Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

In FIRST AND BEST-AS USUAL MARION, CHRONICLE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1940 NINE- Coal, Stoves, Furniture and Real Estate Are Selling Fast the Want Ad Way AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 1933 Ford Tudor $85 1928 Whippet" Sedan $35 FLINT'S, 6th and Adams, Ph. 3949 36 FORD Convertible, fully equipped, $225. Chronicle Box 950 1939 PONTIAC- Sedan, radio and heater. 1937. Chevrolet Coupe.

1934 Studebaker Sedan, 1937 Studebaker Sedan. Hollingsworth Motor Sales 905 S. Washington St. Used Car Lot 10th Wash. 1935 Dodge Sedan $275 1934 Pontiac Sedan 4.

$195 1934 Dodge Sedan $185 1932 Plymouth P. B. Sedan STOKES 221 W. 2nd. 139 Buick '41 Sedan, radio, and heater, gray finish $745 '38 radio, Dodge heater, Deluxe dark Touring Coach, $495 J.

MATTHEWS, INC. 308. W. 3rd Buick Sales and Service Auto Trucks for Sale 12 1936 CHEVROLET Ton Truck. Good.

Meat Slicer, Computing Scales. 1649 W. 2nd. Auto Accessories, A Tires, Parts: 13 BRAKES ADJUSTED Any Make Car, $1.00 Seybold Archer 6th Adams FRAMES- -Axles, les wheels, fenders, straightened. Marion Frame Axle Shop.

Opp. City Hall. -Used tires, glass installed. ATKINS BROS. 729 38th St.

Phone 6096 LET US- Refinish your car. match factory colors. Klaus Auto Service, 305 W. 2nd St. ONE New 7.00x15 white sidewall Goodyear tire.

Sacrifice. SEARS, ROEBUCK CO. 600-20, 600-16; 650:17. Used parts. Eddingfield's.

Phone 250. USED AUTO RADIO excellent condition, $7 up. GOODRICH 419 S. Adams BUSINESS SERVICE Business Service Offered 18 LET US--Put your washer in tiptop shape before next wash-day. Use our washer free while yours is being repaired.

Phone 772. -JOHNSTON FURNITURE CO. TRUCKING Of all. kinds. Phone Gas City 4346.

Beauty and Barber Shops 18A BEAUTY BOX -Oil waves, $1 up. Finger waves 35c. Lola Ocker, 423 Glass Block. 75s up. Guaranteed.

No appointment necessary. Maude Lees. 308 Glass Block. Heating, Plumbing. Roofing 22 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Ru-ber-Oil Roofing Siding.

STATE ROOFING 115 E. 6th Insurance and Surety Bonds COMPLETE COVERAGE Auto, Fire and Tornado Insurance FLOYD GILTNER Phone 1808 Underwriters Brokers, Inc. Where Insurance Is Not a Sideline Over C. H. Phone 500 Laundering 24- WASHINGS To be done in my.

home. Phone 6009. Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 WHEN- want to move, call 1778, G. A. Lemon, 50 years in the business.

Also used furniture and stoves sold cheap for cash only. 6th Branson. Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 FREE ESTIMATES O'BRIEN PAINT JOBS. Phone 108 STATE ROOFING 115 E. 6th: Typewriters and Supplies -27A JUST New Model CORONA.

"COMET" $44.50: Other Models $29.75 up Typewriter Supply Co. 124 E. 5th St. Phone. 136 EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Female 32 MAKE $5.00 CASH for selling $1: Christmas Assortment.

Amaz-1 only 10 boxes new, different. 21-card ing seller, Outstanding line Christmas, Everyday money -makers. Up profit. Christmas Cards with name, 50 for $1. Samples on SCHWER, Dept.

8101. Westfield. STENOGRAPHER Experienced in shorthand and Ediphone. Give details of experience, references and salary Local firm. Write James.

Maher, Marion Business College. UNUSUAL WOMAN For permanent, full-time position, must have at least high school education; college training helpful, car- age. 20-to no books, magazines or cosmetics. Ap: plicant who needs as much as $50 in a week preferred. Give fall personal interview will be arranged.

Write Chron. Box 956. Help Wanted -Male 33 LICENSED Barber wanted for Saturday, Stew's Barber Shop. Summitville. ARE YOU A AT SHADYSIDE HIGH? EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted--Male 33 AT ONCE Toolmaker.

