Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

MARION, CHRONICLE, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 18, 1935 FIRST AND BEST-AS USUAL PRICES MOVE LOWER INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. Hogs--Receipts 4,000, holdovers 285; market, weights under 210 lbs. mostly 5c lower; others 10 to 25c off; 200-225 225-300 300 lbs. up 9.25; 100-160 packing sows Cattle Receipts 800; calves, receipts 700; good to choice.

steers 15 to 25c higher; lower grade and heifers and cows fully steady; three loads of choice steers two loads one load: most heifers from $6 to low cutters and cutters $3 bulls vealers steady at $10.50 down. Sheep and lambs- Receipts market, fed westerns steady at native lambs strong, mostly 10.75; a few $11. Fairmount Live Stock FAIRMOUNT, Dec. 18.2 Live stock quotations' today were: Hogs, 5c lower; top 160-180 180-200 $9.35: 200- 210-225 225-250 250-275 275-300 roughs calves, $10.50 top, Thursday delivery; lambs, $10, for Thursday delivery. Muncie Live Stock MUNCIE, Dec.

18. Quotations for hogs today: Market steady to 25c lower; top 160-180 180-190 190-200 200-210 210- 225 225-235 235-250 250-260 25; 260-275 275-300 300-325 325-350 350-375 155- 160 $9.30: 150-155 140-150 pigs, 100-140 packing sows, smooth smooth packing sows, rough stags, 80 lbs. dock Cattle Market steady; prime heavy steers prime yearlings good to choice steers common to good steers $5 prime heifers, according to weight common to good heifers good to choice cows to good cows $4 canners and cutters good to choice bulls prime export bulls common bulls 4.50. Calves, 25c lower; $10.50 and down. Sheep and lambs Lambs, 25c lower; sheep, steady; lambs $10.50 down; buck lambs $1 less; yearlings $8:50 down; fat sheep HILLS NO TWO HAIRDRESSES ALIKE! You're an individual -and at Hill's your.

wave is "built" around you personally. No mass production here! Our hairdressers are true artists, who love to do a head beutifully. 5 If you want a result becomingly individual, your answer is Hill's. Featuring for This Week: Honeysuckle. Oil Permanent Value, Regular $3.50 $2.50 Operators: Lillian Haines McClain Lola Ocker Eva Patty Whitaker Open Evenings Till Christmas to some Deafened loved give the supreme Christmas Gift of hearing! Let him her know joy of bearing on Christmas day thereafter.

You no greater. gift than voices the of friends and dear ones clearly and of sharing in all the joys the holiday season. Come in or phone for fall Information about and our Special Christmas ONOTONE Eugene E. Pierce, 711 Citizens Trust Bldg. Fort Wayne, Indiana AUCTIONEERS PUCKETT SON TELEPHONES Marion, County 17F3 Upland, 1037 or 104 MARION MARKETS (The prices quoted below were.

obtained at press time, are subject to change without notice by. "the Marion Arms buying produce). (Quotations, Dec. 18) PRODUCE Butterfat, per lb. 35c Eggs 1 Heavy hehs 20c Leghorn hens 12c.

Fries 15-20c Old roosters 8c Producers' Creamery. Pool prices of butterfat for the past week 35c Clover Leaf Creamery. Heavy 18c Leghorn hens 14c Old roosters Fries 17c LIVESTOCK Hogs-180-250 250-300 160-180 sows $8 down; stags choice veal calves $9 down. GRAIN 3 Average grain quotations Wednesday were: Wheat, No. 2 red, per bu.

per bu. 20c New corn, per 58c Rye, per bu. Hartford City Market HARTFORD CITY, Dec. 18. -Quotations for hogs today: Market steady; 100-120 120- 140 140-160 160-190 190-230 25; 230-270 270-300 300-350 roughs stags vealers lambs buck lambs yearlings $6.

