dell; -Market dull: Catas and Porto fine granulated Potatoes -Market weak: nearby white 03.64 Sweet Jersey baskets f1; Jersey barrels 30; Southern $1: Southern barrels L34 Dressed poahry Market quiet, easy; chickens 104 Seeders tO capons 21 dr: fowls 16c; turkeys 10 ducks 1000 Live quiet: chick. ers 23c: fowls lie: turkeys ens 100 15c; 3 1300 tr; BroilDe: dukes geese 13c.

Butter- Market Heady: salted and unsalted cranes 24 1 creamery extras creamery tires fresh extra ladies 13c. Ergs Market nearby white speriak standards :0 medians nearby brown specials 2663 mixed specials 00 standards 20 06 Pacific white fancy packs (a 40c; standards mediums 25 28c. LAFAYETTE GRAIN LAFAYETTE, Ind. Nor. -Grain Wheat- 36 3 raft, Tor, Na.

3 soft, 56 The 3 Ar, No. new, lhs, Sc. Grain INDIANAPOLIS. Cash grainWheat. -Market 60 81 Na.

hard RAc. Corn- -Market Erm: Na. Na. 2 yellow 33 Na 3-mised Na 31 -Market PLANE ROUTS JERUSAL low hundreds Arabs frown wareth. who toward Tuba where participate in a connection with the sixth the ten MARION MARKETS (Quetations, Nor.

2) PRODUCE Swift Company. Butterfat, per lb. 22c Eggs Heavy hens, 4 to lbs. 9c Hens, los. and up Leghorn hens 5c Old roosters 5e Leghorn roosters Clever Leaf Creamery.

Butterfat, per lb. Fairmont Creamery Co. Butterfat, per lb. LIVESTOCK Hogs-180-225 $3.90 4: 225- 230 230-273 275-300 $4: 300 lbs. up sows stags veal calves day were: Old yellow corn, per 100 lbs.

Otas, per bushel 28c Wheat Soy beans, No. 2 Van Bares Live Stock VAN BUREN. Indiana, Nov. Live stock quotations at Van Buren 400. $3.63: 200-250 today were: 130-160 Ibs-, 160- Ibs.

$3.60: 215-300 lbs. 30; top calves top lambs $5.50.1 GRAIN Average grain quotations Thurs-! STOCK MARKET SLIPS INTO RUT BY LESLIE GOULD NEW YORK, Nov. 2. (INS) -The stock market slipped into rut today after early strength, ignoring the more favorable tenor of the news, and the better action of commodities. Utilities alone indicated! any trend, and continued to sag on persistent selling resulting from their speculative disfavor.

NEW YORK P.M. American Can Co. 901 American Foundry 211 American Power Light American Tel. Tel. Anaconda Copper Co.

Associated Apparel 14: Bendix Aviation 121 Bethlehem Steel Corp. Chesapeake Ohio R. IL 38 Chrysler Motor Co. 40 Consolidated Oil Electric Power General Motors Electric Co. Corp.

19 International Tel. Tel. Kroger Stores 21 Montgomery Ward Co. 19 Biscuit Co. New York Central R.

Owens-Illinois Glass Co. Penney Co. J. C. Pennsylvania Railroad Petroleum Corporation 104 Phillips Petroleum Sears, Roebuck Co.

38 Socony- Vacuum Oil Co. 12 Oil of California Standard Oil of Indiana Standard Oil of New Jersey Studebaker Motor ('o. V. S. Steel Corp.

Tabash Cailroad Westinghouse Elec. Jifz. TREASURY STATEMENT WASHINGTON. Nov. 2.

(AP)The position of the Treasury on Oct. 31 was: Receipts for Oct. 31, expenditures, 736.265.75; net balance, 200.6t: customs receipts for the month, Receipts for the fiscal year (since July I), expenditures. $1.409,549,755.96 (including $390,312,403.71 for emergency excess of expenditures, Back Home in Smiling Mood The cheery smile that has flashed on a thousand screens greeted camera men when Dorothy Gish arrived to New York on the Berengarla from European trip. Miss Giab is shown above, registering homecoming joy.