Permanent position with stable national corporation not connected with defense Out of town position in moderate price town of twenty thousand. Reply stating past and present employers, rate of pay if now employed, and details experience. Write Chronicle, Box 955. Man between 21 and 50 years of age with car to continue Watkins Service to 895, customers in fine, productive Route in Grant County. Good earnings daily.

Write The J. R. Watkins Company, 21 East 5th Columbus, Ohio. WANTED. Three neat appearing men with light cars to work with making manager.

$5 to Men $10 already day. on job Op- of portunity to travel pend advancement. work is permanent and interesting. If interested see Mr. Scott at Mobilgas Service Station, 701-N.

Washington. Business Opportunities 38 FOR LEASE- -Well equipped service station and lunch room, A-1 location in Marion, doing a good a LUNCH husiness. CAR- Write P. O. Box and 377.0 equipgood A going business.

Phone 1599-W. NOTICE FARMERS have "pure bred, gilts to let. out on shares. Write or see Ray Nusbaumer, Montpelier, Ind. INSTRUCTION Local Schools, Colleges 43 FEARING TO ATTEMPT- the great: enemy of achievement.

Have courage to plan and execute. Results follow. Day and night courses for your advancement. Start now, MARION BUSINESS COLLEGE FARMERS' COLUMN Dogs, Cats, Other Pets. REGISTERED -English beagles.

3 blocks north and 1 block of Home Corner, Wright. Livestock 48 CATTLE AUCTION SALE Friday, 4th at Camden, Indiana 800 Head Calves Yearlings and Springer Cows. WERTHEIMER CATTLE CO. FRESH Cow and Calf. Phone 3547-I.

PURE -Bred Chester White males, and gilts, young polled Shorthornbull, bargain. 2 miles north of Mier. Wilbur Highley. 100-Black 100-White-face Angus Calves. Calves.

Light weight. Very good quality HARRY THORNE. 521 N. Wash. Farming Implements 48A Ton -1.

N. T. Trucks. 2-F-20's on Rubber. 2- Farmalls.

Holloway Implement Fairmount 1-Matched team brown. geldings 1-Regular Farmall, on steel 1-F-12 Tractor on steel 1-12-inch tractor plow 2-14-inch tractor plows 1-5-foot McCormick mower 1-10-7 McCormick-Deering fertilizer drill KRIEGBAUMS-229 W. 2nd St. Farm Service 48B DAIRY per 100 lbs. Salt, 75c per 100 lbs.

Straw, 40c Bale. Poultry- Rabbit- feed supplies. G. M. STORE 409 S.


of Wayne Hog Supplement, saves 15 bushels of corn when fed to your hogs. in, let us tell -you about it. HOOSIERLAND HATCHERIES 407 E. 4th St. Phone 2604 RED CEDAR-Line posts, 15c up.

Corner posts $1.00 up. Harold Pratt. Fairmount. WE TRADE Soydean meal for soybeans. Hoosier Soybean Milla.

Inc. Phone 2402. WANTED TOMATOES- Red ripe, sound, cash each load. COLE ELEVATOR 10 miles east Greentown Road 22 and 35.4 Poultry and Supplies 49 LARGEST -Retail stock of fries, hens roasters, Phone 2492. We deliver.

Marion Produce Co. Wanted to Buy--Live Stock 50 FREE POST MORTEM Dead Stock removed quickly. Phone 2033 Marion at our expense. Night calls 1212 or 934 GOLDREICH FERTILIZER CO. AND HIS THEN I WAS YEAH! RESPONSIBLE WHY FOR IT! HAD GADGET ONE OF YOUR.

SPARK PLUGS! MERCHANDISE Articles for. Sale .51 GLOBE- -Hot Blast Like Call evenings. 6 to 7 p. m. 1523 Euclid Ave.

GLOBE Gas range. Ivory, $10 S. Wash. St. MATTRESSES -Innerspring, drill cover, Sisal pads, $8.50.

Hoosier Bedding, 818 N. Wash. St. STOVES All Kinds Al Prices Reconditioned and Guaranteed MORRIS FURN, 217 E. 4th SHOTGUNS- Good to new condition, several different makes.

SWAP SHOP 3124 S. Wash. SELLING AT SACRIFICE For quick sale, Household Effects. Estate of Mrs. B.

J. Overman. Living, dining and bedroom furniture, rugs, lamp, 1 antique bedroom suite, at residence. 412 SO. GALLATIN ST.