Chicago Live Stock CHICAGO, Dec. 18. Hogs--Receipts 19,000, holdovers market 5 to 10c higher; top bulk heavies mediums lights light lights packing sows pigs Cattle Receipts calves, receipts markets steady; beef steers, choice mediums yearlings butcher cattle, heifers 0 0 it cows bulls feeder steers stocker steers 8.50; stocker cows and heifers Sheep and lambs--Receipts market steady; lambs commons yearlings ewes feeders Indianapolis Produce INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. Produce quotations- Eggs--Strictly fresh country run, all losses off, 28c per dozen; pullet eggs 19c. Poultry--Heavy hens 16c Leghorn hens 12c; heavy springers 16 Leghorn springers 12c; barebacks 10c; heavy co*cks 8c; ducks 12c; geese 11c; turkeys, hens, 8 lbs.

up 21c; young Toms, 13-18 21c; over 18 19c; old Toms 15c; all guineas 25c each. per lb. Butter--Fresh firsts, No. 1, 37c No. 2, Chicago Fruits and Vegetables CHICAGO, Dec.

18-QuotationsApples- -Bushel Carrots--Fancy crates 50; bushel Spinach--Bushel Lima beans-100-lb. bags 7.25. Cabbage-100-lb. sacks $1. Celery--Flats: Mushrooms-1 lb.

in cartons Cucumbers -Bushel hot house, 2. dozen Tomatoes--Lugs Grapes- Calif. lugs Pears--Boxes LAFAYETTE GRAIN LAFAYETTE, Dec. 18. (AP) -Grain quotationsWheat- No.

2, 86c; No. 3, 57 84c; No. 3, 56 83c. Corn--No. 4, 75 44c.

Oats- No. 3 new, 20c. TREASURY BALANCE WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. (INS)Treasury balance as of Dec.

16: I. C. $16,812,614.29. CHICAGO PRODUCE TREND CHICAGO, Dec. values were irregular here today.

Butter was unchanged to lower wtih creamery extras at to against 33c yesterday. Eggs were without change. In the live poultry market turkeys gained 1 to 2c and chickens dropped 1c. Hens were higher, and others unchanged. Potatoes displayed a weak undertone.

Fruits were steady. WAFFLE IRONS A Good Waffle Iron, Electric Toaster, Hot Plate or Sandwich Toaster would make A good practical gift: Swanger McClain BUEHLER BROTHERS. Inc. Thursday Quality Values Tender Juicy STEAK Lb. 18 SIRLOIN Meaty Spare Lean Pork RIBS, STEAK, lb.

18c 19c SUGAR CURED SLICED BACON Lb. Tender Beef Bulk' Sauer ROAST, lb. KRAUT, 3 lb. MA 14c 10c PURE LARD Lb. 14.

417 S. Washington Phone 1651 BUEHLER BROTHERS Chicago Produce tationsCHICAGO, Dec. 18-Produce quoButter--Receipts 5,725 tubs; market steady to easy; old cars 5, new extras standards extra firsts firsts seconds 30g; specials Eggs--Receipts 3,734 cases; market steady; new current rethan cars 18c; fresh firsts, less than ceipts 24c; fresh extra, firsts, less cars 27c; dirties 20c: checks 18c. on Daisies Cheese Twins Longhorns Single c. Live poultry and young Toms 26c, Toms 23c; hens roosters ducks 20c; geese chickens 15 Potatoes Receipts 47-cars; on track 227; U.

S. shipments 309; Idaho Russet Burbanks $1.70. No. 2 Wisconsin Round White unclassified 95c; MichMountain Russet, Minnesota and Rurals $1.10, Green North Dakotan Red River Section, Cobblers $1.10, Early Ohios $1.20, Commercial Colorado McClures Pittsburgh Live Stock New York Produce NEW YORK, Dec. (18.

Produce PITTSBURGH," Dec. including 1,400 direct; market 10c lower; heavies mediums lights light lights packing sows pigs Cattle Receipts 150, including 100 direct; market nominal; -grass steers, good x-grass heif550-850 cows, common to medium x-bulls, god beef. calves, receipts 75; market steady; vealers, good and choice Sheep and Receipts 300; few lambs 5c higher, sheep steady; lambs, 90 lbs. down, good and choice $10.75 11.55; wethers, good and choice aged wethers, medium to 75; ewes, good and (choice 4.75. (x-Not extreme limit of grade).