F. Chicago Live Stock CHICAGO, Nov. 2. Live stockHogs Receipts market steady; top. bulk heavy medium 4.30; lights light lights $3.75 1.20; packing sows pigs holdovers 3,000.

Receipts calves, receipts market steady; beef steers, choice $3.73 5.75; yearlings I chers, heifers cows bulls calves feeder steers stocker steers cows and heifers Sheep and lambs- Receipts market steady; lambs common yearlings feed. ers $5.75 6.40; ewes (AP)-(U. S. Dept. 'Agr.) -HogsReceipts 1.100; market active, 10 to lac over Wednesday's average; desirable 200-250 bulk 160- 210 few 120-150 Cattle Receipts 350; little done; few grass steers and heifers lower $4.30: cutter COwS calres, receipts 30; market unchang.

ed; good to choice common. and medium Sheep and lambs--Receipts 600; lambs slow, steady to 10c higher; good to schoice ewes and wethers weight ewes 2.73; mixed sheep East Buffalo Live Stock EAST BUFFALO, N. Nov. 2. Pittsburgh Live Stock PITTSBURGH, Nov.

2. (AP (U. S. Dept. 1200: market active, 3 to 10c higher; 170-220 220-230 250 lbs.

up around $4 down; 150 lbs. down packing sows Cattle--Receipts 60; market nominal: medium grade steers 4223. few higher; common down to $250; heifers COWS $3 down: bulls up to calves, receipts 150; market very slow, fairly steady: good and choice I Sheep and lambs -Receipts market steady; early sales fat lambs 1 aged wethers up to $3. Cleveland Live Stock CLEVELAND. 0., Nov.

2. Live stock Hogs market slow. mostly 15c lower; choice 160-250 100-150 roughs steady. Muncie Live Stock MUNCIE, Nov. 2.

Quotations for hogs today: 200-225 $4: 225-240 240-260 $3.85: 260-280 280-300 lbs, 300-325 325-375 160-200 100-140 $2.75 140-160 packing sows, smooth 1 packing sows, rough stags, 60 lbs. dock Cattle Prime yearlings good common to to choice good steers, steers $4.00 5.00; prime heifers, according to weight good to choice 1.30; common to good heifers good to choice light cows fair to good cows canners and cutters good to choice light butcher bulls prime export bulls common bulls $26 2.10. Calves-Fancy selected vealers good choice vealers common to good vealers Lambs Sheep steady; lambs $6 down; yearlings $4 down; buck lambs $1 off; ewes $2.30 down: bucks $1 down. Hartford City Live Stock HARTFORD CITY, Nov. 2.

-Quotations for hogs today: 100-140 140-170 170- 230-260 260-300 300-350 20; 330 lbs. up roughs stags vealers lambs back lambs $4.25. PITZER WINS AT HUSKING MEET BLUFFTON, Nov. Pitzer of Fountain county, again has won the right to represent Indiana in the national corn husking contest to be held this year at Cummings, Nov. 9.

By husking 32.99 bushels of corn in 60 minates here yesterday, Pitzer won the state title for the second consecutive year. Officials of the contest, said they believed he would have broken his last year's record of 33.08 bushels, but for the dryness of the corn. Albert Hensler of Howard county, again was runner husking 32.2 bushels, and other contestants finished as follows: Robert Kitchell, Wayne county, 1931 champion; Alva Smith, Wells county; Paul Cain, White county: Leslie Taylor, Newton county; Charles Etter, Benton county, 1929 champion; Gerd Ehler, Parke county; Johnson, Madison county; Vernie Keller, Montgomery county, and Ray Fortner, Vermillion county. The state, contest drew what officials said was a record crowd of 15,184 spectators. 4.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.