STOVES, ALL KINDS Priced to Sell. Gas City New and Used Furn. Co. 2-PIECE-Velvet living room suite, good, $10. 1104 Delphi Ave.

244 STOVES All kinds, fall prices, a deposit will hold for future delivery. Open evenings. PULLEY'S 417 N. Wash. WHITE -Roper Range, White Kitchen Cahinet, Breakfast Set.

'536 W. 1st Phone 2739. Barter and Exchange 51A WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE For Stoves, Furniture, Bicycles, PULLEY'S 417 A N. Wash. Washers, Open Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers 56 ANCHOR FIRE-CHIEF STOKER $149.50 Insulated Complete THORNE COAL CO.

Phone 75 ALWAYS BETTER COAL HARD COAL. FOR FURNACES Phone 1306 ABC FUEL INSULATION CO. DOG FOOD- Tru Value proteins, rich in all vitamins. 4 OVIE'S HATCHERY N. of P.

O. EBONY COAL Slow burning, clean heat, excellent for furnace. Wilkinson Coal Phone 454. Growing Mash $1.90 Egg Mash $2.00 Scratch Feed $1.90 GRANT FEED CO. 215 E.

Bradford Phone YELLOW PINE LUMP EGG HUGGINS COAL FEED 31st Boots Phone 941 Good Things To Eat 57 APPLES per bushel, green beans, cider, vinegar, melons, 3 for 25c. 1721 W. 2nd St. APPLES--Potatoes $1.00 hundred, 17c peck. Watermelons 10c.

.403 E. Fourth St. CONCORD -Grapes, 40c per bushel, bring containers. Fair Ground Farm. E.

38th St. Phone 346. CONCORD--Grapes now ripe. 2 Bring baskets. Call 3535-3.

no on Road 15.. 50 cents ICE COLD--Cider, plums, grapes, apples. Hainlen Fruit- Farm, mile west, mile S. Converse. NEW HONEY- -containers.

4415 S. PEACHES -A 10 -15c lbs. 25c, bushel. Potatoes peck. Wedge Railroad Ave.

700-Pie Pumpkin. Sam Small Swayzee. Musical Merchandise 62 ELKHART TROMBONE- -Factory over new case, MARION MUSIC HOUSE. UPRIGHT PIANO--In good condition. Phone 558.

Seeds, Plants, Flowers. 63 HAINLEN NURSERY Evergreen, shade trees and shrubbery. 1 mile south PLANT NOW Oriental Poppies, orange, pink and red, large peonies, pink, and white, all 15c, each. 'Hardy Madonna Lillies, Hyacinths, Narcissus. and Snow Drops, fresh dug.

Lawn grass seed, best grade, 25c 5 $1.00. G. M. STORE 409 S. Boots Specials at the Stores 64 American Beauty Electric Washer Reconditioned.

JOHNSTON'S Bargain Basem*nt BASKETS COMPLETE LINE Hampers, Market. Fruit, Baskenetts 'and Clothes BESHORES Next to Woolworth FARNSWORTH RADIO--See a new line of Farnsworth table models, console models and combination models. SO. MARION FURNITURE CO. 8108-10 S.

Washington St. MAJESTIC- FURNACES. "The Finest Made." Call us for complete estimates. MARION HARDWARE CO. GUNS! want used we trade--full stock new.

and. used. SCHRADER'S 117 W. 3rd -St. GLASS I For Every Purpose McATEE'S FRIENDS--By BLOSSER I'M RUNNING AN'.

FOR STUDENT WHEN I BODY STEPPED PRESIDENT ON AND I'M STARTER TRYING NOT TO WHAM! BUILD GOOD WILL Specials at the Stores 64 HEATING STOVES And supplies. New and used. coal heaters, $15 up, laundry stoves, base burners, stove boards, pipe, coal bods, etc. SO. MARION FURNITURE CO.

3108-10 S. Washington St. HAVE YOU A WASHER THAT Carry a Complete Line of Washer Parts BROYLES' ELECTRIC CO. Washington and Second St. OIL STOVES--Kitchen heaters, heating stoves of all kinds.

Compare our stoves and prices: CALDWELL'S EXCHANGE 3115 S. Washington RECLAIMED General electric washer, used only a' short time, pay balance at $1.00 per week. BUTLER MUSIC CO. UTILAC ENAMEL The fast drying, quality enamel for furniture and woodwork, all colors, quart HENDEY'S 508 S. Wash.