quotationsPotatoes (in bulk, barrel or bag) quiet; white, 100 Bermudas, barrels Maine, 100 1.75; Maine, Scuthern boxes Idaho, 100 Idaho boxes $2 Sweet market easy; Jersey Jersey barrels Southern baskets Southern barrels, poor $1.25. Dressed poultry -Market quiet; chickens broilers capons fowls turkeys ducks geese Live poultry Market firm to strong; chickens pullets 24 broilers capons 21 fowls turkeys 28c; roosters 15c; ducks geese Butter firmer; salted and unsalted, creamery higher scoring creamery extras creamery firsts Fort Wayne Live Stock FORT WAYNE, Dec. Hogs- 5 to 15c lower; 160- 180-200 200-220 220-240 25; 240-280 280-300 300-350 140-160 120-140 100-120 roughs stags $6.25. Cattle- -Market steady; unchang-1 ed; top steers around below $10; heifers cows calves 50c flower, $10.50 down. Sheep and lambs- Market steady; $10.50.

ewes down. wethers bulk, Cleveland Live Stock Receipts CLEVELAND, 600; trade Dec. active, all grades steady; 170-250 $9.75. Cattle Receipts 150; trade slow on medium to good butcher cattle; cows active at steady prices; calves, receipts 250; trade active; all grades steady. Sheep and lambs- -Receipts fat lamb trade steady to strong; top $11.25 on choice kind; sheep steady.

VAN BUREN REPORTS VAN BUREN, Dec. -The Pythian Sisters' held a Christmas party at the Knights of Pythias hall Monday night. The annual mas exchange was held. Christmas tree held the gifts and Jonathan Butler acted as Claus. Mrs.

William Melling depicted the birth of Christ in chalk drawing and Mrs. August Reudlinger, Mrs. John Mrs. Kary Duckwall was, pianist. Howard and Mrs.

Omar Hodge arranged the entertainment and served lunch to Mrs. Louetta Butler, Mrs. Everett Lee, Mrs. Ida Miller, Mrs. John Duckwall, Mrs.

Duckwall, Kathryn Duckwall, Eva Hodge, Mrs. Helen Grimm, Mrs. Guy McKee, Mrs. W. K.

Frazier, Mrs. John Wright, Mrs. Walter Maddux, Mrs. Eva Willey and granddaughter Evelyn, Mrs. William Melling and H.

A. Davis. Mrs. Marion Convoy entertained the Book Club at a Christmas party. Mrs.

I. C. Mills presented the program, telling a series of Christmas stories. Responses to roll call were Biblical quotations. Santa Claus arrived singing "Jingle Bells" and distributed gifts.

A lunch was served to Mrs. Mollie Convoy and Mrs. P. S. Howard, guests and members, Mrs.

Cecil Beshore, Mrs. Austin Corey, Mrs. Marion Convoy, Mrs. Trace Draper, Mrs. H.

A. Davis, Mrs. Frederick Freyberg, Mrs. Austin Ferguson, Mrs. W.

K. Frazier, Mrs. Loren Hydorn, Mrs. Floyd Johnson, Mrs. Foster Miller, Mrs.

I. C. Mills, Mrs. Coan Paxton, Mrs. A.

F. a Hogan a and Mrs. Landess White. Kathleen Anderson entertained the Beta Gamma Latreian club. Oca Howard gave the study on international affairs.

Responses to roll call were current events. Glendora Nelson won the traveling prize and Ethel Ewbank high score: lunch was served. Miss Genevieve Michaud was 8 guest. Members present were: Kathleen Anderson, Martha Bein, Beryl Boller, Ruth Bridge, Elizabeth Bridwell, Mrs. Foster Campbell, Bernice Ethel Ewbank, Jeanette Groff, Oca Howard, Glendora Nelson and Agnes Strubla WHEAT MARKET CLOSES HIGHER CHICAGO, Dec.

wheat market closed to higher today, losing a major portion of an early bulge of more than a cent. December finished up at after being up at Notices that deliveries of 255,000 bushels will be tomorrow, a total considerably larger than has been tendered recently, brought late pressure on the December contract. May wheat finished up at after reaching 99c for a gain of over yesterday. July closed up. Corn closed unchanged to 1 up after holding to a range of about Oats closed to up, and rye to up.

Export business in Canadian wheat was reported to be good today, estimates being that more than a million bushels of Manitobas were sold. Near noon wheat was to higher; corn to up; oats and rye to up. Buenos Aires was moderately higher early after scoring a gain of yesterday. This advance, combined with continued good demand for Australian wheat from the continent, brought an upturn of to at Liverpool. Winnipeg wheat was to higher at mid-session, and Rotterdam closed to higher.

Estimated car-lot receipts were: Wheat, 12; corn, Grain 108; close- and oats, 17. Wheat -Dec. May July Corn-Dec. May July Oats--Dec: May -Dec. sold; May bid; July bid.

Lard -Dec. Jan. $11.77: sold; May July $11.87 bid. Cash grain closeWheat--No. 2 hard No.

2 mixed Corn--No. 4 mixed 54c; No. 5 mixed No. 4 yellow No. 5 yellow No.

4 white No. 5 white sample grade Oats- No. 2 white No. 8 white 4 white 27c; sample grade A Indianapolis Grain INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. Toledo Grain Cash grain closeWheat -Market weak; No.

1 red No. 2 red Corn- weak; No. 4 white No. 5 white No. 4 yellow No.

5. yellow No. 4 mixed No. mixed Oats- -Market firm; No. 2 white No.

3 white Toledo Grain TOLEDO, 0., Dec. 18-Cash grain close in store: Wheat, No. 2 red Corn, No. 2 yellow 63c. Oats, No.

2 white Rye, No. 2, East Buffalo Live Stock EAST BUFFALO, N. Dec. 18. -Hogs--Receipts 500; market active to local packers; steady to 10c lower; bulk desirable 180-250 lbs.

averaging 200-235 $10; few 190 lbs. down 240 lbs. averaging 250-285-lb. quoted packing sows 7 9.25. Cattle Receipts 100, holdovers 75; cows and bulls active, steady; fleshy cows and medium bulls $5.25 low cutter and.

cutter cows slaughter steers and heifers unsold; calves, receipts 150; vealers unchanged; good to choice $12; common and medium 10.50.- active lamb trade steady MonSheep and lambs Receipts 800; day's average; good to choice ewes and wethers mostly medium and mixed grades throwouts $10 down; aged ewes to general run Cincinnati Live Stock CINCINNATI, Dec. -Receipts 2,550, including 500 direct; holdovers 570; market steady to 10c lower: 160-225 225- 250 250-300 9.35; 140-160 100-140 packing sows best $8.25. Cattle Receipts 550; calves, receipts 300; market steady to weak; common. to medium butcher yearlings common killers down to $5.25 and below; cows, cutter cutter bulls' choice handyweight vealers others from $9 down. Sheep and lambs--Receipts 500; fat handyweight lambs weighty and mixed offerings $10.50 common to medium grade sorts fat slaughter ewes New York Eggs NEW YORK, Dec.

market, white easy; mixed and brown steady; nearby white specials standards 30c; mediums 27 nearby brown specials 35c; standards mixed specials standards firsts Pacific coast white, fancy packs standards mediums APPEAL PLANNED Vern Bradford, Ninth and Nebraska streets, who was fined on two charges in city court Tuesday, today filed notice of an appeal to the Grant superior court. He was alleged to have been intoxicated while driving an automobile. CAR RECOVERED: Police today reported the recovery of a car belonging to Robert A. Gemmill, which was stolen Tuesday 722 West Second street where Gemmill lives. It was found at Ninth and Boots streets.

SUITS FILED CIRCUIT COURT Frank Leas, et al, vs. Marion MeIntyre. Partition of real: estate. Lett Lett. SUPERIOR COURT Grace Irvin vs.

Frank R. Irvin. Divorce. R. W.

Crasher. STOCKS FIRM; RALLY HALTED BY LESLIE GOULD NEW YORK, Dec. 18. (INS) -The stock market displayed a firm tone today but efforts to continue yesterday's rally there checked by fresh weakness in mining division. Radio went to a new high and A.

0. Smith ran up more than six points. Rails scored fractional gains. The steels, were S. Smelting mixed.

lost Cerro more de Pasco than a point each. Homestake Mining tumbled 20 points on one. sale. Utilities turned dull. Chrysler was higher in the motors.

NEW YORK STOCKS, 2:10 P. M. American. 132 American American American Sugar Rolling, Mills Ref. Co.

American Tel. Tel. Anaconda Copper Co. Bendix Aviation Chesapeake Ohio R. Chrysler Motor Corp.

Consolidated Oil Electric Power Light. General Electric Co. General Foods, Inc. 32 General Motors Hudson Motor Car Co. Kennecott Copper Co.

Montgomery Ward. Co. 39 National Biscuit Co. New York Central R. R.

Ohio Oil Co. 13 Owens-Illinois Glass Co. .....124 Penney J. C. Pennsylvania R.