Phone 146 VENETIAN BLINDS Flexible steel slats, custom-made for your windows, decorative cornice top. Installed 35c square foot. -Free Estimates HANER'S, INC. 122 W. 3rd VISIT- Wards newly decorated furniture department second floor.

Entire new line of quality furniture just arrived! You'll save at. MONTGOMERY WARD CO. 6-Tube RCA Mantel Radio $5 5-Tube Mantola Mantel Radio $5 SUPERIOR TIRE 510 S. Adams 3 New. Console Radios' Left! Closing out to Make Room for -NEW 1941 LINEStewart- Warner, Crosley, Majestic -CHOIGE, $24.50 MARION HARDWARE CO.

3-PIECE-Walnut bedroom suite, vanity, chest and bed, only $59.50. CALDWELL'S North of Paramount Theater 2-PIECE Mohair living room, suite; extra good, $29.95. KELLEY'S EXCHANGE STORE Apparel 65 SUITS--and Dresses, size 16 and 18. like now. 4201 W.

5th. Wanted--To Buy 66 HIGHEST PRICES- -Paid for all kinds JUNK. Marion Scrap Materials, 1727 W. Nelson, Ph. 1045.

TIMBER WANTED Cash Buyers for 30 Years Phone or Write PIKE LUMBER Akron, Ind. ROOMS AND BOARD Sleeping Rooms: 68 room for couple, meals ortional. Phone 253-W. SLEEPING ROOM- -Close in. after 4 p.

m. 413 So. Boots St. S. WASH.

mod. sleeping room, city heat. Rooms for Housekeeping 69 CLOSE IN -Mod. furn. or ished-room.

Phone REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments and Flats 74 LIST--Your apartments- -with us. We are having many calls -for apartments from reliable people. ELLIS REALTY CO, Phone 1727 or 1728. Unfurn. Private bath.

Phone 3768-J or 395. NEW -Mod. 4-room apartment. Close in. Phone UNFURN.

-3. room apartment, bath and heat, close in, $27.50 per month, Phone 210 week days. 2 FURN-Rooms, light, heat: $1.50. Refrigeration. 322 E.

Bradford. 3RD W. 1136-2 rooms, modern, lower, furnished, heated, -outside entrance, utilities furn. 1305 W. 5th-3 Rooms, bath, un: furn.

heat, hot water, garage. Inquire Apart. 1. Phone 2660. 3920 S.

SELBY Unfurn. upper rooms, private entrance! PROFESSIONAL Lady wants employed lady to share home. Write Chronicle Box 952. TWO-5 room modern apartments, city newly decorated. Phone 1019W.

-113 room- apartment, modern except furnace; private. 8-ROOM-Mod. unfurn. apartment, heat, private. Phone 626 N.

lower apartment. furnished. 3712 S. WASHINGTON Mod. 2-room furn.

2018 GEORGE-Lower, 2 rooms, private entrance: F. Phone 2637 or 3256-W. BOY, THAT WAS THE GAG EVER HAD ME! HO'- HO! GLAD YOU, GOOSEY. SO. LONG COPR.

1940 BY NEA SERVICE, INC. M. CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED DISPLAY The WEATHER INDIANA -Fair tonight and Wednesday; slightly warmer in north and central portions Wednesday. ILLINOIS-Fair tonight -and Wednesday; not cool in southwest portion tonight; warmer Wednesday. LOWER MICHIGAN Fair tonight and Wednesday; slightly warmer Wednesday.

OHIO KENTUCKY-Considerable cloudiness and continued cool tonight and Wednesday. MARRIAGE LICENSES A. Costello, 1907, and Naomi Bluffton, creamery operator, Davidson, 1916, Marion route six, factory employe. Homer D. Carter, 1916,: Fairmount, veterinarian, and Geraldine Lloyd, 1911, Columbus, stenogra- pher.

Darrell Pence, 1914, Converse, machinist, and Betty Covalt, 1919, Marion, secretary. Earnest T. 1916, Wabash, laborer, and Katherine McNeeley, 1923, Wabash, at home. Wayne Paul Bradford, 1921, Marion, railroad employe, and BetMae Hasty, 1924,. Marion, at home.

Kenneth A. Dooley, 1913, Marion, laborer, and Helen Louise Ancil, 1917, Sweetser, Stuart, factory 1917, teacher, and Dorothy Lois Knight, 1916, Upland, student. Ralph W. Groves, 1908, Gas City, clerk, and Opal Delight Davis, 1916, Gas City, beautician. 'Robert Wildoner, 1919, Marion, factory worker, and June Vian, 1923, Marion, at home.