R. Phillips Petroleum Radio Corp. of America Sears, Roebuck Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil: Standard Brands, Inc. 14 Standard Oil of California Standard of Indiana Standard Oil of Jersey 49 Studebaker Motor Co.

0 Texas Corporation United Corporation U. S. Steel Corp. 447 Western Union 73 Westinghouse Elec. Mfg.


be elected President of the United States, Rep. Hamilton Fish of New York believes. if he becomes the Republican Presidential candidate next year. At a meeting here last night, Fish. urged "constitutional Jeffersonian Democrats" to cast their votes in the next election for the G.

O. P. candidate, alleging the New Deal has "trampled in the mud" the principles of "Jeffersonian COUNTY SCHOOL PUPILS TO TAKE EXAMINATIONS Pupils of. Grant county schools Thursday will face the last hurdle which separates them from successful completion of the first semester's work. Mid-year examinations will be given in all county schools Friday and Saturday.

The Christmas vacation will begin Friday afternoon. and continue until Dec. SECRETARY IS SELECTED BY GREATER MARION GROUP Maltby, 909 West Third street, was selected as a secretary to the board, of directors of the Greater Marion Association. at 8 meeting of directors last night, Ronald Kingsley, president-manager, announced today. She has been employed in the association office for several weeks.

CHRISTMAS TREE STOLEN Police today were seeking unidentified Yuletide celebrators who obtained their Christmas tree from the shrubbery at the home of Ray Marley, 354 East Swayzee street. Marley believes boys are responsible for the act. A WITHHOLDS JUDGLENT Judgment was withheld today In the case of Fred Tolle, Marion, who was arraigned in city court today on a charge of trespassing on the property of Mrs. Cora Gorrell; 115 North Western avenue. SUFFERS BROKEN LEG Ernest Berry, 1842 South Adams street, recovering from a broken leg suffered when he fell on the sidewalk at Third and Garfield streets Tuesday.

He is a patient at the U. S. Veterans' Hospital. PAY DAY ADVANCED HARTFORD CITY, Dec. 18.

to -The have city council here has arranged Dec. venthe may city have employes the paid funds for Christmas. CALL SPECIAL MEETING Disabled American Veterans will hold a special meeting at 2:20 p. m. Sunday at the hall in the Sohn block, William Horton, commanderfi announced today.

A dance will be held Friday Hotel Marion. ISSUES PAY ORDER WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. (AP)Harry L. Hopkins directed today that every made to get pay.

checks to needy on work relief jobs by Christmas. POWER OUTPUT HITS NEW HIGH NEW YORK, Dec. 18. (AP)Once more a electric power production soared to an unprecedented peak, reaching 1,983,431,000 kilowatt hours for the week ended Dec. 14, accordling to the report of the Edison Electrie Institute issued today.

Meanwhile, the Associated Press adjusted index declined to 104.3 from 104.6 the previous week, indicating the increase was less than seasonal. A year ago the index stood at 96.6. The index, which is based on 1929- 1930 as 100, is adjusted for seasonal and long-term trend. The output of 1,983,431,000 kilowatt hours for the week ended Dec. 14 represented an advance seventenths of one per cent.

from the total of the week ended Dec. 7, and a rise of .12.2 per cent. over the like week of 1934. For the week ended Dec. 7, the gain over 1934 amounted to 13.0 per cent.

The central industrial region scored a 14.8 per cent. gain. TWO TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS ARE REPORTED TO POLICE Two. traffic accidents were reported today police. headsuarters.

Thurman Shaw, 1334 Euclid avenue, was reported to have been the driver of a car which struck Arthur Neal, Seventh. and, Washington streets. Neal was not seriously injured. Two trucks, both of them the property of baking. companies, figured in a collision Grant Branson street.

The drivers were Willian Thompson and Jack Norwood. RE-ORGANIZE DRUM CORPS ALEXANDRIA, Dec. The local American Legior. post voted favorably to appropriate sufficient money to re-organize: the I Junior Legion Drum and Bugle Corps after the first of the Additional bugles and drums will be purchased for. the corps and instructors will be: employed.

a SINGING POSTPONED Members of the Cheewee Club will sing Christmas carols on the of Dec. 24 instead of Thursday, night, group it will was be entertain- announced ed by Chaplain and Mrs. P. E. Greenwalt of the U.