Charles Jackson, 1911, Kokomo three, and. Gladys Rickard, 1912, Kokomo, clerk. John William Dye; (colored), 1915, janitor, and Bertha Mae' Hawkins, (colored), 1915, Marion, domestic. DEATH RETURNS -Patrick, Van Buren township. Milford.

ANNOUNCEMENTS In Memoriam: IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE Of our dear Husband and Father, William Folk, who departed this life for the great beyond October 1, 1939, Before we knew it he was gone, He. said goodby to none. Surrounded by friends we are lonely In the midst of pleasure we are sad. With a smile on our face and a broken heart We are lonesome, so lonesome for you. The nowers we lay upon your grave May wither and decay.

But the love we have for you Dear loved one will never fade away, and when We are all alone in our hearts -there comesA longing if you were only there. Oft and oft our thoughts do linger To your grave not far away where we laid: Our dearest loved one just one year ago today. Sadly missed by his wife, Mrs. Lena Folk and children, Mrs. Gladys Price, Mrs.

Hazel Etter, Mr. Burnett Folk. Funeral -Directors "The Home for Services" RAVEN FUNERAL HOME 911 S. Wash. St: Phone 1480 DIGGS FUNERAL SERVICE 504 W.

Third St. Phone .169 DEPENDABILITY MILFORD FUNERAL SERVICE Phone 1815-W 'Sincere Service and Fair Prices Personals DRIVING -to California, can -take Mr. share expense. Keever at Motors. MEN, WOMEN! WANT tonics in Ostrex tablets, pep up bodies lacking.

Vitamin Bi, Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus. 35c size today only 29c. First package satisfies or maker refunds low price. write Muir's, Haag's, and--all other good drug stores. WHEN--You- shop, stop and eat with 05.

Barney's Opposite Postoffice. 95 YARDS -Free Phone 893. 327 E. Marshall. H- AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 1938 Oldsmobile 6" Sedan, trunk, tahoe blue; radio, heater, new tires, safety automatic 4-speed transmission, 25,000 actual miles, nice as new.

1933 Oldsmobile Sedah, trunk, wheels and heater, extra clean throughout. GLENN A. SCOTT 307 E. Third St. Years in Same Location WERE YOU RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT EXPLOSION "Buy Where Most People Buy" 1938 Plymouth Sedan $395 1937 Chevrolet Master Deluxe Town Sedan, trunk 1935 Dodge Coupe $225 1935 Chevrolet ton.

Truck, L.WB, daals: $245 1934 Chevrolet Master Coach. $195 1930 Chevrolet Coach 60 43-OTHER USED CARS-45 315 W. 3rd St. T. Munson, Inc.

REAL ESTATE FOR Houses for Rent 77 MODERN except furnace, in Sweetser. See Dr. A. IN STRICTLY Modern house for rent. -Phone 6064.

SPENCER 225 6-Room "modern home, duplex, all newly redecorated, extra nice, garage. WEST NELSON-5 Rooms, ern, garage. Inquire Mr. Jacob. Beatrice Creamery, 3rd D' St.

5. ROOM- House: 1181 East 4th St. Dr. 5 ROOM -House in Van Buren. $8.00 per month.

Phone 2853-W after 517 N. Ten rooms. Mod. except furnace. Phone 824.

5 ROOM Mod, house. Inquire --1329 Euclid rms. bath, 1031 S. Adams, $12.50 3 rooms, 1725 $13.50 5 rm. house, 2305 Meridian 6 rm.

house, 1215 S. Adams $22.50 10 room rooming house, suitable for 2 families $25 1558 -219 E. 4th 209 N. NEBRASKA-5-room mod. insulated house.

Phone 243. 4 ROOM- -Bungalow, newly decorated, 6 acres, near Radio. Chronicle Box 953. 7. ROOM -House, mod.

except furnace. 906 W. 6th. RELIABLE- Wanted- Party -To Rent wants 4 or 81 1. furn.

apartment, close in. Phone 3395. Monday. WANTED TO RENT -Small house or. 3 or 4 room unfurn.

apartment. Phone 2296-W. Moving. Trucking, Storage 81A BRITT TRANSFER CO: Marion's Modern Union 20.000 feet low priced storage. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Brokers in Estate FARM LOANS No Commission S.