S. Veterans'. Hospital. The club will meet at the home of Louise Swisher, 517 Spencer avenue, at 8 p. m.

Thursday. KIWANIS PLAN MEETING ALEXANDRIA, Dec. Over 60 Kiwanis club members. will attend a guest night meeting the local club tonight in the Elks home. Ned Gorrell, Winamac, editor, will speak.

Anderson, Elwood, Marion and Muncie Kiwanis clubs will be represented. A dinner will be served at 6 p. m. BUYS GARAGE BUILDING ALEXANDRIA, Dec. 1 Lester McCaslin, manager of the filling station at the corner of West Church and Canal streets, announced today that he purchased the Cummings building adjoining the filling station from Howard S.

Cummings, Crawfordsville. McCaslin plans to improve the filling station on the west side of the building. WINFREY TO SPEAK In a special meeting of the Men's Brotherhood of the First Methodist Episcopal church tonight, Rev. George W. Winfrey, of Windfall, will give a humorous lecture.

BI RITE STORES We Play Santa Claus Half the Time We have that Santa Claus feeling around Bi-Rite Store's because so many of our customers are selecting fine foods for their gifts this year. Maybe a basket or. assortment, of food delicacies what you want for one of those last minute gifts. so, call We can make up baskets and assortments ranging from 99c to $10 and we'll and put on deliver our false whiskers them any place in town. A WHEN IT COMES TO DENTISTRY! Whether you need 4 plates, WE OPERATE bridges, inlays, porcelain or.

amalgam fillings, clean- OUR OWN ings or extractions it is our DENTAL aim to please the most LABORATORY particular. TEETH ARE A VALUABLE ASSET. PROTECT THEM Drs. Howard DeWitt, Dentists Office Under Personal Supervision of Dr. DeWitt W.

Third St. Phone 984 Over Guaranty Loan Co OFFICE A. M. to 8 P.M. WOMAN IS FINED $200 ON LIQUOR LAW CHARGE Mrs.

Elsie Dollar, 517, East Grant street, was fined $200 and costs in city court today. when she admitted having 25 pints of unstamped whisky in her 'possession. Her plea of guilty brought. the release of her husband, Lloyd Dollar, who was ar. rested last night at his restaurant.

1197 North Washington street. The illicit liquor was released (to state. excise officers today. ATTENDS CONFERENCE Mrs. Irene Timmons, Grant county assessor, will attend sessions of the annual conference of Indiana assessors ati Indianapolis.

The meeting began today. PROGRAM GIVEN Pupils: of three foreign language groups participated a Christmas program at Marion high school French, Latin and Spanish versions of Yuletide were included. MARTHA HEATH DIES AT HOME Mrs. Martha Ann Heath died at her home on Marion R. R.

1, at m. today after an illness five weeks. She was a member of the United Brethren church. The body will be taken to 710. West Third where 'uneral services will be held at 10 a.

m. Saturday. Rev. J. 0.

Campbell will be in charge. Burial will be it. Maple Grove cemetery. Surviving are three children, Ollie Heath, Middletown; Mrs, Willian. Mickels, Marion, Mrs.

Reynolds, of Ohio, and two sisters, Mrs. Hattie Williams, Grant county, and Mrs. Lizzie Rickman, It is possible to play 734 different I games with a single deck of cards. Extra Specials 6 on Christmas Gifts! SPINET DESKS nut. $27.50 Walnut Desk Reduced to $18.95 $12.00 Desk, Now $7.95 Knee-Hole Desk $13.50 BIG RECLINING CHAIRS Assorted Covers and Ottoman.

2 Pieces $13.95 $23.95 $33.50 SMOKING STANDS Large Trays. Metal Red, green, Smoker ivory, with black 98c Big Walnut Smoker at special low Prices $6.95 $8.75 3 GIFTS for CHILDREN' 3 SLEDS $1.25 $1.95 $2.25 $2.95 WAGONS $1.25 4. $3.95 ROCKERS $1.25 $2.50 bun $3.95 TRICYCLES A BIG DOLL. 98c $3:98 $5.50 $7:25 $8:25 For South Marion Furniture Co. 3108-10 SO.

WASHINGTON STREET DAD DE DAD ENJOY Christmas Dinner IN THE Hotel Spencer Restaurant SERVICE 12 NOON TO 8 P.M. DECEMBER TWENTY-FIFTH 100 Plate Per Special Children's Menu, 50c Per Plate PHONE 590 FOR RESERVATIONS HOTEL SPENCER.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.