Haines 204 Iroquois Blk. M. G. GOTSCHALL AGENCY Real E-tate and Insurance 201-2-3 Iroquois Bldg. FARM LOANS No commission.

Why pay More? J. WINTERS 413 Glass Block Farms and Land- for Sale 83 50 OR. 164-Acres, river -bank- lights, two wells, bank barn 97x50, upper, "lower Moors cement, silo, Donald C. Williams, 8th Jonesboro, evenings. FARMS FARM LOANS Any number of acres desired.

PHILLIPS REAL ESTATE CO. MARION'S- Best suburban. Modern bungalow, 10 acres, $0,500, cash, or will trade equitp for equity in big farm. Goo. F.

Ring. 121 ACRES-8 Mil of Marion, good land "and -good buildings. Price $3,000.00 including one half of crops. See Winters, "The Land Man." 413-11 Glass: Block. SO black land, bun: galow, good: barn, other- outbuildings, $6,500 including landlord's share.

of 33 acres good corn. Fall possession. GLEN OUTLAND Phone 1808 97 ACRES Good Huntington county farm, carries $4,000 loan, Co. Will trade equity for smaller farm. WESTFALL CARTER 20 ACRES- Level black land.

20 minutes drive. buildings need Bargain. Ph. 2902. Houses for Sale.

FALL TYPES- Homes for 'sale. Let REAL ESTATE CO. FOR 1137 W. 6th, 6 rooms, fine home. A.

T. Bartow Agency. E. 4th. Phone 2603 GOOD -Three room four lots, in Sweetser.

Berhtel Win- ger, Sweetser phone NICE-5-Room Bungalow, Horace Mann district, newly painted and decorated. $2.300.00. BARTON BARTON 303 Glass Block, Phone 338 ROOM House. garage, chicken 7 house. North Main Upland.

WE HAVE-Several good buys, on small down payments. See us before you buy. CARL CARL 505 Glass Block l'hone 2611 Wanted -Real Estate 89 1 CASH- -For small Chron-1 icle box 904. BEST PULLED ON I MET WELL REG. U.S.

PAT. AUCTION Fine PAINTINGS By T. C. Steele, R. Coats, Sitzman and others.

Interesting Antiques- Glass, Furniture, China. Oct. 3rd. and 4th. AT 1 AND 7 P.M.

209 S. Main, Kokomo RUTH F. PATTEN AUCTION of Real Estate 30 acre farm located 14 mile west and 12 mile north of Converse, known as the Dodge Farm Will sell at Public Auction on Saturday; 5, 1940 Time 10:00 A. M. house Good size barn, nice.

able. Running water. Electricity availTerms if desired. $300 down day of sale. For complete information, inquire of W.

T. Clair, Auctioneer, Converse. R. -N. DODGE, Owner Washingon, D.

C. LAFONTAINE NEWS LAFONTAINE, Octe 1- Mr. and Mrs. I'reiser entertained at dinner Sunday. in of the birthdays Betty Bowman and Mrs.

Raymond Knotts, Wabash. Present were Lutie Sink, 'Roanoke, W. who is 8' house guest of Mrs. Nora Bowman, Mrs. Bowman, Mr.

and Mrs. Clarence Bowman and son, Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bowman, Mr. and Mrs.

Raymond Knotts of Wabash; Genrginna Miller, Bowman, and John and Fred Routt. Mr. and Mrs. R. M.

Dawson, Mrs. Ada Sailors, Miss Della Ray, Miss Ona Sailors, Orph Sailors, Elizabeth Crawford, Anna, John and Robert Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cooper and daughters, Joanna and Lois, Mr. and Mrs.

Harold McFarland and Vivian Weimer from here were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dawson and dauxbter at thei. home near Greentown Sunday. Other guests were Elder am! Mrs.

G. I. Goble, Swayzee, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul McQuistion, also of Greentown.

In honor of the birthday of E. E. 1 Sutton, a family dinner was held 1 Sunday at his home Here. Present were- Mrs. Sutton, Wolcottville; Mr.

and Mrs. Merlin, Clupper and family, Joanna Ranck, Anna Hock, and Mr. and Mrs: Sutton and Claude. Ruth Williams was an afternoon guest. 1 Members of the Riverside Hone Economics.

Club, 'their husbands and friends, are invited to. join in the county wide tour which is to' be conducted Oct. 9: This year the county clubs: will go to Decatur, where they. will visit the sugar beet factory, the soy bean factory, the cheese factory and the creamery. All are asked to be at Deratur tat arm.

Members of-the loral club who are planning to make this trip are asked to notify- RossHill or Mrs. William Spence by Friday: Those making the trip are to take a lunch, ice cream, cake and coffee will be served there. AF Utt. 9 is the day the local club was meet that mecting has been pomed until. Oct.

16 when they will meet with Mrs. Amanda Tinkle. Mr. and Mrs. Tom.

Reed and daughter, Fort Wayne, spent the weekend with Mrs. Alice Jeffery. Sunday they were dinner guests of Mr. and Kenneth Howard and family, Lincolnville. They also called at the Frank Gaines home.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse. Owens and Phyllis were also dimmer guests at. the Howard home.

Thurl Burr, Marion, grandson of Mr. and. Mrs. Painter, has been awarded the first chair position oboe player in the Indiana University symphony This is his first year a student at the school. He is taking Mrs.

pre-medie Martha spent a few days recently with Mrs. Olive Sattherwaite in Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moore and daughter, of California, called on' Mr.

and Mrs: Gerald Tyler Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. -Fred -Hoke- and family visited -in Markle Sunday. George liarper; South Bend, Sunday night with Inward Harper.

They and Joanna Harper (called on Sunday. their mother, Rivir Mrs. is Ella improving from anlattark of They also called on W. Harper and family Sunday, evening. Mr: and.

John: Boy's daughter, Marian, Warsaw, spent Sunday with Mrs. Anna Boys. Mrs. Agnes Hare, also of Warsaw, accompanied Mr. and Mrs.

Boys here and spent the day with Mrs. Alice Stoner. Mr. Mrs. Lawrence Mrs.

Boys Sunday evening. Boys and family, Marion, called on Mrs. and Ferol entertained at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R.

W. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Martin, and Mrs. Alva Harvey -and Mr.

and Mrs. Maurice White, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Shaffer had AS their quests Sunday Mr. and Mra.

George Buyert and Nina Jean, Fort Wayne: Mr. and. Mrs. Herb Davis and children, Shirley and Billy, and Enos Sutton. Mr.

and Mrs. Rowland Shaffer. Mr. and- Mrs. Gail Nichols and Mr.

and Mrs. James Glass spent Sum day in Frankfort. Marion Markets Prices quoted below, obtained eat press time: ate subject to change without notice by Marion Arms buying produce. Oct. 1.) 4 PRODUCE Butttriat, per Eggs Heavy hens Leghorns 9C Producer's Creamery Pool prices of past, 1-1.

-4 LIVESTOCK Hogs 180-200 $5 R0 5.75: 200-220 $5.75416: 220-240 $66 8.15; 240-260 165., $6 6.15; 260-280 280-300 300 lbs. up, $5.25 5.50; sows, $5 down: stags. $3.50 down: calves, 311. down: lambs, down; $2.50 down. GRAIN Wheat--No.

2 Felow Corn -No. 2 yellow Oats--No. 2 rellow Soy be a No. 2. yellow SWINE MARKET HOLDS STEADY INDIANAPOLIS.

Oct. 1. Receipts, 9.500; market, generally 160-200. $5 90 8.20: 200-300 $6.30 6 43: 300-400 $6.153 6.25: 100-100 $4,500 5 50; mostly 6:25. Cattle Receipts, calves, 700; narket, generally about steady: few choice steers, $:3 75: car yearlings, $11.35: most sierrs, heifers up to $10; vealers atrady, top, $11.

Sheep-Receip'8," 1,600: market, lambs, fully steady to strong; bulk good and choice lambs, 8.75. RUFFALO LIVESTOCK BUFFALO, N. Oct. 1. (P)-(U.

8. 200; market, Arm; sharp decline: good and choice 190- 240 lbs, $6 60 61 6.15: trucked 170-260 $6 to mostly $6.25 and upward to $6.40 Cattle Receipts, 50; cows and bulls. fully steady; calves, good and 'choice $13. Sheep--Recripts, 100; lambs market fully active to steady: good to choice 70-90 rather leniently sorted, $9.2549 50. TREASURY REPORT 'WASHINGTON, Oct.

1. (INS -Treasury balance Sept. 28: I. C. $21,403,357.21.

MUNCIE LIVESTOCKS MUNCIE. Oct. to. 10c lower to 50 higher, Top good to choice hogs 160-200 lbs. 6.05: 200-240 $6.15 4t 6.30: 240-300 300-400 $8.00 6.10; packing SOWS, smooth; packing SOWS, rotigh, $3.50 4.15; stags 80.

dock- Cattle-Steady: price heary steers $100 11; prime yearlings, good to choice steers, $96 to: common good steers, $66. 8 50; prime' heifers, according to $9 (L 10.25: good to choice heifers, $949; common to rood $6618: good to choice cows, $5.50 6.50: fatr. to good cows, 5.50; canners and cutters, prime heavy bulls, butcher bulls, $6.500 1.25: common bulis, $4.50 5.00. Calves--Steady; fancy veal, good to choice veal, $8.25 common to good veal. $5677.75.

Lambs Sheep. steady; spring lambs, $8.25 down; yearlings, down: slaughter. sheep. $3 down. Buck lambs $1.00 less than ewes and wethers.

FAIRMOUNT LIVESTOCK FAIRMOUNT, Ind, Oct. for hogs. 180-170 lbs. 170-180 $5 60: 180-190 190-200 200-210 $5 90: 210-220 $8.00: 220- 230 230-240 $6.20 240-250 250-260 260-270 $6 05: 270-280 lbs, $6 00; 280-290 $5 95; 290-300 roughs $5.00 top; caives, Tambs, CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO. Oct.

1. (P)(U. 8. Dept. Agr: 1 -Salable hogs total butchers 190 lbs.

up and packing 5-10c. higher. mostly 10c higher than Monday's average; top bulk good and choice 210-300 most 170-200 light packing SOWS upward to bulk most. 350-400 lbs. 400-500 1 Salable sheep- Receipts 3.000: total 7,000 lambs about steady with average: three decks good to.

choice 77-lb. Utahs topped at bulk good and choice natives 15: lambs $8.75 9.00; today's trade: lambs active after slow start, to 15c Algher; top $9.35 on six decks good to choice around 90-lb. Washington good 'to choice natives yearlings strong to: a shade higher: about three' decks fed yearlings $7.75 0 8.10: slaughter ewes very scarce: quoted nominally steady or around $4.25 down. Salable Cattle Receipts calves general trade more active than Monday; buyers shippers showing more interest tr- meager supply strictly good and choice steers with weight 10-15c higher; outside demand sttH narrow, good and 'choice yearlings and all other grades and representative strong: top very Witle above best yearlings $12.50 in load lots: part load mostly 12.50 market; western grass steers. with weighth: selling at: $9.50 down to $8.50 so on, both killer and 'replace-.

ment account: replacement market et strong: mostly. 25c higher' for- week to date: with -yearlings leading upturn $9.00 10.50; fed heifers strong to 25c higher; best cows and bulls steady: vealers higher at $12.00 down: approaching Pewish bolldays weakening influence in, vealers. EARLY MARKET GAINS ERASED CHICAGO, 1. A Successive. waves.

of proft-taking saies and pressure from local engulfed the "wheat futures pic in the Anal hour today, erasing most of the Prices erard off ta around last night's Anal quotations after advances of as much. 85 A tent a bustiel had been chalked up soon. after: the opening, Pinal prices showed insses'or sis 'much Ar cent for December, white the deferred contrasts were unchanged" from yesterday's figures. Receipts. Wheat eight cars, corn 134.

oats six. closed unchanged to cent. lower than Monday's closing prices, December 821. 4: 82c; corn Was. higher, December 58'.

588; Mat 591c; an coals were unchanged to cent GRAIN FUTURES, Wheat 1 Oren High Low 7 Close Dec. .837, May 823! 2 .8310 82 182 Corn Dec .58 .581 .38 .593, July .60 ,604 .60..: :60 Oats Doc. May .324 324, Soybeans Grit. .754 Dec. .16 May 79.

Rye' Dec. May- .4974 .49 July 10th 43 421 Lard Oct, 4 5.7 4.52 4 52 -Cab GrainCorn- No. 1' 6414 3 65190: No. 2. 660.

ON I- No: 1 mixed 3314c: No. 3 white Barley -Malting 48 4 8Jc; nominal; feed: 35 4t 47c: nominal Field. -seed. par hundredweight Timothy seed. $3 65: mlsike, cloverseed $9 00 Gi11.00.

fancy red'. top red clover $8.00 at 10 00. PLANE. CONTRACT LET WASHINGTON. Oct.

1 (INS)The War Department today announced award of a contract worth of airplanes. to. the Douglas Aircraft Santa Monica, Calif. The Nouglas manufactures principally bombing 8 14 Fe 1 3.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.